Chapter 2: Kunlun Immortal Sect

The morning sun broke through the clouds, casting golden rays of light. Xu You slowly opened his eyes and looked at the light outside the window.

He was currently on the Vermilion Bird Peak of the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Unbeknownst to him, he had been in this world for over three years. Yes, Xu You was originally a stranger in this land.

He was a student preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. The 2023 postgraduate entrance examination was a scam like no other in a century.

The key to victory was simply being able to enter the examination room, and if one could complete the entire exam, they would have defeated 80% of their competitors. The questions were ridiculously difficult.

But when the results came out, it was all a damn lie!

Xu You was the one who cheated, and when the results came out, he couldn't help but smile.

To celebrate being admitted to the top university in the country, he made a rebellious decision to go bungee jumping.

It is well known that college students are prone to accidents.

Xu You jumped directly into this world.

He didn't know how he got here exactly, but he remembered passing through a white mist and then shivering before arriving in the Divine Continent.

At that time, even his physical body had transformed into that of a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy.

The Immortal Cultivation World of the Divine Continent was a completely genuine Immortal Cultivation World. It had cultivators with various mysterious powers such as immortals, demons, witches, martial artists, and sorcerers.

Thanks to the current era, the righteous path was flourishing. The forces of the righteous path suppressed all evil and protected this magnificent human world.

Perhaps Xu You had incredibly good luck. He had just arrived in this world when the Kunlun Immortal Sect was recruiting new disciples once every ten years. He was chosen and eventually brought back to the Vermilion Bird Peak by his mature female master, Mo Yuhuang.

The location of the Immortal Gate was in the Central Continent of the Five Great Divine Continents.

For a transmigrator, this kind of start was already heaven-defying, not to mention the fact that Xu You also came with a cheat, the Azure Lotus in his divine soul.

Speaking of this, he felt a bit embarrassed.

At that time, he was under a lot of pressure from the postgraduate entrance examination, so he secretly played a text-based game to relieve stress.

Yes, it was a cultivation-themed game.

He controlled the Nine-petal Azure Lotus, a Goldfinger, to roam the Immortal Cultivation World and grow stronger.

In simpler terms, it could be summarized as his cultivation journey with the immortal maidens.

The Goldfinger was very powerful, and he could exchange various rewards with demonic souls.

Then, when Xu You arrived in this world, the Azure Lotus inexplicably appeared in his divine soul.

Xu You was very receptive, and he knew that this was something essential for a traveler.

Before activating this divine lotus, Xu You had planned to quietly cultivate within the Immortal Gate. He would leave the task of punishing evil and promoting good to the big shots.

But after the divine lotus was activated, Xu You thought, "Promote the glory of the righteous path, it is our duty."

At first, Xu You focused on cultivating within the sect, primarily to improve his cultivation. It wasn't until he reached the third realm that he started using his cheat.

During a trip down the mountain to a small village, he encountered his first demonic creature, a chicken demon that had cultivated for twelve and a half years.

This chicken demon gave him his first big reward, a purple-gold hammer that could smash enemies. It could trigger a stiffening effect, causing the enemy to maintain a specific posture with their right shoulder raised. The duration depended on the strength of both parties.

This purple-gold hammer was very useful to Xu You, not because of its specific effect on demons, but because the stiffening effect always reminded him of an online friend from his postgraduate entrance examination days.

With the experience of killing the chicken demon, Xu You finally dared to officially go out and fight. His first battle was against the old mother pig. He obtained his second treasure, the pig demon whip.

By this point, Xu You had also preliminarily confirmed one fact: his cheat was not serious.

Yes, how serious could a cultivation-themed cheat be?

After three incidents, Xu You planned to immediately verify it.

After getting up and freshening up a bit, Xu You put on his white robe and left his Dao residence. He rode his sword into the clouds.

Xu You's sword was very fast, and the sound of wind thundered in his ears. The numerous peaks below were as straight as if they had been cut with a knife, and white clouds moved among them, creating a magnificent scene.

People shuttled back and forth, riding swords, riding cranes, riding beasts, and flying.

They intertwined like flowing water, and the sound of dragons and phoenixes echoed between the peaks.

The mountain peaks stood tall, occupying a vast area.

After a while, Xu You arrived at his destination, the Heaven-Connecting Peak.

The Heaven-Connecting Peak was located in the middle of the Kunlun Immortal Sect and was the largest and thickest peak in the Immortal Gate.

It was the core area where all the disciples of the Immortal Gate communicated with each other.

There were numerous shops, where one could trade, accept missions, refine pills, refine artifacts, and obtain all the necessary materials for cultivation.

When Xu You landed, he looked at the bustling crowd and the numerous buildings around him. It was like a vast and sprawling super-sized trading market.

Xu You walked straight towards the central square, where a curtain wall had been built.

Text scrolled back and forth on the curtain wall, displaying the latest announcements from the sect, followed by official missions and various bounty missions.

After completing these tasks, you can exchange Kun coins as rewards. Kun coins are the official currency of the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Inside the sect, they are a form of hard currency, and the same goes for outside the sect.

Xu You walked straight to a three-story attic on the right.

This attic is called Baiyu Attic, responsible for the specific process of task collection and distribution. It is entirely built with white jade and is extremely exquisite.

After entering the attic, Xu You went directly to the second floor, where some disciples were usually in charge. Xu You stopped in front of a room on the right side of the corridor.

"Senior Xue, I'm here to submit the task." As soon as he entered the room, Xu You greeted with a smile.

"Junior Xu has come." A man in his thirties, with his head bowed, looked up. He was wearing a loose, blue robe and had an average appearance, except for his slightly prominent nose hair.

Xu You sat down across the table and handed over a small jade token that looked like a button.

One of these tokens is distributed during tasks and serves as a recording device.

In simple terms, it is like a law enforcement recorder, which restrains the behavior of disciples, judges their achievements, and can be used as evidence when necessary.

After years of development, the Immortal Gate has established very humane and standardized rules and procedures, providing the best guarantee for disciples.

"Let Senior take a look." Senior Xue's eyes lit up as he took the small jade token.

"This task is not difficult, but I heard that the demoness is very skilled in seduction. She likes to disguise herself as a nun to seduce monks. I'm curious about how Junior will deal with that demoness."

"Senior Xue, please watch with caution. The taste might be a bit unusual." Xu You reminded him.

"Junior, rest assured. Senior has been here for many years. I've seen all kinds of unusual things." Senior Xue waved his hand and eagerly opened the recording to watch.

He looked like someone who enjoys watching bald movies.

At first, Senior Xue's face remained unchanged. After watching the recordings for so many years, he had seen many promiscuous women.

But gradually, Senior Xue's expression became strange, especially when the demoness revealed her true form. His eyes were filled with excitement.

If it weren't for Xu You's presence and concerns about the impact, no one knew what Senior Xue would do.

Xu You was puzzled: ?

A single 6.

That's a hermaphroditic unicorn pig demon!

No wonder Senior Xue has been here for so many years. It's impossible to do this without a certain psychological threshold and unique taste.

Just like a classic line from a certain bald director: "What I want is Avatar."

After a while, Senior Xue finally calmed down, wearing a smile, and then counted out one hundred Kun coins and handed them over.

"This is the task reward, one hundred and fifty Kun coins."

"Isn't it one hundred and twenty?" Xu You was a little puzzled.

"Junior, you've worked hard. Consider it a gift from Senior." Senior Xue sighed and shook the "law enforcement recorder" in his hand.

Understood, he has become a porn actor.

"Senior has taught me many times, so it's not hard for me." Xu You smiled lightly, accepting only one hundred and twenty coins and gently pushing back the remaining thirty.

Senior Xue looked at Xu You, who was so understanding, and didn't insist.

This junior of his, at such a young age, deeply understands the meaning of human relationships. He is a rare good junior.

Senior Xue continued to marvel, "This hermaphroditic unicorn pig demon is quite rare. I didn't expect you, Junior, to encounter it. It has quite a research value."

"What do you mean?" Xu You was curious.

"Hermaphroditic, in heat every day, extremely evil." As he spoke, Senior Xue took out a lifelike model of the pig demon from somewhere and began to explain its organs.

"If it doesn't have a partner, when it gets impatient, it can satisfy itself." Senior Xue pulled on the pig demon's horn, extending it, and finally placed it on its buttocks.

Xu You: ???

He was greatly shocked as he watched Senior Xue's passionate lecture, spitting out saliva.

It was as if he himself was the pig demon.

"Senior, I would like to take on another new task." After a long time, Xu You picked up his scattered thoughts from the ground and bowed.

"Don't you want to take a break?"

"No." Xu You shook his head.

"Alright." Senior Xue nodded slightly. "Last time, you said you wanted to take on a demon-slaying task. There are many tasks suitable for your cultivation level. Let me take a look."

"Do you have one or two more days, Junior?"


"Okay." Soon, Senior Xue selected two tasks from the vast array of task cards and handed them to Xu You, saying with a smile, "Go to Qingshui County and Sanfu County.

The two places are adjacent, and there are two easy tasks. The rewards are good, and they are both good assignments."

"Thank you, Senior."

(Several chapters after this were overwritten due to a system issue, resulting in the loss of many chapters. New readers are encouraged to speak up and rebuild the foundation.)

(ps: Multiple female protagonists, not too harem-like, each female protagonist has a romantic storyline, not a chaotic harem. Yixue appears in over a hundred chapters.)

(End of this chapter)

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