Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 131 What Xu Killed Was Son Of Fortune! !

Chapter 131: Xu You's Target is Son of Fortune!!

Without any hesitation, Xu You directly unleashed a Sword Qi, continuing from where Qing Cang had left off.

He didn't care about attracting attention. Xu You had always relied on the Kunlun Immortal Sect for cultivation, and over the years, he had already treated the Kunlun Immortal Sect as his own, sharing in its glory.

Faced with such a situation, as a disciple of Kunlun, he would not back down.

Offending someone? Sorry, being afraid only invites more trouble.

Xu You had no doubt that this piece of land was a test of Kunlun's bottom line by the Gu Shen Clan, and the bottom line was something that should not be tested.

The Sword Qi was solid and chilling, and in an instant, another layer was cut down.

At this moment, the elder Wu Gu Li wanted to make a move, but Qing Cang had already sensed it and instantly appeared by his side, sneering, "What's the matter, esteemed elder of the Gu Shen Clan? Trying to bully the weak?"

The voices were resolute, and the two elders' aura instantly soared, like a needlepoint against a wheat field.

At this moment, the surrounding area was already crowded with onlookers, especially the forces with dojos, who chose to record the situation here in the first place.

The Kunlun Immortal Sect had always been low-key and gentle for thousands of years. Now, such a strong stance was rare, and the opponent was the Gu Shen Clan, making it the hottest topic in Tianque City.

The collision between these two Transcendent Level forces was definitely important and must be recorded in detail.

Xu You continued to press down with the Sword Qi, cutting down another layer, leaving only three layers remaining.


At this moment, a pitch-black figure landed on Xu You's Sword Qi with a crisp sound, directly shattering it. Then, this black figure quickly disappeared.

Xu You turned his expressionless face to look. It was the elder Wu Zi who made the move.

The black shadow was shot out from his sleeve, and Xu You keenly sensed that it was some kind of gu worm that the other party had refined.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei stepped forward and stood beside Xu You.

The latter smiled faintly, "Senior Sister doesn't need to make a move. Why use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? I'll handle it."

Seven Kills!

Xu You clapped his hands, and seven crimson fire spears hung behind him, all rushing towards the elder Wu Zi.

The terrifying high temperature on the seven fire spears almost ignited the air, and the surrounding temperature instantly rose sharply.

The elder Wu Zi looked at the seven spears with a daunting momentum rushing towards him, and his calm eyes changed slightly.

He quickly retreated, rapidly forming hand seals with both hands. Several black auras emerged like spirit snakes and fell on the fire spears, as if trying to bind them.

This technique did indeed cause the fire spears to pause slightly, but soon, the high temperature burned all these black auras to ashes, and the spears continued to press down on the elder Wu Zi like Mount Tai.

Faced with such an attack, the elder Wu Zi couldn't hide his clumsiness at this moment. He waved his sleeves, and a dense swarm of black beetles instantly surged out, forming a solid shield in front of him.

Then, another wave of beetles flew towards Xu You.

Xu You stood with his hands behind his back, watching these black armored beetles rushing towards him. The method was somewhat similar to the techniques of the Beast Control Sect.

But the difference between the two was like heaven and earth—one controlled insects, the other controlled beasts.

Soon, these beetles tightly wrapped around Xu You, and at the same time, the seven fire spears had collided with the beetle shield.


The spear and shield violently collided, raising a huge wave of hot air, and the aftermath of the battle swept in all directions.

Fortunately, the onlookers around were cultivators, and no one was affected. Moreover, the buildings were maintained by cultivators, so the damage from the battle was kept to a minimum.

As the flames dissipated, the beetle shield had been shattered, and three spears were missing, leaving only four.

The last four spears continued to charge towards the elder Wu Zi. At this moment, the witch beside him made a move.

Using the same technique as the elder Wu Zi, four black auras formed into ropes directly bound these four spears, and these black auras were obviously much tougher.

Tightly bound to the spears, she raised her hands, and these spears scattered and crashed onto the ground of the street with a loud noise.

The thick floor made of spiritual stones was smashed into four deep pits, from which flames and flying stones scattered, mixed with high temperatures, falling all around.

Like small meteorites falling to the ground, the surrounding cultivators all dodged and then looked at Xu You in astonishment.

The first Divine Ability displayed by a Four Realm cultivator actually had such great power, it was unbelievable.

Under the gaze of many eyes, the beetles on Xu You's body were burned to ashes in a very short time, and now Xu You was covered in spiritual flames.

The Seven Kills not only excelled in the killing power of the Fire Spear, but also perfectly matched the extreme yang attribute of the Nine Yang Spirit Body, making it impervious to evil.

These black beetles couldn't get close to Xu You at all, especially since the Dao Foundation and strength of the witch were clearly inferior to Xu You's.

So what if she was a witch? So what if she was a Son of Fortune from the Gu Shen Clan? Xu You was now specialized in killing geniuses!

After his vision cleared, Xu You looked at the deep pits around him, then squinted his eyes at the witch with a peculiar exotic style.

The fact that this person could resolve his Seven Kills Fire Spear in such a way was unexpected to Xu You, and from this alone, she was not inferior to Huiming.

Xu You glanced at Qing Cang, only to see him still calmly looking in his direction, without any intention of dissuading him.

Maintaining a standoff with Gu Guli, Xu You had the intention of doing whatever he wanted. Seeing this, he had a plan in mind.

This matter had to be handled with madness.

Xu You clapped his hands again, "Mirror Flower Water Moon!"

The dazzling two hundred Sword Qi became even more imposing in the narrow space, forming an array above, reflecting the light brilliantly.

The witch and the witcher's faces changed drastically. She didn't understand the mysteries of the Mirror Flower Water Moon, but she felt that it was two hundred Sword Qi fully unleashed by Four Realm cultivators.

How could she resist such power head-on? Without thinking, the two of them immediately retreated.

Xu You pressed his hands together, and the two hundred Sword Qi swept towards the two of them, then he didn't bother to look at them.

The bright red Pure Yang True Sword stood in his hand, and Xu You continued to slash towards the Daoist Hall expressionlessly.

The fiery Sword Qi, carrying the scorching high temperature of molten lava, easily cut through the remaining floors. Xu You's control of spiritual power was delicate, not an inch more or less, leaving a neat one-yard wide strip of land.

The cut wood was burned to ashes by the flames, leaving a deep black crack on the ground, completely dividing the two Daoist Halls.

The majestic sword aura of the Pure Yang True Sword lingered, and Xu You stood with the sword, like a young sword immortal.

On the other side, the witch and the witcher, covered by the Mirror Flower Water Moon formation, also emerged unscathed.

Only one Sword Qi was fatal, but the two of them successfully joined forces to resolve it, although they felt somewhat heavy in their hearts, having been played around by Xu You just now.

Looking again, their Daoist Hall had been forcibly cut off by one yard by Xu You.

Being young and full of vitality, the witcher felt extremely humiliated. He directly bit his tongue and sprayed out a mouthful of blood, then pointed his hands in a strange posture at his chest.

A reddish-black, snake-like gu worm emerged, with a flickering golden light at its head and an aura reminiscent of the primordial wilderness.

Immediately, the witcher's hands quickly formed seals, and the blood mist he sprayed was absorbed into the body of the black snake. Soon, the body of the black snake swelled up.

When it reached a yard in length, it directly turned into a black stream of light and shot towards Xu You, its speed so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye.

Even though Xu You reacted quickly, he only had time to form seals with both hands and instantly unleash the Vajra Bell.

The black creature slammed into the Vajra Bell, causing Xu You to take several steps back, its power extremely fierce.

Having succeeded in one strike, the black creature stopped its body and circled around the Vajra Bell, seeking a better opportunity.

Xu You remained expressionless. He directly withdrew the Vajra Bell with a wave of his hand. Seeing this, the black creature once again turned into a stream of light and shot towards Xu You.

At this moment, a faint amber color surged in Xu You's eyes. Under the activation of the Barrier Breaking Law Eye, the extremely fast black creature appeared to be in slow motion to him.


Xu You held the Pure Yang True Sword in a reverse grip and elegantly slashed vertically at the snake's head.

With the activation of the Nine Yang Dao Foundation, the Pure Yang True Sword was invincible, and it directly cut the black snake into two halves, its burning flames instantly reducing its body to ashes.


The carefully cultivated gu worms were crushed and scattered by Xu You like chopping vegetables, causing severe backlash to the witch's spiritual connection and shattering his proud Dao heart with Xu You's sword.

Although he had always considered himself a genius in the clan since childhood, he was powerless against cultivators of the same realm, especially someone he had never even heard of before.

The despair caused by this gap combined with his injuries made the witch spit out several mouthfuls of blood, leaving him almost paralyzed on the ground.

Xu You was not a kind person. The witch had just summoned the Black Snake to kill him, so naturally he wouldn't be polite.

After dealing with the Black Snake, Xu You disappeared in an instant.

The next second, he appeared by the witch's side, with the Pure Yang Sword hanging at the witch's neck.

The speed was so fast that even the nearby priestesses didn't react in time.

The scorching spiritual flame burned the witch's neck red, and the sharp blade had already pierced his skin, causing blood to flow out and instantly evaporate.

"How dare you!" Witch Gu Li shouted explosively, and also appeared next to Xu You in an instant, his claws fiercely grabbing towards Xu You.

Elder Qing Cang also followed immediately, grabbing the witch's wrist in time, and then whispered to Xu You, "Hold back."

Upon hearing this, Xu You stopped pushing the blade forward, and expressionlessly glanced at Gu Li, who was close by with a grim face, then looked at the witch and the priestesses who were ready to attack. He slowly retracted the Pure Yang Sword.

At the moment when the Pure Yang Sword was put away, the air on the entire street cooled down.

The witch's face turned pale, and blood continued to flow from his neck.

At this moment, Xu You reached out his right hand and took a wooden pillar, deftly carving it with his fingers. The wood chips flew, quickly turning into a wooden sword several zhang long.

Xu You placed the wooden sword on the boundary line, and his index finger touched the blade, sending a touch of Sword Qi into it.

The plain wooden sword immediately became spirited, standing on the boundary line enveloped in Sword Qi.

"Within this boundary is the Kunlun Immortal Sect's dojo. Anyone who crosses this boundary without reason will be killed without mercy!" Xu You's voice was clear.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu You stepped aside, leaving the stage to Elder Qing Cang.

The latter glanced around indifferently, said nothing, and directly summoned the flying boat to take Xu You and the others away from the scene.

Gu Li reached out to support the witch, treating his injuries while casting a sinister gaze in the direction the flying boat had left. The priestess also stared at the flying boat, her eyes flickering.

The onlookers around didn't leave immediately. They were all discussing Xu You and the wooden sword that served as a boundary marker with great interest.

The battle just now was still vivid in their minds. The combat skills of this young cultivator at the level of a prodigy had shattered the understanding of many people, especially those cultivators with mediocre abilities.

One person fought against the witch and the priestess of the Gu God Clan! It was an explosive kill!

The only thing they could compare with Xu You was their cultivation level, but their combat power was not even worth mentioning. They wouldn't even be able to withstand a casual Sword Qi from Xu You.

This display of dominance and arrogance by Xu You had won the recognition of many young cultivators.

The Kunlun Immortal Sect, as the oldest Immortal Gate, deserved its reputation. The dojo of the Kunlun Immortal Sect became even more lively, as the demonstration of strength was the best form of publicity.

On the other hand, the faces of the Gu God Clan members were all gloomy. Seeing the building that had been cut down by a zhang in public made them feel extremely humiliated.

"Elder, should we also destroy the dojo of the Kunlun Immortal Sect?" someone angrily suggested to Gu Li.

Gu Li just gave the person a cold look and said, "Without orders from the clan, we can't do anything!"

After speaking, Gu Li left with the priestess and the witch.

"If you were to go all out against that Xu You, what are the chances of winning?" Gu Li asked the priestess on the way.

The priestess shook her head and smiled lightly.

Seeing this, Gu Li's eyes flickered slightly. As the most outstanding priestess among the young generation of the Gu God Clan, Gu Li was well aware of her potential and strength.

Gu Li remembered the name Xu You. He had been busy with things recently and didn't know that Xu You's name had become the talk of the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

At this moment, the witch beside him began to tremble violently, his face showing extreme pain, and the wound on his neck started to bleed again.

Gu Li quickly checked his condition and saw that there was Sword Qi wreaking havoc inside his body.

Wuguli immediately controlled this Sword Qi, looking at Wuzi's wound with a shocked expression.

Even such a residual strand of Sword Qi was so tenacious and powerful, with such destructive force, it was truly rare. Wuzi's loss was not unjust.

On the other side, on the flying boat, Xu You stood with a smile on his face, harmless and polite.

Qingcang smiled, his wrinkles showing a sense of relief as he looked at Xu You.

Xu You had interacted with him a few times during his time at Tianque, but this time he felt that Xu You was a talent that could be molded.

First, he had a background in Tongtian, second, his talent was unparalleled, and now he could be considered a genius in the Immortal Gate.

But he was always humble and polite, not arrogant, understanding boundaries, treating people sincerely, handling matters steadily, and being clever and quick-witted.

Most importantly, when it was time to show off, he had the demeanor of a young person.

Decisive in his actions, resolute in his decisions, ruthless in his attacks, while also considering the bottom line.

Such a young person could be evaluated as the future of the Immortal Gate, and Qingcang was naturally very pleased.

He didn't expect Xu You to grow so outstanding under Mo Yuhuang's guidance. If someone else had taken him under their wing, wouldn't Xu You be even more outstanding?

Thinking of Xu You's master, even Qingcang felt a headache. Mo Yuhuang didn't seem like someone who could be a master.

"You did well just now. When we return, I will commend you," Elder Qingcang said with a smile.

"Thank you, Elder," Xu You replied with a fist salute. "It was mainly because of what I learned in the office. Master Zhang and your experience have given me great inspiration."

Look, how many young people have such awareness?

Elder Qingcang increasingly felt that Xu You had a bright future. Zhang Wei, who was by Xu You's side, had never liked young people who were too steady and "worldly."

But with Xu You, everything made sense. His junior brother always gave people a unique impression that was hard to describe.

The matter with the Daoist Hall came quickly and was handled quickly. Xu You and his group returned to Kunlun Tower in no time.

Upon their return, Xu You noticed that the atmosphere was not right, very serious. Elder Qingcang was called away immediately.

Han Qianyue and Luo Kaiyang had also returned.

After learning about it, Xu You realized that some bad news had just arrived.

Jiushen County was the core county of Great Zhou, and with Tianque City standing here, there were quite a few forces scattered around the area.

These small and medium-sized forces were intertwined, and the key point was that they all had backers behind them, either officially recognized by Great Zhou or protected by major forces like Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Last night, two small forces under Kunlun Immortal Sect were completely wiped out.

The other party acted quickly and decisively, even without sending out a distress signal, they were completely wiped out. They had just received this news.

This kind of thing was extremely detrimental to Kunlun Immortal Sect, or to any major force for that matter.

If this matter was not handled properly, then the reputation of Kunlun Immortal Sect would be completely ruined. Who would dare to associate with them in the future?

Kunlun Tower in Tianque City was naturally responsible for this matter, hence the serious atmosphere.

However, they had just received this news and didn't know the specific situation yet, who did it, how they did it, and why they did it, etc., had not been clarified.

Xu You immediately thought of the land occupied by the Gu God Clan. He didn't know if these two incidents were related to the Gu God Clan.

Such incidents hadn't occurred in many years, and now three incidents had happened in one day, each one worse than the previous, each one challenging the authority of Kunlun Immortal Sect.

After a while, an order was issued by Zhang Changli. All disciples in Kunlun Tower were to put aside their current tasks and attend a meeting in the evening, unless there were special emergencies.

Elder Qingcang hurriedly came down again, calling Xu You and Zhang Wei to go out together, along with several other cultivators.

After going out, Elder Qingcang piloted the flying boat at the fastest speed towards the direction outside Tianque City.

They needed to go to those two places first to get a preliminary understanding of the situation.

Shen Family Manor was over a thousand miles away from Tianque City, located in the Tonglu Mountains. It was a prominent and influential family within a radius of hundreds of miles.

Many people knew that the Shen Family had the backing of Kunlun Immortal Sect, and their true responsibility was to mine and guard the Tonglu Mountains.

The Tonglu Mountains belonged to the peripheral extension of the Hengling Mountain Range, and there were two fire copper mines in the mountains, producing a large amount of fire copper.

(End of this chapter)

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