Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 195: Execution of the Pirate King's Right Wrist! (Three updates, 11w subscriptions requ

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando, Marshal's Office.

Sengoku, who was dealing with official business, received a contact call from Kizaru on Punk Hassad Island.

"Now that we have received Pluto Rayleigh, let's bring him back first! Then send him to Impel City and imprison him."

"Impel City?"

Kizaru replied to Sengoku's words while ordering the surrounding navy to give him the warships that were preparing to leave Punk Hassad Island.

“Isn’t it too unsafe there?

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, first the Golden Lion II, and then the Whitebeard II, Impel Down City is no longer the 'iron wall' it was before~"

Hearing the names Golden Lion II and White Beard II, Seng Guo's brows couldn't help but beat wildly.

He had ignored this before...

Impel City is located deep in the windless zone and has natural geographical advantages. With the windless zone, it can block 99% of the enemies.

But Golden Lion II Lion has the ability of [Fluttering Fruit], which can directly ignore the existence of the Windless Zone!

The World Government and the Navy Headquarters successfully "captured" Pluto Rayleigh.

The opinion from above is to publicly execute Pluto Rayleigh and broadcast the execution process live to the entire sea.

After all, no matter what.

Pluto Rayleigh is also a legendary pirate from the old era.

As the right arm of the Pirate King, he is the vice-captain of the Roger Pirates.

Pluto Rayleigh definitely deserves to be publicly executed by the Navy Headquarters!

In order to maximize the effect of this public execution, the World Government and the Navy Headquarters need to inform the whole world of this execution.

Let everyone in the whole sea know one thing——

Being a pirate has no future, no future!

Once the navy chooses to announce the news of "the execution of One Piece's right wrist" to the whole sea.

Then we must ensure that Pluto Rayleigh is always under the supervision of the Navy!

In this way, Impel Down City is really not suitable.

Because not long ago, Golden Lion II broke into Impel Down City single-handedly, and also unknowingly helped a large group of prisoners on the fifth and fifth floors to successfully escape from prison!

In addition, in the following days, Whitebeard II continued to harass Impel Down...

Warring States was really worried that one day these two "Big Pirates II" would suddenly break into the Impel Down City on a whim, and then release Pluto Rayleigh.

In that case, all the Navy's efforts will be in vain.

"Impel City is really not suitable."

Sengoku himself rejected his previous strategy.

"Let's do this, Porusalino, you bring Pluto Rayleigh directly to the headquarters! Detain him in the headquarters temporarily!"

Kizaru thought for a moment, but this time he did not politely refuse Sengoku's order.

Although the Navy Headquarters was also invaded by Golden Lion Shiji...

Eighteen years ago, Shiki the Golden Lion broke into the Navy Headquarters single-handedly, and was finally defeated by the collaboration of Buddha Sengoku and Hero Garp...

But after all, that was an old thing that happened more than ten years ago.

Except for the golden lion Shiji, no one else dared to attack the navy headquarters.

Even the Golden Lion II wouldn't dare...right?

"I understand, I will take Hades Rayleigh back to the headquarters."

Kizaru ended the call and took Pluto Rayleigh with him on the warship bound for the Red Earth Continent.

On the other side, the Navy Headquarters and Sengoku also hung up the phone bug.

He sorted out the documents on hand and was about to summon the senior navy generals left behind in his headquarters to hold an emergency meeting.

But at this moment, the door to the marshal's office was kicked open with a "clang", and large pieces of debris flew in all directions carrying scattered sawdust.

The figure of the instigator had not yet appeared, but his voice reached the marshal's office first.

"Warring States! I want to take leave and go home!"

"Bastard Garp!!"

Several green veins instantly appeared on Sengoku's forehead.

He did not continue to sit behind the desk, but rushed to the door of the marshal's office very quickly. Before the damn old monkey entered the office, he directly reached out and grabbed the other person's collar.

"The headquarters is about to launch a big operation! Do you want to go home at this time?"

Warring States gripped Garp's collar tightly and spat wildly at the latter, almost spraying spittle all over Garp's face.

"Is your grandson more important? Or is the Navy's mission more important?"

"Why are you so excited?"

Garp turned his face and used his thick skin to resist Sengoku's "spit offensive".

"There are so many young people in the navy. What tasks require an old man like me to participate in?"

"It's 'Pluto'!"

Warring States loosened Garp's collar and said coldly.

"Pluto Silbaz Rayleigh, he was caught by 'us', and he will be publicly executed soon."

It was Storm who really captured Hades Rayleigh.

But Storm is not only the King's Shichibukai, but also the major general of the Blade Force.

The phrase "we" in the Warring States Period is so self-righteous.

"Rayleigh? Hahahaha——"

Garp suddenly burst into laughter.

"That guy, who has been hiding in the Chambord Islands for so many years, was actually caught?"

"Garp, you bastard! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Warring States immediately reached out his hand again, grabbed Garp's collar, and forced him into the marshal's office.

Even the top brass of the Navy knew that Pluto Rayleigh had been active around the Shampoo Islands.

But this kind of thing must not be mentioned on the table!


The sailors below may ask - why not capture Pluto Rayleigh?

If this problem continues to be extended.

It might also turn out to be - why not just clean up the Chambord Islands?


Shampoo Islands, is that what the navy wants to clean up? !

The Shampoo Islands are very close to the Red Earth Continent.

From time to time, Tianlong people would come down from Marigioa and go to the Chambord Islands to "play" and "recruit subordinates" from the so-called "Public Employment Guarantee Studio".

Just translate it.

It is the Tianlong people who need to buy slaves on the Chambord Islands!

Even the world government directly and explicitly abolished the slave trade system more than two hundred years ago.

But in the Chambord Islands, under the nose of the Navy Headquarters, a large number of slave trading activities are still going on openly.

The source of all this is because the Tianlong people are "exercising power"!

Sengoku dragged Garp forcefully into the marshal's office.

"I want you to do something serious. Either your waist is sore or your back hurts. From time to time, you have to take time off to go home and see your grandson!"

Warring States stretched out his index finger and poked Garp's pectoralis major hard.

"You are the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters! Garp! Come out with some energy!"

"It's just an execution for Rayleigh, not a war with those pirates in the New World! What's all the fuss about?"

Garp shook his clothes, bypassed Sengoku's body, came to the latter's desk, and opened the drawer at will.

"Wow! New flavor of senbei! Click, click, click—"

"Garp, you bastard!"

Sengoku rushed to his desk in three steps at a time, snatched the senbei from Garp's hand, and poured them into his mouth at once.

Garp looked at Sengoku's stingy behavior and shook his head.

"How old you are, how childish!"


Sengoku let out a violent cough, and the scum of senbei almost sprayed all over Garp.

"You guy...what are you here to do?"

"I told you I wanted to take leave!"

Garp casually sat on the marshal's desk and said with a troubled expression.

"Didn't I tell you before? My grandson was deceived and wanted to become a pirate instead of being a good sailor!

"It's good now, he actually ran away from home while I was away! I don't know where he's gone now!"

From the Navy Headquarters to Dawn Island in the East China Sea, there is almost half a planet between them.

Karp was indeed not well informed.

But at least he already knew the news about "Ace going to sea".

As for the specific inside information, he hasn't grasped it yet.

"Your grandson actually became a pirate?"

Sengoku's eyes widened in shock.

"Shame! What a disgrace to the Navy!"


Regarding this point, Garp had nothing to argue with and just snorted coldly.

"Anyway, I want to go home now! My grandson is not even an adult yet, yet he dares to go to sea!

"You are more courageous than me! But this is also an advantage! Hahahaha——"

Garp left the marshal's office directly with a loud laugh.

Warring States struggled for a moment, but still did not stop the other party.

After all, it's just like what Garp said just now.

This time, it was just "just" the execution of Pluto Rayleigh.

Not just world government.

Even the Navy Headquarters did not take this execution very seriously.

Since the disbandment of the Roger Pirates, the lonely Pluto Rayleigh has almost retired from the pirate world.

This remnant of the old era has long since left the stage of the new era.

In the view of the Warring States Period.

In the current sea, not many people should care about Pluto Rayleigh, who has been away from the public eye for more than ten or twenty years.

There is a big difference in meaning between "executing the Pirate King's right wrist" and "executing the Pirate King's son".

The "war at the top" that will break out at the Navy Headquarters in the future.

The navy really wants to execute the "son of the Pirate King".

But the more important strategic goal is to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates!

Now the navy just wants to execute Pluto Rayleigh, and is not deliberately targeting a certain Yonko pirate group.

The lack of attention is understandable.

But no matter what.

Pluto Rayleigh is also a legendary pirate.

The Warring States Period still paid a certain amount of attention to this "old friend".

After Garp left.

The Warring States Period held an emergency meeting at the headquarters according to the original plan.

at an emergency meeting.

Warring States got straight to the point and directly brought up the news that Pluto Rayleigh was about to be executed.

As soon as the news came out, the senior navy generals who participated in the meeting immediately started talking about it.

"Pluto Rayleigh? Such a long-ago name..."

"Isn't this the vice-captain of the Roger Pirates?"

"We didn't catch him after the Roger Pirates disbanded, and now we caught him again?"

"No matter what, let's get rid of evil!"

"Carry out justice to the end!"

Now that the Marshal has issued a plan to "execute the Pirate King's right wrist".

Then the senior navy generals participating in this emergency meeting would not be so stupid as to disobey the orders of the Marshal and the World Government.

Rayleigh's execution plan was quickly finalized.

After a brief round of communication.

The first place to be determined was Pluto Rayleigh's execution location -

Sabaody Archipelago!

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