White-Robed Chief

Chapter 2801: sneak into

Chu Li smiled and continued to press on a pine tree.

The green pine cone was floating as powder and disappeared, and the ten green pines around him disappeared, exposing an open space.

The sword of time is getting brighter and brighter, and the body of the sword can no longer be seen. Only the dazzling light envelopes him and the sword, like a hot sun shining in the sky.

"Well!" A squeak sounded.

Chu Li pierced his chest with his time sword.

Jian Guang suddenly disappeared, as if getting into his body.

His body shone brightly, and then the light became more and more prosperous. These lights reflected the internal organs of his body, as if his skin and flesh disappeared without trace, only the internal organs flashed with light.

He took a long breath and smiled.

The way he wanted to survive in the death was indeed correct. After the time-sword of God stabbed himself, he stabbed directly at the body's original sword energy. After the two collided, his internal organs were heavier and almost broken.

But the two sword qi disappeared without a trace, as if one positive and one negative offset each other.

Chu Li's body is strange and has been smashed by karma, so even though the internal organs are in ruins, they are quickly restored under the repair of the previous layer of aura, and the effort has been restored for a while.

He looked down at his hands, shook his head and smiled, and pressed a few green pines again.

It's a pity that Qingsong has turned into powder, but his body has not changed. He is still old, with loose and wrinkled skin, and several old spots on his arms.

He knew he was going to die soon, and the power of the Time Sword was really scary.

This is the time of the Excalibur, but where is that Excalibur?

He couldn't help but have a hot heart, and with that fading sword, the people who deal with Mozong must be relaxed.

Thinking of this, he looked darker again.

If the Sword of Divine Light really falls on the hands of the Demon Sovereign, there will be no one to control it.

There is also You Wen, Li Feiyu knows You Wen, if Mozong also understands, even stronger than Li Feiyu? What a terrible disaster it will be. The flames of the demon are so high that no one can stop it. For other gates, it ’s just a sad day. Forbearance will pass. After all, the demon can't kill everyone in the world Most of them are those who follow me and those who disobey me.

But for the Buddhist monk, it is the same as the calamity, and it is likely to be erased, just like the Buddhist monk dealt with Mozong at the beginning, and he used the other way to give it to him!

He was about to return to Da Ci'en Temple, and Song Jing appeared in front of him.

Song Jing saw that his face was not so ugly. Although his old face was still pale, he had no vitality to die, and even a little red light, indicating that his body was recovering.

She fluttered in white, standing on the mountain peak like a white cloud floating in the sky: "Are you hurt?"

Chu Li smiled: "No problem, how come back so fast? I'm afraid I won't die?"

"You'd better die, so I don't have to do it myself!" Song Jing hummed. "I told the master that it happened to be the ancestor."

Chu Li said: "Make the ancestor alive?"

"The ancestor entered the Xuankong City as the elder." Song Jing said: "Of course, live a good life, and better than us."

Chu Li nodded: "What advice does her old man have?"

Song Jing nodded slowly: "You're right, Lan Xingzong has a connection with Mozong."

Chu Li's face changed slightly.

Song Jing said: "This news is almost unknown to outsiders, only Lan Xingzong and Xuankong City know."

Chu Li busy said, "Speak and listen!"

Song Jingdai frowned and looked dignified: "A disciple of Mozong once sneaked into Lan Xingzong and became a disciple of Lan Xingzong. He eventually defected from Lan Xingzong and did not know his destination."

Chu Li frowned and said, "Lan Xingzong was sneaked in? And he also stole Lan Xingzong's mind?"

"Yes." Song Jing nodded solemnly and sighed, "Unbelievable? It's true!"

Chu Lidao said: "It really looks like a wizard!"

Of course, there is the intention of Lan Xingzong. After all, no one has been able to sneak into Lan Xingzong since ancient times. It is inevitable that there will be pride and intention, but it does not mean that there are really holes to drill and it is not difficult.

After all, Lan Xingzong is well versed in natural machines and is extremely sensitive to changes in natural machines. A slight change can be detected. Once someone sneaks in, it will cause changes in natural machines. They will immediately sense them, and then they will check them carefully and finally find out.

"It's a wizard and a scourge," Song Jing said.

Chu Lidao said: "If Lan Xingzong can do this kind of thing, Xuankong City must also pay attention."

"The ancestors think so, so they have thoroughly checked it, there is no problem." Song Jing hummed: "The people of Lan Xingzong and Xuankong City think that this person is probably the suzerain of this generation of demon!"

Chu Li sighed: "Not sure yet?"

Song Jing shook her head gently.

"Then figure out, how did he lurk in?" Chu left.

Lan Xingzong's gate involves the world, and it is urgent to contact Tianji. With a little sign, the heavenly machine changes. How can you sneak into Lanxingzong without changing the heavenly machine?

He couldn't do it by himself, even if he had many secrets and hidden secrets of Qiankun bracelets, he couldn't do it.

When he admired, he was even more dreadful.

Song Jing sighed: "No!"

Chu Li frowned, "Wasn't that saying that if he sneaks into the sky, he can't prevent it?"

"... Yes." Song Jing nodded slowly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chu Li silent.

He mused with his sword.

Without knowing his technique, the Xuankong City can't find him infiltrating, and there are other cases, who can stop him from infiltrating?

He may be wondering which of the top gates is potentially hidden even in Da Ci'en Temple!

Thinking of this, his face was gloomy and ugly.

If this is the case, the Da Ci'en Temple is really dangerous, and even the mighty Zongmen can be easily destroyed from the inside. As long as it provokes disputes, it will be torn apart.

"Isn't there anything wrong with Lan Zongzong?" Chu Li slowly said.

Song Jing shook her head: "No, ... he walked silently, and didn't steal any top treasures. Silently came, silently. If it wasn't for the former ruler of the Star Sovereign, the heavens and the heavens were sympathetic. , I can't find this person yet! "

Before death, on the occasion of life and death, the soul is about to return to the stars, and all the Sovereign Lords will sacrifice all their vitality and all power to the sky, and obtain a most accurate and long-term picture of the heavenly machine.

This heavenly picture scroll is a guide for the next generation of the lord of the stars, and it is an insurmountable derivation of the heavenly king. Only the next generation of the lord of the stars can be sacrificed to the sky to obtain the next heavenly scroll.

Chu Li sighed: "So he is not hostile to Lan Xingzong?"

"This is why Lan Xingzong searched the world without much fanfare," Song Jing sighed.

This matter is too shameful, if you ca n’t preach it, you wo n’t preach it, otherwise it will cause the world to tremble, and people ’s hearts will be disturbed. This may be exactly the mind of the disciple of Mozong.

Chu Li groaned: "Since he can't find him, then force him out!"

This is the only way.

The man hiding in the dark is the most terrible, defense is invincible, forcing him out is less than half the threat.

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