Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 122 They Are All Geniuses, So It Makes Sense To Kill All The Five Realms [Wanwan Update Plea

Chapter 122: They are all geniuses, it's reasonable to kill someone at the Five Realms [Seeking subscriptions for ten thousand updates]

Therefore, there is nothing in the world that can compare to the temptation of this Green Horned Immortal Fruit for him. Although he knows that these two people might be specifically looking for him, he cannot resist such temptation.

The Evil Flood Dragon hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided to head towards the river, considering that one person was at the early stage of the Four Realms and the other at the mid-stage of the Four Realms.

Above the water surface was a desolate and uninhabited area. On the flying boat in mid-air, Xiao Ying tightly held the "Law Enforcement Recorder" and aimed it at the river.

Boom boom boom—

Three consecutive loud splashes, Xu You and Hui Ming broke through the water one after another, followed closely by the Evil Flood Dragon.

The water surface surged with huge waves, destroying most of the trees on the shore.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ying dared not breathe too heavily. How exciting, truly exciting.

This is a Monster Cultivator at the Five Realms. For Xiao Ying, she didn't know how long it would take for her to cultivate to this realm.

On the river, Xu You and Hui Ming stood side by side in mid-air, while the massive body of the Evil Flood Dragon also floated in the air. The scales on its body appeared somewhat stern in the night.

Its dozen-zhang-long body shone like a silver fire dragon, exuding a faint wild aura. Its appearance and momentum were quite impressive.

Looking at the Flood Dragon at the early stage of the Five Realms in front of him, Xu You remained calm.

It was unclear whether it was because most of the previous situations involved opponents much stronger than himself, or because he had gained confidence after his strength greatly increased after reaching the Four Realms.

Yes, the Nine Yang Dao Foundation combined with the sword patterns on the Dao Markings made Xu You not the least bit panicked even when facing a Flood Dragon one realm higher than himself.

He had a feeling that he could easily escape even if he couldn't win.

"I have been cultivating for many years and have accumulated quite a fortune. I am willing to give it all to you two young heroes in exchange for the Green Horned Immortal Fruit in your hands. Can you agree?" The Evil Flood Dragon unexpectedly spoke, its voice resolute.

This Evil Flood Dragon was not an ignorant Monster Cultivator. At this moment, it had already recognized the forces represented by Xu You and Hui Ming's attire.

The Great Thunderclap Monastery and Kunlun Immortal Sect were not something a wild monster like him could provoke.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in money," Hui Ming politely clasped his hands together and smiled.

"May I ask what this young master wants?" The Evil Flood Dragon became spirited upon seeing this.

"I want your dragon skin and tendons," Hui Ming's mouth curled up, and a strange Buddha light flickered on his golden face.

The Evil Flood Dragon's face changed when it heard the words, and anger surged in its eyes. It was inherently cruel, and had been trying hard to suppress its desire to kill just now.

Now, upon hearing these words, it couldn't hold back anymore. It opened its blood-filled mouth and roared angrily, its voice echoing on both sides of the river.

Huiming clasped his hands together, reciting Buddhist mantras with his mouth, and his skin emitted a golden light that quickly covered his whole body. He looked like a golden Arhat.

His shiny bald head was even more dazzling than before.

At this moment, he raised his left hand to the sky, pointed his right hand to the ground, slightly bent his left foot, and assumed a strange posture. The golden light on his body became even more brilliant.

In an instant, Huiming transformed into a radiant Buddha light and disappeared from where he stood. The next moment, he appeared on top of the Evil Flood Dragon's head.

He formed hand seals, and a illusory Law Manifestation of a descending dragon Arhat appeared in the sky. The Law Manifestation was solemn and pressed down on the Flood Dragon's horn.

Soon, the Evil Flood Dragon let out a roar, and its huge body sank inch by inch as if it was being crushed by Mount Tai.

The massive body of the Flood Dragon twisted frantically.

Xu You watched curiously. This was the first time he had seen the Divine Ability of the Great Thunderclap Monastery, and the Buddhist Gate Divine Ability was indeed impressive.

Huiming was a melee mage, and he suppressed the Evil Flood Dragon with his cultivation at the Four Realms.

Soon, the Law Manifestation pressed down on the Flood Dragon and submerged it into the river. Through the surface of the river, one could still see the golden light emitted by Huiming below.


Suddenly, a loud explosion came from underwater, causing waves to surge and boil.

Huiming's body flew out, and there were large patches of blood on the Flood Dragon's body, but its aura was only slightly weaker. It roared angrily and swam towards Huiming.

Xu You was about to go forward to help, but Huiming shouted, "Junior Brother, don't worry, let me try again."

As he spoke, golden light surged on Huiming's body again, and a huge square barrier fell directly around him and the Evil Flood Dragon, trapping them inside.

Xu You looked up at the golden square barrier. He couldn't see the specific situation inside anymore, but he could hear the roar of the Flood Dragon and the collision of Divine Abilities.

Despite the fierce bombardment, the barrier remained as steady as Mount Tai. Buddhist mantras were recited and Buddhist chants filled the air, creating an extremely sacred and solemn atmosphere.

Xu You flew forward and waited outside the barrier. If the situation was not right, he would break through the barrier and help.

After about a quarter of an hour, Xu You's face changed, and he quickly retreated.

He saw the square barrier explode, and the exploding golden light was blinding. Huge waves of explosions rippled out one after another, and the wind howled.

Huiming and the Evil Flood Dragon flew backwards together. Xu You, with quick eyes and agile hands, instantly appeared behind Huiming and caught him.

At this moment, Huiming's golden light was dim, and his aura was weak, showing signs of exhaustion.

The Flood Dragon on the opposite side had lost half of its green horn and its aura was not as strong as before, but it was still much stronger than Huiming.

It was clear that Huiming couldn't defeat this Evil Flood Dragon.

However, to be able to push this Evil Flood Dragon to such a state with his mid-level cultivation in the Four Realms was already an incredible feat.

"Cough cough." Huiming coughed lightly, scratched his bald head, and regretfully said, "Junior brother, I think we should retreat. This Evil Flood Dragon is incredibly powerful and has a solid foundation. We are no match for it. We should run now while we still can. It won't be in our favor if we drag this out."

Xu You narrowed his eyes and said, "No rush, I want to give it a try."

"Junior brother, although this Evil Flood Dragon has lost a lot of its strength, you..."

"It's alright, senior brother. You rest first. If I really can't defeat it, then you can take me and run. I still trust you on this." Xu You interrupted with a smile.

"Alright." Huiming shook his head and smiled lightly, "Just be careful."

"Understood." Xu You nodded lightly.

The Evil Flood Dragon on the opposite side was filled with anger, its face looking extremely ugly. Losing half of its green horn was a deadly grudge.

No matter what, it couldn't let these two people go. Even if it had to pay a great price, devouring these two would enhance its strength. Coupled with the green horn fairy fruit, it was enough for the Evil Flood Dragon to bet everything.

After the matter was settled, it could escape far away, with boundless lands across the five continents. There was nowhere it couldn't go.

Thinking of this, it didn't plan to give Huiming any time to catch his breath and charged towards him again.

"Where are you in such a hurry?" A clear voice entered the Evil Flood Dragon's ears, accompanied by a flaming sword burning with fire, suspended in front of it.

The sudden change made the Evil Flood Dragon's face change, and it quickly stopped, avoiding a collision with the sword.

Looking at the sword that was close at hand, the Evil Flood Dragon, with its bloodline of the Red Fire Dragon and its natural affinity for fire attribute spiritual power, even felt a faint fear towards the terrifying fire spiritual power on the sword.

In the blink of an eye, Xu You appeared, lightly stepping on the sword, holding it upside down with both hands, exuding an extraordinary aura, like a celestial being.

Seeing this, the anger surged in the Evil Flood Dragon's heart once again.

Xu You's current posture was what it hated the most. These human cultivators really knew how to pretend!


The Evil Flood Dragon roared in anger, its body growing even larger, and flames billowed from its body, illuminating the surroundings like daylight.

Then, the Evil Flood Dragon swung its tail like a thunder whip towards Xu You. Its speed was fast, locking onto Xu You's aura, making it unavoidable.

Feeling the strong wind beside him, Xu You directly summoned the imitation Fanyin Bell, which was burning like a golden bell, to protect himself.


The tremendous impact, combined with the surging flames, sent Xu You and the bell crashing onto the surface of the river.

Inside the Fanyin Bell, Xu You shook his head, gritted his teeth. This evil creature was indeed fierce. It wouldn't look good if he didn't have this Fanyin Bell.

Seeing cracks appearing on the surface of the Fanyin Bell, Xu You put it away. Directly confronting it was not a strategy. The Evil Flood Dragon's foundation was indeed solid.

He couldn't match it head-on, so he had to win through clever means.

Xu You formed hand seals with both hands, and his whole person agilely dodged the subsequent attacks from the Evil Flood Dragon's tail, which landed on the surface of the river, creating thousands of waves.

The high-temperature flames evaporated a large amount of river water, enveloping the surroundings in white mist, making it difficult to see.

Seven Kills!

The Divine Ability was activated. The Nine Yang Dao Foundation in Xu You's body rotated at an extremely fast speed, with the Dao patterns shining brightly, and the majestic pure yang power poured into the Divine Ability.

Seven flaming spears appeared behind him.


Xu You pointed with his right hand, and the seven flaming spears formed a straight line, rushing towards the Evil Flood Dragon like lightning.


The spears landed on the scales of the Evil Flood Dragon, creating a harsh sound and countless sparks.

The first spear was quickly blocked by the sturdy scales of the Evil Flood Dragon and dissipated.

Boom boom!

The second spear followed suit, accurately hitting the same spot.

The evil dragon was repeatedly pushed back by the continuous impact of the muskets.

In this way, one musket after another continued to fire, and the last musket directly pierced through the dragon's defense, with a powerful impact that penetrated the dragon's body.

The terrifying killing power and pure yang energy of the Seven Killings Firearm penetrated the dragon's brain through its scales.

The extreme pain caused the dragon's body to twist madly, thrashing about on the surface of the river.

Xu You saw this and directly walked on the waves, holding the Pure Yang True Sword. At this moment, he poured almost all of his cultivation into the Pure Yang True Sword without hesitation.

The attributes of the Nine Yang Dao Foundation perfectly matched the Pure Yang True Sword, and the sword was stimulated to its extreme, with the high temperature on the sword capable of melting everything.

Mirror Flower Water Moon!

Xu You clapped his hands, and instantly, two hundred Sword Qi surged in front of him.

The Sword Qi shone under the moonlight, displaying an astonishing formation.

Yes, after reaching the fourth realm, the Mirror Flower Water Moon sword technique had made a qualitative leap and could produce two hundred Sword Qi.

Although it was far from reaching the level of obscuring the sky, encountering it would still frighten ordinary cultivators.

The dragon, with its lantern-sized eyes, looked in horror at the Sword Qi filling the sky, each Sword Qi containing terrifying power. If there were only ten or twenty, it could easily block them.

But two hundred of them? Damn it.

The dragon didn't even care about the penetrating wounds on its body and wanted to dive into the river to hide first.

But obviously, it was too late.

Mirror Flower Water Moon not only created illusions, but its speed was also astonishing. Once it locked onto the dragon's aura, there was almost no way to avoid it.

In an instant, the two hundred Sword Qi poured down on the dragon like a heavy rain.

At this moment, the dragon realized something was wrong.

These Sword Qi fell on its body without causing any harm and dissipated directly.

This was fake Sword Qi! It had been tricked.


The dragon, even more furious, was about to fight Xu You with its tail.

Just as it was about to rise, the real Sword Qi from Mirror Flower Water Moon landed directly on its dragon head, cutting the dragon, which had relaxed its guard, into pieces, leaving its eyes dazed.

"In the next life, I should cultivate my head first. It's not good to have a head filled with water." A relaxed voice suddenly sounded in its ears.

The dragon's heart was filled with an uneasy premonition.


It was the sound of its own horn being severed.

Xu You, who had instantly appeared on the dragon's head, stood on it and held the true sword, cutting off the remaining half of the dragon's horn as if cutting down trees.

The pain didn't even have time to reach the dragon's brain.

Xu You once again raised the Pure Yang True Sword in his hand.

The sword patterns on the Nine Yang Dao Foundation began to shine, and a surging Sword Intent flowed through Xu You's body. The Pure Yang True Sword buzzed.

A crimson flame Sword Qi was born and directly slashed at the dragon's head.

Just like cutting tofu, the indestructible scales were directly cut off by this pure yang Sword Qi.

The dragon's eyes were filled with confusion as it clearly saw a familiar headless body falling into the river.

It also saw that terrifying Sword Qi sweep across the river, almost cutting the Yangtze River in half, and finally landing on the shore, turning countless trees into ashes.

The Sword Qi extended far away, leaving a terrifying trench on the ground.

This Sword Qi was truly beautiful.

The dragon closed its eyes unwillingly, losing all consciousness, and its huge dragon head fell into the river.

Xu You floated in the air, holding the Pure Yang True Sword in his hand, and casually took two Qi-replenishing pills and swallowed them.

The extracting ability of the pure yang Sword Qi was too terrifying. It almost drained him this time.

After calming down, Xu You took the body of the Flood Dragon and first absorbed its soul into his divine mansion.

Then, he skillfully skinned and deboned the Flood Dragon, preserving the essence of its horns.

Killing this Flood Dragon was not unexpected for Xu You; it could be considered an opportunity.

First of all, this evil Flood Dragon has been weakened by half of its strength. Secondly, I possess the Nine Yang Dao Foundation and have achieved mastery in the Way of the Sword. My strength far surpasses that of ordinary cultivators in the Four Realms.

Furthermore, I rely on cleverness and wisdom to win. It wouldn't be so simple if I were to confront it head-on.

Lastly, the Pure Yang True Sword plays a significant role. This sword is worthy of being ranked fifth on the Kunlun Immortal Sect's Law Weapon List. Its terrifying power can directly enhance the owner's Sword Qi and killing effectiveness.

A divine sword!

This Pure Yang True Sword is enough for Xu You to rely on for a long time.

Xu You felt for the first time that his master's bet was not a bad thing. It was exhilarating.

That evil Flood Dragon may have had its own strength, but compared to Xu You, a disciple at the "Transcendent Level" of the Apex Level, it was no match. That's why it felt bitter.

Of course, if that evil Flood Dragon had a better mind and a deeper foundation, and if it were in its prime state, Xu You might not have been able to defeat it. Even if he had won, he would have used all his trump cards and risked his life.

The difference in realms is still quite significant.

On one side, Hui Ming came to Xu You's side, scratching his bald head, looking somewhat puzzled at Xu You, who was happily skinning the Flood Dragon.

This junior brother seems a bit fierce?

What just happened that made him behead the Flood Dragon?

Although the Flood Dragon only had half of its strength left, it couldn't be easily killed by a cultivator at the early stage of the Four Realms.

Was it done using Sword Qi? No, Xu You's pure Daoist cultivation couldn't be concealed. He followed the path of the Dao.

What kind of Sword Qi is this at his level?

Hui Ming has a wide circle of friends, and he knows many disciples of the Sword Sect.

But it feels like Xu You is better?

"Junior brother, are you still cultivating the Way of the Sword?" Hui Ming couldn't help but ask. His understanding of Xu You was still limited to the fact that he had established the Eight Yang Dao Foundation.

"I have some knowledge of it," Xu You replied, looking up. He quickly explained, "But mainly, I rely on my sword. It's the Pure Yang True Sword given to me by my master. Without it, I wouldn't be able to achieve this level."

"Junior brother is being modest," Hui Ming said, placing his hand on the Flood Dragon's head. Golden light once again flowed from his body as he absorbed merit.

Slaying demons and evil spirits to forge the Golden Body Arhat is his Great Dao. He participated in killing this evil Flood Dragon, so naturally, he could shape his Golden Body with the merit gained.

"I saw your strength just now, and I am inferior to you," Hui Ming said.

"Senior brother overpraises me. It's all thanks to the foundation senior brother laid before. I just took advantage of the situation," Xu You maintained a humble attitude and smiled.

"It's just that you have more treasures, otherwise it wouldn't have been so easy," Hui Ming shook his head and smiled. He didn't say anything more, knowing it in his heart. There are many geniuses and prodigies in this world, and he has seen his fair share.

He didn't continue to ask about Xu You's display of strength that far exceeded his realm just now.

Everyone is a genius, and they can understand each other.

In the next month's Divine Continent Genius List update, Xu You could directly make it onto the list with just his Eight Yang Dao Foundation.

Soon, Xu You collected all the useful things from the Flood Dragon and then stopped. He asked, "Senior brother, let's divide these things equally."

"Junior brother, you can keep them for yourself," Hui Ming smiled. "Thanks to junior brother's beheading of this evil Flood Dragon, I can obtain this merit. These things are of no use to me."

After declining, Xu You no longer insisted and accepted all these items.

"Junior brother, your Dao heart is sincere. In the future, I hope to have the opportunity to discuss the Dao with you," Hui Ming clasped his hands together and spoke sincerely.

"Of course, I also hope to have the opportunity to sit down and discuss the Dao with senior brother," Xu You replied.

Xu You and Hui Ming chatted for a while longer, and then they agreed to meet at Tianque to discuss the Dao when they had time.

Hui Ming still needed some more merit, so he had to continue to slay demons. Xu You didn't follow him anymore. They were just small demons and monsters, and there was no need for Xu You to follow Hui Ming around.

The two bid farewell by the side of the Cang River. After watching Hui Ming leave in a golden light, Xu You floated up and returned to his flying boat.

Xiao Ying still had a look of shock on her face. The law enforcement recorder in her hand slowed down significantly as she repeatedly watched and studied Xu You's movements during the battle.

Xu You's movements were too fast for her to see clearly. They were so magnificent and cool that she couldn't take her eyes off them.

Observing a life-and-death battle of this level up close had a tremendous psychological impact on a young girl.

Her admiration for Xu You had reached its peak. There is no young girl who wouldn't admire Xu You when facing such a graceful battle.

(Oh, by the way, it's the end of the month. Are there double monthly votes today? Everyone can give their votes to Haian, muah muah.)

(End of this chapter)

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