Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 177 Chapter 195 196 Aunt Huangfu Lan, Very Smooth! He Liansheng's Talker Xu You

Chapter 177 Chapter 195 196 Aunt Huangfu Lan, very smooth! He Liansheng's talker Xu You

Three days later, Xu You finally ended this Great Dao practice.

After sorting out the talismans these days, I also learned some five-level talismans with powerful auxiliary functions.

It took nearly a month to learn the Great Dao, but the hard work paid off. The person I am now is not the person I was a month ago.

With the addition of Fu Dao, it can be said that his strength has undergone a qualitative transformation.

Xu You left the shabby hilltop that he had ruined with satisfaction, and immediately returned to his room in Kunlun Tower.

After cleaning himself up, he came out in high spirits.

During this period, he was basically isolated from the world, and he didn't pay attention to the matters assigned to him by Kunlun Tower.

Han Qianyue helped him deal with most of them. Han Qianyue, who used his name to go whoring in Feixuanlou every day, naturally helped him with these things.

Xu You didn't intend to report his Talisman progress to Zhang Changli, if he knew that he had cultivated the Talisman to this extent in such a short period of time.

Xu You was afraid that his fat uncle, his blood pressure, wouldn't be able to hold on anymore. Furthermore, such a fast speed is truly astonishing.

If you practice kendo yourself, you can still say that you have high talent. In addition, kendo itself is relatively pure, and you can use your own understanding to deal with it.

The Fu Dao is an absolutely complex Great Dao, with complicated and vast content. It is a Great Dao pieced together with countless details.

Therefore, there is no need to let Zhang Changli know his current level, which can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble, and then reveal it to the other party slowly and little by little.

It won't hurt so much when you cut the flesh with a knife.

As soon as he left the customs, Xu You found a lot of messages floating in front of the door, a lot of them personal and public.

The most eye-catching one is Luo Qiaoqiao's fatal serial call. Xu You opened it a little and saw that they were all scolding him and asking himself why he was ignoring people.

That's right, I forgot to tell someone before retreating. Later, he had to rely on his own three-inch tongue to satisfy Luo Qiaoqiao.

After that, Baek Keun Suk sent him several messages.

First, Ding Qing developed three adult Divine Weapons during this period. After Baek Keun Suk tried it himself, he was shocked and said that it will definitely be a big hit!

Then it opened the next day, and sure enough, it was an instant hit on the opening day, and it was even more popular for seven or eight days in a row. No matter how high the price was, the supply was still in short supply.

In the end, we had to temporarily close the store a few days ago because the industrial chain could not keep up, and Ding Qing's productivity alone was limited. Later, Baek Keun Suk used a lot of money to corrupt many of Ding Qing's brothers.

Despite this, production capacity still cannot keep up. And because he was too hot, he attracted the attention of the door. Before sending an investigation team down, Baek Keun Suk decisively closed the store first to protect his own safety.

When I thought of a better way to open the store, I was really caught off guard by the popularity.

Furthermore, Ding Qing and his fellow disciples also aroused the suspicion of the elders in the peak, because although these Divine Weapons had been specially adjusted by Ding Qing, it was still possible to tell in subtle ways that they came from the refining techniques of Azure Dragon Peak.

Based on these two reasons, Baek Keun Suk could only reluctantly make this decision.

The second thing is that after this period of careful polishing, Qin Long’s first real image was finally released three days ago!

Previously, Xu You and Baek Keun Suk invested all of their net worth, borrowed a lot, and even invested all the profits from the adult store during that period.

This was enough to support the flow of funds for the real-life shooting. If it were a few days later, Baek Keun Suk would have to sell his butt.

Of course, the results were explosive!

As soon as this movie called "Friends of the Master" came out, it exploded in the underground black market!

It's been a long time since the last time Qin Long released a real-life image. These days they are in desperate need of food, so they sold out as soon as they were released!

Of course, piracy is also rampant these days.

The original version of Qin Long is still slightly expensive, so naturally there are countless pirated copies.

However, the genuine image has the special spiritual mark left by Qin Long, which cannot be pirated. Therefore, there are still many loyal fans who support Qin Long’s genuine products, and the sales volume is very impressive.

In just three days, Xu You didn't know how much money he had made.

Of course, the money will definitely not flow into his pocket, but into the underground underworld.

Previously, Xu You asked Wu Bufan to start an underground force, and after a lot of trouble, it was finally done.

Wu Bufan was originally from the Demon League, so he was very clear about the twists and turns and processes involved. In addition, he had the Sixth Realm Late Stage cultivation, so his strength was completely sufficient.

Founded an underground black market force named He Liansheng.

Of course, this name was naturally chosen by Xu You. Wu Bufan didn't understand the reason and just followed it. He is responsible for being the legal person and boss.

He Liansheng is a "skinny force", mainly used to make these shady profits.

Qin Long Shixiang's financial transactions are basically transferred between this and Liansheng's accounts.

There are many such underground forces, and basically nothing will happen. Even if something happens, it will not be traced to Xu You.

Moreover, Xu You has plans to open an account at Jubao Pavilion and connect it with Liansheng's account. Of course, there must be a series of "cleansing" methods in the process.

Jubao Pavilion is professional in this regard and will charge a commission of 0.50% to help wash it.

Third, Baek Keun Suk is coming to Tianque City. He happened to leave last night and should arrive today. According to him, he wanted to take advantage of the vacuum period when the store was closed to inspect Tianque City.

He also wants to open an adult store here in Tianque City. Tianque is the largest city on the Heavenly Continent in Middle-earth, and countless monks come and go every day.

If you can open an adult store here, you can imagine how popular it will be, and you will definitely be able to make a lot of money every day.

And if the business is good, we can directly open more branches in Tianque City. Tianque City has such a vast territory that it can open many adult stores.

After monopolizing Tianque City, we will then use Tianque City as the core to radiate and continuously open up new cities and new markets.

The most important thing is that if the market opens in Tianque City, there will be no pressure to be immoral at all. Tianque City is the most tolerant city, with all walks of life blooming.

Moreover, as long as confidentiality is maintained, Kunlun will not be able to find out. Ding Qing and his brothers can continue to produce goods for sale here with peace of mind.

Baek Keun Suk's mind has jumped directly out of Kunlun and spread his sight to the entire Immortal Cultivation World.

The future blueprint he drew for Xu You was quite recognized by Xu You. Genshuo was not just playing tricks on a whim.

He is a serious thinker, with a series of plans and complements.

Needless to say, Xu You quite believes in Baek Keun Suk's talent in this area. His previous pure love for rats and his own pig sperm whip are enough to prove that Baek Keun Suk has a business-minded brain.

But now that Xu You has become very familiar and happy in Tianque City, many things are no longer a problem. There are many ways to complete the opening of an adult store here.

After putting down Baek Keun Suk's message, Xu You felt a little emotional. Geun Suk, he can handle it. His ability to do things is quite strong. With him here, I can rest assured.

Then, Xu You began to look at the major events that happened in the past month.

After the Wu Gu Conference came to a perfect conclusion, there was naturally a lot of news in the follow-up. This event was quite successful for the Gu God Clan.

The popularity immediately opened up again, and the discussion remained high. Those eight lucky wretches have arrived "safely" in the Gu God Clan's territory.

The latter has already started the process of cultivating Gu worms for them.

The Witch and Gu Conference came to an end first, and then came the Penglai Immortal Society, which was much larger than the Witch and Gu Conference.

All the newspapers are full of news about the Penglai Immortal Society, a grand gathering held every thirty years. This is a grand gathering for young monks in the entire Divine Continent.

This year’s event was held in Tianque and was organized with the help of Sword Sect. You can imagine how lively it was.

As early as twenty days ago, when Xu You began to retreat, a considerable number of monks from the Penglai Immortal Society had already come to Tianque City to start the preliminary preparations for the Immortal Society.

Many Penglai disciples have come one after another these days, and they are all starting to prepare for this grand event.

Sword Sect also has a large number of disciples coming to assist in the preparation work. Dazhou officials gave the green light to everything and assisted in the preparations.

It can be said that during this period, almost all major events in Tianque City were inseparable from the four words Penglai Xianhui.

Countless young disciples began to come from all continents and thousands of miles away to prepare to participate in the Fairy Fair.

The time for the Fairy Fair has now been finalized. In ten days, the Fairy Fair will be officially held.

It can only be said that the cards are stacked. One is the big brother among the five sects, and the other is the strongest among the seven sects. The joint hosting of the powerful ones can indeed make the entire Shenzhou tremble.

Apart from this biggest thing, the rest are the different situations of various forces.

Xu You watched the news about these forces at a glance. Since the beginning of the Great Dao era, collisions between various forces have begun to show an upward trend.

One of the items that caught Xu You's attention was about the Profound Transcendence Valley. Last month, the Profound Transcendence Valley suddenly annexed two large evil forces.

The strength has been greatly improved.

This made Xu You a little surprised. One of these two major forces was affiliated with the Hengmeng League and the other was a demonic force. Both forces have strong men from the seventh realm of Heavenly Dao Realm.

It was directly annexed by Profound Transcendence Valley.

Xu You still has a deep understanding of Profound Transcendence Valley. Before, he was a disciple of Profound Transcendence Valley for the first time.

I don't have the slightest fondness for this force that likes to bully others. After all, the Profound Transcendence Valley was split off from the Joyous Union Sect.

He is very powerful, otherwise he would not have been able to live happily for so many years without being destroyed.

It is not difficult for Profound Transcendence Valley to swallow up these two forces. What is difficult is that these two forces are indifferent, as if they have no intention of causing any trouble for Profound Transcendence Valley.

This made Xu You vaguely feel that something was wrong. Of course, he couldn't care about this kind of thing, but he just kept it in his heart.

After that, after reading all the information that should be read, Xu You went downstairs and went out.

As soon as he left the streets of Kunlun Tower and entered the main city, Xu You clearly felt that the surroundings were different from when he was in seclusion before.

There is obviously a lot more ethereal fairy energy, and the quality of the young monks coming and going around is much higher than before.

This is probably the change that Penglai Immortal Society will bring to Tianque City.

Soon, Xu You came to a spacious street in XC District, and finally stopped in front of a three-story attic.

There is a plaque hanging on the attic with the words "He Liansheng" written on it.

This is the entrance to the underground force and Liansheng established by Xu You through Wu Bufan. After all, it is a serious force, and the office will always have one.

Of course, on the surface, this is the only one who supports the scene. Since its establishment, there have been only a few people.

Wu Bufan just casually recruited some monks who were quick in work and flexible in thinking. They were not considered a serious force at the moment. It is considered a comprador group.

Xu You walked into the hall. There was no outsider in the huge hall. Wu Bufan was sitting behind the counter drinking and eating.

"Elder Wu, it's so comfortable." Xu You smiled and stepped forward to sit across from him.

"Young master is here, but you didn't say anything in advance." Wu Bufan immediately poured Xu You a glass of wine and said with a smile, "I don't have any hobbies.

Before I started practicing Buddhism, I liked to drink some wine and eat some side dishes when I had nothing to do. No, this habit continues to this day and I can’t change it. "

"Good habits, good wine." Xu You drank the wine in one gulp and praised.

"Young master, you have something to do when you come here this time?" Wu Bufan asked.

Xu You nodded and said, "Go and sort out all the accounts, and then go to Jubao Pavilion with me. I will open an account there today, and then you will do the transfer, and the money will end up at Jubao Pavilion." side."

"I understand." Wu Bufan has been in the Demon League for so many years and knows all the underground rules. Naturally, he knows that what Xu You is thinking now is money laundering.

In fact, he also knew where the funding for Heliansheng he founded came from, which was Qin Long's gray income from shooting real images.

He, Wu Bufan, never dreamed that Xu You, as the most valued disciple of Kunlun at the moment, would secretly let Qin Long take pictures of peachy girls to make money for himself.

This kind of operation directly refreshed Wu Bufan's outlook on life. He was a young master who was really surprising.

All I can say is that he is an unusual talent that I have never seen before. In fact, it's not bad to hang out with Xu You, who is both good and evil.

I'm even more glad that I'm hanging out with Xu You now. The Chijin Sect has been destroyed. If I hadn't taken that mission, wouldn't it have been in the battle to destroy the sect?

Therefore, Wu Bufan has now adapted to his role as Xu You's servant. Many times, he even inexplicably feels that Xu You will take him to the top of his life in the future?

My mentality has long since calmed down and it belongs to me.

Wu Bufan worked very quickly and quickly took out all the financial information related to Liansheng. There are various vouchers available.

Of course, these are underground vouchers and can only be exchanged in underground banks.

Official Shenzhou coins on the ground cannot be exchanged. It can only be redeemed after being cleaned by a serious institution like Jubao Pavilion.

"Let's go." Xu You immediately stood up and walked out. Wu Bufan followed immediately.

After leaving the attic, Xu You looked back at the plaque, then at Wu Bufan, and suddenly said, "Does Elder Wu like fishing?"

"I do like it."

"Remember to wear a helmet when fishing in the future."

"Ah? Master, what do you mean by that?"

"It's not interesting. How can anyone fish without a helmet?"

"Okay, sir, I understand." Wu Bufan nodded lightly. In fact, he didn't understand anything.

Sometimes, Xu You would always say something that he didn't understand, including why he gave his own force such a weird name as Liansheng.

Of course, although Wu Bufan had doubts, he never asked more questions. Xu You said it was whatever he said.

Jubao Pavilion is a Transcendent Level force that spans the five major divine continents, and is also a permanent neutral force. It involves and covers countless industries.

It covers almost all the needs of immortal cultivators. Except for some monks who are short of money, almost all those who have the ability will open an account in Jubao Pavilion.

Of course, the price of opening an account is high, and ordinary monks cannot afford it, especially since these accounts have different levels. The higher the level, the smaller the number, and the more expensive the price.

Despite this, countless capable immortal cultivators will try their best to open a high-level account.

There is no flaw in privacy and security. Jubao Pavilion never cares about customers' affairs, only doing business.

The headquarters of Jubao Pavilion in Tianque City is located in the most prosperous area of ​​​​the central city, directly occupying an area of ​​dozens of acres, and has built a building as high as twenty stories.

When Xu You came to this building, he was really shocked. Such a big and tall building is indeed rare.

The most important thing is that the whole body is made of extremely expensive spiritual wood, which is full of fragrance.

These aromas are emanated from these spiritual trees, the kind that can easily lead a mortal to live a hundred years if he smells them for a long time.

The design of the entire building is also full of artistry. Its appearance is oval and gold-shaped, and there is a huge square area in the middle of the building.

From a distance, it looks like a piece of Transcendent Level money, like a bright pearl embedded in Tianque City.

Every inch of spiritual wood has been carefully carved, and every stone has been finely polished. Under the illumination of light, the whole body exudes a charming brilliance, just like a fairy palace.

To be able to build such a loft in a place like the central area of ​​Tianque City, where land is so valuable, it can only be said that the financial resources of the Jubao Pavilion are unimaginably amazing.

The cost of this loft is an astronomical figure that Xu You cannot even imagine.

"This chief rudder is indeed extraordinary." Wu Bufan on the side sighed with emotion.

He also has an account in Jubao Pavilion, but the general helmsman responsible for the market in the entire Middle-earth Heaven Continent has never been here. The ones I went to before were all under the jurisdiction of the branch.

After Xu You looked at it for a while, he walked directly into the building.

If it covers an area of ​​dozens of acres, it may not appear very large if it is empty, but if buildings are built and the areas are separated, it can only be described as huge.

This was Xu You's first time in such a large building, and after entering, he felt insignificant.

The interior decoration of the attic is even more amazing, with a landscape painting hanging upside down in the center of the hall.

Well, it is a real landscape, a small hill several feet high, with a meandering water basin on it, and various small and spiritual animals swimming on it.

There are many screens around, and all kinds of expensive wood carvings or jade carvings are scattered everywhere. What stands out is that I have a very wealthy temperament.

Seeing Jubao Pavilion's strong financial resources, Xu You felt relieved at this moment. By cooperating with such a force, he would no longer have to worry about money issues in the future.

Soon, a maid wearing a cheongsam style came over. Although her cultivation was only at the second level, her image was excellent. No one could fault her figure, appearance or attitude.

She smiled like a spring breeze and bowed slightly to Wu Bufan, her posture full of respect. "Senior, is there anything I can do for you?"

Wu Bufan has a late stage cultivation level in the Sixth Realm. With this cultivation level, he can be absolutely respected anywhere in Shenzhou and he is a big customer.

The maid dare not neglect.

Wu Bufan took a step back and said, "Ask my young master."

The maid's face was startled, she quickly lowered her eyebrows and bowed her head, and saluted Xu You more respectfully.

If a Sixth Stage Late Stage monk is just a big customer, then a young man who can serve as a servant with such a level of cultivation is definitely the most Apex Level customer.

It can only be said that it is extremely rare for a few disciples of famous families to have great monks from the Sixth Realm Late Stage as their servants.

"Is Senior Huangfu Lan here?" Xu You asked with a smile.

"Yes, but Huangfu is in charge of her." The maid hesitated. No matter how powerful the young man in front of her was, there were rules in the Treasure Pavilion.

A general steward at the level of Huangfu Lan generally does not receive guests, only a very few who have received gold medals from her personally.

Xu You was so exquisite that he immediately saw the other person's thoughts and directly took out a gold medal and handed it to the other person.

After the latter took it, he glanced at it and immediately handed it back to Xu You. He bent at 90 degrees and said, "Young master, follow your maid."

Wu Bufan also looked at Xu You in shock. He thought Xu You was just opening a normal account, but he didn't expect to be able to directly take out Huangfu Lan's token.

Who is Huangfu Lan?

That was the chief coordinator of Jubao Pavilion in Tianzhou, China. In addition, his surname was Huangfu, which was the "leader's surname" in Jubao Pavilion.

It is conceivable how high his status is within Jubao Pavilion. He rarely receives people and only meets with a very small number of real bosses.

Wu Bufan felt a little emotional. The longer he followed Xu You, the more he became more and more admired. People really can't be compared with others.

There are no stairs inside the Jubao Pavilion, and small teleportation formations are used to go up to the first floor. Because each floor receives different guests.

The higher the rank, the more distinguished the guests are, so privacy must be taken care of naturally. Each teleportation array can only go to one floor, and is guarded by dedicated personnel.

The maid took Xu You to a very quiet teleportation point. Finally, a young woman who looked like a supervisor on the first floor came to receive Xu You personally and helped Xu You open the teleportation array.

Along the way, Xu You discovered a simple pattern. Most of the guests here are women, and they are the kind of Supreme Grade women.

There are everything from young girls to young women.

I have long heard that male monks are the main consumer in Jubao Pavilion. Now that I have seen so many female receptionists, Xu You believes this statement.

And Xu You also noticed that there were many male attendants who specially greeted female customers.

This Jubao Pavilion knows how to match men and women.

Soon, Xu You and Wu Bufan entered the teleportation array with the help of the young woman.

In the blink of an eye, Xu You arrived at the top floor.

Xu You was once again shocked by the luxurious and exquisite surroundings. The blankets on the floor were made of the skins of Demonic Beasts from the Five Realms.

Trench is inhumane.

The surroundings were very quiet, with no guests at all.

When Xu You first appeared, a maid came to greet her from the right. The quality of this maid was several notches higher than that of the one downstairs.

In terms of appearance alone, she is not inferior to Wu Yanluo, she is absolutely beautiful.

She bowed to Xu You respectfully and said, "Master, please follow me."

Xu You nodded slightly and walked deeper with the girl.

The long corridor is gentle, and there are many rooms on the road. Each room is sealed with a special formation.

Xu You knows that the top floor of every Jubao Pavilion office is where the chief steward lives for a long time. No one is allowed in or out except for receiving some necessary guests.

Because there are a lot of treasures and money stored here, after all, there are always some common trading items, as well as some rare items with high trading attributes.

There were countless rooms sealed by formations that we passed along the way. One can imagine how amazing the treasures contained in the main helm of the Treasure Pavilion in the Heavenly Continent of Middle-earth were.

After walking around for half a quarter of an hour, the maid finally brought Xu You to a large place similar to a living room. The layout was grand and feminine in style.

"Master, please come in. Steward Huangfu will be waiting for you inside." The maid pointed to the door on the right and said.

Xu You smiled, and when she was about to step in, the maid stretched out her hand to slightly stop Wu Bufan, who was about to follow, and said softly.

"The steward only sees the young master. I would like to ask you, senior, to wait here."

Wu Bufan didn't dare to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf here, so he immediately stopped obediently. Xu You didn't say anything. Go straight forward and push the door open.

As soon as he entered, a faint fragrance rushed into his nose, which was different from the fragrance of spiritual trees in the building.

This is a unique smell composed of specially made Qingning sandalwood and the unique fragrance of women. It smells a little bit heady.

The room is very large, with a special reception area on the right hand side, beautifully decorated, and many materials that Xu You can't even name, but can only feel the full aura coming from them.

The blanket laid on the ground is made of white fluffy animal skin. It is unknown what kind of Demonic Beast it is, but Xu You can tell that it is the skin of the Six Realm Demonic Beast.

Use the skin of the Demonic Beast of the Sixth Realm as a stepping stone? Outrageous!

There is a desk in the middle, and there is an incense burner on the table. The strange smell that Xu You smells comes from this incense burner.

Behind the table are some shelves with various books and various treasures.

On the left is a whole side of floor-to-ceiling window lattice settings, with an excellent view. Both the height and breadth are much better than the Kunlun Building.

Looking at the infinite scenery outside is refreshing.

At this moment, there is a beauty standing by the window. Her back is to Xu You. She is wearing a cheongsam-style nightgown made of Supreme Grade material. It looks very smooth and lustrous.

It is embroidered with exquisite patterns using gold thread.

The clothes are even more form-fitting, outlining the owner's terrifying curves. The curve of the back is delicate, and it suddenly sinks in when it reaches the waistline on both sides.

When it goes down to the buttocks, it becomes extremely exaggerated.

This extremely exaggerated body curve makes Xu You's vision look like a roller coaster.

The long hair is coiled on the head, which is a very popular hairstyle for ladies in the palace nowadays. The hairstyle is very elegant, and the golden hairpin is swaying on it.

This back view directly "killed" Xu You, and the aura of a lady couldn't stop gushing out.

Especially those two plump vaginas are extremely tempting. With this back exposed, all men who are good mature women can't control themselves.

No man can stand up to this, especially Xu You. He is a lover of mature aunties, and he really can’t stand it when he sees such an alluring figure from behind!

But Xu You still suppressed his thoughts and bowed politely, "I have met Senior Huangfu."

"Huh?" The woman hummed softly, stretched lazily, and then slowly turned around to face Xu You.

When Xu You saw the other party's face, he paused hard again.

The last time he saw her was at the imperial banquet a month ago. At that time, Xu You had a very deep impression of this woman whom he had only met once.

There are few women who can leave such a deep impression on Xu You in one meeting, and Huangfu Lan did it.

There was such a vigor and smell about her that Xu You was really unforgettable. It’s hard to describe the specific taste of Xu You.

Therefore, Xu You decided to come to Huangfu Lan to apply for the card.

Mo Yuhuang had told him to stay away from Huangfu Lan before, saying that she was a bad woman.

He, Xu You, wanted to see how bad this Huangfu Lan was, as if there was an evil voice in his heart telling him, "Sister, I'm bad!"

Well. Then it came.

Then I realized that I was right, because the Huangfu Lan in front of me still had this charming energy and flavor.

Her face was painted with light powder, and her lips were also painted with cherry red lipstick, making her look delicate and attractive.

His eyes are bright and lively, and there seems to be a magic power in them, but his lazy and shallow look reveals a different kind of charm that erodes the bones.

The eyebrows are long and thin, like distant mountains. The face is gentle and moist, the skin is so delicate and delicate, without any blemishes, the kind of white and tender skin that can hydrate with just a pinch.

There is an ornament on her slender and fair neck, which is an exquisite jade Buddha, because the front of her robe has a slightly inverted placket.

You can see some whiteness, some of the northern and southern hemispheres.

Therefore, this Jade Buddha is slightly stuck on the equator in the middle of the northern and southern hemispheres, giving it a full visual impact. Such great Buddhist principles are really rare.

The hands are slightly folded and placed in front of the flat and delicate waist and lower abdomen. The jade fingers are slender and soft, and there are some exquisite jewelry on the Hao wrists.

Further down is the pair of plump long legs, looming under the slit cheongsam.

On her feet she wears a pair of delicate shoes with patterns of flowers and birds. The arches of her feet are so beautiful that Xu You can tell through her shoes that they are a pair of food-grade feet.

The whole person exudes elegance and nobility. This is the unique confidence and magnanimity that one can only have after being pampered since childhood and growing up at the top of the food chain.

Damn woman.

How could there be such an attractive mature woman in this world?

With every frown and smile, that feminine humanity directly strangles Xu You.

After that, Huangfu Lan walked to the reception area with a swaying plump figure, and her long, straight, white and plump legs were rubbed together as they walked together.

The looming white at the side slit attracted Xu You's eyes to follow her.

(End of chapter)

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