Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 196 [Red Dragon Fruit]! (Fourth update with 150,000 words, please subscribe!)

When the Navy Headquarters was holding the "Pluto Rayleigh Execution Meeting".

Storm, who flew away from Punk Hazard Island, was counting all the gains of his operation.

One Pluto Rayleigh was exchanged for six devil fruits.

Among them.

The natural system [Cloud Cloud Fruit] has been handed over to Nami by Storm.

The superhuman system [Bubble Fruit] has also been transformed into his own shape by Storm-

This [Bubble Fruit] has become a six-star [Bubble Ring].

Storm still has four devil fruits left in his hand.

The mythical beast [Yamado Fruit].

The superhuman [Slippery Fruit] and [Silent Fruit].

The other is the [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit].

"Superhuman [Slippery Fruit]..."

Storm is not very interested in this superhuman devil fruit.

Although it is a "beauty fruit".

But he obviously does not need the "beauty effect" of this devil fruit.

Among all the companions Storm knew—among all the companions who were worthy of his devil fruit—there was no one who needed this [Slippery Fruit].

Storm thought for a moment and threw this [Slippery Fruit] directly next to the "Lizard Fruits" that had not been used yet.

Of course.

No matter how bad the [Slippery Fruit] was.

At least it was better than the [Komodo Dragon Fruit], [Blunt-tailed Gila Fruit], and [Marine Iguana Fruit].

In Storm's opinion.

The [Slippery Fruit] and the [Tyrannosaurus Fruit] could barely be considered the same level.

Waiting for its "predestined person"...

Storm put away the [Slippery Fruit] and looked at another devil fruit.

"Superhuman [Silence Fruit]..."

In terms of the effect of the ability alone.

Storm felt that this [Silence Fruit] was comparable to the [Marine Iguana Fruit] and other "Lizard Fruits".

He was not sure whether the [Silence Fruit] could be developed to the ideal effect.

For example, "restraining the Tremor-Tremor Fruit", "forcibly 'silencing' the enemy's ability" and so on...

But just from the performance of Don Quixote Rocinante, the previous user of the Silence Fruit.

This Silence Fruit is indeed quite lame.

But compared to the Slippery Fruit.

Storm pays more attention to this extremely lame Silence Fruit.

The specific ability of this devil fruit is not important.

But this Silence Fruit can be used as a "bait".

"Speaking of which, there doesn't seem to be any serious 'ship doctor' in my Storm Pirates, right?"

A figure appeared in Storm's mind, and then he kept the Silence Fruit well.

As for the remaining two "Mythical Beast" devil fruits.

Storm first picked up the Yamako Fruit, and then walked towards the dragon belly cabin at the back.

He has already decided on a solution for this Yamako Fruit!

"I thought the level of the Tyrannosaurus Fruit was a bit low before, and this mythical beast species, the Yamako Fruit, can just be given to Weevil!"

Before, Storm had always wanted to use devil fruits to improve Weevil's strength.

In his opinion, except for some superhuman devil fruits with special abilities.

Animal devil fruits are undoubtedly the most suitable type for Weevil.

The abilities of the Yamako Fruit are not complicated, and it is also relatively simple to use.

It is just suitable for a guy like Weevil who is "holy as ever".

Storm took the Yamako Fruit and went directly to the Dragon Belly cabin.

Weevil was still sleeping.

Without the restraint of Buckingham Stussy.

Weevil's daily life is to eat and sleep, sleep and eat.

Storm doesn't like to manipulate Weevil's daily actions.

As long as this guy can obey orders honestly, there will be no problem.

Storm looked at Weevil who was sleeping soundly, raised his hand to release his ability, and "called out" Edward Teach.

Edward Teach smashed down with an iron fist.

Weevil's snoring stopped abruptly, and he immediately squatted with his head in his hands.

"Brother! Do you want to eat again?"

"Not eating, but eating fruit."

Storm handed the [Yamboy Fruit] in his hand to Weevil.

"Weevil, you eat it!"

Storm's attitude towards Weevil was not as kind as that towards Nami and Ace. He would ask the other party in a good tone whether he wanted to eat the devil fruit.

Since he had decided to use the devil fruit to improve Weevil's strength, let the other party eat the devil fruit directly!

Weevil looked at the green [Yamboy Fruit] handed by Storm, and a trace of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth unconsciously. He looked at Edward Teach tentatively.


"Weevil, you eat it!"

Edward Teach's tone of voice was exactly the same as Storm's.

However, Weevil could not hear the details of the two people's tone. He only knew that his brother asked him to eat!

Weibull immediately reached out and grabbed the [Yamaguchi Fruit], and threw it into his mouth like eating candy.

The next second.

Weibull's face turned into a bitter gourd.

"It tastes so bad!"

It turns out that Weibull knows what tastes good and what tastes bad?

Storm looked at Weibull with a little surprise.

He didn't speak, but let Edward Teach give the orders.

"Weibull, do you feel any special ability? Or do you want to release something? Close your eyes and feel it."


Weibull could not understand what Edward Teach was saying.

But he still closed his eyes obediently and "feeled" in silence.

After about a second.


Loud snoring proved that Weibull had fallen asleep.

The corners of Storm's mouth twitched slightly.

He raised his fist, wanting to knock Weibull awake directly, and wanted to use his fist to make Weibull adapt to his new abilities.

But he remembered that he had just received Weibull's [Stars Trophy] before.

It is estimated that the other party cannot provide a seven-star trophy now.

In the end, Storm lowered his fist.

‘I’ll educate this fool later! ’

Storm took a deep breath and left the dragon belly cabin directly.

[Shantong Fruit] has been given to Weibull.

There is another [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] waiting for Storm's disposal.

Storm returned to the leading room of the Blue Eyes White Dragon and picked up the [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] again.

An eight-star devil fruit.

Only the eight-star [Devil Ring] can exert its full effect.

Storm now has a nine-star ring, five seven-star rings, and one six-star ring.

There is just no eight-star ring...

"If you want to advance to the level of the seven-star [Devil's Ring], you need the seven-star [Stars Trophy]."

"If it's a death trophy, it's one; for ordinary trophies, two are needed..."

"We still lack the senior trophy!"

Storm looked at this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​absorbing and using it.

The level of [Devil Ring] is not high enough.

The seven-star [Devil Ring] uses [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] and cannot exert its maximum ability.

The nine-star [Devil Ring] contains the demonic power of the eight-star [Clay Fruit].

"When you hunt a seven-star big pirate, add more points to get an eight-star [Devil's Ring]!"

Storm immediately had an idea.

[Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] has a huge advantage over ordinary devil fruits.

The starting level of this artificial devil fruit is eight stars!

Although its end point is also eight stars...

But at least there is no need for Storm to put additional big trophies into this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit].

"There is only one problem now!"

Storm heads towards the [Grand Trophy].

"Can the color of this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] be changed?"

According to Vegapunk.

The color of [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] is a "congenital defect".

Even if Vegapunk spent decades, there was no way to make the color of [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] the same color as [Blue Dragon Fruit].

Storm can accept Vegapunk's argument.

But he really doesn't like this "pink dragon"!

When he sees the pink dragon, Storm will think of Kozuki Momonosuke, the Kozuki clan, the rotten Wano Country, and the super heavyweight Kozuki Oden...

Thinking of this, Storm would feel a physical discomfort.

Why didn't Kaido the Beast annihilate Wano?

all in all.

Storm planned to use this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit].

But he really didn't like the color of this artificial devil fruit.

If you can change it, change it!

The [Big Trophy] in the void emits a wave of ripples.

Storm quickly received the reply message from the [Grand Trophy].

The color of [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] can be changed!

If you want to change it to the "blue" color of [Blue Dragon Fruit], you need to spend an eight-star [Huiyue Trophy]!

If you want to change it to any color except pink, you only need a five-star [Platinum Trophy].

If it is a six-star [Diamond Trophy].

Storm will still feel pain for a while.

But a five-star [Platinum Trophy]?

Without hesitation, Storm took out a [Platinum Trophy] and directly made a wish to change the color of the [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] in front of him.

As the magnificent [Platinum Trophy] melted into the void.

The appearance of this [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] also underwent an extremely subtle change, and the original blue-purple skin color became darker.

at the same time.

[Grand Trophy] The information about this artificial Devil Fruit has also undergone certain changes.

This is no longer [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit].


【Artificial Red Dragon Fruit】!

Red, a bright red color like blood!

Storm put away this [Artificial Red Dragon Fruit] with peace of mind.

Under the control of his will, the Blue-Eyed White Dragon flew quickly and returned directly from Punk Hassad to the Germa Kingdom on the Red Earth Continent.

Storm gave all the "improved treatment plan and cloning information" generously gifted by Vegapunk to Vinsmoke Gaji.

Unlike Storm.

Gaji is also a genius scientist and can completely understand Vegapunk's new treatment plan.

He was both shocked by Vegapunk's technical level and jealous of Vegapunk's talent.

Storm looked at Gaji's changing expression and shook his head.

"Big Bear, according to Dr. Vegapunk, the new version of the treatment plan can cure Bonnie in only half a year."

"Very good!"

The big bear was immediately overjoyed.

If possible, he wished that Bonnie could recover where she was right now!

But it changed from the original "two and a half years" to the current "half a year."

This news is enough to make Big Bear excited.

"Take good care of Bonnie, and everyone... don't let down your guard against Dr. Gaji."

Storm warned seriously.

"I will look for opportunities in the future to keep updating Vegapunk on the treatment situation here."

Big Bear nodded solemnly.

"Thank you, Storm."

"You are welcome."

Storm smiled and shook his head.

"Didn't you 'sell' your twelve years of life to me?"

According to the previous agreement between Storm and Big Bear.

As long as Bonnie can cure her "Jade Scales" disease, until she grows up healthily to adulthood, the ownership of Big Bear's life belongs to Storm.

Bonnie is six years old.

There are still twelve years until she reaches adulthood.

In the next twelve years, Daxiong will all belong to Storm.


But Daxiong felt that "twelve years" was too short.

As long as Bonnie can be cured.

Big Bear is willing to go through fire and water for the Vongola family, no matter what!

Storm didn't know Big Bear's inner thoughts.

After taking care of the trivial matters in the Germa Kingdom.

Storm immediately rode on the Blue Eyes White Dragon and rushed directly into the new world!

He plans to be the first to win a seven-star trophy before the execution of Pluto Rayleigh takes place!

For that [Red Dragon Fruit]!

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