White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3096: Black moon

Chu Li smiled and looked at Lu Xunji.

The two elders stared at the landing in search of the plane.

Lu Xunji's eyes quickly lost his focus, his body was soft, and the blood on his forehead kept flowing down.

Chu Li shoved the guardian stone into his hand.

Lu Xunji's eyes slowly returned to clear, slowly turning from a daze, and finally he looked around in confusion, and then looked at the two elders and Chu Li.

"Well ..." Lu Xunji sighed.

"Elder Lu, how?" An elder asked in a deep voice.

"What?" Lu Xunji wondered.

He locked his sword eyebrows for a moment, then slowly nodded, sobering up completely: "Okay, what a Cangyun Excalibur!"

"What's going on?" An elder asked, "are you still groggy?"

"Everything that happened previously seems to have passed 100,000 years!" Lu Xunji shook his head and exclaimed: "It's almost impossible to defend!"

Chu Li smiled: "There are 16 swords in the Cangyun Excalibur, four swords in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Four swords are derived from every four swords, and Elder Lu is the spring sword."

"It's really weird." Lu Xunji shook his head and said, "It's invisible and unavoidable, really a magic sword!"

Chu Li smiled and nodded, "This set of swordsmanship only targets the spirit and soul, but the soul can manipulate the body."

Lu Xunji said, "In your opinion, can you deal with the demon?"

"Can only try." Chu Li Road.

"Meng Guangyuan of Jiuyoujiao is the incarnation of the demon." Lu Xunji groaned: "Then try it!"

Chu Li nodded: "Yes!"

Lu Xunji said with a smile: "Let the Broken Condor take you, more secure!"

Chu Lidao said, "No need, right?"

"What if the magic is hidden in the void in one day!" Lu Xunji hummed: "Reliability is the main thing, mainly the sword!"

"... Yes." Lu Xunji nodded slowly.

He shoved the guardian stone back to Chu Li's hand, and patted Chu Li's shoulder with a smile: "If you are not defeated, escape to death!"

"Yes!" Chu Li nodded deeply.

Mo Qingcong and Feng Wujie quickly appeared.

The two handed a piece of jade to Chu Li.

Feng Wugui said: "This is the breath of Meng Guangyuan, enough to find him."

Lu Xunji laughed: "Go!"

Chu Libao held a deep salute, walked slowly, still no luck, and slowly came under Eagle Cliff.

"Elder Lu, can it be done?" Feng Wugui said.

"Always have a try." Lu Xunji laughed: "You don't have to follow in secret, you can save your life if you are helpless, and you can't see the true power of Cangyun Excalibur.

Mindfulness of heart, martial arts naturally reduced its power.

"Yes." Feng Wujie and Mo Qingcong nodded, still uneasy, they were too eager to destroy the demons.

Chu Li came to Yingya and saw two empty condors already there. Seeing him appear, the two eagles dropped lightly.

Chu Li hangs a jade card on the foot of the eagle, the other jade card is closed by himself, and then sits on the broken condor.

The Condor gave a swift whistle, swung up, waved his wings, and went out a dozen feet in an instant.

Along the way, Chu Li and the Broken Condor chatted and communicated without hindrance, and said that some idle things, Broken Condor was very curious how Chu Li was not discovered by the gods.

Chu Li only talked about the situation of Tianshen Mountain. He could do it purely by chance, and then helped break the Condor.

It took half a month, and it only took seven days to break the Condor.

Chu Li sat on the condor and practiced endlessly.

In the early morning of this day, he appeared in front of the altar of Jiuyou Religion, under a towering giant peak, with magnificent momentum.

Chu Li yelled, "Nine Youjiao Meng Guangyuan, come out!"

Two disciples in yellow appeared from the air, frowning in front of him, Chu Li lazily glanced at them and shook his head.

The faces of the two disciples in yellow clothes changed dramatically.

They felt a towering giant peak in front of them, and seemed to be falling down, fleeing involuntarily.

When they reacted, they ran back to the church.

"Meng Guangyuan, can't come out yet?" Chu Li cried again.

The sound was like a sword, and through the guardian formation, it directly penetrated into the minds of every disciple.

They were unscathed, screaming with their heads covered, or passed out, or pale as if they were seriously ill.

Chu Li Road said: "I won't come out again, then I'm so blunt!"

"Who ?!" Meng Guangyuan appeared in the void.

His expression was calm and calm, and he said in a deep voice, "What a courage!"

Chu Li's appearance at this time was Sun Sihuai, which was different from that of the previous lesson. Meng Guangyuan failed to recognize it.

Chu Li's temperament changes very differently, even if Jingxue is in person, he may not be able to recognize it.

"You are Meng Guangyuan?" Chu Li looked at him, and slowly nodded: "I did not expect that you had already reached this world, I am the **** Sun Sihuai!"

"God!" Meng Guangyuan's face changed slightly.

His originally peaceful eyes suddenly became cold, his pupils seemed to have shrunk in half, and his cold eyes stared at Chu Li.

Then he frowned: "You are not a god!"

The **** of heaven and the demon are enemies, others don't feel the strangeness of Chu Li, but Meng Guangyuan, a demon, can sense it.

Chu Limei suddenly appeared vertical pupil, vertical pupil opened and shot a golden light.

"Bang!" Meng Guangyuan pressed a palm and made a muffled sound.

Chu Li raised an eyebrow, and Meng Guangyuan blocked Jin Guang even. This is the Ningkong Fengyuan technique, which has no solution.

Meng Guangyuan shook his head: "Strange!"

Chu Lidao said, "I came here today to take you on a ride!"

"Hey, when did the prey become a hunter!" Meng Guangyuan sneered, his eyes were cold and cold, without any emotion.

Chu Li nodded, his eyes suddenly freeze.

Sixteen large characters in the void flashed in four colors, green, red, yellow, and blue, which are the four swordsmanships of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

At this moment a big blue character flashed and turned into a sword piercing his mind.

Meng Guangyuan's face suddenly changed ~ www.readwn.com ~ A sudden dark moon appeared in the back of his head.

The black moon bloomed with moonlight and fell on him.

Meng Guangyuan's confused eyes were suddenly awake, sighed, and shot at Chu Li like a ghost, while Yue Hua in his head condensed into a sword and shot at Chu Li.

Sixteen large characters appeared at the top of Chu Li's head, rotating at high speed, forming a colorful brilliance, and dividing a shot toward the black sword.

"Woo ..." a strange howl sounded.

Multicolored brilliance and black sword all go together.

They continued to appear, fighting each other in the air, and making strange noises one after another.

Chu Li's face was so stunned that he did not expect that the demon was completely unfolded, and he was so embarrassed that he thought it was easy.

He has the magical blood amulet and the method of refining the gods, and the spirit is vast, and Meng Guangyuan's black moon seems to absorb the power of the void.

Chu Li gritted his teeth, and the sixteen large characters suddenly stopped, and Guanghua's circulation suddenly superimposed together, turning into a Guanghua splendid little sword and shooting at Meng Guangyuan.

Meng Guangyuan's black moon was standing in front of his forehead.

"Oh!" Xiao Jian pierced the black moon and got into Meng Guangyuan's head.

Chu Li stood firmly after shaking a few times, pale, and felt that the world was shaking violently, upside down.

Meng Guangyuan stood still, his eyes bright.

Chu Li frowned.

Meng Guangyuan suddenly banged and flew into a mass of red mist covering Chu Li.

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