Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 178 Chapter 197 798 Bad Woman! Being Manipulated By Huangfu Lan [Recommended To Watch] [Plea

Chapter 178 Chapter 197 798 Bad woman! Being manipulated by Huangfu Lan [Recommended to watch] [Please vote]

Every time Huangfu Lan takes a step, the twist between her hips and hips is just right and seductive. A little more is too coquettish, a little less is too soft.

Not too much, not too little, just right.

Every time he takes a step, the perfect arch in his small shoes will step on Xu You's heart.

"Sit, what are you doing standing there?" Huangfu Lan walked to the cushioned bench and sat down, crossing his legs and crossing his legs.

Xu You was stunned for a moment, and then quickly retracted his aesthetic gaze. Quickly walked to the opposite side and sat down.

As soon as I raised my head, my aesthetic vision came out again.

Huangfu Lan is currently sitting with her legs crossed. You know how attractive a pair of plump thighs are in this posture?

Coupled with the fair skin and delicate curves at the slits, the fullness overlaps and squeezes together, and the curves of the buttocks are suddenly exaggerated.

The most important thing is that Huangfu Lan's left shoe has been half taken off, only five toes are lightly hooked, and the jade foot is half exposed.

Gently hook the shoes and sway there.

The style was swaying crazily, Xu You's eyes were slightly lowered, looking at the beautiful swaying style.

"What are you looking at?" Huangfu Lan asked lightly, his voice starting to get rough.

Xu You raised his gaze without changing his expression and looked directly at Huangfu Lan's charming and stunning face, "Senior, I didn't see anything."

"You're dishonest." Huangfu Lan suddenly pressed forward, his silky clothes immediately pressed down slightly, and the northern and southern hemispheres almost ran out in a hurry.

Xu You was startled and retreated tactically. His eyes were inevitably attracted by this magnificent scenery.

This is purely an instinctive reaction and cannot be controlled at all.

"You said you haven't seen it yet?" Huangfu Lan followed Xu You's gaze with a meaningful smile on his lips.

At this moment, Xu You was suddenly covered with Buddha light. He looked at the jade Buddha in the middle with extremely clear eyes, and then he clasped his hands together and performed Namaste with great piety.

Huangfu Lan lowered his head, picked up the milky jade Buddha, and raised his slender eyebrows slightly, "Are you looking at this?"

"My Buddha is compassionate." Xu You clasped his hands together and said piously, "I know a disciple of the Great Thunderclap Monastery. His name is Hui Ming. Although he is young, his Dharma is profound. He is a friend I admire very much.

I learned a lot of profound Buddhist principles from him, so when I saw such a clear Jade Buddha from my predecessor, I couldn’t help but take a second look. "

"That's it." Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You's eyes carefully, they were so clear and clean.

She paused, then pointed the Jade Buddha towards Xu You, who bowed devoutly three times. After that, Huangfu Lan put the Jade Buddha back into place again.

Then looking at Xu You sitting there upright, he suddenly laughed out loud, "You are so serious."

"Why did the senior say this?" Xu You asked in confusion.

"Hand out your hand."

Xu You stretched out his right hand.

Then Huangfu Lan reached out and gently scratched Xu You's palm, "Remember?"

Xu You subconsciously retracted his right hand, remembering Huangfu Lan's scratch on his palm when they first met.

Of course, Xu You forced a smile on his face and pretended to be stupid, "I don't understand what senior is talking about."

Huangfu Lan just looked at Xu You meaningfully, then sat back, and at the same time picked up a robe beside the chair and put it on himself, covering all the infinite scenery at once.

"You are the first one to see the outfit I just wore in my room. Young people don't know how to cherish it. There is no shop like this after passing this village."

"." Xu You was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to talk.

"The little guy is still a little timid. Why, is it because of the rules of the Huangfu family that he is so strict with me?" Huangfu Lan picked up a grape, peeled it flexibly with his small mouth, and then chewed it slowly.

Xu You looked at the other party eating grapes so flexibly, but just smiled and didn't answer. I don't dare to say this nonsense, if something really comes out that I and Huangfu Lan are not clear about.

The Huangfu family wanted to punish both of them to death. This was no joke.

Why a woman from the Huangfu family must be alone once she enters the center of power? This is all caused by the Huangfu family's iron-blooded tactics.

But no male monk dared to pursue a woman from the Huangfu family.



"Sorry." Xu You apologized immediately, "I want to."

"Who taught you to call me aunt? Mo Yuhuang?"

"No. I made a slip of the tongue."

"Do you like Auntie?"

"Ah? No, senior, don't let me misunderstand."

"Lying again, right?"

"No senior."

Huangfu Lan narrowed his eyes and looked at Xu You, "Did you know that Penglai Immortal Gate has a powerful Divine Ability called Asking the Heart?"

Xu You was stunned for a moment and shook his head.

"Let's put it this way, with a cultivation level like yours, you can stand firm in front of me except for the Dao Heart. You can't hide the rest from me. I can tell you are lying at a glance."

Huangfu Lan's slightly magnetic voice echoed slowly, "Come in and look at my figure first, then my appearance, look at my feet, look at my chest.

Are you talking about seeing the Jade Buddha? Is the Buddha compassionate? That Haoming is not a serious monk, is he?

And you just like auntie. At such a young age, you can come with your mouth. But I still approve of you, Auntie, on the aspect of concentration. "

Xu You's face turned red instantly. Damn it, he didn't expect that such a gentleman's appearance could be penetrated by the other party's soul.

He now feels extremely social, and feels like he has no secrets at all in front of Huangfu Lan.

I really wanted to run away, but I didn’t plan to open Xu You’s account, so I planned to leave directly.

But as soon as his butt left the chair, Huangfu Lan smiled slightly and said, "You want to leave? Are you shy? It's not a boy's behavior to dare to do things but not to take risks."

It's normal to like auntie. At my age, it's okay for you to call me auntie. Just call me if you want. Sit down and let's talk about business. "

Xu You's face changed uncertainly, and the red color slowly faded away. He took a deep breath and sat down, bowing and saying, "I'm sorry, auntie, I'm only nineteen years old this year. I hope you can understand."

"Auntie naturally understands. It's normal for a little guy like you."

"Not too young."

"Huh? So confident?"

"I'm just stating the facts."

"Hey, it was true when you said that. It aroused my curiosity." Huangfu Lan glanced at Xu You's lower body intentionally or unintentionally.

"Auntie, please respect yourself." Xu You transformed into a disciple of the Wu Kuang Sect.

"Prude." Huangfu Lan said no more, and then suddenly asked, "Do you usually get along with your master like this?"

Xu You, who was pouring tea for himself, almost choked. It turned out that after the death of the society, he broke the jar and planned to have a frank meeting with Huangfu Lan.

Unexpectedly, the other party's sudden words disrupted his heart again, and he immediately said righteously, "Auntie, don't talk nonsense."

Huangfu Lan clicked his tongue twice, smiled meaningfully, then waved his hand and said, "Let's get down to business, little guy, why do you want to come here today? What do you want to do with auntie?"

"Auntie, I have a question to ask you before that."


"Well, I always feel that Auntie, you have a different attitude towards me. Logically speaking, even if I have a gold medal, it's all for my master's sake.

But after I came here today, I discovered that this was not the case. From the moment I walked in until now, there was a strange reception.

And just now, auntie, you said it yourself, you were wearing something so... cool and cool for me to see, I don't understand. "Xu You directly expressed his doubts.

What kind of weird nonsense did the other party ask Divine Ability? At this moment, Xu You became extremely candid.

Choosing to treat Huangfu Lan sincerely, he even felt a strange excitement in his heart, the excitement of a little secret that only the two of them knew.

How could she, Huangfu Lan, be so leisurely and even happy with herself after seeing through her own "sexual criticism mentality"?

It can't be that he likes himself, Xu You is not that stupid yet.

So he had to find out what kind of medicine Huangfu Lan was selling in his big ass.

"Why, you don't think Auntie likes you, do you?" Huangfu Lan asked.

"No. It just feels weird."

Huangfu Lan smiled, raised his right hand slightly, and flew out a jade charm from the shelf at the back.

The jade talisman fell into Xu You's hand. The latter was a little puzzled, but he still picked up the jade talisman and looked at the contents inside.

When I saw it, I was stunned. It contained records starting from when I went down the mountain to do my first mission of killing the pig demon. From then on, almost everything that happened was recorded in detail.

All the people and things about you are recorded in detail.

It can be said that, except for some things that only I know, my external growth trajectory is all recorded in it.

After reading it, Xu You was a little shocked. He didn't expect Jubao Pavilion to investigate him so clearly.

But don’t panic, these things don’t involve his secret affairs, I just don’t know how the other party knows the details of many of his tasks.

There were some things that I didn't report to Kunlun because I thought it was troublesome. I just briefly mentioned them, but they are clearly shown here.

"Auntie, what do you mean?" Xu You looked a little angry.

Huangfu Lan explained generously, "Jubao Pavilion has a special department responsible for collecting information about some powerful monks and some talented disciples.

Although you, this little guy, are only nineteen years old, your potential has really surprised my aunt. A genius like you is rare to find in a thousand years.

Do you think auntie can't care about your affairs? Once this person knows more, he will be curious, and once he is curious, he will understand more deeply.

Then the cycle starts over again, plus you have such a pretty face, little guy. It's just like seeing the apex of aunt's heart. You say, how could aunt not pay special attention to you?

How could I not have a very deep impression on you? "

Xu You didn't expect to get such an answer, and was a little stunned for a while. The other party's sincere expression seemed like he really wasn't lying.

wrong! My master specially told me that Huangfu Lan is a bad woman!

I can't easily believe what a bad woman says.

Huangfu Lan continued at this time, "Furthermore, we at Jubao Pavilion have always had a tradition. That is investment."

"Invest in what?"

"We are very happy to invest in talents like you, little guy, to help Qianlong, so don't feel pressured.

From now on, if you buy or sell anything at any branch of Jubao Pavilion, we will give you a 50% discount directly. "

Xu You was stunned, "Really or not? Auntie, please don't lie to me. Although I am young, I have read a lot of books."

"Do you think Auntie will lie to you?"

"If you show me the Jade Buddha, I will believe you."

Huangfu Lan was a little shocked and looked at Xu You who looked sincere, "Are you serious?"

"I mean it."

Then Huangfu Lan laughed again, "Auntie, I find that this little guy like you is getting more and more interesting. If I don't say that I have Divine Ability, are you going to keep pretending to be a serious person like me?"

"Yes." Xu You nodded honestly.

"What a naughty little bad guy." Huangfu Lan took off his coat directly, and his lusty form appeared in front of Xu You again.

Xu You's eyes immediately fell on the other party's Jade Buddha.

Anyway, everything was seen through, and he didn't hide it, he was open and aboveboard!

"Do I still have to cross my legs?"


Then Huangfu Lan folded her legs together, turned slightly sideways, and her curves were slender.

"Auntie, you eat grapes." Xu You obediently took two grapes and handed them to Huangfu Lan.

Huangfu Lan took the grapes and looked at Xu You with squinted eyes, "Little guy, are you so bad?"

"I just think Auntie is beautiful like this." Xu You said sincerely, and he was letting himself go even more now.

Auntie wants to play? Then let’s play together. Is Xu afraid of this kind of scene? What aspects of the world has Xu not seen?

Huangfu Lan did as he was told, picked up a grape and put it into Cherry's little mouth, and began to show off his flexible skills again.

Xu You looked straight this time, and then continued, "Auntie, there are also shoes, you have to hook them with your toes!"

"So many tricks?" Huangfu Lan raised his eyebrows. "What's so interesting about this?"

"Auntie, you don't understand."

So Huangfu Lan did as he was told, and Xu You breathed a sigh of relief and felt comfortable looking at the beautiful view of the jade-foot-hook shoes.

Huangfu Lan also finished the second grape at this time. She clapped her hands and looked at Xu You with a half-smile.

The latter looked at Huangfu Lan's strange smile with some strangeness. The more he looked at it, the more horrified he became, "Auntie, what's that look in your eyes?"

"I was thinking, you are so lustful at such a young age, what will you do in the future?" Huangfu Lan clicked his tongue, "I thought I was wrong at first, you look so innocent.

I didn’t expect that cutting open your heart would turn out to be so violent. Little guy, you really surprised auntie. "

"Auntie... what do you mean?" Xu You had a bad premonition in her heart, and her voice was trembling.

"You, you are smart, but sometimes your intelligence is mistaken for your intelligence. Think about it, where in the world can you find such Divine Ability?

If this Divine Ability really exists, what secrets can there be in the world? Penglai Immortal Gate has long dominated the Divine Continent. ” Huangfu Lan explained.

Xu You was startled, and then her voice became more and more trembling, "So, aunt, what do you mean?"

"That's right." Huangfu Lan said matter-of-factly, "I deceived you at the beginning. I just wanted to see if you were a little pervert.

These are not the things that the little pervert is looking at. I didn’t expect that hey, you can get it right once you try it. I just say it casually and reveal your face. "

Xu You almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. His face instantly turned red with shame, anger, shame, and real social death.

He never thought that Huangfu Lan would be so eccentric and use this method to take off his cloak of a gentleman.

Yes, now think about it, how could Divine Ability, that kind of inquisitive person, know everything about you in just a few words? If it's so outrageous, the world would have been in chaos.

At that time, all my actions were exposed and I was really panicked. Only then did my superiors directly believe this lie.

Then it was originally a fake social death, but now it has become a real social death.

But then I thought about it, isn't this Huangfu Lan's exquisite grasp and control of his own psychology?

She is indeed a bad woman!

so bad! His master really didn’t lie to him, so he shouldn’t have come to her!

How could there be such a bad woman in the world?

"Auntie, you, you are going too far!" Xu You said angrily.

"You are not afraid of slanting shadows when you are upright. Isn't it your own problem?"


"You have good food and sex. You are so young and normal. Don't worry, auntie won't tell others."

Hearing this, Xu You breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up and was about to turn around and leave.

"What? Do you want to leave now and pretend that this never happened? Are you still a good boy after you leave?"

Xu You paused for a moment, then quickened his pace, but he paused again before taking two steps, and then turned around incredulously.

Huangfu Lan shook his legs and held a jade talisman in his hand. There was a voice in the jade talisman, "Auntie, there are also shoes. You have to hook the shoes with your toes!"

It was the voice that he had just commanded Huangfu Lan to pose.

Xu You's face instantly turned red again, and he was speechless for a moment. He didn't expect Huangfu Lan to record!

Damn it! Damn Xu You is a little confused.

Bad woman!

so bad!

"Little guy, you don't want your master to hear these things, right?" Huangfu Lan said with a smile.

Xu You sat back with a blushing face, staring straight at Huangfu Lan.

"Don't look at me like that, as if your aunt is treating you badly."

"Do you think it's okay for you to treat me! Auntie, you are so mean! How could you do this!" Xu You now completely lost his temper and sat back down obediently.

He finally discovered that he was in a state of chaos today, being manipulated in every way by Huangfu Lan.

What Zhang Wuji’s mother said is absolutely correct!

"Ah, don't feel bad, little one. Auntie is just kidding you." Huangfu Lan suddenly reached out and pinched Xu You's cheek, "It's so cute. Don't be angry. Auntie will destroy it right now."

As he said that, the jade talisman in Huangfu Lan's hand burned directly to ashes, "Look, it's gone. Don't worry, only the two of us know what happened today."

This is a secret that belongs to you and your aunt, little one. No third person will know it again. "

I don't know why, but when Xu You looked at Huangfu Lan's tender lips and said this, an extremely exciting feeling surged in her heart.

The kind that can be answered directly.

It feels ridiculous, as if Huangfu Lan sitting opposite is the only one who knows that he is "evil".

And one's own "evil" can be displayed to the other party unscrupulously. In this closed space, it is a little secret that belongs to the two of them alone.

They can sink to the deepest depths together with such a secret.

The stimulating feeling rushes straight to the cerebral cortex. This is a pleasure Xu You has never enjoyed before.

This kind of frank depravity that belongs to each other can actually make people feel like this.

But soon, Xu You became vigilant again. Although the jade talisman was burned, Huangfu Lan could not burn it no matter how hard he burned it.

Xu You thought that Huangfu Lan was so bad, how could he believe it? Maybe there is a real image!

"Why don't you believe me?" Huangfu Lan raised his eyebrows.

Xu You shook his head.

"Then you search." Huangfu Lan moved his hands and lay down on the sofa.

With the explosive curves and the posture that lets you do whatever you want, Xu You's whole body exploded. Damn it, how could she, Huangfu Lan, be so damn good?

As soon as I stepped into this door today, my destiny was really grabbed by the throat. Bad women know how to manipulate people.

My Taoism is really too shallow!

In order to prove himself, Xu You decided to rush forward regardless of everything at this moment!

At this moment, Huangfu Lan also looked at Xu You who rushed up with some surprise. Obviously Xu You's bravery exceeded her imagination.

She immediately stretched out her right foot and stepped on Xu You's chest to stop his pounce, unable to make an inch forward.

"Little guy, you are brave enough. You are not afraid that the Huangfu family will find out. Are you going to be thrown into the Cangjiang River to feed the fish?"

Xu You was stunned for a moment, and then said coolly, "With my current status in Kunlun, do the Huangfu family dare?"

Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You in surprise, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "The little guy is very brave. Your words give me a sense of security."

"Auntie, let go, don't step on me yet. I'll search for it first. If it's not there, I'll believe it!" Xu You said immediately.

"Little guy, are you so impatient?" Huangfu Lan chuckled. Not only did he not take his jade feet back, but he stepped on Xu You's chest twice.

Xu You lowered his head and took a look at this wonderful scenery. He was about to explode!

So he is very anxious now and wants to find evidence of Huangfu Lan's crime immediately.

At this time, Huangfu Lan stopped teasing Xu You and moved Xu You next to him with a slight tip of his toe.

Xu You sat down next to Huangfu Lan, feeling the soft cushions and looking at the beautiful aunt so close at hand.

The side face is moist, and I really want to pinch it, and then bury my head and die in the northern and southern hemispheres.

Huangfu Lan once again took the robe to cover his infinite scenery, and said lazily, "Little guy, you are not afraid of Kunlun, but aunt is afraid, aunt wants to live for another two years."

Xu You wanted to stand up and say, Auntie, don't be afraid, I will protect you. But after all, he didn't say such stupid words.

He Xu You is important now, but with his cultivation here, how can the Huangfu family sell their face? If one of them is not good, he will really be punished by Cangjiang.

A genius is just a genius before he becomes a boss, and is just a little more expensive than ordinary people. If you really rely on your potential to do whatever you want in the early stage, you don't know how you will die.

Otherwise, do you think so many monks choose to practice Taoism? Before the fist had a big hardness, it had grown obscenely.

"Huh? The little guy doesn't say majestic words now? Isn't it your favorite saying: Thirty years to the east of Hedong and thirty years to west of Hexi?" Huangfu Lan covered his mouth and smiled.

"I'm not a little kid." Xu You said with a smile.

"Yo? Still very mature?"

"Well, somewhat."

"Little guy, Auntie found it interesting to chat with you." Huangfu Lan reached out and pinched Xu You's cheek gently.

"Young young man with a nice butt, you are well-spoken and funny. No wonder your master's bad friends all like you. Auntie, those old women are not very kind-hearted.

You may have to go outside in the future, but remember to protect yourself."

As Huangfu Lan spoke, his slender fingers slid to Xu You's chest and touched it.

Xu You didn't resist and let Huangfu Lan do these little tricks. The nail polish on Huangfu Lan's fingers had a dreamy color.

In fact, Xu You has never been interested in girls' manicures, but the ones on Huangfu Lan's fingers look very attractive for some reason.

"Don't worry, Auntie. I will protect myself outside in the future, but I don't need to do it in front of Auntie. Auntie, you can do whatever you like. I will cooperate." Xu You said.

After hearing this, Huangfu Lan smiled charmingly again. Her red and tender lips and white teeth formed a beautiful scenery, "Are you not shy at all when you say this now? You don't intend to pretend anymore. Huh? Little pervert!"

"How are you pretending, auntie?" Xu You spread his hands, looking like a pig that is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, "I am already transparent in front of auntie, without any protective color.

I can’t pretend a little bit, that’s just me. "

"That's good. Auntie likes honesty."

"But Auntie, it's a little unfair."


"Auntie, you now know everything about me clearly. You can even see through me as a person, but I don't understand you at all, auntie.

Other than knowing that her aunt looks like Celestial Immortal, she doesn't know anything else. "

"The little guy has such a sweet mouth. He has deceived many girls with his clever words, right?"

"That's not the case." Xu You said a little shyly, "Master is very strict, and I'm not a human being yet."

"Unknown?" Huangfu Lan patted Xu You's chest, "Do you think I will believe it, aunt? You're so young and you just open your mouth."

"I didn't lie to your aunt. If you don't believe it, you can verify it yourself. I will never resist."

"Not just talkative, but also thoughtful. You want to deceive Auntie? How bad." Huangfu Lan gave Xu You a charming look, "The days are long, and there will be many opportunities in the future. Auntie will naturally let you know slowly.

If you understand it right away, what’s the point? Wouldn't it be better to have more fun? "

"Young people only focus on firepower and not on fun. Talking about fun is what powerless old men do!" Xu You said righteously.

"You little rascal, how did Mo Yuhuang teach you to be like this?" Huangfu Lan laughed again.

Seeing that Huangfu Lan was not interested, Xu You waved his hands in disinterest, "That's it, we'll talk about the things we understand later, let's talk about business first."

"You want to open an account to wash out your underground money, right?"

"Auntie, how do you know?" Xu You was stunned for a moment.

"Auntie, I knew the moment you entered the first floor." Huangfu Lan explained lazily, "All the information about the guy who came with you was with me right away.

Wu Bufan, a former powerful elder of the Chijin Sect, trained many disciples for the Chijin Sect. He is a powerful person.

At that time, he teamed up with Qin Long and Wu Gude to attack you, but was captured alive by your master. So far no news.

It suddenly popped up more than a month ago and established an underground stall, Minghe Liansheng. In the past few days, a lot of funds of unknown origin have suddenly been transferred to He Liansheng's name.

After verification, it was found to be the money earned by Qin Long from the latest real-life video "Master's Friends".

How could Qin Long suddenly appear in a new movie and change his past style? After verification, the filming location was not far from Kunlun. Auntie, I know the reason.

When Qin Long and Wu Bufan were captured alive by your master, they were not killed, but surrendered. Now they follow you and have become your subordinates, right?

And you asked Wu Bufan to establish an underground force, and you asked Qin Long to make money by taking real-life photos, and now you come to me to launder money.

Little guy, you're pretty good at this underground dragon's income chain.

Does your master know about this? "

Xu You was stunned for a moment after hearing this. She didn't expect that she had done so secretly and carefully. As a result, Huangfu Lan directly connected the causes and consequences, including her own private relationship and way of making money, without complete information.

Not a single bit of what was said came out.

This aunt is not simple, she is a smart aunt.

It seems that I am still naive and underestimated the intelligence analysis capabilities of some big forces.

The reason why Huangfu Lan can be the general manager of Zhongtu Tianzhou is definitely not because of her vastness in the northern and southern hemispheres, but simply because of her outstanding business ability.

"Auntie is so awesome, what she said is accurate!" Xu You admired, "But my master doesn't know about this. Auntie, I remember that the core concept of Jubao Pavilion is confidentiality. You won't talk nonsense, right?"

"Of course I won't talk nonsense. You know it and I know it. No other person will know about it after leaving this door. Don't worry." Huangfu Lan immediately promised and reached out to pinch Xu You's cheek.

"Little guy, Auntie thought she had seen through you, but she found out that she didn't. As a disciple of Kunlun, how dare you accept people from the Demon Alliance and Hengmeng as your subordinates.

Do you still dare to secretly do this dirty business of taking real photos behind Kunlun's back? "

"It doesn't matter if it's obscene or not, making money means it's a good job." Xu You said calmly, "As for the Demon Alliance, there is no such thing as good or evil.

Those who can use them are good companions. "

Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You in surprise, "You understand so many profound truths at such a young age?"

"It's all tempered. Auntie, you also know that my master is a hands-off shopkeeper. It's not easy for me to practice, so naturally I have to learn more.

Vermilion Bird Peak has been having difficulty with cash flow recently, so if I can make money, I will naturally make more. "Xu You said.

"It's not easy for me, little guy." Huangfu Lan looked distressed, "Mo Yuhuang is really ignorant. If you were my disciple, why would I let you do these things before I could love you enough?"

"Auntie, don't say that. My master is very good to me. She brought her battleship to the Red Gold Gate for me. Would you do it if it were you?" Xu You said without a doubt.

"If you say that, Auntie, I really can't do it now." Huangfu Lan said with a smile, "Your master seems to really love you, and also, who can not like such a smart and well-behaved disciple.

I really envy your master. "

"Auntie, you don't have to be envious. You can also have a nephew like this."

"How to say?"

"How about I just accept you as my godmother, and I will serve you when you need me? You will be very obedient and cooperative." Xu You gave a very pertinent suggestion.

(End of chapter)

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