Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 21 (Please Follow Up) My Emotional Experience Is Simple And I Have Only Talked About It Five

Chapter 21 (Seeking to Continue Reading) My emotional experiences have been simple, having only been in five relationships.

"He is the chief disciple of the younger generation of White Tiger Hall's White Cloud Peak. He is also the direct disciple of Song Yuanshan, the peak master of White Cloud Peak," Bai Genshuo explained.

"Senior Brother Chen is a scholar who understands the principles in books, but he is deeply troubled by the realities of life."

Xu You suddenly realized that White Cloud Peak's strength was relatively low among the peaks, and the peak master, Song Yuanshan, was a great scholar with profound knowledge. It was no wonder that Chen Qi had such strong abilities to become the chief disciple of a peak.

When they first met, Xu You only saw the other person's exhaustion and desolation. Now, thinking back, he couldn't hide the scholarly aura emanating from him.

"You see, even someone as outstanding as Senior Brother Chen can be troubled by emotions. So, my junior brother, you should avoid getting involved in such things," Bai Genshuo said with a tone of someone who had been through it all, feeling a bit emotional.

"Oh? It seems like you have many stories?"

"They are like passing clouds, better left unmentioned."

Xu You's mouth twitched slightly.

"You see, junior brother, can't you do this kind of business in the future?"

"This spiritual pet talisman can only be used one more time," Xu You replied.

"Oh, that's a pity."

Xu You hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "But actually, I have another way to verify."

In theory, the Pig Spirit Whip also had this effect, and it would be more effective on those with questionable character. It should be able to discern the truth, but the method was somewhat perverse.

He couldn't possibly whip the other person's girlfriend in front of them and observe their reaction, right?

That would be inappropriate.

"Hmm? You truly are something," Bai Genshuo's eyes lit up. "Junior brother, as long as you have a method, it's fine. If you don't want to handle it personally, I can take care of it for you."

"Alright," Xu You nodded, then asked curiously, "Why are you doing this without asking for money?"

"Cough, cough," Bai Genshuo coughed lightly. "I'm planning to write some popular novels to make money, and these things are the best material."

Xu You was momentarily stunned, not expecting such an answer.

What kind of popular novels required this kind of material?

Probably some erotic novels.

"Do you have a pen name?" Xu You's curiosity was piqued.

"Umbrella on a Rainy Night, No Knife," Bai Genshuo blushed a little, then added, "I've only told you about this, don't tell anyone else. Although I'm not famous now, I will definitely become famous in the future!"

"I believe you!" Xu You nodded confidently. "When you have a new work published, show it to me first."

"No problem," Bai Genshuo grinned.

"I'm really curious about why you want to write popular novels," Xu You's interest was completely piqued by the other person. He couldn't help but gossip, "It seems like you have a rich emotional story."

"Do you want to hear my story again?"

"I do." Xu You didn't want to listen earlier, but after learning the other person's pen name, he had a strong desire to hear it.

"So many past events and storms," Bai Genshuo picked a blade of grass and put it in his mouth, sighing, "My emotional experiences have been simple, having only been in five relationships."


"But each time, it caused me heartache! Just like the heartache Senior Brother Chen experienced earlier," Bai Genshuo slapped his thigh in distress.

"Hmm? Did you wear a hat all five times?" Sympathy colored Xu You's eyes.

"No," Bai Genshuo shook his head, "It was I who deceived others! When those senior sisters and junior sisters got together with me, I had no idea that they already had partners! They lied to me! It was only later that I found out I became the intruder!

Hmph, women!" Bai Genshuo snapped the blade of grass in his hand and spat.

To be honest, Xu You didn't know what to say for a moment.

To say he's miserable doesn't seem right, isn't he a scoundrel?

To say he's not miserable isn't right either, he's always kept in the dark, and the psychological trauma is indeed heavy.

"So! I'm closing my heart now!" Bai Genshuo said seriously.

Xu You didn't comment, he didn't believe it.

In fact, Xu You was quite puzzled as to why Bai Genshuo, who had such a distinctive appearance, could have such rich emotional experiences. But then he remembered that Bai Genshuo had once said he had an incredibly flexible tongue, so he no longer doubted.

"Ah, don't go." Bai Genshuo stopped Xu You, "You don't think I only found you for this matter, right? The main thing is the mission. I've taken on a very lucrative mission, let's do it together."

"Don't you have people from your peak to find?"

"Hey, they're not as good as you." Bai Genshuo smiled, putting his arm around Xu You's shoulder, "I see your strength and cleverness.

Besides, handsome people should hang out with other handsome people. Anyway, I've recognized you as my brother."

Xu You didn't say anything more, letting the other person lead him away.

There's money to be made in Kun coins, and Xu You also believes in Bai Genshuo's judgment.

On the land of the Central Earth Continent, besides the cultivation forces like the Kunlun Immortal Sect, there is a Transcendent Level behemoth standing on the Central Earth Continent.

Great Zhou.

A country founded on cultivation and martial arts, it is the only Transcendent Level power that has been passed down for thousands of years on the Central Earth Continent.

Great Zhou has a deep heritage. Thousands of years ago, the founding emperor of Great Zhou established the country with terrifying cultivation at the Eighth Realm.

Later, it gradually developed and branched out, and the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty gradually accumulated a large number of powerful cultivators. They are known as the Great Zhou Imperial Clan.

The Great Zhou Imperial Clan is not considered one of the five orthodox sects, but its strength is not inferior to the seven sects.

Great Zhou has a vast territory, with nine counties under its jurisdiction.

Falling Maple City is about five to six hundred miles west of the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

It is a city under the jurisdiction of the Western River County of the Great Zhou Dynasty, with a population of over one million.

It is far from the political core of Great Zhou, and because of its special geographical location, it is one of the essential passages for southwest trade.

Therefore, trade and prosperity have been flourishing here year-round, with people from various regions mingling.

Because of the flourishing cultivation and the blessings of cultivators, every place can be said to be vast and rich in resources.

Therefore, the people's livelihood has always been excellent, and the population has exploded. There are many cities with millions of people like this.

At noon, Xu You lightly landed on a barren mountain outside Falling Maple City, overlooking the city from a high vantage point.

This was his first time in such a large city.

Falling Maple City is a tall and vast city, and even from such a distance, one can feel the overwhelming popularity. Looking at the large ancient city, it would be false to say that it wasn't awe-inspiring.

Such a large ancient city is only an ordinary subordinate city of a county, which gave Xu You a deeper understanding of the vastness of this world.

The Kunlun Immortal Sect is located in the Western River County.

In terms of their relationship, the Kunlun Immortal Sect and Great Zhou are quite delicate.

The complexity cannot be explained in a few words, and the most important thing is balance. Whether it's static balance or dynamic balance.

In most cases, they maintain a mode of not interfering with each other.

The task Xu You and Bai Genshuo took on this time was in Falling Maple City.

Although Falling Maple City is not a big city, there are many traveling merchants due to its strategic location.

With so many people coming and going, it is inevitable that the customs and entertainment industry in Falling Maple City are very developed.

It can be said to be the number one city of charm in the Western River County, and even in the southwest of Great Zhou.

(End of this chapter)

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