White-Robed Chief

Chapter 298: Retransmission

ps: Tomorrow morning, it will be at 9 o'clock in the morning, and it will be too early in the morning. There will be some delays. Try it out first to see the effect.

Chu Li stepped forward and said with a smile: "Dare to ask the Lord, what are they doing?"

"Chu donors, they are attentive and at ease." Xu An put away the relic, combined with a gift, and said positively.

Chu Li smiled, "Why calm down?"

"They looked at Xiao Xiao's face, and they were tempted and confused." Xu An said, "So you need to be attentive and at ease."

"Why don't you do that?"

"The heart is moving. What's the use of re-settlement, it might as well go with it." Xu An said.

Chu Li smiled: "The words of the Supreme Master are very meaningful."

"I don't like to hear this," Xu An said, shaking her head, with a look of distress.

Chu Lidao said: "When the Supreme Master becomes a supernatural power, the Master will not be more involved."

"I can't practice." Xu An said.

Chu Li frowned, "Why?"

"Master said, my body is inherently inadequate to practice, and practice can only die quickly." Xu An Road.

Chu Li nodded slowly.

He did look sick and looked weak.

"I know a little about medicine and see how?" Chu Li stretched out his hand.

Xu An handed his wrist.

Chu Li can't rely on Dayuan Jingzhi, but can only make a circle in his body with a ray of internal force, silently speaking.

Indeed, the weakness of the meridians is a sign of innate deficiency, but ...,

He later denied that Xu An's pulse was very similar to Xiao Shi's original story, but there must be no such coincidence.

Xu An said: "Master said that this body should be slowly cultivated. There is no way. The magical power is not omnipotent."

"Can't practice the tenth Buddhahood?" Chu Lidao said.

Xu An said: "I want to practice the Tenth Century Dharma. I must first develop a supernatural power. I cannot practice it now."

"... I have a trick," Chu Li said, looking at his extraordinary personality. Wisdom is born, really a good seed. The thought of a dazzling commodity popped up again: "But you have to go outside the temple to show it."

"Can heal my body?" Xuan looked at him with a tilted head.

Chu Lidao said: "Yes."

"Then I will ask Master." Xu An said.

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

Xuan Anshi, got up and ran away.

After a while, an old monk strode with a shooting star, tall and burly, slightly embarrassed, lion-nosed tiger-eye, sharp eyes, and more like a martial arts hero. Not like a monk.

"Lao Xun Kong Fa, I've seen the Chu donor."

Chu Lihe: "Sovereign Konghai, I have a technique called Nine Switching Pulses, which can cure the congenital deficiency of Xiao'an Xiaouan."

"Amitabha ..." The empty law was combined, and he laughed joyfully: "The chance really arrived, and the sky is endless, thank you Chu."

Chu Lidao said: "If you want to go outside the temple, you can rest assured that you do n’t know?

"Can the old lady go with me?"

"of course."

"That wouldn't matter. When can it be cured?"

"There are enough needles. Now you can." Chu Li said the needles needed again.

The air monk got up and strode away.

Seeing his manners, Chu Li looked at Xu'an, and his teacher had his apprentice. The air law is rash, and Xu An also has a bit of shadow.

Moments later, Kong Fa took a box of needles and handed them to Chu Li.

Chu Li took it and glanced: "Okay, let's go out of the temple."

The three men opened the gate of the courtyard and came outside the temple. Chu Li found a sheltered wood to perform a nine-pulse conversion on Xu'an.

Out of the golden light of the stupa, Chu Li asked Xuan to give relic to Kongfa.

Da Yuan Jing Zhi urged the amp. Seeing Xu'an everywhere, his face suddenly sank.

I did not expect such a coincidence in the world!

He frowned and looked at Kongfa.

Kongfa found that he looked different: "Chu donor. Can't?"

Chu Lidao said, "Does the Master of the Air Law know the status of Xiao'an?"

"Congenital weakness." Kong Fa said: "It must be that the mother's womb hurt her vitality."

Chu Li shook his head and sighed, "It's Feng Yuan means."

The moment he saw the yuan finger. Then I thought of the suffering of Xiao Shi, who was very poisonous. The last time was An Wang, who was this time? !!

Such a poisonous technique can spread, showing the evil of the human heart!

The air law is a little dazed.

Chu Li said Feng Yuan at his feet.

"It's such a vicious technique!" Kong Fa was discouraged: "Good thief, there is such a vicious generation in the world, I can't help it!"

Chu Lidao said: "In this way, Xiao An's extraordinary origins are extraordinary, and ordinary children are not eligible for this yuan finger!"

Kong Fa sighed and shook his head: "Xuan'an is indeed the son of a noble man, but when he enters the King Kong Temple, he is away from home. Everything in this world is like the old dreams, and all of them need not be ignored.

Chu Li saw that he had no intention of revealing it, because with the relic, he could not see the mind of the Fa, and said, "If so, then do the surgery."


Chu Li and Xu Fa spent a night outside.

In the early morning of the next day, Chu dissociated the needle, and Xu'an's sickly face faded, and the whole person seemed to stretch a lot.

Xu An waved her arms excitedly: "Chu donor, am I alright?"

Chu Li smiled: "There is one more step to unlock the Feng Yuan finger."

He looked at Kong Fa: "Holy Lord, the unfinished Yuan refers to extremely dangerous, a life of nine deaths."

"That's it!" Xu Fa said faintly.

"Good!" Chu Limeng's palm hit the Xu'an Baihui Point.

Xu An settled down, a strong internal force ran straight down, like a torrent of floods, breaking all the obstacles in his body instantly.

"Hmm! Hmm! ..." Xu An put on a bunch of farts, and she was instantly rejuvenated.

Chu Li let go of his hand, Changshu breathed out, "It's done!"

Kong Fa explored Xuan's wrists, grinned and grinned: "Okay! Okay, really good chance, Xuan, don't give a gimmick to the Chu donor!"

Chu Li busily waved and laughed: "It doesn't have to be this way, hand to hand!"

"You are a hand-raising work, but for Xuan'an, it is the tenth fate!" Kong Fa smiled and said, "The grace of reconstruction should be thankful ..., so, I will pass you a magical power!"

Chu Li laughed: "His master, the magical power of your temple is so ..."

Kong Fa said: "The law does not pass lightly, but you saved Xu An. How can it be gracious, how can you not report it?"

Chu Li thought for a while: "Then I won't quit, then, what kind of magical power does His Holiness want to pass me on?"

"Supernatural power, how?"


"All right, let's go back to the temple and spread it again." Kongfa said, "No one can see inside the temple, but it's hard to say outside."

Chu Li glanced around.

The three returned to the temple, and a few small Sami were practicing boxing. When they saw them back, two ran away, and soon brought two old monks.

Kong Fa laughed loudly: "Brother Kong Zhi, Brother Kong Hui, Chu Shizhu cured Xu An!"

The two old monks looked at Xu'an for a few moments, then probed their wrists, sighed and looked at Chu Li.

"I want to convey the magic foot to the Chu donor."

"... Empty law, it is better to give something else." The empty monk shook his head: "Given supernatural power, it is impossible to practice."

"That may not be so." Kong Fa smiled. "I see that the Chu donor is very intelligent. Maybe he can do it. Now it won't work. Maybe he will realize it someday!"

"Just, let it be." The two old monks, Kong Zhi and Kong Hui, shook their heads and left.

Kongfa took Chu to his house-the second room on the right ~ www.readwn.com ~ and passed a verse.

When Chu Li returned to the room, Xiao Shi was sitting at the table reading a book.

Glancing at him and humming, he continued to read with a grimace.

Chu Li smiled and said it again.

Xiao Shi's face was calm: "Feng Yuanzhi? Wouldn't it be An Wang's guy?"

"How can there be such a coincidence." Chu Li shook his head.

Xiao Shiheng said: "The little monk's luck is good enough."

There are few people in the world who can unblock the Yuan. Chu Li is considered to be one, but was encountered by a young monk.

"Yes, luck is also important for spiritual practice." Chu Li said: "Xun An Xiao An will become a big man in the future, just like a lady. There will be blessings if you do not die.

Chu Li said and laughed. (To be continued.)

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