Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 121 Reward! \"Happy Little Heart\"

Chapter 121: Reward! "Happy Little Love"

Over the years, most of the monks from the Dragon Subduing and Tiger Suppressing Halls would travel the world to slay demons and evil spirits after reaching the Fourth Realm.

Because the disciples of these two halls cultivate the Vajra Great Dao, killing can make them stronger, gild their bodies, solidify their Buddha forms, and ultimately achieve an indestructible Vajra body.

They never show mercy towards those demons and evil beings.

Also, because these disciples of the two halls primarily cultivate killing, in many cases, they don't give people the impression that they are disciples of the Buddhist Gate. Each of them possesses remarkable strength.

Although the entire Great Thunderclap Monastery only has these two halls with this approach, half of the top combat power in the temple comes from these two halls.

Therefore, to some extent, the disciples of the Dragon Subduing and Tiger Suppressing Halls have far surpassed cultivators of the same realm and are the elites among the elites of the Great Thunderclap Monastery.

At this moment, the golden light on Huiming's body is solid and thick, and his Buddhist Dao cultivation is extremely profound. In addition, he is able to cultivate to the mid-Fourth Realm at such a young age.

I'm afraid he is also a true disciple-level existence in the elite Dragon Subduing Arhat Hall.

"Senior Huiming, are you a disciple of the Dragon Subduing and Tiger Suppressing Halls?" Xu You also clasped his hands together and asked.

"Yes, I am a disciple of the Dragon Subduing Arhat Hall. I came to Tianque City for rotation duty this time. I suppose Junior Brother is also here for rotation duty?" Huiming asked with a smile.

"I am a disciple of the Vermilion Bird Hall. I just came for rotation duty a few days ago." Xu You also smiled.

Xu You may not have much interest in the disciples of the other halls of the Great Thunderclap Monastery, but he still respects the disciples of the Dragon Subduing Arhat Hall.

He likes the decisive and resolute disciples of the Buddhist Gate.

"No wonder Junior Brother looks unfamiliar. I see that Junior Brother is so young and his aura seems to have just entered the Fourth Realm?" Huiming also observed Xu You.

"Yes, I just entered the Fourth Realm recently."

Huiming seemed to have figured something out. With a thoughtful expression on his face, he suddenly realized, "Junior Brother, could it be that you are the disciple of Mo Feng, the peak master of the Vermilion Bird Peak, and the successor of Senior Li Changsheng?"

Xu You looked at him in surprise, "How did Senior Brother know?"

Huiming burst into laughter, "Junior Brother is like a dragon, how could I not know? Someone mentioned Junior Brother when we gathered with other Fellow Daoists the day before yesterday.

To be so young and establish the Eight Yang Dao Foundation, there hasn't been such an outstanding disciple in the Kunlun Immortal Sect for thousands of years.

I didn't think of this earlier. I thought Junior Brother shouldn't come for rotation duty so soon after just entering the Fourth Realm."

Xu You didn't expect that his name had already spread here, but thinking about it, it made sense. Although there are many disciples in the Five Gates and Seven Sects, the top circle is there, and naturally, there will be some attention to whoever enters or leaves.

There is a saying that goes, if you can attract the attention of many geniuses, then you are truly a genius.

Obviously, Xu You has unknowingly integrated into this special circle in another way.

He has no resistance to this. For him, this small circle is invincible.

Behind each young person in it, there is a background that can reach the heavens. Even if they don't become friends, there is no need to offend them. Moreover, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages after becoming friends.

"Senior Brother, you flatter me." Xu You clasped his fists modestly and asked with a smile, "Did Senior Brother come here specifically to deal with the demonic dog monster?"

"Not really, I was just dealing with demons in other places. After dealing with them, I thought there was still a monster causing trouble here, so I came over. That's how I met Junior Brother," Huiming explained, then looked at the Monster Race youths behind Xu You and asked, "Is Junior Brother bringing the students from Jishu Academy here for practical teaching?"

"Yes." Xu You smiled and turned to look at his students, saying, "You have met Master Huiming."

These students didn't dare to be negligent and all performed the disciple's etiquette. They had been listening attentively to Xu You and Huiming's conversation just now, and from the conversation, they could tell how extraordinary their teacher was.

This further intensified their curiosity about Xu You and their admiration for his strength.

Huiming nodded with a smile, "I still lack some merits. Junior Brother, are you interested in joining me to slay a Great Monster?"

"What do you mean?" Xu You asked.

Huiming slowly said, "A wicked flood dragon appeared in the tributary of the Wei River a few days ago, causing floods that submerged thousands of people on the banks. This dragon has committed heinous crimes, and we cultivators must act on behalf of heaven."

However, this evil dragon is very powerful. I don't know if it is at the Late Stage of the Four Realms or the Early Stage of the Five Realms. That's why I want to invite my junior brother to come along.

The distance from Cangjiang to here is only a little over a thousand miles, so it's quite close.

Xu You is now a little tempted. He hasn't hunted demons for several months, and his inventory of props is running low.

Now that there is this evil dragon, it really piques his interest. As for the question of the evil dragon's strength, Xu You is not worried, just like Huiming. Whether it's at the Late Stage of the Four Realms or the Early Stage of the Five Realms.

It can also verify his current strength level.

After reaching the Four Realms, Xu You understood that the gap between cultivators at the same level is greater than that between humans and pigs.

When he was in the Heaven Splitting Sect, Xue Qianluo, who was at the Late Stage of the Four Realms, faced off against Lu Tianming, who had the cultivation of the Mid Stage of the Five Realms with the Blood Formation and the Blood Silkworm Gu, without any panic.

Even if there were no burdens present, with Xue Qianluo's strength and wielding the Tai'a Sword, she could directly kill Lu Tianming.

This is the ability of an Apex Level genius, and cultivators at this level cannot be judged by common sense.

This is also the reason why Huiming invited Xu You. In his understanding, although Xu You is only at the Early Stage of the Four Realms, he can still provide great assistance and is unlikely to be harmed by this ordinary evil dragon.

This is the confidence and tacit understanding unique to young cultivators in their circle.

"But I still have to teach my students." Xu You hesitated.

"It's simple. Since the evil dog demon is dead too, it can be considered as completing the teaching. You can have someone from Shangji Academy come and pick up these students. Also, bring someone else with you to Cangjiang. It will help you record the process of hunting demons, which can be used for learning when you return," Huiming said with a smile.

"Oh, can it be done like that?" Xu You was a little surprised.

"This situation is common. Although the recorded process is not as good as being there in person, it is still a good teaching method. Many senior brothers have done it this way."

"Okay," Xu You smiled lightly, turned around and briefly explained to his students, then contacted someone from Shangji Academy, leaving only Xiaoying behind.

The distance of seven to eight hundred miles is quite close. When Xu You sent the message back to Shangji Academy, it didn't take long for someone from the academy to arrive.

This person took Xu You's students back without asking too many questions, obviously accustomed to this kind of situation.

After sending the students away, Xu You summoned his flying boat and flew towards Cangjiang with Huiming and Xiaoying.

Xiaoying held a button-sized jade token in her hand, very excited. This is the "Law Enforcement Recorder" that Xu You gave her, and he also taught her how to use it.

When they arrive at Cangjiang, she will be responsible for recording Xu You's actions in the flying boat, which can be used as teaching material when they return.

This kind of thing is very exciting for Xiaoying. This is her first time facing such high-level battles under the guidance of her teacher.

Although this kind of battle between cultivators at the Four and Five Realms is nothing to her given her background, there is a big difference between home and school.

It gives the girl a feeling of independent growth.

Xu You and Huiming stood side by side in front of the flying boat. Xu You chatted with Huiming about the customs and culture of Jile Xizhou while Spirit Partitioning handled the soul staff in his divine mansion.

After going through the familiar process, Xu You gained another small pink treasure that looked like a little heart.

[Happy Little Heart]

[Daily harmonizing item, frequency 500/s, water source evaporator, fairy's happy little heart.

Just let the fairy hold this heart and experience endless joy. The intensity of the experience is directly proportional to the individual's porcelain burning level. The ultimate level is controlled by the little heart, making it irresistible.

If physical objects are put in, all Transcendent Level sensory experiences are doubled.

Also, this staff can be attached with thoughts, allowing one to experience it as if in a divine realm. But there are risks in the Peach Blossom Land. When seeking a pink Peach Blossom Land, beware of encountering polluted areas that may contaminate the divine soul.]


Looking at this Divine Weapon, Xu You almost couldn't stand steady.

What the hell is this thing?

Just by looking at the previous explanation, Xu You could understand. After all, it was a prop produced by the Lycan Demon, so it was normal to have a playful attribute.

This kind of frequency can indeed evaporate the Peach Blossom Source. Shouldn't cultivators be unable to withstand it?

But with this divine sense attached to it, what the hell is this? Is this the perspective of a prop?

Xu You had previously seen a highly artistic anime, which was about a male protagonist who had a small mirror. Inside the mirror was another world.

If he wanted a certain girl, he just needed to take a picture of her with the mirror, and the world inside the mirror would become her Peach Blossom Source world, and he could manipulate it in various ways.

Now, isn't this little heart the same idea?

How could I, Xu You, the pride of the Kunlun Immortal Sect, do such a despicable thing?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. Xu You didn't even think about it and directly threw this little heart into his storage bag.

Just looking at it once would make people explode.

After a while, Xu You finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After so many verifications, he discovered two rules about the items produced by the Azure Lotus.

First, some of the props are very compatible with the attributes of slaying demons and evil spirits, such as this heart, the aura of divine insects, and so on.

Second, the items produced by demons and evil spirits with lower strength than oneself generally won't be too outrageous, they can only be considered clever.

But if the demon or evil spirit slain is stronger than oneself, especially if it crosses realms, then there is a high probability that the produced item will be an outrageous treasure.

This also forced Xu You to realize that in the future, he couldn't rely on killing small demons and monsters to exploit bugs for growth. If he wanted qualitative growth, he would have to face battles of higher difficulty.

The Wei River is the longest river in the Great Zhou territory, with a total length of unknown thousands of miles. It spans five counties, and the majority of the people in Great Zhou rely on this Wei River for their livelihood.

The Cang River is one of the largest tributaries of the Wei River, mostly located in the Jiushen County.

In the late night, Xu You and the other two arrived at the bank of the Cang River on a flying boat. This place was in the middle section of the Cang River, with a wide river that was several thousand zhang wide.

The depth of the river was immeasurable.

The Wei River has always been a river that nurtures Great Monsters and strange creatures. As one of the largest tributaries, the Cang River also harbors many Monster Race creatures.

Of course, most of them live peacefully on their own land, and the aquatic tribes of the Wei River generally have official titles from the Great Zhou government.

They regularly pay tribute to the court and are not allowed to disturb the people along the river. Many aquatic tribes even serve as river gods for the surrounding areas, enjoying the incense of the people.

It can be considered a unique ecosystem of the Monster Race.

However, with the large number of Monster Race creatures, coupled with the fact that many areas do not have Monster Race settlements, these areas will attract water creatures like the evil dragon to occupy them.

If they stay quiet, Great Zhou won't notice, but if they start harming people, it's not right. Not only will they be hunted down by the Great Zhou government, but many professional demon hunters will also come to kill them and take their demon cores in exchange for official rewards.

Of course, the strength of this evil dragon is unknown at the moment, and ordinary cultivators in the Five Realms dare not easily come to kill it. After all, at the same level, the innate attributes of the Monster Race are slightly stronger than most human cultivators.

"You stay on the flying boat and don't leave. Safety is important." Xu You instructed Xiaoying, then leaped off the flying boat with Huiming.

Xiaoying held the "Law Enforcement Recorder" seriously, aiming it at the Cang River hundreds of zhang below, and stared at Xu You's figure without blinking.

This was a Law Weapon forged by the Kunlun Immortal Sect, capable of recording with the clarity of the naked eye even at a distance of over a thousand meters.

"It seems that this evil dragon has attracted quite a few cultivators." After landing, Huiming looked at the scattered cultivators around and smiled.

Naturally, Xu You also noticed the cultivators around him. There were independent cultivators and those from influential forces. Xu You didn't recognize most of them, but he could be sure that the majority were ordinary cultivators.

Further down the bank was a devastated village, which was caused by the evil dragon's rampage when it came ashore.

Then Xu You looked at the vast Cang River in front of him and asked, "Senior Brother, this Cang River is so vast, how does this evil dragon find it? With so many cultivators around, wouldn't the evil dragon sense it and flee, how dare it show itself?"

Huiming squatted on the bank, scooped up a handful of river water, and slowly said, "This evil dragon has the bloodline of the Green Horned Dragon, but I don't know which other dragon species it is mixed with.

But this does not affect its habits as a Green Horned Dragon. In order for the Green Horned Dragon lineage to achieve Transcending Tribulation, it must possess a precious treasure from the earth. The Green Horned Immortal Fruit...

For us, the Green Horned Immortal Fruit is one of the medicinal materials used in alchemy. Although it is also precious, it is far less significant than it is to the Green Horned Dragon.

The Green Horned Immortal Fruit can be said to be an exclusive divine fruit of the Green Horned Dragon clan. It can help them shed their dragon form and weaken the Thunder Tribulation during their transformation.

No untransformed Green Horned Dragon can resist the temptation of the Green Horned Immortal Fruit. If they catch a whiff of its scent, they will go to great lengths to find it."

Upon hearing this, Xu You curiously asked, "Senior Brother, do you have this Green Horned Immortal Fruit?"

Huiming smiled and stood up, saying, "This thing is hard to come by. I inquired everywhere and borrowed it from Senior Brother Tu of the Tian Gang Immortal Alliance.

The Green Horned Immortal Fruit also has special effects. It has a strong Body Tempering effect, which is naturally a Divine Medicine for physical cultivators.

Senior Brother Tu only has this one left. It wasn't easy to borrow it, so we must be careful during our mission. Even if we can't kill the evil dragon, we must not lose this Green Horned Immortal Fruit."

As one of the five powerful factions in the Southern Barbarian Continent, the Tian Gang Immortal Alliance is extraordinary, with all its members being physical cultivators.

After hearing the origin of this Green Horned Immortal Fruit, Xu You agreed with Huiming's view. Even if they managed to escape from the evil dragon, they couldn't lose this fruit.

"Let's go, into the river," Huiming said as he dived into the Cang River. Xu You followed suit and entered the water.

Once in the Cang River, Xu You realized that it was indeed unfathomable and had strong undercurrents. The water conditions were poor, and even someone with good water skills would struggle to escape.

Huiming, with Xu You following closely, swam forward at a rapid pace. At the same time, Huiming took out a fruit from his hand. The fruit was entirely green, with a protruding horn-like shape.

The flesh of the fruit exuded astonishing spiritual energy, indicating the energy contained within.

"The scent of the Green Horned Immortal Fruit easily dissolves in water and can linger for a long time, flowing along with the water currents. The evil dragon is lurking in the nearby river basin and will soon be able to smell the scent of this Green Horned Immortal Fruit," Huiming explained to Xu You through his divine sense.

Xu You quickly understood and asked, "Senior Brother, are you planning to lure out the evil dragon while leading it to another place?"

"Yes," Huiming replied, "There are too many cultivators nearby, which is not conducive to our actions. We will lead the evil dragon to an uninhabited place and then join forces to kill it."

Xu You didn't ask any more questions and wasn't worried about Little Ying, who was still in the sky. The flying boat was his Law Weapon, and after multiple refinements, it was already connected to his mind. If they left this area, the flying boat would automatically fly to the location where Xu You would appear later.

The two of them shot forward at a rapid pace within the Cang River.

After about a quarter of an hour, Xu You and Huiming both turned their heads to look. A Flood Dragon over ten zhang long was swimming towards them at a fast speed. The scales on the Flood Dragon's body were half green and half fiery red, and a green horn grew on its dragon head.

It exuded a strong Monster Qi, with a majestic and bloody aura. Its strength seemed to be at the early stage of the fifth realm.

"Junior Brother, be careful!" Huiming shouted urgently, quickly reminding Xu You.

Xu You reacted quickly and retreated to the side with Huiming, avoiding the rampage of the Flood Dragon.

"This evil creature's strength is even more solid than I thought. I originally thought it was the offspring of a Green Horned Dragon and a lower bloodline Flood Dragon, but I didn't expect it to be the offspring of a Crimson Fire Dragon.

Under the combination of two powerful bloodlines, its strength is even stronger. Junior Brother, be careful. This evil dragon is not easy to deal with," Huiming quickly explained to Xu You, but his words did not show any panic.

"Understood," Xu You nodded slightly.

"Let's go ashore. This place is secluded enough, and the water is not the opponent of this Flood Dragon," Huiming said again, directly shooting towards the water's surface. Xu You followed suit.

The massive body of the Flood Dragon stopped swimming, and its lantern-sized eyes looked in the direction of Xu You and Huiming with a human-like color.

The Flood Dragon is a very special Monster Race. Unlike ordinary Monster Races, it can only achieve transformation after cultivating to the sixth realm. To truly transform into a human form without any trace of a monster, it must cultivate to the seventh realm.

The reason why this Monster Race is so determined to achieve transformation is simple. The human form is recognized as the fastest way to cultivate and the most suitable form for the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

The vast majority of Monster Races can only climb higher levels of the Great Dao by completely transforming.

Except for those ancient divine beasts like true dragons and heavenly phoenixes, but these ancient divine beasts no longer have true bodies in this world. They only project themselves in auspicious forms on this divine continent.

(End of this chapter)

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