Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 194: Genius Scientist's Sharp Comments! (2 updates, 7k, please subscribe!)

"These data are... about 'Jade Scales'?"

Vegapunk is worthy of being the first scientist in the ocean. He came to a conclusion directly after just glancing at the medical file.

Then, he looked at Storm in great surprise as if he had suddenly realized something.

"So, you are the man named 'Big Bear'? Your daughter has 'Jade Scales'?"

Big Bear? Daughter?

Kizaru seemed to have heard something very interesting and looked at Storm in surprise.


And Storm also looked at Vegapunk in surprise.

"Did you make a mistake? I am Vongola Storm, Big Bear is my subordinate, but it is indeed his 'daughter' who has Jade Scales."

"Vongola Storm?"

Vegapunk scratched his temples and thought for a moment.

"Oh! I remember! It seems that such a person has contacted me...

"By the way, have you found Judge? ”

It turns out that this “world’s top brain” can’t even speak clearly…

Storm pulled the corner of his mouth and quickly told the story between Big Bear, Bonnie and Judge.

“This is what happened, this is what happened… In short, all this information, as well as this stem cell clone sample, were obtained from Dr. Judge. "

Storm handed the two boxes to Vegapunk, and then said.

"Although it's not nice to say bad things about people behind their backs, I really don't trust Vinsmoke Judge, a rubbish who uses his own children for human experiments..."

Speaking of this, Storm suddenly felt something was wrong.

It is indeed very wrong for Vinsmoke Judge to use his own children for human experiments.

But on this Punk Hazard Island, there are many scientists with lower moral standards than Vinsmoke Judge!

Judge only uses his own children for human experiments.

Scientists like Vegapunk, Caesar Courant, etc. are also conducting related human experiment plans...

Especially Caesar Courant.

That's a scum worse than Judge!

Storm pulled the corner of his mouth and simply skipped the topic of "human experiments".

"After all, I'm not a scientist. I don't understand Judge's treatment plan, and I don't know if there are any problems with his treatment plan. So this time I came to Punk Hazard Island, hoping that Dr. Vegapunk could help check these things. "

Vegapunk is also a mad scientist.

But his moral bottom line is much higher than Vinsmoke Judge, Caesar Clown, and Quinn.

"I see... follow me!"

Vegapunk readily agreed to Storm's request and led him and Kizaru to leave the swimming pool together.

"There is also a biological laboratory in the First Research Institute... go this way. "

Under the leadership of Vegapunk, Storm and Kizaru came to another biological laboratory together.

Storm looked around the biological laboratory.

In his personal opinion, except for the absence of "clone soldiers", it looks like a super upgraded version of the Germa laboratory.

But if you think about it carefully, this makes sense.

The life laboratory of the Germa Kingdom was basically built bit by bit with the war money earned as a "war mercenary".

On the other hand, the World Government doesn't care about money in this First Research Institute.

Or, in other words, in the eyes of the World Government, money is the least important issue.

Storm looked around this super luxurious biological laboratory and soon found several strange creatures.

At the same time, Kizaru also discovered their existence.

"These...are all dragons, right? "

In a large culture chamber in this biological laboratory, there are about a dozen small dragons.

Different from the "Eastern Dragons" that can be transformed by the [Blue Dragon Fruit] and [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit].

These dozen little dragons all look like "Western Dragons".

That is, a large four-legged lizard with a pair of bat-like membrane wings!

Vegapunk was inputting data and checking information over there, and said without looking back.

"Yes, these are all dragons, but they haven't grown up yet...

"Before, I felt that the defense power of Punk Hazard Island was not very strong, so I just made some dragons...

"In fact, in the bodies of these dragons, I also fused a little bit of Kaido's bloodline factor...

"So each of them can breathe fire...Why not call them 'fire-breathing dragons'!"

Vegapunk said lightly, which shocked ordinary people.

Creating some "fire-breathing dragons" casually...

Kizaru touched the stubble on his chin, and he stared at the group of little dragons carefully for a while.

"In fact, these dragons can be considered as 'artificial fantasy beasts', right?"

The three major categories of animal-type devil fruits -

Ordinary species.

Ancient species.

Mythical beast species.

Only the "mythical beast species" is the most special.

Their power seems to come from the legendary beasts and monsters.

These dozen little dragons created by Vegapunk, there are no such creatures in the sea.

Even in ancient times, there were no such two-winged, four-legged flying dragons.

In addition, they can "breathe fire"...

In a sense.

These "fire-breathing dragons" can indeed be regarded as "man-made fantasy beasts".

However, Vegapunk was completely immersed in the study of "Jade Scales" at this time, and did not hear Kizaru's words at all.

Storm heard it, and he said casually.

"If these dragons can also be regarded as 'phantom beasts', will the corresponding 'Dragon Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Fire-breathing Dragon Form' appear on the sea in the future?"


Kizaru was stunned and turned to look at Storm.

"What a very interesting question~

"I haven't seen this type of 'dragon' in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia. If there really is one -"

"Wait a minute, General Kizaru, and Dr. Vegapunk over there."

Storm suddenly spoke, interrupting Kizaru's words.

"Dragon One is attacking Dragon Four - Oh, Dragon Four is dead now."


Kizaru was stunned for a moment, and when he turned to look over again, he found that there was already a corpse of a little dragon in the training warehouse.

There is also a sign with the number 4 hanging around the dragon's neck, showing its identity.

On the other side, Dragon No. 1 was stepping on the body of Dragon No. 4, spitting out a slender flame into the sky, seeming to be showing off its power or establishing its status.

The little dragons around them didn't dare to come near at all, they just retreated and roared.

Seeing that it had frightened the other little dragons, Dragon No. 1 immediately lowered his head and bit the body of Dragon No. 4 at his feet, and started eating directly.

On the other side, Vegapunk was still thinking about the research information and was not distracted by checking the problems in the cultivation chamber.

"These dragons... are really scary~"

Kizaru looked at the bloody scene in the training warehouse and couldn't help but twitch his lips.

He originally wanted to take a small dragon out of Punk Hassad.

Since Vegapunk said this dragon can protect Punk Hassad.

Then this kind of dragon can naturally protect Malinfando or other naval bases.

In this way, the burden on the Navy can also be reduced a lot.

But looking at it now.

This kind of brutal flying dragon that doesn't spare even its own kind should stay with Punk Hassad...

While Vegapunk was studying the medical information.

Storm and Kizaru watched the "Dragon Battle" in the training warehouse with boredom.

Perhaps the smell of blood irritated the little dragons in the breeding warehouse.

Following Dragon No. 1, other little dragons began to attack their companions around them.

"General Kizaru, don't we do something? Dragon No. 2 is also dead."

"You mean to stop the fighting between these dragons? This time it was No. 5 who died."

"Of course, aren't they the brainchild of Dr. Vegapunk? Dragon No. 9 is so weak."

"Dr. Vegapunk doesn't care about them, so why do we need to worry about this problem for him? Oh, No. 7 is also dead."

After Dragon No. 4, other little dragons were directly killed by the same kind.

The dragons died one by one, and finally only the last one died.

He was not the first dragon to kill his companions.

But it was another dragon No. 13 covered in red scales.

Wait until this "Dragon War" determines the final winner.

The research on Vegapunk has also come to an end.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years. It seems that Gaji's level has not improved much..."

Vegapunk came to Storm's side with a stack of new information.

“I just took a look at his treatment plan, and although there is nothing wrong with it, it’s really too behind the times!

"For patients with sapphire scales, time is life!

"It took Gaji several years to treat that child... He really disappointed me!

"I made some minor modifications based on the information provided by Gaji.

"If I follow my treatment plan, it will only take half a year to cure that child's sapphire scales!"

Half a year?

Storm thought for a moment.

The time that Gaji mentioned before seems to be... two and a half years?

Vegapunk's treatment plan only takes one-fifth of the time it takes to heal.

Is this the gap between top scientists?

Storm reached out and took the new treatment plan from Vegapunk and glanced at it roughly.

The dense small characters are so dense that I can’t understand them at all~

"Dr. Vegapunk."

Storm put away the new treatment plan for the time being, and then asked again.

"I remember Dr. Gaji once said that if he cloned Bonnie's stem cells, it would take about a year."

"That's because Gaji's technology is too backward!"

Vegapunk shook his head and commented sharply.

“His level seems to be still at the level it was a few decades ago, and after so many years, he hasn’t improved at all.

“I don’t know what he has been busy with all these years!

“What level he was when he was in the MADS organization, he is still at that level now.

"Not even as good as Caesar Coulant!"

Before Storm could respond, Vegapunk said again.

"So I also took out some of the latest research information on cell cloning. If Gaji can understand that information thoroughly, cloning stem cells won't take that long at all!

"In addition, there is something wrong with the stem cell clone sample you brought before!

"There is still a certain amount of Devil Fruit power left in the original cells, which means that the Jade Scales patient is also a Devil Fruit user.

“But the cloned cells created by Gaji don’t have the power of the Devil Fruit.

"If he is allowed to use these cells to treat the little girl's disease, the green jade scales can certainly be cured, but the little girl's Devil Fruit ability may also be affected to a certain extent, and she may even lose her Devil Fruit power. ”

Storm's brows frowned slightly.

"Dr. Gaji did this deliberately?"

"No, this is because he lacks ability!"

Immediately afterwards, Vegapunk gave another long speech, and various biological terms continued to come out of his mouth.

Storm felt dizzy after hearing this, and in the end he could only ask Vegapunk to write down all the matters that should be paid attention to on the document.

Vegapunk readily agreed, and then stuffed several large boxes of research materials into Storm.

"In this way, the little girl's 'Jade Scales' can be cured and her Devil Fruit abilities can be retained. It will only take up to half a year for her to fully recover!"

Having said this, Vegapunk couldn't help but add another sentence.

"Actually, if you can bring that little patient to me for treatment..."

"That would be too dangerous, Dr. Vegapunk."

Storm shook his head and directly interrupted Vegapunk's kind invitation.

"After all, my subordinates and I are all 'pirates', and it's enough to be able to do this."

The Big Bear is a member of the Bakania tribe.

Bonnie was Saint Satan's guinea pig.

This father and daughter are completely the "key focus" of the world government.

Once the two of them appear on Punk Hassad Island, it won't take long for them to be noticed by the Five Old Stars!

Wulaoxing will definitely not let Big Bear and Bonnie go.

It's not that Storm is worried about conflict with the World Government.

It's just that Bonnie is a patient, and her treatment period is too long.

If Bonnie is sent to Punk Hassad Island now, once the World Government finds out...

Fighting is a trivial matter.

Storm is more worried about the treatment issues that will affect Bonnie!

Let's continue to let Vinsmoke Gaji treat Bonnie...

Anyway, with Vegapunk as the "off-site support", it's almost the same as Gaji being a pure tool.

"Anyway, I'm very grateful to the doctor for helping me."

Storm thanked Vegapunk seriously.

"If there is anything I can do to help you, Doctor, you can always come to me."

"You're welcome...you're welcome..."

Vegapunk waved his hands repeatedly.

"I'm just an ordinary scientist. It's my honor to be able to help you and save that poor little girl."

Storm and Vegapunk exchanged a few polite words, and then began to excuse themselves.

Although he is very greedy for Vegapunk...

But now is not the best time to take action against the greatest scientist of the sea.

in addition.

The second most important [Artificial Red Dragon Fruit] on Punk Hassad Island has fallen into the hands of Storm.

Storm didn't plan to stay on this island any longer.

Kizaru and Storm said goodbye to Vegapunk and then left the biological laboratory.

Behind them, Vegapunk's scream suddenly came.

"Eh? Where is my dragon? Why is there only one number 13 left?"

Storm and Kizaru both pretended not to hear Vegapunk's exclamation.

The two left the First Research Institute directly.

The blue-eyed white dragon hovering in the sky landed directly.

Storm let several small clay giants climb onto the Blue Eyes White Dragon carrying Vegapunk's new treatment plan.

Immediately afterwards, he handed the "big white rice dumpling" wrapping Pluto Rayleigh to Kizaru.

The white clay quickly pulled away from Pluto Rayleigh's body.

The old pirate woke up immediately, and then he saw Kizaru standing beside him.

Pluto Rayleigh rolled his eyes wide, then closed his eyes directly, making a gesture of letting himself be dealt with.

"Pluto Rayleigh is here."

Storm jumped on the blue-eyed white dragon and slowly flew off the ground.

"Deal is over!"

Kizaru nodded slightly. He looked at the blue-eyed white dragon disappearing into the horizon, then turned to look at Pluto Rayleigh at his feet, and took out a telephone bug.

"Moxi Moxi ~ Marshal of the Warring States Period! Pluto Rayleigh has been captured! Can we start preparations for the execution plan?"

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