Chapter 4: The Undercover Turtle

Xu You immediately raised his cultivation level above his eyes and looked inside through the thin gauze of the window.

The battle between the young couple was intense, but Xu You's focus was not on that. He stared fixedly at the figure behind the man.

It was a man with a green turtle shell on his back, looking quite sinister. He had three whisker-like appendages on each side of his lips, resembling the whiskers of a catfish, and his head was bald.

He looked like a classic turtle demon transformed into human form.

However, he was clearly different from ordinary turtle demons. There was a gloomy aura emanating from him, and his expression was devoid of self-awareness.

He had become a ghostly entity. His physical body had died, and now only his demonic soul remained, turning him into a ghost. His aura seemed to be at the early stage of the third realm.

How could ordinary people see this ghostly entity?

The turtle demon was now mechanically assisting the man, pushing faster and faster, while the sounds of pleasure from the woman beneath grew more intense.

Upon seeing this, Xu You immediately took action. He broke through the door and entered. The turtle demon, seeing Xu You's conspicuous entrance and feeling the pressure emanating from him, didn't hesitate and turned into green smoke, attempting to escape.

"Where do you think you're going!" Xu You shouted angrily and chased after him.

The couple on the bed trembled in fear, the man panting heavily. He had never experienced anything like this in his life and almost lost his life.

His wife held him tightly, her face filled with the lingering taste of happiness. It was the first time in her life that she had experienced such happiness.

Outside, although the turtle demon was fast, Xu You closely followed behind. They quickly arrived at the riverside, and the turtle demon plunged into the water.

Xu You looked at the vast river and clapped his hands. A long sword on his back unsheathed with a clang, and the flying sword directly slashed down onto the water's surface, creating a huge splash and cutting the river in half.

Xu You kept his gaze fixed on the wet riverbed below, where the turtle demon was temporarily disoriented by the sword energy.

Then, Xu You formed a hand seal with both hands and cast a spell that bound the turtle demon tightly.

For Xu You, this turtle demon was weak, and there was no need to use any powerful Divine Ability spell.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. The turtle demon had nowhere to escape and was captured by Xu You, who brought him back to the shore.

"Why did you treat the people here like this?" Xu You asked sternly, holding his sword against the turtle demon's neck.

"Abba abba," the turtle demon's face remained expressionless, and he opened his mouth without saying anything.

Xu You frowned and squatted down to inspect the situation by infusing his cultivation into the turtle demon's body.

Soon, he fell into contemplation. The turtle demon was indeed dead, and now it was just a ghostly body, with its soul imprisoned and turned into an unconscious existence.

At this moment, Xu You directly infused his powerful Daoist energy into the turtle demon's body.

Pop, pop, pop— Three consecutive sounds were heard as three pitch-black bone spikes, several inches long, emerged from the top of the turtle demon's head.

Only then did Xu You stop and look at the black bone spikes on the ground. These were the culprits that had imprisoned the turtle demon.

Soon, the turtle demon's eyes gradually regained their liveliness, and memories seemed to flash through its mind. Finally, its gaze fell on Xu You.

Fear immediately appeared on its face, and it quickly knelt down, bowing its head. "Greetings, Immortal."

"Tell me, what kind of Monster Race are you?" Xu You asked without a doubt.

"Replying to the Immortal, I am a Green Crocodile Turtle."

Upon hearing the words "Green Crocodile Turtle," Xu You was momentarily stunned, then quickly took out the Monster Manual and looked it up.

As soon as he read it, he was taken aback!

This Green Crocodile Turtle was considered a minor race and had little fame among the countless Monster Races. However, there was one characteristic that made the Green Crocodile Turtle quite famous to some extent.

During mating, the Green Crocodile Turtle could only mate with its own kind, regardless of its cultivation level. It had to do so in order to reproduce.

However, the male Green Crocodile Turtle was too large in size, while the female was small. When they mated, they had to float in the river, which presented a problem.

There was no point of support.

Therefore, during mating, there would usually be another male turtle underneath, acting as a cushion.

After the one on top finished mating, the two male turtles would switch positions.

It could be considered a unique form of group activity.

Because of this innate characteristic and the open-minded atmosphere, the Green Crocodile Turtle was quite famous in the Beast World.

It had many nicknames, such as "Green-haired Turtle" and "Undercover Turtle," often used in a derogatory manner.

After understanding this, Xu You suddenly became enlightened. No wonder this turtle demon was helping someone with thrusting. It was all due to its nature.

Faced with this situation, what could Xu You say?

"Why did you harm the lives of the people here?" Xu You questioned again.

The turtle demon bowed its head once more and explained the cause and effect of the matter.

It turns out that the turtle demon in front of me has an alias called Shi San, who is a weak member of the Green Crocodile Turtle. Due to his low strength, his cultivation has been stagnant, and he has been bullied by others.

Normally, male Green Crocodile Turtles can gradually reach the fourth realm through their long lifespan, but Shi San cannot. He has always been stuck in the early stage of the third realm.

The Monster Race emphasizes the law of the jungle, so every time a member of the same clan asks him to be a scapegoat, he can only silently endure it.

But he has never encountered anyone who would switch places with him. After they had their fun, they would kick him away.

He was completely treated as a joke by his companions.

Over the years, Shi San has been ridiculed and bullied by countless people, always being a loser.

But Shi San is also a ruthless person. He has been enduring humiliation and weakness, and finally found a great opportunity several years ago. The backbone of his small tribe went to fight with humans.

Only the women, children, and Shi San were left behind.

The female turtles are relatively weak, mostly below the third realm, and none of them are a match for Shi San.

Shi San directly sought revenge. The powerful Green Crocodile Turtles in the tribe all have exclusive mates.

Shi San directly targeted these mates, especially the mate of the leader who bullied him the most in the small tribe.

That night, he wreaked havoc, his eyes turned red, and he achieved the feat of having several female turtles take turns being his scapegoat.

One dragon, multiple phoenixes, he directly stole the homes of all the strong members of the tribe.

The consequences can be imagined. When the people in the tribe returned and learned about this, they were furious and joined forces to chase and kill Shi San.

Naturally, Shi San had nowhere to escape and was tortured to death. His demon soul was pinned to his turtle shell and thrown into the river.

For these years, drifting along the river, he finally got stuck in a tributary near Sanfu County, broke free from the turtle shell in a chaotic state, and became an unconscious wandering ghost.

Then, relying on instinct, he became a "Buttock Pushing Master." The long-lasting resentment in his heart made him gradually become angry even without consciousness. During the buttock pushing, he exerted too much force and caused the death of many people.

After understanding this story, Xu You was dumbfounded.

He didn't even know how to describe Shi San's long life.

Overall, he can be considered a hero.

At least he didn't suffer in silence his whole life, and he had a glorious moment in the end.

But despite the tragedy, Shi San also killed many people in Sanfu County unconsciously, and the karmic retribution was on him.

"Elder, Shi San has no other requests. This body has no need to exist in this world. I will use my life to compensate for the lives of the people in the city!" Shi San spoke directly, and his lewd face showed no sign of weakness, only determination.

Xu You looked up at him, and he continued, "Shi San wants to make a deal with the Elder. If the Elder has a chance to find the leader of our tribe in the future, the Elder can kill him.

During the migration of the tribe, he has harmed many people along the river with his own strength."

As he spoke, Shi San spat out a golden spirit bead and handed it to Xu You. "I have nothing else, only this item of some value. This is the Beast Core I have condensed over the years. It can be used in medicine! Shi San is willing to offer it to the Elder, without harming a single bit of the essence of the Beast Core.

When the Elder reaches the fourth realm and establishes the Dao Foundation in the future, this Beast Core can provide a lot of assistance."

Xu You looked at Shi San in surprise. Killing demons and taking their cores was quite common for cultivators, but the Beast Cores obtained in that way were usually damaged and had most of their essence depleted.

Cases where someone voluntarily offered their Beast Core were extremely rare, and this Beast Core was intact and of extremely high value.

Green Crocodile Turtles belong to the turtle family and are naturally compatible with spiritual energy. Due to their solid cultivation process, their Beast Cores have very high medicinal value. They can serve as the foundation for the refining of many elixirs.

The value of this high-quality Green Crocodile Turtle Beast Core is self-evident.

"Aren't you afraid that I will take your Beast Core and not help you?" Xu You asked in return.

Shi San smiled, "Elder is a true gentleman, and Shi San believes in you."

"Alright, I accept." Xu You openly accepted the Beast Core.

"My leader is called Shi Opening Heaven, with a cultivation at the Late Stage of the fourth realm. The three bone pins that control my soul were made by him. In the future, the Elder can find him with these bone pins.

Shi San thanks the Elder again!"

After speaking, Shi San directly commanded his somewhat dim demon soul to crash into the flying sword in Xu You's hand.

Xu You did not stop him. This person, who was neither human nor ghost, would not live much longer. Death was his best relief.

Xu You looked somewhat regretful as he watched Shi San's life fade away. He was a true man.

He would seek revenge against Shi Opening Heaven in the future.

Soon, Shi San's demon soul completely dissipated, but the Azure Lotus in Xu You's mind still absorbed some of Shi San's essence.

After all, there were quite a few lives in his hands, but they could be classified as demonic and evil.

Looking at the soul stick on the Azure Lotus that belonged to Shi San, Xu You felt a sense of regret once again.

There are all kinds of wonders in the world, and this incident truly broadened his horizons.

He picked up the three black bone pins on the ground and put them away, then looked at the river surface before leaving this place.

(End of this chapter)

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