Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 19 Is This How Gen Gu Was Checked?

Chapter 19: How to Determine One's Root Bone?

"Oh, you're awake." Mo Yuhuang seemed to not notice the unclear boundaries between the two and spoke in a magnetic voice, "Don't be afraid, Master is examining your root bone."

Mo Yuhuang's tone was neither fast nor slow, and her hands were constantly moving, seemingly about to explore Xu You's root bone.

"Master, I may have limited knowledge, but I do know that the root bone is not determined this way, right?" With a snap, Xu You grabbed Mo Yuhuang's soft wrist, preventing her from moving forward.

"Root bone, root bone, naturally it is examined by checking the root and the bone. Do I need you to teach me how to do my job?" Mo Yuhuang's beautiful eyebrows raised slightly.

Xu You hesitated for a moment, not daring to let go of his hands. He knew very well that Mo Yuhuang had no respect for worldly rules and did everything according to her own preferences.

As her only disciple for so many years, Xu You had long figured her out.

"I told you that you're not capable." Mo Yuhuang lazily said.

Xu You was taken aback. At this moment, he really wanted to let go of his hands and let Mo Yuhuang verify it properly.

But the latter directly pulled out her wrist, propped her left hand on the edge of the bed, her posture enchanting, and pinched Xu You's cheek with her right hand.

"So you really want to learn swordsmanship, huh?"

Xu You exclaimed in surprise, "Master, are you willing to teach me swordsmanship?"

"I'm just trying to make you give up. I just checked again, and your root bone is indeed not suitable for swordsmanship. These days, I will go and pick a suitable sword technique for you."

At this point, Mo Yuhuang paused for a moment, then extended her slender index finger, as if made of jade, and pressed it against Xu You's lips, whispering softly,

"I'll make it clear beforehand, if you can't handle learning swordsmanship, there will be consequences."

After speaking, Mo Yuhuang got up, tidied her dark hair, and then pinched Xu You's arm.

Then Mo Yuhuang left the room, and Xu You watched her swaying figure, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

Putting aside everything else, Mo Yuhuang's charm was truly unmatched.

Xu You's composure was cultivated in this way.

He didn't know when his own bottom line would also be shaken by his master.

Xu You dispersed his thoughts, got up and sat in the courtyard, with a lingering sense of moisture from Mo Yuhuang's finger on his lips, and a lingering fragrance from her body on his nose.

The words "consequences" from Mo Yuhuang echoed in his ears, causing Xu You to shiver involuntarily.

Knock, knock, knock—

There was a knocking sound outside the courtyard, bringing Xu You's thoughts back.

Looking up, it was already bright outside.

The knocking continued, accompanied by a loud voice, "Junior Brother, are you there? It's me, Bai Genshuo."

Hearing the familiar voice outside, Xu You got up and opened the door. Bai Genshuo, dressed in red, walked in with raised eyebrows.

"I knew it! Junior Brother, your strength is definitely not that of an ordinary disciple of Vermilion Bird Peak. So, you're the only true disciple of Mo Fengzhuo. I, as the all-knowing of Kunlun, didn't even know that you've been under Mo Fengzhuo's tutelage for over three years."

Bai Genshuo was as relaxed as last time, as if he had come to his own home.

Xu You had a good impression of him, but he replied, "I've basically stayed on Vermilion Bird Peak these past few years and only recently started going out."

"I knew it!" Bai Genshuo slapped his thigh and sighed, "You should have come out earlier. I regret not getting to know you sooner."

Xu You smiled lightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"There's a big deal!" Bai Genshuo looked at Xu You with some excitement and said.

"What deal?" Xu You didn't understand.

"I still vividly remember the rare characteristics of Junior Brother's spiritual pet talisman. This deal relies on Junior Brother's talisman," Bai Genshuo explained in a low voice.

"I know a senior brother who has been troubled by his emotions recently. There have been rumors about his partner, but there is no evidence. And he doesn't know how to face such a situation. So, he came to find you, thinking that your spiritual pet talisman could help."

After listening to Bai Genshuo's words, Xu You's face turned serious and he said, "I am devoted to the Dao, what do you take me for? Using my spiritual pet to do such things? Furthermore, how could I randomly ruin someone's relationship?"

"Senior brother said he can offer three hundred kun coins, the price is negotiable, and he is quite wealthy," Bai Genshuo added.

Xu You paused for a moment and pondered, "But then again, this isn't exactly ruining someone's relationship. It's just helping senior brother determine the specific situation."

"Ah, that's right!" Bai Genshuo slapped his thigh again. "What we're doing is righteous, it's an act of salvation!"

"Come, let's go meet senior brother now!" Bai Genshuo immediately pulled Xu You away.

On the way, Xu You thought for a moment and said, "After it's done, I'll give you a hundred kun coins."

"What do you mean by that? What do you take me for?" Bai Genshuo seemed a little displeased. "I only thought of your well-being because you're my buddy."

"I apologize for my vulgarity," Xu You said apologetically, then asked curiously, "How did you come up with this idea?"

Xu You was still very impressed by Bai Genshuo's way of thinking. He had never thought that Bai Genshuo could play such a role.

And to make money in this way?

It can only be said that the younger generation of Kunlun Immortal Sect has some issues with their views on relationships.

Bai Genshuo's matchmaking reminded Xu You that perhaps this could become an entire industry.

"It's all because I witnessed the power of your talisman last time. I've been traveling the world for so many years and have never seen such an amazing talisman," Bai Genshuo praised without reservation, then gossiped, "And Liu Yiyi, although I knew she was extraordinary before, I didn't expect her to be this extraordinary. Hehe, this Jade Maiden really has some substance."

"Let's not spread this matter," Xu You reminded. For girls like Liu Yiyi, it's best not to provoke her if it's not necessary. It's important to maintain boundaries.

"I know, I won't meddle in Wu senior brother's affairs. Besides, I am also a disciple of the same peak as Liu junior sister. It's unnecessary to lower my head or avoid her. Moreover, it's convenient to have her reputation. With the title of his senior brother, it's quite useful outside," Bai Genshuo continued to explain.

Well, there's no need for me to remind him. Bai Genshuo is indeed a sensible person, keeping everything in order. Xu You felt that it was because of the last thing he said that they were able to keep the secret.

And he could even imagine the agreement Bai Genshuo reached with Liu Yiyi in private.

"Liu junior sister, you wouldn't want this matter to be known by the elders, right?"

Thinking of Bai Genshuo's eyebrows twitching when he said this, yes, he is indeed a "gentleman."

(End of this chapter)

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