Chapter 12: Opening Up New Territory

After confirming, Xu You left the mission hall directly and gathered outside Heaven-Connecting Peak according to the instructions.

Soon, Xu You arrived at the destination where four people were already waiting.

Seeing Xu You approaching, one of them immediately walked up and warmly asked, "Are you the junior brother who took the opening up new territory mission?"

"It's me," Xu You politely nodded.

The one asking was a young man in his early twenties.

He was dressed in light green clothes, with average features but quite distinctive. His eyebrows were thick, giving off a strong sense of crossing dimensions.

His eyes below were small and squinted at the moment, requiring effort to see clearly. His nose was slightly flat, and his lips were slightly thick.

In theory, these features could be considered ugly, but when put together, they were not that ugly. Instead, they formed a kind of distinctive and ordinary appearance.


At least, it was hard to forget after seeing it once.

The young man in green clothes immediately brightened his eyes, and his thick eyebrows seemed to dance. "Now that everyone is here, I'm Bai Genshuo. How should I address you, junior brother?"

Bai Genshuo greeted Xu You in a familiar and enthusiastic manner.

Kunlun Immortal Sect emphasized mutual love and affection, and disciples inside and outside the sect helped each other.

This kind of teaming up for missions was common. It was just that Xu You had been required by Mo Yuhuang to cultivate in his Taoist hut for the past few years, which made his circle a bit small.

Not to mention those outside Vermilion Bird Peak, he didn't even know many of Vermilion Bird's disciples.

A true homebody.

"Xu You."

Bai Genshuo was a disciple of Black Tortoise Peak.

There were also two young men and one young woman.

One was a man in his mid-twenties, carrying a long sword on his back, with a resolute face and cultivation at the early stage of the fourth realm.

His name was Wu Gang, a disciple of Kunlun Hall. He looked just as his name suggested, very tough. Among the five, he had the strongest strength and was considered the team leader for this expedition.

The other man had an ordinary appearance, in his twenties, and had the same cultivation level as Xu You. His name was Long Tao.

The remaining girl didn't need Bai Genshuo to introduce her; Xu You could recognize her at a glance. She was the jade-like beauty Liu Yiyi he had just seen in the monthly report.

She was wearing a long green dress, with her hair tied into twin ponytails, fair and alluring skin, and delicate and attractive features. Especially those blinking big eyes, filled with innocence.

She was a girl who made people want to protect her at first sight, even more beautiful than in the photos.

Even Xu You, who had seen countless women, couldn't help but admire the girl's pitiful attributes in his heart.

It was not an exaggeration to crown her with the title of a straight male killer. The reputation of being the number one beauty in Black Tortoise Hall was indeed well-deserved.

Most importantly, her figure was indeed top-notch. Even under the coverage of the long dress, one could still feel the curve of her perky buttocks, very alluring.

The atmosphere in the Immortal Gate had always been friendly, and disciples could quickly become acquainted with each other.

The group soon set off for the Taiyin Mountain Range.

Wu Gang formed hand seals, and a white spaceship landed in front of everyone. He was the first to jump on it, and then Liu Yiyi reached out to him.

This action was self-explanatory.

Wu Gang smiled confidently, revealing a smile exclusive to straight men. He reached out and high-fived Liu Yiyi, encouraging her.

"Go for it!"

Liu Yiyi paused for a moment, smiled sweetly, and lifted her skirt as she boarded the boat.

Xu You was the last to board the flying boat. Wu Gang immediately commanded the boat to fly above the clouds and then shot off into the distance.

Xu You sat quietly at the back of the boat. Wu Gang and Liu Yiyi were at the front, with the former enthusiastically introducing the overall structure and materials of the flying boat to Liu Yiyi.

Anyone could tell that Wu Gang's attentiveness towards Liu Yiyi was quite interesting.

However, Liu Yiyi maintained a certain distance, speaking with a high level of sophistication, which amused Wu Gang.

Xu You didn't care much about Liu Shimei (Junior Sister Liu), and was more curious about the speed of the flying boat.

Listening to Senior Brother Wu's explanation, he listened attentively. It turned out that the design of the flying boat also took into account certain airflow patterns.

This made Xu You suspect the brilliance of the artifact refining master.

The application and analysis of fluid mechanics in flying Law Weapons?

"You seem a bit low-spirited, Junior Brother."

"I'm fine."

"We handsome people often have such troubles. I understand very well, as I often feel the same way." Bai Genshuo, who was sitting next to Xu You, asked.

Xu You turned his head and looked at the other person. Bai Genshuo had a smile on his face, with thick eyebrows that were quite eye-catching, and his features were somewhat explosive, giving off a feeling of not backing down from anyone.

Xu You didn't know where the other person's understanding came from to say such a thing, so he simply nodded in agreement.

They remained silent throughout the journey.

After a few moments, the flying boat turned around and descended towards the ground. It quickly landed.

Xu You and the others jumped off the flying boat, and he immediately surveyed the surroundings.

This was the western side of the Taiyin Mountains, and their team's strength could only explore the western side. In front of them was the entrance to a gloomy cave.

"The entrance to the Netherworld Cave is ahead. It was recently occupied by a group of fiery snake demons. Our mission this time is to explore the cave and understand the specific situation inside.

In addition, there is a high possibility of the existence of the Red Sulfur Spirit Mine where the fiery snake demons reside. Our main goal this time is to determine whether this spirit mine exists." Wu Gang, as the team leader, briefly explained.

"The situation inside the cave is unknown. Although the snake demons' strength is not too strong, their numbers are overwhelming, so we still need to be careful. Moreover, there may be other demons as well."

Xu You and the other three nodded to indicate their understanding. When traveling outside, caution should always be the top priority.

"I have recently practiced a Divine Ability and want to test it out. Let me take the lead," Xu You said with a smile.

There were many low-level snake demons in the cave, and Xu You saw them as cannon fodder with a chance to drop gold coins.

It would be a waste if someone else took care of them.

Wu Gang smiled warmly and said, "Alright, Junior Brother, you go first. We'll take turns when you get tired."

Xu You's selfless act touched Wu Gang.

"Okay, Senior Brother, I understand."

Xu You's mouth also curved into a sunny smile, and then he strode directly into the Netherworld Cave. The other four immediately followed.

The cave was dark and damp. Each person took out a night pearl and hung it at their waist to illuminate the surroundings.

This illumination was extraordinary, revealing a dense swarm of red snakes moving around.

They were all fiery red in color, with most of them having no cultivation, while a few were probably at the first stage of cultivation.

A terrifying sight.

(End of this chapter)

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