Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 11 The First Beautiful Girl (Please Follow Up)

Chapter 11: The First Jade Maiden (Seeking to Continue Reading)

Therefore, disciples of the Kunlun Immortal Sect and the Sword Sect have always avoided direct conflict outside, although it is not to the point of life and death.

But if they happen to encounter each other, they cannot avoid testing each other's skills.

Over the years, victories and losses have been evenly matched. However, they have been able to restrain themselves, so it never escalated to the point of fatalities.

The situation between Xiao Yuhe and Leng Qingfeng this time is similar. The two of them coincidentally met during a mission to eliminate an evil dragon.

After that, they started fighting, but the monthly report did not specify how it started. It is estimated that only the parties involved know the details.

Originally, this matter was not supposed to spread, but besides the two of them, there was also a disciple from the Taiyi Sect present. The news came from him.

Taiyi Sect, who enjoys watching the excitement, can only be said to be fanning the flames.

Xu You can even imagine that after this incident spreads, it will be another blow to the reputation of the Kunlun Immortal Sect, attracting a lot of criticism.

After all, both Xiao Yuhe and Leng Qingfeng are outstanding among the younger generation of their respective sects, and now the former is no match for the latter.

Doesn't this mean that the Kunlun Immortal Sect is completely inferior to the Sword Sect?

Therefore, other forces, especially the Sword Sect, will probably have even more hostility in the future.

After reading the introduction, Xu You stood up and flew towards the Heaven-Connecting Peak, continuing to read along the way.

The subsequent battles were described vividly, making it impossible for people to stop reading.

Looking at the sharpness of the author's pen and the resentment between the lines, it is clear that they are trying to defend Xiao Yuhe, listing a long list of external reasons for his defeat.

Xu You doesn't know if it's true or not, but he sincerely feels that such a talented author should not waste their talent on writing novels.

After the front page headline, there is a commercial section. It is an advertisement from the Heaven-Connecting Peak, announcing that a batch of shops will be available for transfer soon.

Scattered below, Xu You's gaze finally fell on the entertainment section.

Who doesn't like to have fun? Xu You also enjoys reading all kinds of gossip in the Immortal Gate.

The first post was a collection of high-definition, uncensored photos, featuring an extremely pure-looking fairy.

Xu You recognized this person, as she appears almost every issue.

She is Liu Yiyi, a disciple of the Black Tortoise Peak, known as the number one Jade Maiden of the Black Tortoise Hall. She is quite famous among female disciples in the Immortal Gate and is popular among many male disciples.

She often releases various Jade Maiden photo shoots, one set per month.

Just by looking at the photos in this month's report and the exaggerated poses, Xu You can immediately tell that she belongs to the category of Supreme Grade "green tea."

Just like in the Semizato Forest.

The most important thing is that she always likes to take off her shoes and sit on her knees when taking photos.

In addition to the title of the first Jade Maiden, she also has the title of the first beautiful buttocks.

Of course, whether she is "green tea" or not is not important. As long as she is good-looking and considerate, she is seen as a gentle younger sister by many male disciples.

"Sister Liu's photo shoot this time has a high artistic value."

"Huh, is she not wearing shoes? Interesting~"

"I feel like her figure has become even more attractive!"

"I heard she has a set of private photos that can be bought for thirty kun coins. I don't know if it's true or not."

"I won't allow you to insult my goddess! This is a rumor, a blatant rumor!"

"Nonsense! Sister Liu is pure and lovely. Would she really take private photos?"

"That's right, Sister Liu is our Black Tortoise Hall's number one Jade Maiden. There have never been any rumors about her relationships. Don't slander her!"

As soon as Xu You arrived at the Heaven-Connecting Peak, he heard many male disciples' comments in the crowd.

The monthly report has just been released, and the focus is all on Liu Yiyi. After all, there aren't any other explosive news in the entertainment section.

Xu You couldn't help but suspect that Liu Yiyi had a collaboration with the monthly report to boost the sales of the newspaper.

Contributing a set of photos every week is both a hot topic and a way to make money.

In this case, can I also go and take some photos? Maybe there will be female disciples willing to pay for them. If I can earn Kun coins, it wouldn't be a bad opportunity to make some extra money.

Apart from the discussions among male disciples, Xu You also heard a lot of sharp criticism from female disciples.

Women understand women. It's hard for girls to approve of Liu Yiyi's behavior.

It's like a phenomenon where an average-looking woman's photos receive a lot of praise from the same sex. But comments from exquisite girls are often the opposite.

Xu You doesn't care about these voices. He just wants to earn Kun coins, poke Azure Lotus, and improve his strength.

As usual, he exchanges task rewards with Senior Brother Xue first.

The recorded images of the rat demon and the green crocodile turtle didn't suit Senior Brother Xue's taste, so he didn't buy them.

Based on the difficulty of the task, Xu You received 220 Kun coins. Together with the previous 100 coins and the scattered coins he had saved earlier, it adds up to a total of 400 Kun coins.

This is not a small fortune, but Xu You is not in a hurry to spend it.

He will wait until he has saved up enough money to create a better robe.

One of the core principles of the Kunlun Immortal Sect is that the growth process largely depends on independence and self-reliance.

So even though Xu You is Mo Yuhuang's true disciple, he still has to work hard and earn money with his own hands most of the time.

Of course, compared to ordinary disciples or outer disciples, he naturally has an easier time.

Those people need to work themselves half to death, even in cultivating immortality, they have to work nine to six.

There is always a need for someone to do the screwing. This principle applies in any context.

"Junior Brother, Senior Brother has left you a good task, clearing the land." After exchanging rewards, Senior Brother Xue explained with a smile to Xu You, "There is a snake cave in the Taiyin Mountains that needs to be cleared. You can go."

Clearing the land! Xu You's eyes lit up.

He knows about clearing the land. It mainly involves exploring new places for disciples to train.

The Taiyin Mountains are thousands of miles away from the Kunlun Immortal Sect and are an area rich in low-level demonic creatures.

The area is not big but not small, at least several thousand square miles.

Monster Qi and evil energy permeate the area, making it extremely suitable for the growth of demonic creatures. And every few years, many places inside undergo significant changes.

So clearing the land is a continuous task. Once changes occur, disciples from the Kunlun Immortal Sect will form teams to clear the land and report the specific situation of the cleared area to the Immortal Gate.

Finally, the Immortal Gate will draw a map to ensure the safety of disciples when they go there to train.

Although clearing the land is specific to certain areas, there is still a certain level of risk involved, and the corresponding rewards are also substantial.

But for Xu You, the reward is secondary. The main thing is the demonic creatures.

Clearing the land means killing a lot of demonic creatures, which is the best job for Xu You.

"Thank you, Senior Brother." Clearing the land is a good task, and Senior Brother Xue clearly left it for him. Xu You sincerely thanked him.

"You're welcome. Go and do well." Senior Brother Xue smiled and handed the task token to Xu You.

Xu You directly selected this task and immediately went to the hall on the first floor to confirm.

(At present, the new book process has not started, so there is no exposure. At this stage, it is mainly supported by old readers. The reading results of these days will be used to start the initial promotion of the new book period.

I hope everyone can read the updated chapters every day and support the new book period. Love you all, reward with a kiss. Muah!)

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