Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 22: Veterans Pretend To Be Young, Novices Pretend To Be Old

Chapter 22: Acting Young as an Old Hand, Acting Old as a Newcomer

Bai Genshuo was tirelessly explaining the situation of Falling Maple City and the significant relationship between their mission and the local customs industry to Xu You.

In the past half month, something strange had happened in Falling Maple City.

On odd-numbered days, two or three young men who were fond of seeking pleasure would go missing, while on even-numbered days, two or three courtesans from the largest brothel in Falling Maple City, Fragrant Garden, would disappear.

These women were all girls from Fragrant Garden, and the men were those who had visited the establishment.

At first, they thought it was just a coincidence, but many of the missing men were the offspring of influential figures in the city.

After all, the expenses at Fragrant Garden were not affordable for ordinary people.

After the incidents occurred, the owner of Fragrant Garden sought help from a cultivator who resided in the city, but it was of no avail.

Instead, two cultivators in the early stage of the Second Realm also went missing.

Later, the matter couldn't be concealed any longer and caught the attention of the local branch of the official power, the Demon Suppression Bureau, of the Great Zhou Dynasty in Falling Maple City. However, even after taking over the case, the bureau couldn't find any clues.

It was then confirmed that it was the work of demonic forces, and not just ordinary ones.

The situation exceeded the capabilities of the Demon Suppression Bureau in Falling Maple City, so they reported it to the nearby Kunlun Immortal Sect without hesitation.

"So, this is the high-paying mission you mentioned? You don't have any other motives?" Xu You asked.

"I assure you, I took this case not because it happened at Fragrant Garden. You have to trust me," Bai Genshuo replied.

Xu You glanced at him and said, "What's your plan?"

"Naturally, we will go directly to Fragrant Garden," Bai Genshuo said confidently.

"Aren't you afraid of the strength of the demonic forces?" Xu You asked.

"It doesn't matter. I will take action," Bai Genshuo replied.

Xu You remained expressionless, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Bai Genshuo chuckled and explained, "Don't worry, we are disciples of the Immortal Gate. Even if those demonic forces are stronger than us, they wouldn't dare to recklessly kill us. If something happens to us on this mission, how could the sect just stand by? The other side must be well aware of this. So, rest assured. You should know that the missions we take around the sect are highly sought after because there's no possibility of any safety issues."

Xu You naturally understood the logic behind Bai Genshuo's words and continued to ask, "Have you ever thought that these demonic forces, knowing that we are near the Immortal Gate, dare to commit such audacious crimes? Aren't they asking for trouble?"

Bai Genshuo fell into deep thought for a moment and said, "You have a point. What do you think we should do?"

"Let's not rush to reveal our identities. Let's go in and make contact as guests first," Xu You suggested.

"Great idea!" Bai Genshuo exclaimed excitedly, nudging Xu You with his eyebrows, as if to say, "I understand, I understand."

Wearing the attire of the Immortal Gate to a brothel was indeed inconvenient and would affect their performance. Bai Genshuo naturally felt extremely happy about pretending to be guests.

Who wouldn't enjoy the experience of visiting a brothel on official business?

Xu You ignored Bai Genshuo's lewd gaze. Come on, he was a gentleman, after all!

"What kind of fragrance is the lady using? It's so alluring," Xu You said, embracing a young woman, his words filled with a hint of licentiousness.

The woman was dressed lightly, with a graceful figure. She covered her mouth and smiled with a silk handkerchief in her left hand, lightly tapping Xu You's arm with her right hand, saying, "Sir, you're so naughty."

By now, it was already dark. Fragrant Garden was located in the southeast corner of Falling Maple City, a place where the wind of romance gathered. Each courtyard had its own unique style.

There were tranquil and elegant courtyards, quiet ones, luxurious and magnificent ones, wild and interesting ones, and charming ones. It could be said that all the requirements of guests for quality were met.

The place was adorned with lanterns, and guests came and went in a continuous stream.

The Central Pavilion is an open-air exhibition hall, which is luxurious and spacious. There are a total of four stages for performances, and it is filled with exquisite tables and chairs.

Light gauze curtains, glass walls, and various erotic paintings hanging on the glass walls exude a sense of decadence.

Xu You deliberately came in the evening, thinking that with so many people missing in the past half month, the Fragrant Garden would have little business. But unexpectedly, it was still bustling.

It is impossible not to be amazed by the fearless attitude of these courtesans.

At this moment, Xu You is wearing a blue robe, and he specially tied a jade crown. Coupled with his outstanding appearance and temperament, he looks like a handsome and elegant nobleman.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of the Fragrant Garden, he was warmly welcomed by the young ladies.

The young ladies are used to seeing fat and wealthy merchants, but when they suddenly see a dashing young man like Xu You, their eyes light up.

This led to the scene described above.

Xu You tried his best to act like an experienced person, not letting others notice anything unusual.

There are many uncertainties in this mission, so the first thing to do is to infiltrate the Fragrant Garden.

Bai Genshuo by Xu You's side also changed his clothes, but his performance was unsatisfactory.

Xu You thought that with his rich emotional experience and free-spirited personality, he would be at ease in this kind of situation.

But Bai Genshuo didn't show any of that. He was like a quail, letting two young ladies lead him inside.

However, his ugly and cute appearance that broke through the dimensional barrier was quite attractive to these experienced young ladies, giving them a sense of freshness.

Coupled with his blushing and shy expression like a fledgling bird, these aggressive young ladies became even more excited to tease him.

In this way, Xu You and Bai Genshuo completely concealed their cultivation, walking all the way to the depths of the Fragrant Garden. Finally, with Xu You's generous payment, they opened a private and secluded room by the river.

There were only Xu You and Bai Genshuo in the private room, and the receptionist went to find the boss.

Someone as generous and unfamiliar as Xu You must be well taken care of.

Bai Genshuo grumbled and drank alone at the table. The generous silver that Xu You spent was taken from him.

Even the yellow and white things have value among cultivators. As disciples of the Immortal Gate, they cannot steal or rob. These gold and silver were exchanged with Kun coins.

Forget it, we're buddies after all.

Bai Genshuo comforted himself and turned to Xu You, "Is this your first time in a brothel?"

Xu You asked in confusion, "Huh? Did I seem like a first-timer just now?"

"Don't think that saying a few dirty words makes you an experienced person," Bai Genshuo explained, "If you had put your hand on a girl's buttocks, then I would have believed you.

You held on so tightly, afraid of touching the girl, can that be called experienced? You're still a fledgling bird."

Xu You paused for a moment, wanting to argue but feeling powerless. He now realized that visiting a brothel required such attention to detail.

Then he looked at the other person in even more confusion, "What did you mean just now?"

"You don't understand, do you?" Bai Genshuo raised an eyebrow and said, "The Fragrant Garden is the number one brothel in the city. What kind of men haven't the girls seen here?

What does it mean to act like an experienced person? It's interesting to be a novice, it can arouse the desires and freshness of those experienced girls, and in the end, it benefits me."

Xu You suddenly understood. This is probably what many experienced people often say.

When going to a club, experienced people like to pretend to be young, while novices like to pretend to be experienced.

I see.

In this aspect, Xu You is far behind Bai Genshuo.

Of course, as a gentleman, Xu You doesn't care about such differences. He just stands by the window, watching the passionate scenes on the small river outside.

(End of this chapter)

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