Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 193 Chapter 227 28 Bring The \"Toy\" To Aunt Huangfu Lan, Trap The White Wolf, A

Chapter 193 Chapter 227 28 Bring the "toy" to Aunt Huangfu Lan, trap the white wolf, and become a shareholder. This is art!

Zhou Wan'er looked at Xu You carefully, and then said slowly and proactively, "The place where I was born is in Xichuan City, and I lived with my parents until I was seven years old.

In my impression, my parents spoke very little and taught many things by example rather than words.

Later, my mother sent me to Taiyi Sect. Become a disciple of Taojun Longchuan. Since then, I have almost been practicing in Taiyi Sect, but I go home for a short period of time every year.

This has been the case until now. During this period, it was mainly about cultivation, and there was nothing particularly thrilling.

By the way, if we count the missions, there were indeed two. One was when he met a ghost king, and the other was when he met a four-realm Demonic Beast.

At that time, I had just reached the middle stage of the Three Realms, and these two things should be regarded as the most thrilling things for me in so many years.

Other than that, it's pretty lackluster. "

Xu You listened quietly to the other party talking about his previous years, his voice flowed out soothingly, his speaking speed was neither fast nor slow, and his tone was as gentle as a human being.

It sounds like tasting fine wine, making people feel comfortable and warm.

Longchuan Daojun Xu You knows that Taiyi Sect, one of the sixteen Daojuns, is a big boss in the Heavenly Dao Realm and is very powerful.

"So, have you basically been practicing cultivation for so many years?" Xu You asked.

"Not really, sometimes I learn other things." Zhou Wan'er said with a smile.

"What to study?" Xu You asked curiously.

"All the skills a woman should master." Zhou Wan'er smiled lightly, "Such as female celebrities, etc. It actually takes a lot of time to learn these well."

"Wouldn't this take up time for practice?"

"Fortunately, you also know that there is only so much time and intensity that you can practice every day. It is useless to practice too much, and you will learn other things in your spare time."

"In addition to female celebrities, is there anything else?"

"I can also learn about culture. I can play some piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I also learn about cooking and other things. I have dabbled in them all."

"Yo, Almighty!"

"Fortunately, I'm not very proficient. I can only say that I can barely get on the stage."

Xu You felt a little emotional at this moment, because he discovered that Zhou Wan'er's previous life was not actually lived for himself.

All the big things in life are arranged by parents, and the rest of the small things are all the qualities needed to learn how to be the most perfect wife in the future.

Obviously, Zhou Wan'er learned very successfully.

One minute on stage, ten years of hard work off stage. Her current cultivation of female virtues is a result of nature and accumulated education over the years.

She lived how the most perfect woman should be in the eyes of many people.

"Miss Wan'er, will you be happy when you learn these? Do you really like these?" Xu You asked.

"It's a habit, a habit engraved in my bones. For me, this is the meaning of life. As for whether I like it or not, it doesn't make much difference to me."

Xu You looked at the smile on Zhou Wan'er's face when he answered this question. He also smiled and asked no more questions.

Yes, everyone's path is different, and you can't use your own likes or dislikes to apply to others.

The two walked forward leisurely, chatting lightly about deep topics. During the exchange, Xu You got to know Zhou Wan'er better and better.

It wasn't until they walked out of the street that the two of them stopped. Xu You smiled and said,

"Then, it's not too late, I'll go back first."

"Okay, see you then." Zhou Wan'er nodded gently.

Xu You said no more, just waved and left first. Zhou Wan'er stood there and watched Xu You disappear into the crowd, then turned around and left in the other direction with a smile.

Early the next morning, Xu You woke up in his room in Kunlun Tower.

He still has a lot of things to do today. For more than a month, he has actually been a hands-off shopkeeper. He has given many things to others, which is still very inappropriate.

After tidying up a little, Xu You saw Baek Keun Suk walking towards him as soon as he left the room.

"Old Xu, you are finally back. Where did you go last night to look for you for a long time?"

Xu You looked at Baek Keun Suk who was so anxious and asked curiously, "What's so urgent?"

Baek Keun Suk looked around with a guilty conscience and said in a low voice, "This is not the place to talk. Come on, let's talk somewhere else."

Xu You nodded lightly, followed Baek Keun Suk and left Kunlun Tower without asking any questions.

The two of them walked all the way to the entrance of He Liansheng's hall. When they arrived, Xu You found that Wu Bufan was also there, also looking sad.

When he saw Xu You and Baek Keun Suk coming in, he immediately stood up to greet them.

"Sir, you are finally back."

Xu You nodded unhurriedly, immediately sat down at the table, and asked straight to the point, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Baek Keun Suk and Wu Bufan didn't hesitate and explained everything clearly in one sentence.

It turns out that after Xu You asked the two of them to work together to open an adult store in Tianque City, Baek Keun Suk's Apex Level emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills quickly captured Wu Bufan's "heart".

Both of them plan to have a big fight in Tianque City and make a lot of money.

The early progress was very smooth. Whether it was the early on-site inspection or the subsequent store location selection, they were very serious.

Finally, the location of the first store was finalized, and it was chosen on a commercial street with a very high flow of people in the DC area.

Xichuan Street is also one of the top ten commercial streets in the huge Tianque City, named after Xichuan County.

You must know that the size of Tianque City is unimaginable, with countless residents. In this commercial street, which ranks among the top ten, one can imagine how terrifying the flow of people is.

Of course, the rent in Wangpu is also very expensive. Baek Keun Suk rents it for a year.

After that, publicity, opening, layout, etc. were all carried out in an orderly manner. Baek Keun Suk and Wu Bufan were very efficient. It only took four or five days to complete this series of things.

Then it officially opened five days ago, named Helian Adult Store,

There were not many customers on the opening day, only a few twenty or thirty monks came in, but every monk would pay for at least one after coming in!

You know, the things in adult stores are unique in this world, they are epoch-making products.

As long as a normal man walks into this store, there is no reason to leave empty-handed. He can't help but buy a product to see if it is really that powerful!

Therefore, all these twenty or thirty customers spent money on the opening day.

Then the next day, these twenty or thirty monks became the base points and directly fissioned into hundreds of people for consumption. Then it exploded on the third day.

The business was unprecedentedly hot, and even more miracles were achieved on the fourth day. Even before the store opened in the morning, customers lined up for miles.

Adult stores become famous in one go!

In just a few days, he became the most awesome person in Xichuan Street, and then spread throughout Tianque City at an even crazier speed.

Many young monks know that there is a new Apex Level store called Helian Adult Store on Xichuan Street. Everything in it is extremely lifelike!

It can even make people spiral directly into the sky!

The popularity of the store was something that neither Baek Keun Suk nor Wu Bufan could have imagined. They didn't expect it to explode so quickly.

It would have been impossible to make enough money in just a few days, if it weren't for the fact that Ding Qing and his brothers worked overtime during the Kunlun store's closing period.

The inventory was estimated to be sold out in two days, and since then it has continued to increase and demand is still in short supply.

At that time, Baek Keun Suk thought that he was really going to succeed in this life, and that the best future was waving to him.

But yesterday evening, Dazhou officials came directly to seal the store, saying that it was not qualified enough and needed to be reviewed.

It was like a bolt from the blue, but fortunately Baek Keun Suk came to the rescue, and after paying some price, he finally understood why the store was suddenly closed down.

Doing business in Tianque City is different from that in Kunlun. The latter is an honest business, and everyone strives for product quality.

Tianque City is a background business, and everyone is fighting for connections and the people behind it.

First of all, the jealousy that the newly-emerged Helian Adult Store suffered from other shops in Xichuan Street was enough to put pressure on the big benefactors behind it.

One is to suppress, and the other is to see if I can take advantage of the opportunity to enter the market and get a piece of the pie.

Secondly, some other big guys took a fancy to this business and saw the terrifying interests behind it, so they naturally wanted to get involved.

As a result, Dazhou officials seized it due to lack of qualifications.

After Xu You understood this, he also understood. Before, he thought it was simple and forgot that this was Tianque.

It is the most complicated city in the Middle-earth continent, with internal forces intertwined. Doing business in such a complex environment is not as simple as finding a store and opening a store.

Now it is just a seizure, no one has been revealed, and there is no specific punishment, it is just a simple seizure.

The reason behind it is also very simple. We still don’t know the people behind this store, so they don’t do things well or look too ugly.

This state of seizure will last for two or three days, giving the forces behind the store time to operate and see if it is a serious problem.

If yes, let’s see how hard it is. If it’s hard enough, everything will be fine. When it’s time to unblock and unblock, when it’s time to sell and sell, no one will dare to stand up and say no.

If it's not strong enough, then I'm sorry, everyone will have a share in it, and this store and the industry chain behind it will probably be swallowed up completely.

It is a completely naked business model of the weak and the strong.

Without enough background, it's okay for you to open an ordinary store here that won't squeeze others, and you'll be fine if you share some soup with the boss and pay protection fees.

But it’s not fun to open such a rare explosive and monopolistic store. If you don’t have the background, you will die miserably.

"Old Xu, this is what happened, you see what to do. We really don't have any background now. We can't move out of our school, right?

In that case, both of us will probably be arrested and taken to Shen Tianchi. "Baek Keun Suk frowned with thick caterpillar eyebrows, feeling quite depressed.

Wu Bufan also apologized, "I can't do it here either. I don't need Chijin Sect's connections now. And this kind of business couldn't be maintained even in the heyday of Chijin Sect.

I blame me for not paying attention. I didn't know the water here would be so deep and business would be so difficult. "

"One more thing." Baek Keun Suk continued to add, "Now there is another point. It seems that only we can do this business now.

Although the process is complex and difficult, I believe there are still capable people who will be able to reproduce it soon, and the competition will be very high by then. "

Xu You gently tapped the table with his right hand and said calmly, "I understand, now there are two most important points. First, we need the Apex Level connections from the official Da Zhou side.

Secondly, it also needs the endorsement of a powerful Apex Level force, right? "

"Yes, Lao Xu, as expected of you, you figured it out right away. The most important thing now is indeed this." Baek Keun Suk patted his thigh directly.

"So, Old Xu, what do you think we should do? Elder Wu and I are really at a loss and don't know how to solve it. Most of the people I know now are from our sect.

Really can't help. "

Xu You's eyes flickered and he was lost in thought, his mind spinning rapidly. After a while, he smiled and said, "Okay, I know how to solve the problem.

It's not a big problem. It doesn't matter if it is copied by others. After I find two endorsement forces, I will naturally be able to monopolize this business.

Of course, some profits must be shared. "

"Of course, there is no reason for people to just do things without getting benefits." Baek Keun Suk and Wu Bufan both nodded.

Xu You turned directly and waved to a low-level monk next to him and a pony boy from Liansheng. The latter came over quickly and looked at Xu You very respectfully.

Xu You directly took out his identity token and handed it to the other party, "Take my token and go to Prince Xiao's Mansion. Just tell him that I have invited Prince Xiao to come. There is something very important."

"Yes." The horseman quickly took Xu You's token and went out to invite people.

Bai Keunshuo and Wu Bufan looked at each other. They were running around during this period and were naturally familiar with the habits of Tianque City.

Prince Xiao naturally also knew that he was one of the hot candidates for the crown prince of Zhou Dynasty. Both in terms of strength and the energy behind him, he was at the Apex Level.

Xu You sounded like he could invite the other party at any time?

Baek Keun Suk wanted to ask, but he refrained from asking. He just looked at his good buddy with envy.

This connection is really strong! Is he an Apex Level character from the Royal Family of the Great Zhou Dynasty? From this point of view, it seems that the thing that makes me so anxious is really nothing?

"Young Master, are you meeting that Prince Xiao here? Wouldn't it be good if he knew about the relationship between Young Master and He Liansheng?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

The surrounding gradually became quiet. About half an hour later, the pony boy who had just gone out came running back, followed by a speeding and exquisite car.

Soon, the car stopped in front of the door. Zhou Xiaoyue slowly walked down from it. He first looked up at the attic, and then looked at Xu You.

"Prince Xiao, I'm sorry to hear you come from afar." Xu You stood up and said hello with a smile.

"Brother Xu, why do you want me to meet at this place?" Zhou Xiaoyue walked in and asked directly.

"It's nothing big, just a small matter. Come and sit down first, Prince Xiao." Xu You brought Zhou Xiaoyue to the table and sat down. After the latter sat down, he looked at Xu You a little uncomfortably.

He just had a mental breakdown with Xu You last night, and it took him a whole night to adjust, but Xu You called him again this week.

Then he came here out of nowhere, bastard, the two of them are obviously "love rivals", why are his legs so disobedient, and let him come whenever he wants?

"Prince Xiao, do you still remember what we said last night?"

"Which sentence?"

"We are friends."


"Then my friend asked you to do a small favor. It shouldn't be a problem, right?"


"Don't help in vain, win-win cooperation."

"Can you tell me what it is first?"

"Little things."

“How small is a small thing?”

"My friend opened a shop and it was closed down by the government."

"That's really a small thing."

"Really, can Prince Xiao help me?"

"What's the name of that store?"

"It's just a small store, the Helian Adult Store that just opened a few days ago. If you say you don't have enough qualifications, you will be banned. Isn't this bullying honest people?"

"What store?"

"Helian Adult Store."

"You open this store?"

"My friend drove it."

"Which friend?"

"Him." Xu You pointed at Baek Keun Suk.

So, Zhou Xiaoyue also turned to stare at Bai Genshuo, who was a little embarrassed by the sight. Just now, Xu You and this Prince Xiao were chatting a little too fast, and he hadn't reacted yet.

"You opened the store?" Zhou Xiaoyue asked, staring at Baek Keunshuo.

"I drove it."

"Who are you?"

"Baek Keun Suk."

"What's your family background?"

Baek Keun Suk didn't answer, but turned to look at Xu You.

The latter took over the conversation and asked directly, "Prince Xiao, isn't this a small favor? Why do you ask so clearly?"

"This is no small favor." King Xiao looked at Xu You meaningfully, with an extremely strange expression, as if he had seen another side of Xu You.

"Oh, it seems that King Xiao is very well-informed?" Xu You said with a smile.

"I live in Dongcheng. There is a store in Dongcheng that has caused such a big sensation. Naturally, I have heard about it. Let me tell you, many people are concerned about Brother Xu's store and it is difficult to fix it."

"I said it's not my shop, it's my friend's shop!"

"Sorry, in short, this matter is not easy to deal with. The things sold in this store are, well, of great value." Zhou Xiaoyue was a little embarrassed.

Xu You half-squinted his eyes, feeling very shameless about Da Zhou's behavior of being a bitch and setting up a memorial arch, but he didn't say anything and just continued, "I've just shown my cards now."

"Oh? Brother Xu said it clearly!" Zhou Xiaoyue clasped his fists slightly.

"His name is not Baek Keun-suk, his name is Huangfu Keun-suk." Xu You pointed at Baek Keun-suk.

"Huangfu Genshuo? From the Huangfu family?"

"Yes." Xu You took out two golden plaques with his backhand and placed them on the table. One was the Kowloon Gold Card and the other was Huangfu Lan's private VIP card.

"Does Prince Xiao know this?"

"I know you. Who doesn't recognize the badge of steward Huangfu?" Zhou Xiaoyue sat upright, "Brother Xu is familiar with steward Huangfu about this Kowloon gold card?"

"We are very familiar." Xu You said calmly, "Guanshi Huangfu and I have been friends for many years!"

"So familiar!" Zhou Xiaoyue was a little shocked.

"Yes." Xu You said directly, "Our Jiuyang lineage has a close relationship with the Huangfu family, so Huangfu Genshuo asked me for help when he opened a store."

"Since Mr. Huangfu is from the Huangfu family, why did he ask Brother Xu to resolve this matter?" Zhou Xiaoyue continued to ask.

"Prince Xiao, you know the nature of this store, right? Do you think it's worthy of the publicity?"

"Can't get on."

"Then how can we let the Huangfu family know? Furthermore, this Huangfu Genshuo wants to make a career on his own. He will not borrow any power from the Huangfu family.

That's why I helped him. Huangfu Genshuo is a very independent and self-reliant person. "

Zhou Xiaoyue immediately looked at Bai Genshuo in awe, "Brother Huangfu is indeed a wonderful man. May I ask what lineage Brother Huangfu is from?"

"Prince Xiao, it's inappropriate to ask this." Xu You interjected lightly.

"Indeed, it's me, Meng Lang." Zhou Xiaoyue apologized slightly, "So, Manager Huangfu also knows about this store?"

"I didn't tell her in detail, but she knew about this." Xu You nodded, "But business is not doing well in Tianque City now.

I will ask Manager Huangfu to endorse this store in the name of Jubao Pavilion later. "

"With Jubao Pavilion's endorsement, everything will be fine." Zhou Xiaoyue nodded.

"But someone from the Dazhou official side still needs to speak. I don't want to cause any more trouble." Xu You said seriously, "I wonder if Prince Xiao is selling off the face of me and Manager Huangfu?"

Zhou Xiaoyue's eyes flashed wildly, "Is this Huangfu brother planning to become bigger and stronger?"

"Have you not tried the products in the store? It will definitely become bigger and stronger, and there will be countless branches." Xu You replied.

"I haven't tried it!"


Zhou Xiaoyue fell into thinking again, his eyes flickering more and more, and he suddenly thought of the terrifying interests behind this.

"Brother Xu, I gave you face and helped you with this!" Zhou Xiaoyue nodded heavily.

"Thank you, Prince Xiao." Xu You said with a smile, "I will send a large sum of money to your mansion later to express my gratitude."

"Wait a minute." Zhou Xiaoyue continued, "I want to invest in it!"


"This store will definitely expand a lot in the future. The more stores you open, the bigger the trouble will be. I will invest in it with my strength, and at the same time I promise to do my best to help you expand the number of stores.

Not only will I be able to help open a branch in Tianque City, but I can help open it throughout Dazhou. I guarantee that not only will there be no further obstruction from Dazhou officials, but the whole journey will be smooth. "

"Oh? How much profit does Prince Xiao want?" Xu You half-squinted his eyes.

"Twenty percent!"

"10%." Xu You couldn't refuse.

"It's too little. I have to deal with everything, and I don't make much money from the exchange of favors." Zhou Xiaoyue shook his head.

"How much does Prince Xiao think I can do with my face and Huangfu's reputation as a steward?"

"It's very, very big."

"Then invite other members of the royal family to endorse?"


"I invited Prince Xiao here because I treat you as a friend! Otherwise, I would do such a great thing for you? Can't I invite someone else?"

".Then 10%." Zhou Xiaoyue gritted his teeth and said.

"It's too late, now half is the most. You just broke my heart." Xu You shook his head.

"Brother Xu, this."

"If you don't want to cooperate, please do."

"Okay, then half a percent!"

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Xu You smiled.

"Happy cooperation." Zhou Xiaoyue said resentfully, and then handed his token to Xu You to show his sincerity in cooperation.

Xu You took the sign and said, "I want the store to reopen in an hour, is that okay?"

"No problem. I'll do it right away." Zhou Xiaoyue stood up and left immediately.

"Prince Xiao, wait." Xu You called to the other party.

"What's the matter?"

"I will draft a contract and send it to your house later, and 10% of the profit will be delivered to your house on time every month."

"Not half percent?" Zhou Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment.

"Half of it is business, and the remaining half is private. I gave it to Prince Xiao. We are friends, and friends are not stingy." Xu You said with a smile.

Zhou Xiaoyue's eyes moved, and he looked at Xu You with some emotion, "Brother Xu can make the decision?"

"Brother Huangfu, can I make the decision?" Xu You turned to look at Baek Keunshuo.

"Ah?" Baek Keun Suk was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly, "Yes!"

"Don't worry, the store will be open to welcome customers in half an hour!" Zhou Xiaoyue clasped his fists heavily, got into the car and drove away quickly.

Seeing this, Xu You leisurely put away the two tokens on the table.

Baek Keun Suk and Wu Bufan looked at Xu You dumbfounded, their eyes full of shock.

The series of operations Xu You just performed are simply art, textbook-level operations,

At this moment, Wu Bufan had total admiration for his young master. In terms of being a human being, it doesn't just matter how old he is. Some people are born to be very good at fooling around.

Xu You is really the leader among this kind of people. Is this man so perfect in every skill? Does he have any shortcomings?

Wu Bufan stared blankly. At this moment, he really had indescribable admiration for Xu You.

I just have a higher level of cultivation, and the others are just a piece of shit in comparison.

Five sentences! Let the prince be willing to dedicate himself to me!

Baek Keun Suk is still a little confused at the moment, but he is okay. He has known Xu You for so long and is no longer surprised by his awesomeness.

It's just that I am inexplicably confused now because I am a member of the Huangfu family.

"Lao Xu, is this matter settled?" Baek Keun Suk asked aloud.

"Not yet, Jubao Pavilion hasn't solved it yet, that's the big trouble." Xu You replied.

"Aren't you familiar with that Huangfu manager?"

"I've only met him twice, so I'm not very familiar with him, and I'm even less familiar with him on official business."

"What!" Baek Keun Suk's eyes widened, "Then you just said that to Prince Xiao. If he goes to check later, won't everything be exposed?"

"It takes time to investigate, and even if it is found out, it will be fine. Then Prince Xiao will not give up such a huge benefit. We will continue to cooperate.

I, Mr. Xu, have enough face. "

Xu You said calmly, "By the way, during this period, you will call me Huangfu Genshuo."

"Ah? Are you still pretending?"

"Just pretend it till the end. Just avoid the risk of being found out to be a disciple of Kunlun so quickly."

"If you just change your surname, wouldn't you forget your ancestors?"

“Money or your last name is more important?”


"Then cooperate well!"

"Okay, Lao Xu, I understand. I will cooperate fully."

"By the way, is that happy little heart I gave you before?"

"Here I am,"

"Give me."


"Also, didn't Ding Qing just invent some Apex Levels?"

"Yes, but it is still in the trial stage."

"Give me two."

"What do you want this for?"

"You don't have to ask for samples when discussing business?"

"Ah? Got it. I'll find you two brand new ones right now."

"No, it's placed upstairs, right?"


"I'll get it myself." Xu You went directly upstairs.

Huangfu Genshuo and Wu Bufan looked at each other in the store, still shocked.

"I have never seen anyone as awesome as Young Master in my life!"

"Yes, Lao Xu is a monster!"

"So what exactly do you plan to do next?"

"I don't understand, I can't understand. Anyway, just believe it."

"Well, just believe it. Young Master is the only powerful young man I have ever seen in my life."

"Yes, Old Xu is invincible. There is nothing he can't do. I feel so damn safe hanging out with him."

Soon, Xu You came down from upstairs, leaving and Liansheng vigorously with a happy little heart and some strange toys.

These are the latest and most Apex Level props developed, available for both men and women, and are not sold to the outside world at all.

Xu You now plans to find Huangfu Lan and the Jubao Pavilion behind him to give his store a real power endorsement, so he needs to impress Huangfu Lan.

She must see the future of her career! Only in this way will they be willing to escort each other.

Huangfu Lan is not as easy to fool as Zhou Xiaoyue. Although Xu You admits that he still has a personal relationship with her, it is not yet to the point where she will help him unconditionally.

If Huangfu Lan can reach her current status step by step, she is a proper Apex Level strong woman. Such a woman is so powerful!

You must not be fooled, you must be sincere and sincere to impress.

The most important thing is that Xu You has seen some of Huangfu Lan's methods and has great recognition and respect for this aunt's abilities.

It is still difficult for me to think of two empty-handed wolves this time.

So we have to use the best male and female props to let her see the huge future prospects in this industry.

Xu You hurriedly and slowly walked towards the Jubao Pavilion, thinking about the words and ideas for the meeting along the way.

Soon, Xu You came to the building of Jubao Pavilion. Xu You was shocked every time he saw the appearance of Jubao Pavilion. It is really one of the top landmarks in Tianque City.

This time Xu You had to be even faster than the first time. When he took out his Kowloon Gold Card, the whole process was treated like the most Apex Level.

The stewards who received him along the way were all charming and mature women, very tasteful.

This made Xu You a little embarrassed. He had experienced many young girls before, why were they all mature women this time?

He now seriously suspected that Jubao Pavilion was investigating customers' preferences and making arrangements.

Unfortunately, Xu You came to the top floor, and this time he was finally greeted by a young woman, the little female secretary named Chunxiang who was Huangfu Lan last time.

"Sister Chunxiang, is Manager Huangfu here now?" Xu You asked politely.

"The steward is already waiting for the young master. Come with me, young master." The maid smiled softly and led the way.

Just when he arrived not far from the door of Huangfu Lan's house, an old man walked slowly towards this side on crutches.

Chunxiang turned sideways and stopped respectfully, and Xu You also turned sideways and stopped when he saw this.

The old man's clothes are gorgeous and elegant, and although he looks old, his temperament is calm and noble, the kind of nobility that only people who have been noble since childhood can have.

He looks like an old Apex Level aristocrat.

When the old man passed by Xu You, he suddenly stopped and folded his hands on the leading end of the cane.

There is a green wrench on the thumb of his left hand, and the index finger of his right hand gently rubs the wrench.

His turbid eyes looked at Xu You carefully up and down. His eyes were not sharp and majestic, just like an elder gently sizing up a junior.

Out of politeness, Xu You kept smiling at the other party.

When Chunxiang saw the old man stop, she bowed her head and knelt down in a very humble and respectful posture.

The old man didn't stay long or say anything. He just looked at Xu You and continued to walk on crutches.

The cane made a dull sound as it hit the floor.

After the old man turned away from a distance, Xu You bent down and helped Chunxiang up.

"Sister, who was that old man just now? Why did you scare your sister like this?" Xu You asked curiously.

"Young Master, be careful, he is the head of the Huangfu family and the head of Jubao Pavilion." Chunxiang explained in a low voice.

(End of chapter)

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