White-Robed Chief

Chapter 3097: Scripture

Chu Li shot warm white light around his body.

When those red mists came in, they were blocked by white light, unable to invade him, and let Chu Li breathe a sigh of relief.

He frowned for a moment, and the sixteen large characters circulated again, forming a colorful ring, which made a circle around ten feet around him.

This is to find out whether Meng Guangyuan's Sky Demon Seed has also been destroyed.

The demon species is the source of the demon. Once it invades the human body, it can quickly transform into the demon, and the highly qualified can often be transformed into the demon.

God's eyes can see the demon species, he is not a real god, so he cannot see it.

First of all, he urged some Ningkongfengyuan technique. If he didn't see the same, he was not assured, so he cleaned with the Cangyun Excalibur.

It is not so easy for the demons to leave the body, just like the soul. Even if the body is annihilated, the demons will stay for a while.

Even if the body is turned into blood mud, under the action of the demon seed, it can still recover quickly. It sounds even more amazing than his withered Jing.

After Cangyun Divine Sword circulated for a while, nothing was found, and Chu Lisong was relieved.

It seems that the power of Cangyun's Excalibur is really amazing, and it directly killed the demon species.

He recalled the previous killings, which seemed to be calm and calm, but in fact, the danger was abnormal, and the difference was the killing.

The Cangyun Sword, the cycle of the four seasons, regular time flow, reverse time and space, only the opponents in it know its power.

It looks like the light is flowing, and it seems that it is not a big deal, but the opponent is in the mood of swordsmanship and can hardly resist it.

And this Meng Guangyuan is also extremely scary.

The last time he directly killed him, but led to the demon through the secret book.

Fortunately, two gods directly shot him to destroy the demon. At the time, he could not beat him, and he would suffer a lot, even risk his life.

The blood mist completely dissipated, he breathed a sigh of relief, and jumped up to break the Condor, one by one swept up into the sky, and soon disappeared.

Seven days later, Chu Li appeared in Tianshen Mountain's own courtyard.

As soon as he came back, the door of the courtyard was knocked, and then Lu Xunji stepped slowly, and looked at Chu Li with a smile.

Chu Li smiled and clenched his fist: "Elder Lu, fortunately lifeless!"

"Really killed Meng Guangyuan?" Lu Xunji asked.

Chu Li nodded: "Should have killed him directly."

"Okay!" Lu Xunji said with a palm of his hand and laughed, "Since then, our gods can finally raise their eyebrows and exhale!"

Chu Li held a smile.

Lu Xunji said: "Xiao Sun, take a rest and work hard all the way!"

"Yes." Chu Li held his fist.

Lu Xunji looked at him with a few smiles, nodded, patted his shoulder, turned and strode away with great momentum.

Chu Li stood in place, squinting his eyes and thinking.

The knock on the door rang again, and a young girl came in lightly and brought the food container.

Chu Li sat at the stone table in the kiosk and watched the girls set up dishes, six dishes and two soups with all colors.

He nodded with satisfaction.

The food of the gods is different from that of human beings. When these foods are released, any kind is a treasure.

Strange things like snow silver flowers are only used to make juice to make pastries. They are not a staple food at all, but only a supplementary side dish.

What's more, the taste of these dishes is unbelievable and really enjoyable.

The girl glanced at him, seeing that he didn't order, and retreated lightly.

Chu Li was thinking while eating dishes.

With the Cangyun Divine Sword, the mentality of the gods will change with it, but after all the demons are coming, they will still change.

The plan to conquer humanity must be advanced.

He is now impersonating Sun Sihuai, and he has learned Ningkong Fengyuan. He can still impersonate for a while, but he cannot impersonate forever.

After eating, he slowly walked towards a black tower.

This tower made of black iron stands tall on the top of Tianshen Mountain, like a towering sky that leads to the endless void.

Chu Li stood under the tower, watching the dark and lustrous circulation of the whole body, the magnificent tower, inexplicably gave birth to a chill.

This is the Tibetan scripture pavilion of the gods.

When you see such a tower, you can see that there are so many books in it, and so many books, you can see how amazing the knowledge and wisdom of the gods.

Books are the ladder of wisdom. They have more ladders and can naturally climb higher.

Chu Li inherited a lot of knowledge from Sun Sihuai's mind, but it was not enough. Sun Sihuai only watched a small part.

Most of the rest have not been involved.

He came here to find the origin of the sixteen sentences of Tianlian God's Descending Techniques, and to know Tianlian clearly.

It's also sixteen sentences. Cangyun's sword post is carried by the word as the meaning of the sword. He can understand the meaning of the sword but still can't recognize the above words.

Tianlian Shenjiang Shu is only listening to its voice, not listening to its words.

He wanted to find the formula of Tianlian Shenjiang from the Tibetan scriptures and study it carefully, which would be of great benefit to his understanding.

The door opened in front of the Tibetan Pavilion.

Entering it, it was found that no one was guarding it, only the dense bookshelf with an old book on it.

He found that the air here was fresh, with a sense of coldness and coldness, and there was a strange breath flowing endlessly.

He nodded slowly, this must be a singular array, so as to keep the books from being stale and rotten from being destroyed.

The tall tower of the Zangjing Pavilion is a treasure.

He walked in step by step, first looking at the title of the book, looking for clues to Tianlian Shenjiang and Cangyun Jiantie.

He walked from the ground floor to the middle floor and then to the high floor in one breath, and finally found that the tower was 200 stories high.

Imagine the tall buildings in the future, the skyscrapers. Compared to this majestic high tower, little witches can only see big witches.

It took Chu Li a full three days to walk through it, read the catalogue of all the books ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then began to selectively read.

Eventually he saw a picture in a search book, and then found the secret of Tianlian Shenjiang.

He found that these formulas were indeed recorded in the words of the gods, but although the formulas were recognized, the meaning was not enough.

There is no explanation at all on the secret note, but the dictations recorded in the text of Tianshen, as long as they are read out in homeopathy, and then match the meaning and charm of Tianlian, they can urge Tianlian Shenjiang.

The most precious of this secret book is a picture of Tianlian.

He had seen a glimpse of Tianlian when he saw Tianlian seeds, but he could not clearly see it, it was only half guess.

A total of eighty-one petals of Tianlian are layered and twisted, which is far more complicated than a lotus flower. Chu Li saw this picture of Tianlian with a vague sense of strangeness.

Suddenly he felt that the Sun and Moon Planting Lotus Sutra seemed to be a little more refined.

Even though the Sun and Moon Planting Lotus Sutra has been completed, at this time when you see Tianlian, you still have a point of improvement, the power will be even more amazing.

But Tianlian Shenjiangshu did not enter the country.

He had some regrets and kept searching.

I saw a record in a search book saying that in ancient times, there was a Cangyun Empire, which was extremely strong and brilliant.

It is a pity that the strength is extremely weak. Overnight, the Cangyun Empire disappeared into the world, and the land on that side became a vast ocean.

Some speculation is that the earth and earth suddenly changed, and suddenly the Cangyun Empire sank into the sea, while others said that the Cangyun Empire may be directly out of this world and go elsewhere.

Opinions are divided, and there is no consensus.

Chu Li was refreshed.

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