Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 130: You Are A Young Man With Heroic Spirit, You Show Off [Wan Update]

Chapter 130: You're full of youthful spirit, trying to show off [10,000 more]

Luo Qiaoqiao launched another spell attack, causing the cave to collapse along with the rabbit demon. The rabbit demon was once again sent flying, barely clinging to life.

At this moment, it transformed into a red smoke and shot towards the forest.


A musket fell from the sky, pinning the rabbit demon to the ground, silencing it.

Xu You had directly destroyed the flower, or rather, the old flower.

Being so ugly and still acting coquettish, she was in the wrong. Was she someone with peculiar tastes?

Then, Xu You retrieved the musket and absorbed the opponent's soul staff as well.

"Hmm? You killed it directly without taking a closer look?" Luo Qiaoqiao squinted and asked with a smile.

"This wicked monster deserves to die, there's no need to waste any more time!" Xu You replied resolutely.

"Then why didn't you kill it in the cave earlier?" Luo Qiaoqiao continued to ask.

"I was being cautious. Who knows if there were any other ambushes? I couldn't act recklessly." Xu You replied, "What do you think, Senior Sister?"

"Nothing. Well done!" Luo Qiaoqiao gave a thumbs up. In her heart, she muttered, "He's a gentleman."

Obviously, she was satisfied with Xu You's performance just now. He was indeed not a shallow womanizer. He had always been a righteous gentleman!

However, Luo Qiaoqiao felt a bit frustrated because she realized that she had been overly concerned about Xu You, making herself seem like a jealous little girl.

After all, she was Luo Qiaoqiao! The pride of the Joyous Union Sect! A fairy who roamed the Immortal Cultivation World! How could she easily get jealous?

No, she needed to broaden her mind in the future and not always worry about Xu You. She needed to have enough trust in him. He was a gentleman!

Xu You, on the other hand, had no idea that Luo Qiaoqiao had gone through all these thoughts in such a short period of time, nor did he know that she had once again restrained herself.

If he knew that his righteousness had reached such a level in her heart, Xu You would have grinned from ear to ear.

"Everyone can come over now." Luo Qiaoqiao called her students over to observe the rabbit demon's corpse and learn from it.

Xu You also stepped forward and took out his illustrated book to compare it. The rabbit demon had revealed its true form, a red and white mixed-colored female rabbit.

This was a branch of the Red Hare tribe, a relatively small branch among the rabbit demons.

They had a preference for sucking the blood of humans to enhance their cultivation.

They were skilled in transformation techniques, especially seductive. Many men were attracted by their unique seductiveness and willingly offered their blood.

Among the rabbit demons, the Red Hare tribe was one of the most seductive, making it the Supreme Grade among the rabbit demons.

So, from a certain perspective, the Red Hare tribe was very valuable.

It was said that a considerable number of cultivators in the underground market would raise these Red Hare Monster Race creatures, removing their maliciousness during the cultivation process and only leaving their transformation techniques and seductive instincts.

Then, they would undergo various trainings, and in the end, they could be sold as extremely expensive demonic pets.

After being trained, they became the perfect bunny maidservants.

Innocent, sexy, sweet, seductive, obedient, and versatile.

They were the Supreme Grade among maidservants, and those who had bought them all praised them, with a zero negative review rate.

It should be noted that demonic pets were actually quite popular, and many powerful cultivators would raise them to some extent. Therefore, having a zero negative review rate was enough to prove how outstanding the trained Red Hare was.

Of course, these matters were all privately discussed within the circle. Although the official regulations did not explicitly prohibit raising demonic pets, the market transactions in this area were still tightly controlled.

After all, most of the Monster Race had already integrated into the human race, so they had to maintain a good appearance and couldn't say that the Monster Race was working hard for them behind the scenes.

It was not in line with the principles of Dao Integration to engage in various transactions involving demonic pets behind the scenes.

Therefore, this kind of situation only existed in the underground black market. Of course, sect forces like the Great Dao and the Beast Taming Sect did not have such requirements.

The sect forces didn't care whether it was a Monster Race or not. The trade in this area was still active.

After learning about the information on the Red Hare demon, Xu You felt a bit regretful. What a pity.

If he had captured it alive and handed it over to someone specialized in training, then retrieved it, wouldn't that be wonderful?

Xu You had never tried having such an all-around considerate bunny maid before. He also wanted to see if the reputation was really that good.

In the future, if there was a chance, he could get a Monster Cultivator maidservant and let her take care of his cultivation. After all, his Cave Mansion was so big, there should be someone to take care of it.

While Xu You was lost in his thoughts, he didn't listen to Luo Qiaoqiao's explanation. Instead, he immersed his mind in his divine mansion, preparing to refine the soul staff of the Red Hare demon.

Soon, it was the familiar complete process again, and the soul staff of the Red Hare Demon was also refined.

[Red Hare Demon's Soul Ring]

[For women only, wearing this soul ring will make the other person's behavior towards you infinitely close to the perfect Red Hare Girl's way. The effect depends on the other person's temperament and their fondness for you.

Note: It should not be worn for a long time, otherwise the other person's behavior will become more and more like a rabbit.

Also, when playing, do not wear it excessively. Rabbits can bite people when they are agitated, and it would be bad if they bite and damage it. Be cautious.

Also, men should never wear it. A small number of men with heavy Yin energy have a certain chance of turning into bunny girls. Once this trend appears, it is irreversible.]

Damn it, Xu You looked at the small object in his hand.

It was a head-worn decoration of a bunny girl, which means that as long as he wore it, he could turn the other person into a gentle little sister like a bunny girl?

This is simply a Divine Weapon!

Just now, Xu You was still thinking about how to have a chance to try the perfect Red Hare Girl, but now this can completely achieve it, and it is not limited to just one woman.

This can be worn and taken off. Xu You is not quite sure what it means for the effect to depend on temperament and fondness.

He turned his head and looked at Luo Qiaoqiao, who was talking incessantly. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen if she wore this soul ring? Instantly, his imagination ran wild.

Hmm, there will be a chance to try it later.

As for the part about not allowing men to wear it, Xu You naturally does not have such a perverted and twisted taste.

After a few moments, today's teaching was considered perfectly completed. Luo Qiaoqiao's practical class today was the first one, but she had already won over her students.

After a day of teaching, it proved that she was an excellent teacher.

"Let's go back then, it's getting late." Luo Qiaoqiao looked at the setting sun over the mountain and directly summoned a large flying boat for the students.

With the demon eliminated, there was no need to worry about alerting the enemy.

All the students orderly entered the flying boat, and then the large boat soared into the sky and flew towards the direction of Tianque City.

Xu You still stood side by side with Luo Qiaoqiao in front of the flying boat, looking at the magnificent scenery around them under the setting sun.

The afternoon wind was stronger than in the morning, and Luo Qiaoqiao's hair was slightly blown and stuck to her cheek.

Xu You looked at Luo Qiaoqiao beside him, those strands of hair falling on her cheek revealed a different kind of messy beauty.

In fact, many times it is like this, a summer afternoon, a breeze, and then a girl who smiles beautifully and likes you wearing a snow-white dress.

The wind gently blows her hair, and she stands not far from you, waving at you or running towards you with a slight lift of her skirt.

Once you see such a scene, it becomes an unforgettable moonlight for a lifetime.

Every strand of hair in the sunlight will be engraved in the depths of memory.

At this moment, Xu You suddenly had this feeling, Luo Qiaoqiao's eyebrows and eyes were curved, her smile was clear, and her long eyelashes blinked.

The black hair lightly fluttered, and Xu You couldn't move his eyes away, staring straight at her profile.

Perhaps Xu You's gaze was a bit intense and determined, Luo Qiaoqiao didn't dare to meet his eyes, but she felt her cheek being looked at and quickly heating up.

"What are you looking at!" Luo Qiaoqiao whispered.

"Uh, looking at the most beautiful scenery." Xu You smiled.

"Hmph, smooth talker."

"No, it's from the heart." Xu You instinctively reached out and smoothed Luo Qiaoqiao's hair, tucking it behind her ear.

Xu You swore that this action was completely unconscious, and only realized that something seemed wrong when he came to his senses.

His fingertips lightly touched Luo Qiaoqiao's cheek, and the astonishing delicacy and heat flowed into Xu You's body.

Luo Qiaoqiao was startled, and turned her head slightly to look at Xu You, her eyes filled with incredulity and confusion.

But soon, her face felt even hotter, and although she wanted to push away Xu You's hand, her body froze and she couldn't make any reaction or movement.

Xu You was the same, maintaining the posture of his fingertips on the other's face.

At this moment, the flying boat was speeding, the setting sun was shining diagonally, and the brilliance of the setting sun spilled onto the shoulders of the two, creating an extremely beautiful silhouette from the side.

The curvature of both of their profiles was pleasing to the eye, coupled with this shallow and ambiguous atmosphere.

The nauseating smell of love couldn't be stopped from overflowing from this scene.

Many of the Monster Race youths didn't understand the so-called emotions, but at this moment, they couldn't take their eyes off the extremely beautiful scene in front of them.

For the appreciation of beauty, all creatures are unified.

At this moment, the beauty of Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao surpasses any magnificent scenery.

The boys stared foolishly, their eyes wide open, as the huge flying boat sank into a deathly silence.

It's unclear how much time passed, but Xu You was the first to react and immediately withdrew his fingertips.

His fingertips brushed against Luo Qiaoqiao's cheek, causing her to tremble. She realized what had happened and became completely flustered, not knowing where to put her hands.

Sometimes she would gather her hair, sometimes she would pinch her clothes, and sometimes she would pat her hands aimlessly.

Xu You didn't find it funny, he just found the other person cute and amusing.

But in the next moment, Xu You couldn't laugh anymore because he saw the students staring at him intently from the corner of his eye.

Feeling a little guilty in front of the students, Xu You cleared his throat and then stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the distant sunset as if nothing had happened.

Luo Qiaoqiao also realized the situation and her face turned even redder, but fortunately, she had her back to the children.

She wanted to explain, but such things would only become more complicated the more they were explained.

Her mind was now in a dizzying state of confusion, with the chaos centered around why Xu You had touched her just now.

If you want to touch, why touch in front of everyone!

Too much!

The girl's thoughts were scattered, like the surrounding sea of clouds, floating and blending without any order, until all her thoughts turned into Xu You's smiling face.

In the early morning, when the sun entered the room, Xu You slowly opened his eyes, ending a night of cultivation.

After returning to Tianque City yesterday, he and Luo Qiaoqiao separated. He used cultivation to stabilize his somewhat agitated state of mind.

Looking at the vast sky outside the window, Xu You couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for this kind of psychological fluctuation.

"Junior brother, there's something we need to go out for." Zhang Wei's voice came from outside the room.

"Coming." Xu You immediately got up and went out.

After exchanging a few words with Zhang Wei, Xu You finally learned what the matter was.

He and Zhang Wei were going to the dojo with Elder Qingcang to deal with the matter concerning the Gu Shen Clan.

Hanshan Yue and Luo Kaiyang had other important matters to attend to, so Xu You and Zhang Wei were chosen to go.

On the balcony outside the top floor, the white-haired Elder Qingcang was already standing there with his hands behind his back, accompanied by a middle-aged disciple.

Elder Qingcang summoned a luxurious flying boat, and the four of them boarded the boat and shot off into the distance.

On the flying boat, Xu You briefly learned about the task at hand.

There were many dojos in Tianque City, which could also be called martial arts schools. They were responsible for "promoting" and "recruiting" new disciples.

Independent of the administrative office, the main function of the dojo was to contact various newspapers, promote their own sect, and serve as a consultation and communication center when recruiting new disciples.

In simple terms, the dojo was the enrollment office.

Tianque City had designated several streets for various forces to set up their dojos. The flow of people here was large every day, with a continuous stream of young people coming with their parents to seek a better future.

In theory, there shouldn't be any problems in the dojo. It was mostly clerical work, and the disciples on duty didn't require any cultivation level, just patience and literacy.

But just two days ago, the Gu Shen Clan also set up a dojo, and coincidentally, the dojo was right next to the Kunlun Immortal Sect's dojo.

Originally, this wasn't a big deal, but the Gu Shen Clan encroached on a foot of land belonging to the Kunlun Immortal Sect while building their dojo.

Kunlun naturally couldn't agree to this, but the Gu Shen Clan's dojo refused to move for any reason, claiming that there was a problem with the measurements and stubbornly occupied that foot of land.

After two days of arguing, the matter escalated to the administrative office.

Normally, this kind of thing could be big or small. If a force with a good relationship with Kunlun Immortal Sect encroached on this foot of land, they could have a friendly conversation and resolve the matter without causing any harm.

But this was the Gu Shen Clan, a force with a rather delicate relationship with Kunlun, and coupled with their tough attitude, the underlying implications were thought-provoking.

Many times, authority often collapses starting from the details.

Not to mention a foot of land, even an inch can have infinite implications.

After learning the general situation of the matter, Xu You fell into contemplation. He didn't know how Elder Qingcang planned to resolve it, so he just listened to instructions.

The dojo was located in the North City District. As the flying boat sped rapidly, Xu You and the others soon arrived at the street where the dojo was located.

This street was very lively, with people crowded together. Kunlun Immortal Sect's dojo occupied a large area, with three large gates side by side. At the moment, a new building had been built on the right side.

On the plaque were the characters "Gu Shen," not too high or too low, just slightly taller than the Kunlun Immortal Sect's Dao Hall.

The landing of the flying boat driven by Elder Qing Cang attracted the attention of many people around, and the disciples in the Gu Shen Clan's Dao Hall were the first to see it.

"Greetings, Elder Qing Cang," the person in charge of the Dao Hall greeted him immediately.

Without any nonsense, Qing Cang exchanged a few words with the person and then nodded slightly, walking to the corner of the Gu Shen Clan's Dao Hall and pointing to a mark on the ground, asking, "Is this the excess?"

"Yes," the person replied.

Qing Cang extended his right index finger, emitting a sharp aura. He lightly lifted his finger and directly landed on the mark.


Starting from the roof, it was cut neatly like cutting tofu, and soon there was a commotion from the top floor.

In an instant, the top floor was completely cut, and as the aura continued to descend, suddenly there was a wave of fluctuations in the space.

A golden insect emerged from it, with three people standing on it, an old man and two young people.


The old man waved his right hand lightly, dispersing Qing Cang's aura.

"Is this how the people from the Kunlun Immortal Sect behave? Suppressing other forces at will?" The old man's voice was cold as he spoke from a position of superiority.

Qing Cang remained expressionless. He didn't like the other party looking down on him. He reached out his right hand and grabbed the golden insect, causing it to fall to the ground along with the old man and the two young people.

"The Gu Shen Clan acted unreasonably first. I am only upholding justice," Qing Cang said.

The atmosphere between the two sides became tense for a moment.

Xu You looked at the three people. They were dressed in the same style of clothing, the unique attire of the witch path, and wore thick hats on their heads.

The old man had a thin face, and his oversized clothes were empty, as if a skeleton was carrying a coat.

The two young people behind him, one male and one female, had cultivation levels in the early and middle stages of the Four Realms respectively.

They were handsome and beautiful, especially their eyes, which had a clear amber color that was somewhat captivating.

"The old one is called Wu Gu Li, an elder of the Gu Shen Clan, who has been in Tianque City for many years. The two behind him are the current witch and wizard of the Gu Shen Clan," Zhang Wei explained to Xu You through divine sense. She had arrived in Tianque City a few months earlier and had a general understanding of the various forces and important figures there.

After hearing this, Xu You's gaze became even more curious as he looked at the three people.

The Gu Shen Clan had been quite low-key for thousands of years, so low-key that many young people didn't know its structure.

But Xu You naturally knew some things. The Gu Shen Clan lived in the form of villages, with ten major divine villages, each of which was said to have extremely powerful village masters.

Then there was an organization called the Elder Council, whose elders were responsible for the overall affairs of the Gu Shen Clan.

Above them was the top combat force of the Gu Shen Clan, consisting of a High Priest, two Junior Priests, and the mysterious Clan Chief.

This was the power structure of the Gu Shen Clan. The ten major divine villages lived above the witch land, forming the Gu Shen Clan.

As for the witch and wizard, they were selected through special rituals of the Gu Shen Clan. It was said that each witch and wizard represented the current luck of the Gu Shen Clan.

After growing up, the witch and wizard would become the two Junior Priests. Their status and position in the Gu Shen Clan were extremely high, and they were usually personally taught by the High Priest.

Their strength was not to be underestimated. Although young cultivators of the Gu Shen Clan did not participate in the ranking of the Heavenly Pride List, the witch and wizard were definitely not inferior to the Heavenly Prides on the list.

"I heard from Manager Zhang that these two true bodies of the Gu Shen Clan that descended this time will be inherited by this pair of witch and wizard. I don't know if it's true or not," Zhang Wei added, and Xu You didn't find it strange that she referred to her father as "Manager Zhang."

Zhang Wei always disliked others mentioning her father. When she was outside, she usually communicated with Zhang Changli in a formal manner, and even many times she would mention her master Yi Li instead of Zhang Changli.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Changli had always disliked the cold and pretentious Yi Li.

"Xu You," after a long silence, Qing Cang spoke in a calm voice.

"Here," Xu You immediately stepped forward.

"Your Sword Qi is sharp and upright. Cut this one zhang of space," Qing Cang pointed to the hall and said calmly.

Qing Cang's meaning, both implicit and explicit, was quite clear: you are a young hero, and this show suits you.

Naturally, Xu You readily agreed to Elder Qing Cang's command. He took a step forward and walked to the front of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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