Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 183 Chapter 207 208 Being Forcibly Taken To Joyous Union Sect By The Dignified And Beautiful

Chapter 183 Chapter 207 208 Being forcibly taken to Joyous Union Sect by the dignified and beautiful woman Yun Yanjin! Xu You is the king of forcing!

The moment he killed the five-level monk, a soul stick was absorbed by Azure Lotus. Xu You knew that he had killed the wrong person, and that the other party was an evil monk.

Baek Keun Suk stared at the movement Xu You made with his mouth agape. He could no longer see Xu You's strength.

Is this what the Four Realms monks can do? Just now he vaguely saw that the person trapped was a monk in the early stage of the Fifth Realm.

No matter how weak this fifth-level monk is in the same realm, he is still a fifth-level monk. How could Xu You kill the opponent in one move with his fourth-level cultivation!

This guy really can't understand. I still remember when Xu You first came out of the mountain, Xu You still had many questions to ask himself.

Now in the blink of an eye, we are already people in two worlds.

Baek Keun Suk turned to look at Xu You, his eyes quickly changed from shock to surprise. The stronger his brother is, the more he can get away with in the future.

Duan Aotian had a slightly bitter smile of thirty degrees at the corner of his mouth. Looking at Xu You, his heart suddenly stopped.

It is undeniable that the real performance brought by strength is particularly shocking!

The most important thing is that Xu You didn't even look back at the horrific explosion, as if he knew that the Fifth Realm monk would die as soon as he took action.

Kill four realms and five realms!

It's so easy and casual, so natural, it's hard to believe and extremely admirable.

This kind of monster that goes beyond the conventional strength comparison can no longer be described in words, and the just right calm temperament further sets off Xu You's awesomeness.

This is the king of forcing!

The bitterness at the corner of Duan Aotian's mouth rose a few degrees again, his own weakness was indeed inferior to others!

Duan Aotian sincerely admires Xu You and this kind of pretentiousness that is almost impossible to replicate.

At this time, Luo Bingyun spoke slowly, "This person is not from the Demon Alliance, nor is he from the Profound Transcendence Valley."

After speaking, Luo Bingyun stretched his right hand to the left, and black energy flowed from his five fingertips. These black energy eventually gathered together to form a huge black hand.

The black hand disappeared instantly, and when it reappeared, it was already several miles away in the air.

I saw the black hand grabbing hard, pulling out a black-clothed figure from the void, and holding it tightly.

The figure let out a miserable cry, and it was clear that it was in extreme pain as the black energy lingered around its body.

Luo Bingyun did not take the opponent's life directly, but gently raised his right hand, withdrew the devil's hand, brought the man in black back with him and threw it at his feet.

Xu You looked at the man in black. His cultivation level was in the middle stage of the fifth realm, which was a small level higher than the one just now. At this moment, his aura was weak and all his cultivation levels were sealed.

Looking up at Luo Bingyun again, he could see that he was extremely relaxed. He could kill monks of the same realm as easily as a pig or a dog.

As expected of the young master of the Demon Alliance, and as worthy of being the only demon child designated by the Demon Alliance, his strength is indeed unfathomable and cannot be measured by common sense.

"I knew just now that these two people were sneaking over, but I didn't care. I thought it was because the monks from the Profound Transcendence Valley were worried, so I just let them go.

It wasn't until Brother Xu took action just now and the other party resisted that I realized that they were not from Profound Transcendence Valley. Luo Bingyun said lightly.

Xu You was noncommittal. He, Luo Bingyun, was just the opposite. He relied on his acumen far beyond that of fellow monks to naturally vaguely discover these two people.

He thought he was Luo Bingyun's person, but the other party denied it, so he directly killed the spying thief. Unexpectedly, he was not Luo Bingyun's person.

Even Luo Bingyun also set out to capture the other party alive, which was somewhat beyond Xu You's expectation.

"Then it looks like you have provoked someone. These two people came to find you." Xu You said.

Luo Bingyun shook his head, "Probably not. I live alone and have no enemies. I think these two people are here to find you, Brother Xu."

Hearing this, Xu You pondered for a moment, then squatted down and pulled open the other party's mask.

He didn't recognize him, so he just waved to Wu Bufan and said, "Elder Wu, could you please come over and examine this person to find out his background."

Wu Bufan came over immediately, and then took the man in black and shot away a little distance. The methods used by the Demon Alliance to interrogate people are naturally cruel and inappropriate for children.

Xu You couldn't see the specific situation over there, but there were occasional screams of pain that hurt his soul.

Soon, Wu Bufan came back with the dying man in black and sent a message to Xu You's spiritual consciousness, "They are from Hengmeng. They say they were sent by Qi Lie, the master of Lieyou Cave in Hengmeng, to monitor you, sir." .”

Xu You was a little surprised, this was really the one monitoring him, Hengmeng Lieyou Cave. Xu You fell into deep thought and soon figured out why.

Tan Long.

Qin Long turned out to be one of the leaders of Lieyoudong, and he had a close relationship with Qi Lie. Even though he has the ability to make a lot of money, he still doesn't want to move up and stays in Lieyou Cave.

Now it is estimated that Qi Lie came to spy on him because Qin Long had a new movie coming out. After all, Qin Long came here to mess with him in the first place.

It's just that Qi Lie probably doesn't know the real situation between him and Qin Long, otherwise he wouldn't monitor him so gently.

This incident directly reminded Xu You that Qin Long was not only valuable to Lieyou Cave, but also to the entire Hengmeng.

In the past, Qin Long was Hengmeng's cash cow, and brought huge profits to Hengmeng every year. Now that this cash cow is in his own hands, Hengmeng will probably not give up easily.

I was careless about this situation before, but I will pay more attention in the future.

But what Xu You couldn't figure out was how these two people knew they were here today, but it was most likely related to the Profound Transcendence Valley.

Moreover, how dare someone with a fifth-level cultivation dare to sneak over here? Do these two people think that no one here can find them?

Of course, Xu You didn't say much or stay here. He just hugged Luo Bingyun and said, "Brother Luo, I'm going to leave first. These two people are really looking for me.

It's true that I misunderstood Brother Luo. If we have a drink with Brother Luo in the future, I will ask Brother Luo to accept the 30,000 Shenzhou coins. I don't like to owe favors the most. "

After saying that, Xu You left directly, Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian quickly followed, and Wu Bufan left with the dying Lieyou Cave man.

Luo Bingyun did not say anything to stop him this time, but watched Xu You leave calmly. After Xu You disappeared from sight, he casually weighed the money bag Xu You gave him.

He was a little curious about how Xu You was so rich. Thirty thousand Shenzhou coins was a very large amount. Even if Xu You was the most favored disciple in Kunlun, he would not be able to give him thirty thousand just for the sake of it.

Coupled with the way Xu You didn't blink an eyelid just now, there is only one possibility: he has enough financial resources.

"Mr. Sun, go back and check if Xu You has any money-making business."

"It's the young master."

Luo Bingyun looked down at the disappearing mountain top again, and then came to the place where Xu You had just used Jia Ge to blast the talisman, and looked at the black hole that had not dissipated.

"What trick did Xu You just use?"

Sun Yue glanced at the black hole twice and replied, "It is a battle talisman, and it is the most Apex Level battle talisman among the five realms."

"War talisman? Talisman Great. A war talisman that can only be practiced at the magic talisman stage?" Luo Bingyun asked.


"The Great Dao is notoriously difficult to cultivate, and the Talisman is even more difficult, let alone the Apex Level combat talisman in the Talisman stage.

I remember that only monks with extremely high talents in Talisman Dao will practice one or two war talismans at the Alchemy Dao stage, right? "

"Yes, young master." Sun Yue said solemnly, "Those who can practice war talismans are the most powerful group of talisman monks, and the number is very small.

The War Talisman is extremely difficult to cultivate, but by the same token, if it is successfully cultivated, its power is far greater than many of the Great Dao's Divine Abilities.

Therefore, combat-type Talisman monks are basically among the top ranks.

The most important thing is that Xu You was an instant battle talisman just now, and it was also an Apex Level battle talisman that transcended realms and used four realms to instantly cast five realms.

I have never heard of this. Lao Chan has also been in contact with some Fu Tao monks before and has some understanding of this industry. Let's put it this way, what Xu You just did was beyond Lao Chan's knowledge and is almost impossible. "

"Is it that powerful?"

"Yes, it's just more powerful."

"What if it was me who was under that battle talisman just now?"

Lao Cao fell into deep thought for a moment, "Young Master's life is safe, but he will definitely be injured. The extent of the injury is hard to estimate, Lao Cao."

"So, I didn't force him to stay anymore. If I can't beat him with my fifth realm cultivation, it would be great fun." Luo Bingyun suddenly laughed heartily, and then continued,

"Isn't this Xu You following the path of Dao Foundation? He has also made great achievements in the way of swordsmanship, and now he has appeared in the way of talisman. How can there be such a strange person in the world?"

"Yes." Sun Yue said with emotion, "I have never seen such young people and old people. How can any monk have the energy to cultivate the three Great Dao.

And every Great Dao can actually cultivate to such a terrifying level. With the Eight Yang Dao Foundation, the Sword Sutra, and this instant battle talisman, it can only be said that this child's future is limitless and will only happen once in thousands of years. "

Luo Bingyun also sighed with emotion, "He is even a few years younger than me. He is truly a genius."

Sun Yue glanced at Luo Bingyun and fell silent. He could not answer anything.

Luo Bingyun was someone he had grown up with and had been by his side since he was very young, so he knew Sun Yue very well.

He knew that although Luo Bingyun was quite low-key and humble on weekdays, he almost never went out to make a name for himself, and he was not at all young and frivolous.

But he is actually a very visionary person, and his peers who are recognized by him can be counted on one hand.

Because Luo Bingyun himself is one of the top few young monks in the entire Divine Continent’s cultivation world, and a genius that the Demon Alliance has not seen for thousands of years.

His talent in the magic path is terrifying, and he entered the fifth realm at the age of twenty-three.

He was also designated as the only devil by default, and he had mastered the Tao Heart Demon Seed technique to perfection some time ago. Every piece of information like this can shock countless people.

Therefore, Luo Bingyun actually maintained a rather casual attitude towards the Shenzhou Tianjiao List. In his eyes, the only person he wanted to catch up with was himself.

But now Xu You was born, which directly refreshed Luo Bingyun's knowledge.

Putting everything aside, at the age of nineteen, he studied three Great Dao at the same time, and even if they don't conflict with each other, they all have Apex Level achievements. You don't know how scary it would be if you tell me.

The brilliance of such a genius would probably fade in front of Xu You.

"Young Master, the fate of monks and monks is different. Young Master's Great Dao is also unparalleled in the world." Sun Yue bowed.

Luo Bingyun smiled and said, "Mr. Sun, do you think I will be shaken in my Taoist heart because of Xu You?"

"Young Master's Taoist heart is naturally strong."

Luo Bingyun sighed slightly, "However, it is undeniable that Xu You is indeed a very scary peer after a little contact with him. I originally wanted to test the stability of his Dao Foundation just now, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance.

We can only wait until there is a good opportunity in the future to talk about it."

Sun Yue said, "So, is the young master really determined to plant demons on Xu You's Dao Foundation?"

"Well, I wasn't completely sure before I met him, but after I met him, it was definitely him. There is no second peer in the world who is more worthy of me planting a demon seed than him." Luo Bingyun said lightly.

Sun Yue hesitated, but finally said, "If it were before, I would not have interfered with the young master's decision-making. But this Xu You is indeed weird and not simple.

If the young master rashly plants the Dao Foundation on him, I'm afraid there will be risks.

After all, this method is a double-edged sword. If there is a backlash, it will be very detrimental to the young master. "

Luo Bingyun said very calmly, "Cultivation is a matter of struggle. If I am timid, it will be even more detrimental to my Taoist heart. Since I have chosen, I will choose.

I just like the best and the more difficult ones. Xu You is the Eight Yang Dao Foundation, and the demon seeds will be planted safely. When it finally comes to fruition, it will be the biggest opportunity for me. "

When Sun Yue saw what Luo Bingyun said, it was hard to persuade him. The devil could only be planted in one person and get one fruit. Once planted, the thread of cause and effect stretches.

At that time, who is stronger or weaker will finally determine the line of cause and effect.

Luo Bingyun made it clear that he wanted to fight, but Sun Yue knew that no one could persuade him. The young master himself is a proud person to the core.

You will not let yourself fail, and you will not allow yourself to fail.

As for Bayang Dao Foundation, with Luo Bingyun’s talent and level of demon species, there is no chance of failure.

On the other side, Xu You didn't know that Luo Bingyun had such plans for him, so he just rushed to Tianque City.

I just casually and carefully interrogated the monk from Lieyou Cave, and the answer I got was very simple. These two guys really thought that their stealth skills were great.

You will definitely not be discovered if you stay away. It sounds ridiculous, but in the Immortal Cultivation World, such ridiculous things can actually be seen everywhere.

Many monks have not seen the better scenery, so they will use their own strength as a benchmark for other monks, and they are deeply self-righteous.

As everyone knows, the difference between monks and monks can be described as a chasm. This inherent prejudice has caused many monks to lose their lives in vain.

Xu You didn't kill the man, but put him back.

Now that the situation is so tense, there is no need to confront the Hengmeng League tit for tat.

Kill one and release another. Give both grace and power. Not only did he not let Lie Youdong know that he was not easy to mess with, but he also showed some kindness appropriately.

Of course, if Lieyoudong is still stubborn in the future, you are really welcome, and I will definitely find a way to fuck him.

"By the way, Elder Wu, let me introduce you. This is Baek Keun Suk, you know." Xu You first introduced Baek Keun Suk.

"I know, Tan Long's right-hand man, thanks to Bai Xiaoyou for the best-selling of Real Image." Wu Bufan said quite kindly.

It's not just about giving Xu You face, but in his eyes Baek Keun Suk is also his cash cow. If he can make a lot of money, he should naturally treat him well.

"I've met my senior, and he was so complimentary." Baek Keun Suk immediately put on his posture and bowed politely to say hello. This is the boss of Six Realm Late Stage and cannot be ignored.

"Elder Wu, Genshuo came to Tianque this time to open up a business, a very important business. During this time, I will help you work with Genshuo, and at the same time take care of his safety." Xu You said.

"No problem, I'll take care of it." Wu Bufan agreed without thinking.

Baek Keun Suk originally wanted to politely refuse, but the words stuck in his throat. It wasn't a big deal anyway, so he just accepted it calmly.

Furthermore, Geun Suk couldn’t refuse a late stage monk from the Sixth Realm to do his busy work. How fucking honorable was this!

"This is Duan Aotian, my senior brother." Xu You introduced him smoothly.

"Duan Xiaoyou has an extraordinary temperament, and he has a great background."

"Master White Tiger, the master of White Tiger Hall, is my grandfather." Duan Aotian said calmly.

Wu Bufan was stunned for a moment, and Xu You was also stunned for a moment. Does Duan Aotian still have this kind of relationship? How come he'd never heard of it before?

On the other side, Baek Keun Suk said with a black line on his head, "He's just talking nonsense and it hasn't even happened yet."

"A drama?" Xu You asked, "What's the situation, and how did you get caught by Profound Transcendence Valley?"

Baek Keun Suk sighed, and then told the whole story of the incident.

After hearing this, Xu You's face looked so weird, he was really two Apex Level geniuses.

One dares to think, the other dares to do, awesome.

However, this Duan Aotian does have something, and he can really fool him by pretending. Xu You believes that there are not many young people in the world who can compare with Duan Aotian, the king of forcing, in such a situation.

After hearing this, Wu Bufan also looked at Duan Aotian in stunned silence.

Are each of the Kunlun disciples more unique than the other? Those who pretend to be cool, those who write small h-texts write small h-texts, and don’t mention Xu You.

All I can say is that the people are outstanding.

Xu You stopped talking a lot and gave the space for communication to Baek Keun Suk and Wu Bufan. Opening an adult store in Tianque still needs serious discussion, and the two immediately started a heated exchange.

Xu You immersed his mind in his own divine palace, preparing to refine the soul stick of the fifth realm monk he just killed.

In fact, Xu You didn't have much intention of wishing for good luck, and he didn't think it could produce anything extraordinary. However, the next moment, Xu You was still a little shocked when he saw the Divine Ability that came out.

[Hongfu Qitian]

[Passive magical skill, can be used twice, the duration is synchronized with the current event. Luck has its ups and downs, and using this Divine Ability can ensure that you will be blessed in the current event.

Interpretation: As a measure of luck, you may encounter some unlucky things that do not endanger your life after Hongfu Qi Tian. There is no need to panic, just feel at ease. ]

After seeing this magical skill, Xu You fell into deep thought. This thing seems a bit unnatural?

For example, if you do something by yourself, using this skill can directly bring blessings to the sky? Invincible good luck? Is it anything?

Xu You's thinking began to diverge again. Of course, he was reluctant to experiment. After all, he could only use it twice, on the blade.

Soon, the group returned to Tianque City.

Baek Keun Suk did not go back to Kunlun Tower, but followed Wu Bufan back to Heliansheng. The two chatted happily, as if they had been friends for the past year, and were ready to go deeper and start the business.

Duan Aotian said goodbye coolly and went to visit his elders first.

Xu You went back to Kunlun Tower first. The first thing he did was to tell Han Qianyue that Baek Keun Suk was here.

This Han Qianyue went out cheerfully and prepared to greet his good buddy. All I can say is that Baek Keun Suk is indeed doing quite well, and his friends are everywhere.

After that, Xu You went upstairs alone to the floor where confidential documents were stored. He planned to investigate the Demon Alliance and Luo Bingyun.

Xu You didn't believe him. Luo Bingyun went through all the trouble to save Baek Keun Suk just because he wanted to be friends with him. Whoever believes this is a fool.

It's just that Xu You really doesn't know the other party's true intentions towards him. It stands to reason that the two people are enough to become enemies just because of Ling Jiu's incident.

But Luo Bingyun was very polite to him. How could it be possible that he was innocent?

In the next few hours, Xu You found out all the information about the Demon Alliance and made up for it, but there was very little information about Luo Bingyun.

It's not as good as what I learned after meeting him just now. This person is a faceless person who has been cultivating in the Demon Alliance since he was a child.

After searching to no avail, Xu You had no choice but to give up.

In short, we must remain 200% vigilant against Luo Bingyun in the future.

"Deacon Xu, there is a senior downstairs looking for you."

Just when Xu You left the Secret Pavilion, a disciple in charge outside said this to Xu You.

"Senior? Which senior?" Xu You asked.

"I didn't ask. The person who came to deliver the message just said he was a senior from Joyous Union Sect."

"Okay, I understand, let's get down here."

Xu You nodded and immediately went downstairs. Which senior can come to Joyous Union Sect? After thinking about it, Xu You can probably only think that it is related to Luo Qiaoqiao.

Thinking it wasn't a big problem, he went downstairs without thinking too much.

When he got downstairs, Xu You paused for a while.

In the hall, there is a very eye-catching figure of a mature woman.

Happy Venerable Yun Yanjin stood there very decently. She was wearing a long light red Confucian shirt. Her chest was so full that the buttons could not be fastened.

Her hair was tied up high and covered with gold hairpins as usual.

The plump curves are particularly eye-catching, especially the curve between the waist and hips, which is the most perfect mature woman template.

Yun Yanjin is the most mature among the old women Xu You knows, very mature.

The whole person is round and round, especially the lazy look on the oval-shaped face, making her look like the most noble lady.

The temperament of a lady can only be cultivated by living a life of pampering, keeping one's fingers clean, and living a life of luxury and luxury.

She is obviously mature for her age, but her skin is still fair and rosy, and her face is radiant.

It not only has the Apex Level charm of a mature woman, but also has the skin condition of a girl. How can such a lady not be eye-catching.

At this moment, Elder Qingcang is accompanying Yun Yanjin in a good manner, for fear that some inconsideration will make the happy Venerable unhappy.

The moment Xu You saw Yun Yanjin, he was a little stunned. He thought something had happened to Luo Qiaoqiao, so he hurried down to say goodbye.

"I've met senior, but I wonder what senior wants from me?"

"Come with me." Yun Yanjin said lightly, then turned to Qing Cang and said, "Is it okay to let Xu You go out with me?"

"Of course there is no problem." Qingcang agreed directly.

He simply thought that Yun Yanjin might have some use for Xu You, and he never thought about anything else, let alone that Yun Yanjin would hurt the junior or anything.

"Just go with Venerable and talk and do things properly." Qingcang said to Xu You.

"It's the elder." Xu You cupped his fists and bowed.

Upon seeing this, Yun Yanjin turned away and left, her plump back swaying with charm. Xu You followed immediately.

A large carriage stopped at the door. Yun Yanjin was the first to step onto the carriage, her long gown tightening around her hips as she stepped forward.

As a result, the exaggerated and plump buttocks were outlined in an extremely alluring way, like two large gourds turned upside down, firm, plump, and extremely plump.

Xu You quickly looked away, not daring to look further.

"Get in the car." After Yun Yanjin got in the car, her faint voice came from inside the car,

Xu You immediately climbed into the carriage. The interior of the carriage was very spacious, and the layout could be described as luxurious. The cushion under the buttocks was plush and pure white, and it could not be said to be the hide of a Demonic Beast from the Five Realms.

In the middle was a table made of beautiful jade, filled with various spiritual fruits and lit by a sandalwood incense stick.

The walls of the carriage are carved with various exquisite patterns using spirit wood. It is more like a carriage than a mobile private boudoir.

The scent of sandalwood mixed with the fragrance of Yun Yanjin couldn't help but penetrate into Xu You's mouth and nose.

Yun Yanjin lay lazily on the couch where she sat, her legs crossed, and the long leg above them stretched into an extremely plump curve.

Moist thighs are the most perfect thighs, especially when a mature woman has such a pair of extremely plump thighs.

Topped on top, there is no resistance.

Of course, Yun Yanjin only has a seductive posture, but the expression on her face is still that of a very dignified lady.

This creates a very extreme sense of contrast, just like some kind of retrograde debauchery from a good Supreme Grade family.

As we all know, extreme contrast is sometimes the most tempting, but Xu You obviously has no intention of paying attention to Yun Yanjin's state at the moment.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and he felt a chill in his heart.

After getting on the carriage, he realized that something was wrong. Even if something happened to Luo Qiaoqiao, it was impossible for Yun Yanjin to come and find him personally.

Furthermore, Luo Qiaoqiao is Yun Yanjin's sweetheart, and Xu You knows how good the latter is to the former, which is better than his own daughter.

But now Yun Yanjin looks normal, not like anything happened.

Then as an elder, she suddenly went to Kunlun Tower to look for him by name and took her away. What did she want to do?

Thinking of Yun Yanjin's joy in the name Venerable, Xu You suddenly panicked, and even Xu Gen was trembling with fear.

Could it be that she knew about her relationship with Luo Qiaoqiao?

Impossible. I had successfully brainwashed Luo Qiaoqiao before. It was impossible for Yun Yanjin to know about it.

But it's not about this. Xu You really can't think of anything else worthy of Yun Yanjin's behavior.

"Well, senior, I wonder what you want from me?" Xu You asked cautiously.

Yun Yanjin raised his eyelids, looked at Xu You's handsome face, and did not answer the question.

Xu You asked bravely again, "Then I don't know where senior is going to take me?"

Yun Yanjin still didn't answer the question, but turned his head to look at the street outside the carriage through the window lattice.

As a result, Xu You became even more panicked. This must be bad, and he was afraid that he would fall into a trap!

He quietly reached into his clothes, holding the communication jade talisman and preparing to shake it.

"If I were you, I would just sit quietly and don't think about things." Yun Yanjin spoke slowly and said the first words after getting in the car.

Xu You's little movements froze there, a little at a loss.

This Yun Yanjin's attitude is not very good. Although there was no in-depth communication in the previous few meetings, they were only superficial, but it can be felt that Yun Yanjin still has a very good impression of him.

That kind of appreciation from the elders to the younger ones is overflowing, but now it doesn't feel right.

"Senior, where are you taking me? If there is anyone who needs my help, just say it, through fire and water." Xu You mustered up the courage to say something again.

"Through fire and water? Who have you ever said this to?" Yun Yanjin asked.

Xu You slowly raised a question mark in his heart, but still replied respectfully, "To the elders, this is the first time I've met."

"Glib tongue!"


Seeing Yun Yanjin's slightly sneer, Xu You didn't know how to answer.

Now he was sure that 70% of the matter between him and Luo Qiaoqiao was known to her, and the remaining 30% was due to other reasons.

As a result, Xu You was completely panicked. Yun Yanjin's golden scissors were famous in Shenzhou!

I wipe it! Xu You's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to solve it.

At this moment, Xu You felt an upward recoil, and the carriage flew directly into the sky and rushed into the clouds in an instant.

The windows on both sides slowly unfolded to form two huge wings, which led the carriage towards the distance at a faster speed.

The speed was so fast that the fierce wind poured in, causing Xu You's head to hurt.

This speed is no less than the full flight of a seventh-level monk. Xu You has only experienced it under Mo Yuhuang's crotch before, but at that time, he had his master's clothes covering his face.

You can't get under Yun Yanjin's crotch now.

Xu You could only hold on to the car body tightly, feeling the speed, not knowing where Yun Yanjin was going to take him.

I don’t know how long it took, but as the sun set in the west, the speed of the carriage slowly decreased, and the altitude also decreased.

When the clouds broke through, the magnificent scene below suddenly came into Xu You's eyes.

At this time, there were mountains stretching into the clouds, with countless splendid buildings built on them, and many monks riding fairy birds and animals shuttled between the mountains.

Every mountaintop is full of rich spiritual energy, each with its own merits.

The most important thing is the infinite rays of light. The endless bright rays of light wrap around these rugged mountain peaks and will not fade with time. This will always be the case.

Xu You suddenly remembered a place in his mind.

Joyous Union Sect Headquarters!

Yes, only the headquarters of Joyous Union Sect in the world has such a prosperous scene of rays of light. These are wonders formed by spiritual energy of special nature, which are of great benefit to dual cultivation.

It is the product of thousands of years of accumulation and construction of the Joyous Union Sect. It is known as the most Apex Level dual cultivation Sacred Land on the land of China.

Countless monks who follow this path are eager to come here to practice.

I wipe it! Yun Yanjin actually brought himself directly to Joyous Union Sect. What's going on?

(End of chapter)

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