Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 3 The Storyteller Tells Strange Things

Chapter 3: The Storyteller Tells Strange Tales


"In our Sanfu County, many couples have recently died during sexual intercourse!"

As the sun rose, under the cool shed, the storyteller slammed the wooden block heavily on the table. With his left hand stroking his long beard, he appeared young in appearance but his storytelling voice was seasoned and full of vitality.

His gaze swept across the audience, their faces filled with curiosity and fear, as the storyteller continued his narrative.

"The story begins with Wang the Fisherman's family. Wang is a skilled fisherman in our Sanfu County. After years of hard work, he recently succeeded in marrying a beautiful wife.

There is a saying that a man in his prime enjoys himself every night. Wang the Fisherman became immersed in this realm of tenderness.

Until one night, half a month ago, something strange happened.

Wang and his beautiful wife were enjoying themselves as usual when he suddenly felt someone pushing him from behind.

If it were a maid helping her master, that would be expected in a wealthy household. But how could Wang the Fisherman have a maid?

At that moment, Wang was both frightened and pleased. There was clearly no one behind him! But he could feel someone pushing!"

At this point, the storyteller's voice paused. He stroked his beard and took a sip of tea.

The audience, mostly common people from Sanfu County, squatted, sat, or stood on stools, holding melon seeds and bowls of tea. Their thoughts were captivated, their eyes fixed on the storyteller in silence.


The wooden block fell again.

"Afterwards, Wang told his wife about this incident, but she thought it was just an illusion and praised Wang for his prowess."

Laughter erupted from the rough men under the shed.

"What happens in the bedroom should not be shared with others. Besides, his wife was happy, so Wang never mentioned this incident to anyone else. He felt that he had divine assistance.

But later on, the pushing force became stronger and stronger. One night, it forcefully pushed Wang and his beautiful wife to their deaths!

The strong man fell onto the delicate belly, while Wang and his wife met their end!

With people dying, the situation became serious!

At first, the officials thought that Wang and his wife died from sudden illness, but later on, several other couples died in the same manner.

After thorough investigation, it was discovered that dozens of couples had encountered similar situations.

For a while, the couples in Sanfu County dared not engage in sexual intercourse.

And believe it or not, as long as they refrained from doing so, no such incidents occurred.

The officials couldn't solve this matter. It seems that there are evil spirits at play!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the rough men under the shed began to discuss in a flurry. They were not only frightened by the idea of evil spirits but also outraged by the inability to engage in sexual activities.

The people of Sanfu County relied on fishing and farming for their livelihoods. They worked from sunrise to sunset and had no major entertainment activities at night. The only pleasure adults could have was in the bedroom.

If they couldn't engage in sexual activities, how could the rough men release their energy and vitality? If this continued, the people of Sanfu County would suffocate.


The wooden block fell again, and the storyteller's voice took a decisive turn.

"Don't panic, everyone. It is said that an immortal from Kunlun Immortal Sect will come to Sanfu County to vanquish the evil spirits. Listen carefully to the details!"

"This Kunlun Immortal Sect has been passed down for countless years, always protecting the people and eradicating evil. The Kunlun immortals tread on auspicious clouds, wield precious swords, wear golden armor, and carry the sun and moon on their shoulders."

At an old table under the cool shed, Xu You put down his worn-out teacup, placed two broken silver coins on the table, and smiled as he stood up and left.

His ethereal and refined demeanor was out of place among the rough farmers around him, but it seemed as if they hadn't noticed him at all.

After leaving Kunlun Immortal Sect, Xu You headed towards Sanfu County. However, due to the county's remote location, he initially flew in the wrong direction, wasting a considerable amount of time.

It took him a long time to find this small county.

The disciples who traveled outside Kunlun Immortal Sect were usually at the Nascent Soul stage or above in their cultivation. Xu You, at the mid-stage of the Nascent Soul stage, had reached the third stage of cultivation.

In most situations outside of Kunlun Immortal Sect, this level of cultivation would be considered exceptional.

However, within Kunlun Immortal Sect, it was merely the beginning of one's journey, just enough to meet the requirements for traveling outside the sect.

The young disciples of Immortal Sect were required to regularly carry out a certain amount of demon-slaying tasks.

Not only was it to uphold justice, but it also greatly benefited their own cultivation and understanding of the Great Dao.

When carrying out these demon-slaying tasks outside the sect, places like Qingshui County and Sanfu County were particularly favored by the disciples.

Close to the Immortal Gate, the task is easy. And sometimes there are additional personal benefits.

This is why Xu You wants to build a good relationship with Senior Xue.

Many times, it is beneficial to know more "seniors" and have good relationships with them.

Sure enough, Senior Xue immediately gave Xu You two good assignments through the back door. These remote rural areas are unlikely to have major issues and are easy to handle.

Sanfu County has a population of only eighty to ninety thousand. Surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing a river on one side, it has limited transportation and little communication with the outside world, mostly through waterways.

The entire county is extremely poor.

Naturally, Xu You, known as the immortal elder among the storytellers, came to handle this strange matter.

"Elder, is there anything else you need to know?"

Stepping out of the cool shed, Xu You played with a few green armor pieces in his hand, and a middle-aged man in a catcher's clothes followed closely, asking.

"Not for now." Xu You shook his head.

This middle-aged man is Wang, the head catcher responsible for criminal cases in the county government. The first thing Xu You did when he came to Sanfu County was to find someone from the government to learn more details.

The green armor pieces in his hand were given to him by Wang, found by some victims in their homes.

Ordinary people don't recognize the value, but Xu You can easily see that these are from monsters, and the faint Monster Qi on them cannot hide from him.

These green armor pieces resemble turtle shells, and Xu You immediately thought of a turtle monster that had become a spirit.

Sanfu County is located by the river, which, although not large, is not small either. It is a tributary of the Xichuan River and has a width of over a hundred zhang.

It is normal for a turtle monster to come here, but even if it is confirmed, Xu You cannot do much on the shore. He cannot jump into the river to search for monsters. How can he find them in the vast river?

Isn't this river monster a bit strange? It doesn't take the essence and blood of the common people for cultivation, nor does it take their souls. Instead, it becomes a "master of pushing buttocks"?

Is this a new way of cultivation?

No matter, it doesn't matter. It will be known when he catches the other party.

"Has there been a river monster in Sanfu County before?" Xu You asked.

"Replying to the elder, this humble one grew up in Sanfu County and has never heard of a monster in this river. Most of the people in Sanfu County rely on this river for their livelihoods.

If there really is a monster, this humble one dares to ask the elder to subdue it. The people of Sanfu County are extremely grateful to the elder."

Saying that, Wang directly knelt down and bowed his head.

Xu You helped him up with a virtual hand and smiled, "Head Catcher Wang, there is no need for this. Slaying monsters and demons is our duty, and I will do it without hesitation. Rest assured."

"How does the elder plan to catch the monster? Please give your orders, and this humble one will fully cooperate." Wang stood up and respectfully clasped his fists.

Xu You pondered for a moment and said, "In that case, inform everyone that the monster has been dealt with by me, and let them rest assured that life will continue as usual."

"Elder, are you planning to...?" Wang hesitated slightly and asked.

"Waiting for the rabbit." Xu You smiled faintly.

Wang was stunned for a moment, quickly suppressing the strange expression and smile on his face, and immediately clasped his fists and turned to carry out Xu You's instructions.

Late at night, the lights in the homes of the people in Sanfu County were extinguished much earlier than in the previous days.

Wang's efficiency in handling matters was high, and everyone knew that they could now engage in intimate activities without worry.

This period of time has been difficult for everyone, as they would start working early and extinguish the lights as soon as it got dark.

At this moment, Xu You closed his eyes and carefully sensed the various battles in the city.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and made a decision. It's you!

Soon, Xu You rushed to the front of a small courtyard. Based on his previous perception, Xu You knew that the couple in this house was not satisfied with their intimate life, and the man lacked vigor.

According to the previous pattern, this "monster" likes to help men with weak combat power.

Xu You specifically chose the weakest family. He silently arrived outside the bedroom door, concealing his own aura, ready to wait for the monster.

"What's wrong with you today?" A woman's voice with doubt came from inside the room.

"Cough, I had a little drink just now, I'll try again." The man sounded a bit guilty.

Outside, Xu You shook his head as he listened. The level of excuses was too low.

"Huh, why did you suddenly..."

Suddenly, a cry of surprise came from inside the room. Xu You's heart skipped a beat. It's here!

(End of this chapter)

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