White-Robed Chief

Chapter 299: Repair

ps: Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm and flattering! The next chapter is at 11 o'clock.

Xiao Shi glanced at him.

Chu Li waved his hands and signaled that he had said something wrong: "However, this Xu'an is full of spirituality, and it will indeed be achieved in the Golden Temple.

"What good have you got?" Xiao Shi said.

Chu Li looked at her helplessly.

In front of herself, she showed Bingxue intelligently and vividly.

"You don't do anything bad." Xiao Shi chuckled. "I see you through."

Chu Li coughed gently: "Where is it, okay ... well, it has magical power again."

Xiao Shi giggled.

Chu Li smiled: "My kindness has become everything in your eyes. It's really a villain's heart and gentleman's belly."

"Come on, you!" Xiao Shihua shuddered: "You're a gentleman! ... but he is really a gentleman!"

Chu Lidao said: "I think Shenzutong practice is easier. Maybe there is a chance to do it before leaving the temple. Don't disturb me."

"I know, I'll go play with these little Sami!" Xiao Shi stood up and laughed.

Chu Li busyly said, "It's just enough, don't really break the practice of the little lords!"

"Just be kind!" Xiao Shibai gave him a glance and pushed the door out.

Chu Li shook his head helplessly.

Her temper is exactly the opposite of Xiao Qi. She is hot outside and cold inside. Even when she is healthy, she is a little bit cheerful and her essence has not changed.

She has a changeable temperament. In front of outsiders, most of them are indifferent, sometimes gentle, and sometimes cleverly smiling, smiling like a flower.

But no matter what the expression is, the heart is cold, indifferent and indifferent. If you don't put others in your heart, you don't care about yourself. How can I care about the life and death of others.

To these little lords, she was the one they had to pass through, without being involved. The foreign minister was broken, and his mind was not disturbed.


Chu Li sits on the cymbal. A round mirror appears in my mind, and the Scriptures of Shenzutong flow in the mirror.

At King Kong Temple, Dayuan Jingzhi cannot be used outside, but can be used inside.

Every word in the text is flashed in the circular mirror, deducing the profound meaning in the text.

Unconsciously, he entered into the deepest setting, his mind was fully integrated into the scriptures, and the relic beads on his wrist glowed a faint golden light.

Golden light gradually converged. Eventually condensed behind Chu Li's brain, forming a colorful halo.

He sat idly, his expression slowly changing, Baoxiang solemn, quiet and peaceful.

At noon, Xiao Shi pushed in the door.

Seeing him so different, clear eyes turned around him, Dai Mei frowned, wouldn't he really become a monk? What if I do n’t go at the Golden Temple?

She sat in the chair with her elbows on the table. Jaw on the left palm rest, staring at Chu Li.

Chu Li was motionless and didn't notice it.

Xiao Shi suddenly felt that this face was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Think about getting to know from the beginning. Until now, everything is changing fast, like a dream, changing too quickly.

One year ago, how could I ever see him? Don't even bother to look at it.

One year later, he was in the same room with him.

The strange changes in the world are truly inconceivable, and I don't know after another year. What will happen to him, ten years later? Twenty years later?

"Where is the thought. Wherever I go!" Chu Li groaned softly: "Thinking is where you are!"

The golden light behind his head shrank abruptly and got into his back. He suddenly disappeared.

Xiao Shi was startled.

Chu Liyi appeared again, with a smile on his face.

Xiao Shi busyly said, "Done?"

Chu left Huaixiao with a smile: "Sure enough! ... How long has passed?"

Xiao Shi turned to look at the window, it was already evening: "One day!"

Chu Li exclaimed: "What a supernatural power!"

"You really did it?" Xiao Shi said, "Is there any difference from your light work? Your light work is also very good. Don't practice it, it is better than your light work!"

She was taken by Chu Li from the beginning to reach the end of the world, and now she has a lot of fear, pain and suffering, and almost died.

But he also knew the mystery of the world at his fingertips, regardless of distance and obstacles, and walked directly, just like a bridge in the sky, directly across the woods and mountains, although painful, it is amazing.

Chu Li smiled: "Let ’s just say that the end of the world can only reach where the eyes can reach, and the magic foot can only reach the place where the mind feels, and now that the two are merged, it is a new magic foot, but it can Get where you want to be. "

Xiao Shimei's eyes flickered, thoughtfully: "That means, you can go wherever you want!"

Chu Lidao said: "Almost, of course, I have been to a place I have remembered clearly. It is impossible to live without the past. If I want to go to Dafu, it is impossible. I want to go back to the government office, then there is no problem!"

"Can you take me?" Xiao Shi busyly said.

Chu Li groaned, "It takes you ten times as much internal force as I do with you, ... it's okay to be close by."

"Then try it," Xiao Shi said with a smile: "How about going to Qingyun City?"

Although Qingyun City was broken, it gave her the best memories, warm and wonderful.

"Far." Chu left.

Xiao Shiming stared.

Chu Li smiled: "But you can try."

Xiao Shi stood up, the graceful curve was fleeting, and was covered by the wide purple robe.

Chu Lixia held her wrist and the two disappeared.

The next moment, they appeared outside the temple.

Xiao Shi didn't feel uncomfortable this time. She just felt a flash in front of her, as if it was dark, and quickly returned to light.

"It's much better than your light work," Xiao Shi said. "So, you can't run away."

Chu Li nodded: "Let's go."

The integration of Shenzutong and Tianya is far superior to any one.

They disappeared again and appeared several times in the middle.

Thanks to his unforgettable memories, he can clearly remember every place that he passed, and he returned from King Kong Temple to Qingyun City five times, and finally appeared in his courtyard.

Xiao Shi Changshu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sweetly.

Chu Lidao said, "Will you stay here? I'll go back to the King Kong Temple?"

"What to do if someone kills me?" Xiao Shibai gave him a glance.

Chu Li unwrapped the bead from his wrist: "Once there is danger, crush one, I will come back immediately, this reliquary bead has already accorded with my heart."

"Forget it, go back with you." Xiao Shi waved his jade hands without picking up the beads: "This thing is so precious, crushing one can hurt you for several days!"

Chu Li smiled and wore it back: "Okay, you can get some daily necessities, let's go back to the temple, ... I will continue to understand the entire world ~ www.readwn.com ~ and strive to make it!

"You just have to be a monk!" Xiao Shi said angrily.

Chu Lidao said: "I have six roots that are not clean and cannot become a monk, otherwise I will not go to Akiba Temple."

Xiao Shi went into the house to change a piece of clothes, took a few more, and made a burden.

Chu Li took her back to the King Kong Temple.

King Kong Temple is still peaceful.

Xiao Shi smiled and let go of her baggage and said, "Chu Li, the most convenient thing to do is to meet the little girl."

Chu Li's face changed slightly.

Xiao Shi pouted and laughed.

Chu Li sighed, the original excitement swept away.

He got up and pushed open the window, looking at the quiet courtyard, his heart stunned, no matter what the magical power was, the person he most wanted to see could not see! (To be continued.)

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