Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 182 Chapter 205 206 Kill Five Realms Instantly! ! In Terms Of Reality, It Has To Be Xu You Y

Chapter 182 Chapter 205 206 Kill five realms instantly! ! In terms of reality, it has to be Xu You Yi Bo Yuntian

"Young Master, Baek Keun Suk and Xu You are inseparable." Sun Yue's voice suddenly sounded in Luo Bingyun's mind.

"Huh?" Luo Bingyun turned to look at him.

The latter continued, "When I checked Xu You's information before, I also checked his interpersonal relationships. Baek Keun Suk is the disciple in Kunlun Immortal Sect who communicates with Xu You the most.

The two of them had collaborated on many missions before and had a lot of communication.

The reason Profound Transcendence Valley gave Baek Keun Suk the rape and murder order was because of a mission he performed, and Xu You was there at that time.

It stands to reason that Profound Transcendence Valley will not let go of any participant, but obviously, they do not intend to pursue Xu You, only Baek Keun Suk. "

"Is it such a coincidence?" Luo Bingyun asked with narrowed eyes.

"What a coincidence."

"Duan Aotian is also related to Xu You?"

"That's not true."

"Is he the grandson of Master White Tiger?"

"I have never heard that Master White Tiger has a grandson, but if it is a well-hidden illegitimate relationship, it's hard to tell. But I think it is true.

This proud demeanor doesn't seem to be fake. If you don't have the confidence, you won't be able to pretend. "

Luo Bingyun stopped asking any more questions, fell into thinking for a moment, and then came directly to Lu Xingyan. Looking at Lu Xingyan who was about to run away, he whispered, "Elder Lu, can you move?"

Although Lu Xingyan didn't know why Luo Bingyun suddenly said such words, he didn't say anything, just nodded slightly and followed Luo Bingyun to the side.

"What's wrong, young master?"

Luo Bingyun clasped his fists slightly and said, "I would like to ask Elder Lu for a small favor. I won't kill that Baek Keun Suk. I can be useful."

"Huh?" Lu Xingyan asked curiously, "Young Master, do you know this person?"

"I don't know him, but he is very useful. Baek Keun Suk has a good relationship with Xu You, and I just want to get to know Xu You." Luo Bingyun smiled.

Lu Xingyan paused and looked at Luo Bingyun with twinkling eyes. After a while, he just nodded.

He didn't ask anything, didn't say anything, he just agreed to Luo Bingyun's request.

"Thank you, Elder Lu." Luo Bingyun didn't waste any words. "After all, what Bai Genshuo did before was inappropriate. In this way, I will look for some financial support from the Demon Alliance later."

"Thank you very much, young master." Lu Xingyan did not refuse.

Then, Lu Xingyan waved directly to Deacon Wang, took the two of them down, and imprisoned them first.

After saying that, he turned to look at Luo Bingyun again, "Young Master Luo, I will leave this person to you. You can deal with it how you want."

"Good work."

On the other side, Deacon Wang escorted Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian to the place where the prisoners were detained. Of course, now he is not as rude as before, keeping a decent posture and distance to send the two of them off.

"Young Master, why do you want to protect Baek Genshuo?" Sun Yue asked.

"I told you, I want to get to know Xu You." Luo Bingyun said with a smile, "People always want to get to know and communicate with outstanding peers."

Sun Yue paused for a moment and continued, "Xu You's identity is sensitive after all, so the young master should be more cautious."


Luo Bingyun didn't say any more, nor did he rush to find Baek Genshuo. Instead, he continued to walk around the valley with Luo Bingyun.

On the other side, Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian were brought to a sealed stone room. It was not a dirty dungeon, but an ordinary stone room with no furnishings and was very simple.

Baek Keun Suk sat down on the ground, panting.

Today can be said to be the most thrilling day for him in so many years. The crisis is still not over, and it can only be said that he has just a chance to breathe.

Either he is not unlucky, or he is unlucky and he doesn't know if he can leave this place safely now.

"Old Duan, thank you just now." Bai Keunshuo turned his head and looked at Duan Aotian gratefully.

If Duan Aotian hadn't been here today, he would have finished playing by now and been played to death by a group of big men. Now I can still breathe fresh air here.

Bai Genshuo is naturally extremely grateful to Duan Aotian.

"Yes." Duan Aotian nodded coldly, then stopped talking and still stood there with his hands folded, pretending to be cool.

Seeing the opponent getting more and more angry, Baek Keun Suk's expression froze, but he did not interrupt the opponent this time.

This thing is going to be a show!

Baek Keun Suk now even feels that Duan Aotian is completely into the drama and really regards himself as the grandson of Master White Tiger.

To be honest, Duan Aotian's calm and pretentious demeanor outside just now made him believe Baek Genshuo's rhetoric.

For a while, I thought that I really hit him by mistake, but when Duan Aotian took off his clothes, he was indeed the grandson of Master White Tiger!

Therefore, now that Duan Aotian is still immersed in this state, Baek Keunsuk naturally dare not say more for fear of breaking the opponent's pretentiousness.

Now this is the only way to get out safely.

Baek Keun Suk sighed with emotion. He never thought that one day pretending to be realistic could save people's lives. This is really an art. If you have the opportunity in the future, you will have to learn from Duan Aotian.

Just as Baek Keun Suk was thinking about it, the door of the stone house was pushed open and Luo Bingyun walked in.

When Baek Keun Suk saw the other party, his heart was trembling, but there was no wrong look on his face.

He had always been a careful person, and he had just noticed the young man standing behind Lu Xingyan. His cultivation at the early stage of the Five Realms at such a young age was astonishing.

The most important thing is that this person pulled Lu Xingyan and said a few words, and then Lu Xingyan had people take him away without being there for the final trial.

Although Baek Keun Suk didn't know what happened specifically, he knew that it was most likely related to this young man.

Coupled with his relaxed and equal attitude when facing Lu Xingyan, it is natural to see that the other person's background is definitely not simple.

Duan Aotian is pretending, but this person must have this level of background, and it may be even higher.

Then, seeing him coming, Baek Keun Suk immediately cheered up.

"Hello, my name is Luo Bingyun." Luo Bingyun showed a very polite smile to Baek Keun Suk, and his tone was equally warm.

"Hello." Baek Keun Suk would naturally not deny face to people under the roof.

Luo Bingyun didn't say any more useless words. After glancing at King Duan Aotian, he looked at Baek Keun Suk and continued, "I heard that you and Xu You are close friends?"

Baek Keun Suk was shocked, but he had a surprised look on his face, "Where did you hear this? To be honest with you, Xu You and I knew each other before and had some friendship.

But you also know that in the Immortal Cultivation World, the strong are respected. He is now our most valued disciple in Kunlun and has a bright future.

How can I still be friends with Xu You at my current level? I still want to continue to be good friends with people.

But others don’t want it either. "

At the end of the story, Baek Keun Suk felt a bit sad, as if he was lamenting that people's hearts are fickle and old friends are far away.

"Oh? So we are really unfamiliar now?" Luo Bingyun asked with a smile.

"I'm not familiar with it." Baek Keun Suk sighed, "If you say hello or something, it's okay, but if you want to talk and do things, I guess it's quite difficult. My old friend's heart has changed, and Baek has no choice."

As he spoke, Baek Keun Suk even asked, "Why, do you know Xu You? From my perspective, you must be a genius of some force."

I don’t know your origin, but I would like to thank you just now for speaking up and not letting Elder Lu criticize me too harshly. "

Luo Bingyun did not tell her origins, but said with interest, "Oh, how did you know that I asked Elder Lu for you?"


Luo Bingyun said lightly, "I don't know Xu You. I originally wanted to make acquaintance through you. I am also very interested in this Kunlun disciple who is famous all over the world.

But now that you say you're not familiar with Xu You, it's a pity. You're of no use to me, so just take care of yourself. "

After saying this, Luo Bingyun turned around. Baek Genshuo was startled and almost didn't shout out, but he held it back.

He knew nothing about this person, but if he had such a good relationship with Lu Xingyan, he must not be a good person. Now he wanted to get to know Xu You through himself.

Could that be a good thing? He must have some evil thoughts about Xu You or something.

Now that he is behind bars, how can he cooperate with the other party to drag Xu You into trouble?

Although Baek Keun Suk is often greedy for money and lustful, he is also extremely loyal to his good brothers.

Xu You was so kind to him, how could he sell Xu You, so now Baek Keun Suk made this decision without much thought.

Woohoo, what should I do next? I must not be killed alive!

After leaving the stone house, Luo Bingyun said to Sun Yue who was waiting outside, "I will record some real images of Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian later, and then find a reliable person to send them to Xu You."

"Yes." Sun Yue clasped his fists, "But will Xu You come?"

"I think so." Luo Bingyun looked back, "Baek Keun Suk and Xu You still have a close friendship. If Baek Keun Suk boasted about his relationship with Xu You just now, the two of them have no friendship now.

If we deny it now, we will naturally have a deep friendship. Moreover, we will make friends with each other openly.

I think Xu You will come there. Remember, don’t let the people in Profound Transcendence Valley hurt Baek Keun Suk. You must be sincere when making friends, and we must return these two people to Xu You innocently. "

"Yes." Sun Yue continued, "So, the young master wants to take this opportunity to plant your demonic seeds directly on Xu You's Dao Foundation?"

"That's not true." Luo Bingyun smiled softly, "I just wanted to meet him."

Sun Yue stopped talking and turned around to do his business.

Early the next morning, Xu You pulled away from meditation and pondered a little.

After returning from Jubao Pavilion yesterday, Xu You went back to Kunlun Tower, mainly to wait for Baek Keun Suk to come.

As a result, Baek Keun Suk didn't come until late at night. Logically speaking, he should have arrived at nightfall at the latest.

At first, Xu You didn't think too much, thinking that Baek Keun Suk was on the way to collect news. It wasn't until he woke up now that he realized something was wrong.

Even if he comes late, he will definitely contact me. This kid won't be jumped by a god, right?

Xu You got up and went downstairs and asked the steward on the first floor. Indeed, there was no news about Baek Keun Suk.

Just when Xu You was thinking about how to contact Baek Keun Suk, the communication jade charm in his pocket rang. It was sent to him by Wu Bufan, saying that there was something very important.

Xu You put away the jade charm and rushed to Heliansheng Building immediately.

"What's up?"

A few quarters of an hour later, Xu You arrived and asked Wu Bufan immediately.

The latter quickly took out a piece of jade and handed it to Xu You, explaining, "Someone came just now and sent a piece of real image data, saying that it must be handed over to you, Master."

"Who gave it to you?" Xu You frowned slightly.

"I don't know." Wu Bufan shook his head, "I was practicing upstairs, and a monk who didn't show his true face brought this in. The waiter on the first floor immediately brought it to me.

By the time I chased him out, he had already disappeared, and I didn't know who sent it. We haven't read the content inside, we are just waiting for you to come. "

Xu You nodded slightly and read the contents immediately.

What comes to mind is a passage of text:

Brother Xu met in person. Unfortunately, your two friends Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian were captured by the monks in Profound Transcendence Valley. I was present and learned that Bai Genshuo was a close friend of Brother Xu, so I saved him.

If you have time, please come to Huaishan to see Brother Xu. I've heard about Brother Xu for a long time and want to see Brother Xu's style. At that time, Xu You's two friends will return it to Brother Xu intact.

Of course, to keep me safe, Brother Xu should not tell Kunlun about this. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, I won't be able to keep Baek Genshuo and Duan Aotian.

Demon Alliance Luo Bingyun paid his respects.

The text is followed by a short real image.

In the picture are Baek Keun Suk and Duan Aotian. They are fine, but Baek Keun Suk's mental state is not very good.

After reading it, Xu You put down the jade charm with a thoughtful look on his face.

Why did Duan Aotian come here with Baek Genshuo? He was worthy of being so graceful even after being caught.

But this is not important. What is important is why was Baek Keun Suk arrested by the people from Profound Transcendence Valley?

Who is this person named Luo Bingyun? Why do you want to see yourself? How could he, a member of the Demon Alliance, happen to be in Profound Transcendence Valley, and still have the dignity to ask for people from Profound Transcendence Valley?

The most important thing is that Vermilion Bird Peak just destroyed the Red Gold Gate under the Demon Alliance some time ago. Although the two sides are not in tit-for-tat, there is no way they can be harmonious.

At this critical juncture, Luo Bingyun came to say that he had heard of his name for a long time and wanted to meet him. Isn't this a joke?

He Xu You is not a three-year-old child.

"Sir, what happened?" Wu Bufan asked carefully.

Xu You casually threw the jade to the other party and said, "Take a look."

Wu Bufan started reading immediately. After he finished reading, Xu You asked directly, "That one said it was Luo Bingyun from the Demon Alliance. You have been in the Demon Alliance for so long, do you know this person?"

Wu Bufan clasped his fists solemnly, "Sir, this person has been appointed as the next leader of the Demon Alliance. Does the master know what the Demon Lord says?"


"Does the Young Master know about the Demon Lord's previous selection of Demon Sons?"

"I've heard a little bit about it. I remember that when a demon lord appears, there are several demons who can be pre-selected."

"Yes, if there is a demon child, this Luo Bingyun will be the only one, and no one can compete with him. He has been the only designated young master of the Demon Alliance since he was a child.

Under the tutelage of the sect master and the two great Venerables, he has already entered the early stage of the Five Realms at the age of twenty-three. "

"So powerful?" Xu You asked in surprise, "Why have I never heard of this young master's deeds?"

"Young master, you don't know. Luo Bingyun has been focusing on cultivation since he was a child and has hardly appeared outside. Especially after entering the early stage of the Five Realms, he has been living in seclusion for more than a year and has not been heard from again.

I also heard someone vaguely say before that Luo Bingyun has been practicing some kind of Divine Ability in seclusion for more than a year. "

"That's it." Xu You pondered, "I have never met this devil, why does he suddenly want to see me? I don't believe in long-standing rhetoric.

After much deliberation, it is only related to the Chijinmen incident. What does this demon have to do with the Chijinmen? "

"It doesn't matter. Luo Bingyun has never had any communication with Chijinmen. It is impossible to say that he wants to see the young master because of this incident." Wu Bufan shook his head.

"That's it." Xu You fell into deep thought again, "Then I don't know why this young master wants to see me. It makes me a little curious."

"Sir, please forgive me for asking, are you and Baek Keun Suk really close friends?"

"Yes, he is a very good friend of mine. What, you want to persuade me not to go?" Xu You smiled slightly.

"Exactly." Wu Bufan clasped his fists and said, "A gentleman doesn't stand behind a dangerous wall. We don't know many situations now. If we rush to see Luo Bingyun just based on this information, it may be a big risk.

Young Master can definitely tell Menli about this. I believe Kunlun will not refuse to save those two people. As long as the pressure is put on Profound Transcendence Valley, they will not dare not let them go.

Therefore, the young master does not need to personally take risks, but should protect himself wisely. "

Xu You smiled and said, "I don't think there is any danger. The current situation is also very clear.

First of all, this can't be a Profound Transcendence Valley conspiracy. I also roughly know why Baek Keun Suk was arrested by Profound Transcendence Valley. If Profound Transcendence Valley really wanted to kill someone, there would be no way for me to know about it.

Because he knew this, he was safer.

Naturally, Luo Bingyun also knew this, and he openly stated his identity and the matter of Profound Transcendence Valley to me. What we want is an honest meeting.

It is impossible to attack me under such circumstances. If anything happens to me, the Demon Alliance will not be able to escape. As the young master of the Demon Alliance, he is not so stupid.

This is a stupid way to provoke a dispute between the two parties.

Finally, it is basically impossible for other forces to do this under the guise of Profound Transcendence Valley or Luo Bingyun’s name.

As I said just now, I don’t know Luo Bingyun, and it makes no sense to cross-refer to him or Profound Transcendence Valley.

If we really want to talk about cheating, they are more reliable in cheating on you, Chen Luo, the young master of Chijin Sect.

Therefore, this is most likely what the letter says. Therefore, I have to thank Luo Bingyun for saving Baek Keun Suk from Profound Transcendence Gu.

Otherwise, Baek Keun Suk will definitely suffer severe physical and mental injuries and even his life will be in danger. In this way, I not only lost a close friend, but our financial career will also be severely damaged because of Baek Keun Suk.

He is Director Qin's right-hand assistant now, and Director Qin has now said that he will only film the scripts he wrote.

Therefore, both publicly and privately, I must bring our screenwriter Bai back safe and sound.

Moreover, I am also very curious about this Luo Bingyun now. Why does he want to know me? I have to figure this out.

The other party was honest and I went to meet him openly, so there was no big problem. "

After listening to Xu You's explanation, Wu Bufan felt relieved. He had to say that his young master had a quick mind and could always see through the essence of things in a few clicks.

At this time, Xu You paused and continued, "Actually, I'm more worried about another thing than Luo Bingyun. I remember it was my first time to come to this He Liansheng yesterday, right?"


"My relationship with you has always been kept relatively secret, right?"


"But that doesn't seem to be the case in other people's eyes. I just came once and they were able to put the letter in your place."

Wu Bufan clasped his fists and said, "Young Master is now too outstanding. Naturally, many forces will pay attention to your every move, both covertly and covertly. Tianque City is a mixed bag of men and women, and there are many open and hidden lines.

It is normal to have such a situation. "

"It feels really unpleasant to be stared at." Xu You smiled.

Wu Bufan continued, "Sir, are you really planning not to tell Kunlun and go to see Luo Bingyun alone?

Although what the young master just said makes sense, what if, what if something else really happens, and the young master is alone and unable to support himself, what should he do if he is imprisoned? "

"What you said makes sense." Xu You nodded, "So I plan to take you with me."

Wu Bufan, "."

"What? Elder Wu seems a little embarrassed? Elder Wu is very powerful. I can rest assured that you are here."

Wu Bufan stood up immediately. Although he felt guilty, he had a resolute expression on his face, "I am willing to go through fire and water for the young master! I will naturally go with the young master to protect his safety."

"That's Elder Wu Wu." Xu You stood up and said with a smile, "The Huaishan Mountain that Luo Bingyun chose was also very particular. If I remember correctly, Tianque City is only six or seven hundred miles away, right?"


"So, even if I go alone, if there is any danger, the support from Tianque City will be there as soon as possible."

"That's true."

"So from this point of view, Luo Bingyun is also a wonderful person, a person with brains. I also like to make friends with people with brains."

After saying that, Xu You walked out and continued, "Don't worry, I'm not ignorant, and I won't put myself in danger easily.

No matter how safe the situation is, I will protect my own safety and have my own backup plan. "

"Understood!" Wu Bufan took the reassurance and left with Xu You.

Huaishan Mountain is six to seven hundred miles south of Tianque City. It is considered a big mountain and a relatively conspicuous landmark. However, because the aura is slightly weak, no forces are rooted here. Only some sporadic Independent Cultivators have opened Cave Mansion here. .

The setting sun was shining brightly, and a tea table was placed on a natural stone platform on the top of Huaishan Mountain.

Luo Bingyun sat behind the tea table with disheveled hair. There was no tea on the tea table, only wine, and he was drinking. Sun Yue stood behind him with his hands tied and his eyes closed. Nurturing Spirit.

Baek Keun Suk sat aside helplessly. Luo Bingyun told him everything and sent the letter to Xu You without his knowledge.

This made Baek Keun Suk very toothache. Although it was not his intention, he always felt that he had cheated his brother.

Duan Aotian, on the other hand, stood on the edge of the cliff with his hands behind his hands, looking at the clouds and clouds on the horizon with a charming look.

At this time, two thunderous giants passed by the horizon and stood on the top of the mountain.

Xu You was in front and Wu Bufan was behind. The two of them looked at the tea table at the top of the mountain, and then they slowly landed.

"Old Xu, I'm sorry." Baek Keun Suk stood up immediately and looked at Xu You with shame.

Xu You just smiled and waved his hands, then turned his attention to Luo Bingyun, "You are the young master of the Demon Alliance, Luo Bingyun, right?"

"It's me, Brother Xu, please take a seat." Luo Bingyun showed a polite smile on his pale face and pointed to the seat opposite him with his right hand.

Xu You walked directly to the stone bench and sat down without any hesitation. Wu Bufan also followed and stood behind Xu You.

"This is Elder Wu, I guess. I didn't expect that Elder Wu would follow Brother Xu after the Chijin Gate was gone." Luo Bingyun raised his eyes slightly and looked at Wu Bufan.

There was no expression on the back, and he said calmly, "Young Master has shown me a great kindness, so Wu is naturally driven by Young Master."

Luo Bingyun just nodded when he heard this and didn't look too surprised, while Baek Keunsuk on the side looked at Xu You with wide eyes.

What the hell, Xu You is developing so well now?

He was shocked when he found out that Qin Long was so willing to hang out with Xu You. Now he saw a big boss from the Six Realm Late Stage and a boss from the Demon League hanging out with Xu You like this.

He looks like a lackey.

Baek Keun Suk couldn't understand, this guy of his was really awesome now!

Duan Aotian also turned slightly and looked at Xu You. He also looked at Wu Bufan with a complicated expression, and then looked at Xu You.

He obviously still looks that humble, but it just gives people the feeling that he is very awesome. The state of pretentiousness becomes more and more advanced.

Xu You also glanced at Sun Yue, but was not shocked by the other's Tiandao realm strength. He just turned to look at Baek Keun Suk and asked, "You were captured by Profound Transcendence Valley before, but this young master protected you. "

"That's true. He did save me." Baek Keun Suk answered truthfully.

Xu You took out a storage bag and threw it on the table, looked at Luo Bingyun and said, "Here are 30,000 Shenzhou coins, thank you for your generous rescue.

This is a thank you gift, and our lives and wealth will be cleared. I took the person away. "

After saying that, Xu You stood up directly, and Luo Bingyun said, "Brother Xu thinks I do this for money?"

Xu You said, "Your Majesty, do you think it's too little? Thirty thousand Shenzhou coins are enough to buy the life of an ordinary six-level master. Of course, if you think it's too little, please tell me."

Luo Bingyun shook his head and pushed back the bag of Shenzhou coins, "I made it very clear that I just want to make friends with Brother Xu. Money is of little use to me. I am not interested in money."

"Are you interested in me?"


"You like men?"

"Brother Xu is funny. I just admired Brother Xu's name for a long time and made friends after seeing his charm."

Xu You sat down again, "You are the young master of the Demon Alliance, and I am a disciple of Kunlun. How can you be friends with me?"

"There is such a thing as friends regardless of one's origin."

Xu You said calmly, "Although Xu has not seen much of the world, he is not a fool. Your Excellency and I have never met, let alone have any intersection.

Today you suddenly said that you want to make friends. I don't believe this kind of thing. What I value in making friends is honesty. "

Luo Bingyun nodded slightly, "Actually, it's not that we haven't crossed paths. Ling Jiu is my person, and I spend a lot of energy on her."

"Ling Jiu? Succubus Ling Jiu?"


So Xu You looked at each other with strange eyes, "Your lover?"

"That's not true."

"I killed that succubus. Before she died, she did say that there was a big shot behind her, and she also said that she would not let me go. I didn't expect that the person behind her was actually Your Excellency.

So you’re not here to be my friend, are you? "

Xu You half-squinted his eyes. The answer was indeed beyond his expectation. The root of the co-authorship lies here. But shouldn’t this kind of thing be a hostile relationship?

This Luo Bingyun is crazy. What are you saying and doing to yourself?

Xu You suddenly felt wary.

"It's just a succubus. If you die, you will die." Luo Bingyun looked unconcerned.

Xu You pushed the money bag to the other party again, "Okay, if you accept this money, it will be treated as money to accompany you as a succubus. From now on, everything will be different."

"Brother Xu doesn't want to be friends with me so much?"

"No." Xu You shook his head and refused, "The price to cultivate a succubus to this level is unimaginable. And if you are willing to pay such a high price, it will definitely be of great use to you.

Now that you are killed by me, all your efforts and sacrifices have been in vain.

Are you telling me to be friends now? It can be seen that your city is very deep, and Xu does not like to be friends with people from deep cities. "

Luo Bingyun laughed directly, "Brother Xu is really a frank and wonderful man. Indeed, I paid a lot of money to cultivate Ling Jiu.

But as long as there are resources, things like succubi can be concocted, but Brother Xu, you only have one. "

"Okay, then I'll accept you as my friend." Xu You laughed directly, and then said very perfunctorily, "I'll keep in touch when I have time in the future.

I have something else to do now, so I’ll leave now and we’ll talk next time. "

After saying that, Xu You stood up and was about to leave, when a black spell fell directly in front of him, blocking Xu You's footsteps.

Wu Bufan came to Xu You's side immediately, and Sun Yue also opened his eyes and stared at Wu Bufan, who did not move rashly.

Xu You also stretched out his hand to signal Sun Yue not to be nervous, and then turned to look at Wu Bufan, "Why, if you can't be a friend, you have to choose to be an enemy?"

Luo Bingyun stood up slowly, "I have heard that Brother Xu built the Eight Yang Dao Foundation, which is unparalleled in the world. I have no other intention. I just want to see the wonders of Brother Xu's Eight Yang Dao Foundation.

Brother Xu, are you willing to learn from each other? So far? "

"My cultivation level is lower than yours and I can't beat you. I will do it next time."

"Only discuss Divine Ability, not cultivation."

Xu You saw Luo Bingyun standing directly in front of him, and she had the intention of forcing him on her if she didn't agree.

At this time, Xu You glanced at the sea of ​​clouds outside the cliff and suddenly asked, "How many people did you bring today?"

"I didn't bring anyone with me."

"You really didn't bring it?"


So Xu You suddenly grinned and said, "It seems that there is a thief with ulterior motives."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu You made a quick gesture with his right hand, and extremely complex battle talisman patterns were outlined in the air.

Then Xu You tapped his right hand lightly, and a body integration of spiritual energy appeared in the sea of ​​clouds behind the cliff, and a man in black was wrapped inside it.

The man in black is at the early stage of the fifth realm and is currently trapped in the sphere, unable to escape no matter how hard he struggles.

Then, the sphere quickly absorbed all the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and then continued to expand.

With a final bang, a huge explosion resounded throughout the world!

The terrifying explosion wave directly overturned half of the mountain and exploded it into ashes.

Duan Aotian, who had been standing on the edge of the cliff just now, and Baek Keunshuo, who had not reacted, faced the aftermath of the explosion. Fortunately, Wu Bufan reacted quickly and quickly rushed over to take the two away from the explosion site.

Otherwise, the terrifying aftermath of the explosion could directly tear the two of them apart.

Just now, with Wu Bufan's cultivation level, he naturally noticed that someone was sneaking over, but he didn't say that the person who came was not strong, so he thought it was Luo Bingyun's people.

Therefore, he knew where Xu You's target was as soon as Xu You took action, and immediately rescued Baek Keun Suk and Duan Aotian.

The top of the mountain no longer exists, everyone is floating in the air, and endless winds are sweeping across them.

Xu You and Luo Bingyun were facing each other. Neither of them went to see the scene of the explosion. Although they were protected by spiritual light, their clothes still made noise, and the latter's long hair was flying even more fiercely.

After a while, the movement slowly stopped.

The core point of the explosion just now shone faintly with a bit of black space. This was the black hole formed after the space collapsed.

The man in black at the early stage of the Fifth Realm has disappeared, and his entire body has been destroyed and turned into powder.

Instant kill!

This was the first time that Xu You used the Jia Ge Explosive Talisman in actual combat, and he directly killed an ordinary fifth-level early-stage monk in an instant!

Of course, the load on Xu You's body is very heavy, and his cultivation is extremely depleted. But there was nothing unusual about his appearance, and he looked indifferent.

[This plot was originally just meant to set the stage, but it ended up being too much, but it’s over. Sorry hehehe. ]

(End of chapter)

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