Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 132 Follow Mo Yuhuang To Kill People [Please Subscribe]

Chapter 132 Following Mo Yuhuang to Kill [Seeking Subscriptions]

地火铜 (Dihuo Copper) is a material used for artifact refining. Although it is not considered precious, it is in high demand for the production of Law Weapons.

Hundreds of years ago, Tonglu Mountain was an industry of Kunlun. The Shen family was established there, and at that time, the head of the family was an outstanding disciple of the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

After retiring from the front line, he branched out and expanded the Shen family. The Shen family has always been responsible for guarding Tonglu Mountain.

This situation is common for the Kunlun Immortal Sect, as there are many families like this.

Over the past few hundred years, with the support of the Kunlun Immortal Sect, the Shen family has prospered, and the current head of the family has reached the initial stage of the Five Realms.

With such strength, the Shen family can be considered a powerful force in the region. However, overnight, they were wiped out by someone, leaving no survivors.

When Xu You arrived at the Shen family's mansion on Tonglu Mountain, it was already in ruins. There were no traces left under the cover of a raging fire, only ashes scattered on the ground.

Elder Qingcang stood on the ruins with an unpleasant expression. Two middle-aged attendants immediately went into action, one investigating the ruins of the mansion, and the other investigating the Dihuo Copper mine in the underground cave.

Xu You and Zhang Wei stood behind Elder Qingcang, silently observing the situation.

After a while, the two attendants who had investigated returned, shaking their heads and reporting, "The enemy was clean and almost instantly turned the mansion into ruins. Moreover, the traces of magic were thoroughly cleaned up afterwards. With my abilities, I couldn't find any traces."

"The Dihuo Copper mine suffered heavy losses. The copper mined from the warehouse was looted, and the deeper parts of the mine were violently excavated and destroyed."

After listening to their answers, Elder Qingcang nodded and said, "Wait here, the people from the sect will come soon. They will thoroughly investigate the situation. Report any developments immediately, and if necessary, take action without hesitation."

"Yes." The two attendants saluted and accepted the order.

After giving these instructions, Elder Qingcang quickly led Xu You and Zhang Wei away from Tonglu Mountain to another location.

The next destination was a bit further from Tonglu Mountain, a journey of over two thousand li. However, with Elder Qingcang's flying boat, they quickly arrived at their destination.

This place was a fertile Spirit Field under the jurisdiction of the Kunlun Immortal Sect. It had a wide area and contained a good amount of spiritual energy. The spiritual soil here was fertile and produced a large amount of Spirit Rice, spiritual fruits, and spiritual herbs for the Immortal Gate every year.

Just like Tonglu Mountain, this place was also managed by a specialized family called the Lin family. This family was established by outer disciples of the Kunlun Immortal Sect many years ago and had been responsible for overseeing this Spirit Field for generations.

At this moment, Xu You stood on the ruins of the Lin family's mansion, just like the Shen family's mansion. There were no survivors.

After the investigation, no traces could be found, and the vast Spirit Field had been looted and destroyed, showing extremely malicious intent.

Elder Qingcang's expression was now very grim. He left the remaining two attendants, who were the most professional in Low Grade Immortal Gate, and then took Xu You and Zhang Wei back to Tianque City.

The attendants who were on duty in Tianque City were all capable individuals. Now that they couldn't find any useful information about this place, it could only mean one thing.

The culprit was extremely skilled and powerful, far beyond what ordinary bandits could achieve.

At night, the lights of the Kunlun Tower were bright, and people crowded together.

Moments like this, where almost everyone gathered, were rare, and it might not happen even once in several years. Now, all the Kunlun disciples in Tianque City were present.

The main entrance of the first floor was closed, and all external services were suspended. All cultivators stood in the lobby on the first floor, looking at Zhang Changli, who stood at the front of the stairs.

Due to his position as an attendant, Xu You stood in the first row, his gaze also fixed on Zhang Changli.

At this moment, Zhang Changli looked serious and exuded a powerful aura, completely different from his usual amiable appearance. This strong presence made his short stature appear much taller.

"Today, several unpleasant incidents have occurred, and I believe you all know about them. The Gushen Clan provoked us first, and then the Lin and Shen families were wiped out. Such acts are extremely malicious and have completely crossed our bottom line. Such incidents have not occurred in the past few hundred years.

Now, rumors are spreading in Tianque City, and I don't know how many people are spreading the word that our Immortal Gate is just like the powerful forces in history. They believe that we, who have only been around for less than five eras, will completely decline in this Great Dao era. There are even underground gambling dens that have started betting on this matter.

Regarding all of this, it is clear that someone is targeting us.

I never believe in anything that is considered inevitable, but the concept of the Five Ages is baseless talk. It is used by malicious individuals to disrupt the cohesion of Immortal Gate.

I believe everyone is aware of this and should discern carefully. We are all disciples of Immortal Gate, a community of destiny. Now, we are facing deliberate attacks from hidden enemies, so we must come together even more.

The message from the sect stated that we will spare no effort to quickly identify the culprits behind the annihilation of the sect. They will be dealt with strictly and severely, with blood for blood.

Immortal Gate will not let any force that serves Immortal Gate feel disheartened. We will make greater efforts to protect them from harm.

In addition, the sect also mentioned that there will be adjustments to the overall external policy from now on. When disciples of the sect encounter any behavior or provocation that is detrimental to Immortal Gate, they can take immediate action without waiting for permission.

No matter who the other party is or what their background is, if something happens, the sect will take responsibility for everyone.

We have been too mild for too long, and many people think we have lost our teeth.

From now on, everyone must be extra vigilant, especially when dealing with external matters. Special situations require special treatment.

Report any abnormal situations immediately.

After saying these words, Zhang Changli assigned additional responsibilities to each department before waving his hand to end the meeting.

Everyone returned to their positions, and Xu You and the other four young disciples of the sect also went upstairs.

"It seems like trouble is brewing," Han Qianyue said with some emotion. "I feel like we are being targeted by more than just one party. This is going to be difficult."

"Master Zhang just said that we need to be tough in our actions. Will that offend more people?" Luo Kaiyang asked hesitantly.

"Why are you being so timid? The more timid you are, the more others will think you're easy to bully. We've experienced the Five Ages in Kunlun. What kind of situation haven't we seen? Are you afraid of such trivial matters?" Han Qianyue said with confidence.

"No, I just think it's better to be more stable."

"Stable? When others are already stepping on your head and defecating, you still want to be stable? In my opinion, we need to be even more ruthless. Otherwise, people won't be able to distinguish between the big and small kings." Han Qianyue said domineeringly.

Xu You just smiled and didn't respond. He would follow the overall guidelines set by the higher-ups. Such incidents would indeed bring psychological pressure to the disciples of Kunlun Immortal Sect.

After all, no force has survived the Five Ages before, and this historical experience naturally shakes the hearts of these disciples.

If they don't handle this situation firmly now, their unity will crumble.

The sect also had this in mind. Even if they become enemies with the whole world, at least their cohesion will be strengthened. As long as their cohesion is strengthened, they will have great potential.

Therefore, Xu You was not surprised at all that Kunlun Immortal Sect would adjust its external policy. In the era of the Great Dao, if you are not tough, you will be destroyed.

Xu You was deep in thought about his future journey. Unconsciously, he arrived in front of his room. As soon as he pushed the door open, a familiar and unique fragrance immediately filled his nostrils.

Xu You didn't react immediately. He looked up in a daze and saw a charming purple figure.

Mo Yuhuang was still lying on the bed in her unique posture, her thin purple robe outlining her amazing curves and fullness.

Her skin was delicate and snow-white, as pure and flawless as beautiful jade.

Xu You didn't expect Mo Yuhuang to suddenly appear, lying so seductively on his bed.

If she lies comfortably like this and leaves later, it would be difficult for him to bear smelling her fragrance every day on his bed.

His master doesn't consider his feelings at all! She only cares about her own comfort and doesn't have any sense of boundaries or propriety.

"You're back. Come here," Mo Yuhuang lazily looked at Xu You and lightly tapped the edge of the bed with her right hand.

Then she pulled the blanket over herself, as if she really wanted to infuse Xu You's bedding with her scent.

Xu You closed the door and locked it before reluctantly walking over and sitting by the bed.

Looking down at his master, with her lying on her side, her two big elders were squeezed together uncomfortably.

To be honest, these two elders should be heavy. Carrying such heavy burdens every day is indeed tiring. No wonder Mo Yuhuang always asks him to massage her shoulders.

He asked, "Master, why did you suddenly come?"

"To kill a few people," Mo Yuhuang yawned.

Xu You was taken aback, "Who are you going to kill?"

"We'll kill whoever is responsible for the annihilation of the sect once we find out." Mo Yuhuang maintained her lazy tone.

Xu You realized how seriously the sect regarded this matter. They even had their revered master personally take action.

"Come, help me massage my shoulders," Mo Yuhuang said.

Xu You obediently moved up a bit and gently massaged Mo Yuhuang's fragrant shoulders with both hands.

In fact, many times, what Mo Yuhuang thought was punishment for Xu You was actually a real reward.

Just like now, on the surface, Xu You was exhausted from massaging her, but in reality, both the tactile feedback and the feedback from this angle of vision made Xu You feel physically and mentally pleased.

"Let me see your aptitude, have you been practicing well recently?" Mo Yuhuang began the old routine again.

"Master, please restrain yourself. There are many people here, and it's not good for others to see," Xu You stopped the other's sinful hands.

"Hmm? Am I afraid of that?"

Mo Yuhuang suddenly sat up, and this sudden movement caused Xu You's hands to pull down sharply, even grazing the elder's "nose" slightly.

Xu You was startled and thought about the ripples that had just flowed through his fingertips, feeling a bit flustered.

But it seemed that Mo Yuhuang didn't notice this. She just angrily stared at Xu You.

"You've grown up, your wings have hardened, right! Do you know what I did for you a few days ago?"

"Huh?" Xu You was confused. He hadn't had any formal communication with Mo Yuhuang in the past few days. How could she have done something for him?

Mo Yuhuang looked at Xu You, hesitated for a moment, and finally didn't dare to tell the truth.

That day, she had a final gamble with Yun Yanjin, and with her intelligence and wit, she saw that the three of them were colluding against her.

Then Mo Yuhuang planned to "fight fire with fire".

Yes, Mo Yuhuang never cheated in gambling, even if she lost, she wouldn't cheat. That was her moral bottom line.

But how could she let her beloved disciple go out?

At that time, Mo Yuhuang did everything she could to cheat, even if she didn't cheat, but unfortunately, she still lost.

Because her cheating skills were not up to par, she was caught cheating on the spot. Her reputation was almost ruined.

But at that time, Mo Yuhuang directly accused the three of them of colluding, but there was no actual evidence.

In the end, Mo Yuhuang fought against the three of them alone.

In the end, both sides compromised, and Mo Yuhuang said that when Xu You finished his duty in Tianque City, he could come to Joyous Union Sect as a guest.

Of course, Yun Yanjin swore by the Great Dao and promised Mo Yuhuang that he wouldn't do anything to Xu You, let alone harm him. He just wanted an outstanding junior to set an example.

With the support of Huo Louzhu and Taiping Daoren, Mo Yuhuang finally agreed to this request.

In order not to lose her beloved disciple, Mo Yuhuang did put in a lot of effort, which led to the sentence she just said.

But it was not good to explain this to Xu You at this point. After all, her behavior was a bit foolish, because she was careless and almost let him be taken away by an old woman to be her husband.

But fortunately, with her bravery and decisiveness, she ultimately saved her beloved disciple from danger.


"In any case, you just need to know one thing, I have done a lot for you! When you didn't know!" Mo Yuhuang emphasized.

"I understand." Xu You obediently nodded and didn't argue with Mo Yuhuang's unreasonable behavior. "Master, if you want to check my aptitude, just do it lightly."

"It's too late now, I'm not interested anymore." Mo Yuhuang waved her hand, then raised an eyebrow. "Wait, did you touch something you shouldn't have just now?"

Xu You was stunned, his face slightly dazed. Mo Yuhuang's reflex arc was too long. How long had it been?

How the hell do I explain this?

Just when Xu You was embarrassed, Mo Yuhuang spoke with a serious tone, "You're still young, and I can understand your youthful vigor. But you still need to be more careful in your daily life.

Do you do anything harmful to your body?"

"No, how is that possible! I absolutely don't!" Xu You quickly explained.

"Really?" Mo Yuhuang looked at Xu You with suspicion. "When you were in seclusion, I paid a lot of attention. Lao Lu also cared about you. He said, um, he said that you would do things that are not good for your body when you were practicing."

Xu You was stunned for a moment, then instantly became angry and embarrassed.

"Master, you're spying on me!"

"Don't overreact like that. How could I possibly be spying on you?" Mo Yuhuang waved his hand, feeling a bit guilty. "I'm just supervising you."

"Master, you're being unfair! And you're blaming everything on Elder Lu." Xu You felt a bit frustrated.

Yes, he admitted that he would make dumplings during his closed-door cultivation, but it was a desperate measure.

As a chosen cultivator on Azure Lotus, he had to regularly make dumplings to support his year-round cultivation.

He did it purely for the progress of his cultivation, but he didn't expect Mo Yuhuang to find out about it.

The thought of this possibility made Xu You even more embarrassed, and he wanted to find a tofu to smash himself with.

"Don't be nervous." Seeing Xu You's strong reaction, Mo Yuhuang was also taken aback.

Previously, Xu You had always been like a beloved disciple, and he had never seen such a big reaction before. It seemed that he had really embarrassed him.

It's such a small matter, children really have a temper.

Of course, Mo Yuhuang didn't spoil Xu You either. He raised an eyebrow and said, "What, are you using anger to cover up your little actions towards me just now?"

"I didn't, it was you who suddenly got up and accidentally bumped into me."

"Hmm? Really?" Mo Yuhuang looked at Xu You suspiciously. "Did you really touch me just now?"

Xu You's expression froze, and he nervously replied, "I don't understand what you're talking about, I was just going along with what you said. I don't know anything about whether I touched you or not."

With that statement, the atmosphere in the room became even more awkward.

Mo Yuhuang stared at his disciple, who was no longer a child, with a serious gaze. The thoughts of young people were dangerous now.


The jade talisman on Mo Yuhuang's waist suddenly vibrated, interrupting the slightly awkward atmosphere.

Mo Yuhuang took off the communication jade talisman and looked at the message inside. Soon, her eyebrows raised, and she stood up and said,

"Let's go, come with me."

"Where are we going? Is it to find the person who attacked?" Xu You stood up and asked.

"Yes." Mo Yuhuang nodded. "We found them, both factions. I'm responsible for dealing with the faction that destroyed the Shen family."

Xu You marveled at the speed of the Kunlun Immortal Sect. It hadn't even been a day, and they had already identified the people behind such a well-planned operation.

The strength of this long-established faction was truly formidable.

"What about the Lin family?" Xu You asked.

"Fang Kaiyang will handle it." Mo Yuhuang said.

Xu You was surprised. It turned out to be Fang Kaiyang! This big shot with the same name as Luo Kaiyang was not to be underestimated.

As the Peak Master of the Black Tortoise Peak in the Black Tortoise Hall, his strength ranked among the top in the sect, and his reputation was no less than Mo Yuhuang's.

Xiao Yuhe, the true disciple he had taught, was also ranked third in the sect, serving as a benchmark for young cultivators in the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

By sending Mo Yuhuang and Fang Kaiyang, these two strategic-level powerhouses, the sect's intentions were clear—they would not tolerate whoever was behind this, no matter who they were.

"Master, how many people are we taking with us?" Xu You continued to ask.

"Just the two of us." Mo Yuhuang replied naturally.

"What? Just the two of us?" Xu You was shocked and quickly said, "Master, you're strong, but I can't do it. It would be a burden if I went alone."

"I didn't ask you to take action. Just watch from the side and record my actions." Mo Yuhuang waved her hand nonchalantly.

"And I have to record your actions."

"If we don't record, how can we use it as a warning to others? They've bullied us, do they think they can get away with it?" Mo Yuhuang sneered.

"Alright, Master, I will definitely record your actions well." Xu You could only obediently nod his head in the end. He couldn't join the fight now, but he was good at recording actions.

He would definitely record his master's demeanor from multiple angles.

(End of this chapter)

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