Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 20 I Already Admitted My Mistake, What Else Do You Want From Me?

Chapter 20: I've Admitted My Mistake, What More Do You Want from Me?

After a moment, Xu You and Bai Genshuo arrived at a deserted hilltop, where there was only a young man waiting. According to Bai Genshuo, they chose this secluded place to protect the customer's privacy.

"Senior Chen Qi, this is the junior Xu You I told you about. His spiritual pet talisman can accurately identify whether the target person is emotionally unfaithful," Bai Genshuo said concisely.

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Genshuo introduced them to each other briefly. Xu You nodded slightly towards Chen Qi, who seemed disinterested at the moment, dressed sloppily and looking haggard, clearly troubled by emotions.

"Junior Xu, is this true?" Chen Qi asked directly, mustering his spirits.

"Yes," Xu You nodded, then said to Bai Genshuo, "You should step back a bit. I need to talk to Senior Chen."

Although Bai Genshuo didn't understand, he still cooperated and moved away.

Only then did Xu You take out the talisman and activated it with a gesture. Soon, the robust body of the muscular rat appeared. At this moment, the rat was calm and normal, waiting for Xu You's command.

"Senior Chen, this is my spiritual pet talisman," Xu You explained.

"But isn't this normal?" Chen Qi was puzzled.

"That's because Senior Chen and I are decent people," Xu You smiled, then waved to Bai Genshuo in the distance.

Bai Genshuo looked from afar and immediately flew over, only to see the muscular rat.

Not good!

Bai Genshuo inwardly cursed, immediately wanting to run away.

But how could he have time?

The Pure Love Warrior had already sensed the aura of the scumbag, how could it let him go?

Its body immediately swelled, and its aura continued to rise.



The rat appeared in front of Bai Genshuo like thunder, delivering a powerful punch.

Bai Genshuo screamed and crashed heavily to the ground.

Xu You immediately forcibly summoned the rat back, not allowing it to continue rampaging. Fortunately, Bai Genshuo wasn't too despicable, so Xu You could still barely control the rat.

When the rat returned to Xu You's side, its size gradually shrank, and its aura stabilized.

Chen Qi looked at all this in astonishment, momentarily forgetting his sadness.

"Senior Chen, does this prove anything?" Xu You asked.

"Junior Bai is indeed a playboy. It seems that your spiritual pet talisman is indeed powerful," Chen Qi sighed.

"I wonder when Senior Chen's target will arrive?"


Chen Qi hesitated, actually feeling conflicted now. He was afraid of being kept in the dark, but he was even more afraid of knowing the truth.

Xu You naturally noticed the other's dilemma but remained silent. The person involved had to come to terms with it on their own.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy and nostalgia. There was Wu Gang before, and now there was Chen Qi.

Honest people really have it tough.

After another moment, a stunning figure flew over from a distance.

Before Xu You could clearly see who it was, the rat immediately went berserk, reaching a level far beyond when dealing with Bai Genshuo.

Just like when they were in the underground cave, it directly surged to the mid-stage of the fourth realm.

Then Xu You couldn't control the rat anymore, and he inwardly exclaimed, "This is not good."

He had thought that straddling two boats wouldn't make the rat go berserk to such an extent, but he had underestimated the other party.

If someone were to die because of this, it would be a big problem.

But Shushu didn't care about all this. He stomped heavily on the ground and quickly flew towards the startled swan.

Xu You could only curse silently at the unfortunate situation. At this point, he had to forcefully stop the connection of the talisman's spiritual power, otherwise someone might really get hurt.

But just as he was about to take out the talisman, he stopped in his tracks.

In his field of vision, Chen Qi instantly appeared in front of him, his speed far surpassing Shushu. He grabbed Shushu's neck from behind with one hand, firmly controlling him like a rock.

No matter how Shushu struggled in anger, he couldn't break free.

At this moment, Xu You finally noticed that Chen Qi's cultivation level was already at the Late Stage of the Fourth Realm. He had been hiding his aura all along.

This was something Xu You hadn't expected. Chen Qi looked to be only around twenty-five or twenty-six years old, but his strength was so formidable!

At this moment, Chen Qi looked very excited. The woman's face was beautiful, but there was something unnatural about it. Xu You couldn't tell if it was because she was facing Shushu's anger or if this situation made her afraid.

Xu You carefully looked over there, but he was too far away and couldn't see clearly. He could only vaguely hear fragments of their conversation.


"You really gave it to him!?"

"Chen Lang, it was just an accident."

"I was drunk that day."

"You know, you're the one I love the most."

"I won't do it again in the future."

"He was wearing it."

"Will you forgive me?"

"Can we be like before?"

"Get lost, I don't want to see you again."

"Chen Lang, you... you never used to scold me."

"I've already admitted my mistake, what else do you want from me?"

Slap, slap...

It seemed like the woman was slapping Chen Qi's hand and then assuming a very submissive posture. Xu You couldn't see clearly, but he could vaguely see that the woman's attitude was quite low.

But Chen Qi remained unmoved and said, "Are you shameless?"

Then he took out some alcohol to clean his hand, as if slapping himself had dirtied his hand. After that, he turned around without even looking at the woman.

Leaving the woman standing there in a daze, tears streaming down her face.

Xu You quickly stopped eavesdropping and stood up properly.

"Junior Brother, thanks." Chen Qi casually threw Shushu to the ground and handed Xu You a small bag filled with four hundred Kun coins, giving him more than he should have.

Xu You hadn't seen Chen Qi's embarrassing state just now, which made Chen Qi have a good impression of him.

Chen Qi's state had eased a lot now, but his expression was still somewhat numb.

Xu You hesitated to speak, but in the end, he just sighed and clasped his fists towards Chen Qi.

"If you need help in the future, feel free to find me." After saying that, Chen Qi turned into a streak of light and shot off into the distance.

After watching him leave, Xu You looked at the four hundred Kun coins in his hand and felt a bit guilty about how he earned the money.

"Snap out of it, are you okay?" Finally, Xu You put away Shushu and flew to where Bai Genshuo had fallen, helping him up.

After a while, Bai Genshuo slowly woke up, first feeling a bit confused, then looking at Xu You with a deeply resentful gaze. "Who does that?"

"Sorry, it was an emergency." Xu You apologized and then handed him two hundred Kun coins.

"I forgive you." Bai Genshuo stood up, dusted off his clothes, and accepted the Kun coins without hesitation. But he only took one hundred and returned the rest to Xu You.

Accepting meant giving face, not taking it all meant treating Xu You as a buddy.

It had to be said that Bai Genshuo was a bit cunning, but he had a good sense of propriety.

Xu You smiled and didn't say much, asking, "Which peak is Senior Brother Chen from? His strength is so strong."

(End of this chapter)

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