Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 195 Chapter 231 232 Auntie Likes To Be Domineering! The Happy Little Heart Is Showing Its Po

Chapter 195 Chapter 231 232 Auntie likes to be domineering! The happy little heart is showing its power and is going to be broken!

"You are really good at it." Huangfu Lan directly stretched out his hands to pinch Xu You's face, "How can you let Auntie control you like this? How can you control it?"

No wonder Yun Yanjin took you to Joyous Union Sect without authorization a few days ago. Which sister wouldn't like a little man like you? "

"Ah? Auntie, do you know about this?" Xu You was a little shocked.

"There is nothing in Quecheng that Auntie doesn't know about today, and besides, since it involves you, Auntie must be more concerned about it.

I thought it was some other reason before, but now it seems that Yun Yanjin is not simply plotting against you! "

"No, Auntie, Huanxi Venerable and I are innocent." Xu You explained.

"What about me, auntie?" Huangfu Lan smiled charmingly.

Xu You coughed twice and said, "Auntie, whatever you say it is, that's what it is."

"So good?"

"I've always been good."

"It's so cute." Huangfu Lan continued to pinch Xu You's face, "You really make Auntie more and more fond of you. How can there be such a good little man."

Xu You was a little embarrassed by the praise, "I will continue to work hard and try to make my aunt like me more."

Huangfu Lan gently pushed Xu You onto the chair opposite, then directly placed his left foot on Xu You's chest, and his eyes began to wander again.

"Why do you want your aunt to like you more, little man?"

"No reason."

"No why?" Huangfu Lan clicked a few more times.

Xu You grabbed Huangfu Lan's dishonest jade feet and said, "I am willing to go through fire and water for my aunt."

"No, my aunt feels sorry for you. She doesn't want to see you go through fire and water."

As he spoke, Huangfu Lan's eyes began to tighten. Xu You looked at the moving Huangfu Lan in front of him and felt that the surrounding atmosphere gradually began to rise.

An unusual atmosphere had begun to brew. Xu You's expression moved slightly and his eyes looked directly at Huangfu Lan.

At this time, Huangfu Lan suddenly withdrew his feet and took a coat from the side of the chair to cover his body, covering his graceful curves.

"Little guy, are you crazy again?"

Xu You shook his head, looked away, and coughed twice. It was undeniable that he had really gotten drunk just now.

Who the hell is it that can’t be confused?

"Sorry auntie, this is instinct, I hope auntie can understand."

"Auntie can understand, but the Huangfu family cannot understand." Huangfu Lan said slightly, "Little guy, when will you become very powerful and take Auntie away from the Huangfu family?"

Xu You was startled, "I'm afraid this will take some time."

"Auntie, I'm waiting for you." Huangfu Lan gave Xu You a flattering look, "I hope you can keep your word, little one."

"What about before that?" Xu You asked subconsciously.

"Before this." Huangfu Lan was lost in thought for a moment, and then said, "We did it secretly in private?"

"What kind of stealing?" Hearing the three words "stealing", Xu You was immediately excited. This thing is very stimulating in an open and honest way, and it has a sense of immorality.

"Huh?" Huangfu Lan glared at Xu You, "Auntie is joking with you, do you take it seriously?"

"I take everything Auntie says seriously. Even if it is a joke, I will take it seriously." Xu You said it very seriously, as if taking an oath.

Huangfu Lan said quietly, "Glib tongue, how many little girls have you deceived with these words?"

"The little girl didn't lie to you. She only planned to lie to you, auntie."

"Pfft," Huangfu Lan laughed brightly, "You have such an amazing mouth. Auntie now only wishes she could be decades younger.

If your aunt had known you when she was young, she wouldn't have chosen this path. what a pity. "

"Auntie, is there a possibility that it's not a pity, it's just right!" Xu You said, "If Auntie is too young, she will lose her charm. I like the way Auntie looks now."

"Huh?" Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You in surprise and asked straight to the soul, "You don't really like older people, do you?"


"Are you serious, little guy?"

"I'm not a casual person." Xu You lowered his head shyly.

"Stop pretending, your eyes are full of holes, are you still acting like this to me?" Huangfu Lan leaned forward slightly and pinched Xu You.

Affected by gravity, the northern and southern hemispheres hang upside down, which is a spectacular sight.

Xu You looked at the magnificent scenery so close at hand and couldn't bear to move his eyes away.

After that, Huangfu Lan sat back again, crossed her curved legs, and said lazily, "Okay, let's stop flirting, otherwise Auntie is afraid that she will make a mistake later.

Making a mistake now is not a good sign. The master of the pavilion has just left. Let’s get down to business, what do I want to do when I come to see Auntie this time? "

Xu You was not in a hurry to explain his purpose, but just asked curiously, "Auntie, the old man I met at the door just now is the master of the Jubao Pavilion, the head of the Huangfu family, right?"


"What's the old man doing here?"

"I have something to come to Tianque and meet this outstanding junior like me. Do you have any questions?"

"No problem." Xu You continued to ask, "Old Pavilion Master, is he easy to talk to?"

"Why do you ask this?"

"No, if you want aunty, you must get the approval of the old man." Xu You said seriously, "You can't bring aunty out for nothing."

"Are you really serious about taking me out of Huangfu's house?" Huangfu Lan asked with narrowed eyes.

"Of course." Xu You nodded and said, "Auntie, I just said that I take every word of Auntie seriously, so naturally I have to prepare for a rainy day."

"Little guy, if you keep saying that, aren't you afraid that Auntie and I will make a mistake?"

"Hey, don't talk about it, I'll do it with actions."

"Don't be stupid. The old pavilion master is very difficult to talk to. If you dare to say that, he will slap you to death without hesitation."

"Understood, then when I practice to the point where the old pavilion master can't kill me with a slap, I will talk to him." Xu You said seriously.

"Pfft," Huangfu Lan laughed again, "Little guy, just say this to you, if you want any reward, Auntie will give it to you."

"Really?" Xu You became a little excited again.

"How could Auntie lie to you?"

"Then look at the legs."


"Uh, look at the legs."

"I'll add another restriction. You are not allowed to make such unseemly requests!"

"What's wrong with this?"

"Look at the legs? What legs are you looking at? What are you thinking about, little guy?"

"Auntie, you said so yourself!"

"Do you believe me when I say it?"

"Auntie you"

"Little guy, it's normal for women to go back on their word. Auntie is here to teach you how to recognize women. Let's get another reward."

"If you don't want to change, you'll have this!" Xu You said with a stubborn look on his face.

"So domineering?"

"It's not about being overbearing, it's about staying true to your original intention!"

"Is this how the word "never forget the original intention" is used?" Huangfu Lan was amused by Xu You's words, and in the end he could only say helplessly, "Okay, just this time, don't be so domineering in the future."

So, Xu You flies rubbed his hands.

Huangfu Lan is very generous and generous, and since he agreed, he means it.

The cheongsam she was wearing had slits, so it was not difficult to look at her legs. She opened it slightly, and the delicate and translucent skin of her thighs fell into Xu You's eyes.

What would the most beautiful thighs in the world look like?

It's definitely not the look of being skinny, nor is it the look of a big flying pillar.

It is just the right amount of moisture, that is, the calves are slender, the thighs are slightly plumper, the overall legs are straight, and the thighs can have a full enough curve when the legs are stretched out or when sitting on the side.

This is just the right amount of plumpness, and wearing black stockings can create a slightly fleshy look that is absolutely in the realm.

Such thighs are just the right amount of moisturized, coupled with cool white skin and a smooth complexion, there are only two words, Apex Level.

Xu You stared intently at her aunt's long, smooth Supreme Grade legs.

He only feels one thing now: feeling comfortable.

How can it be so pleasing to the eye?

Only legs like this can be called legs!

"Have seen enough?"

“You can never get enough of it.”

Huangfu Lan smiled with squinted eyes and put his hand down smoothly. Xu You was still a little unfinished.

"Okay, tell me, what are you going to do with Auntie today?" Huangfu Lan put away the smile on his face and sat down seriously, as if he was about to start working.

Xu You coughed lightly, "Today I mainly want to give Auntie a huge benefit."

"What a great benefit? Tell me." Huangfu Lan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xu You said, "A store opened on Xichuan Street a few days ago. The store's business is very good. It was so popular just two days after it opened. Now"

"The store you are talking about is the Helian Adult Store that was closed yesterday, right?" Huangfu Lan interrupted.

Xu You was stunned for a moment, "Auntie, you also know this?"

"I told you that I know everything about Tianque City."

Xu You was amazed. Logically speaking, Huangfu Lan was in charge of so many things in Jubao Pavilion, and a popular store in this area would not be able to catch her eye. She didn't expect that she even knew about this.

He is worthy of being the chief talker of Zhongtu Tianzhou in Jubao Pavilion. He is really awesome.

"You have a share in that store, right?" Huangfu Lan said with a half-smile, "There is no need to deny that the power that Wu Bufan established in your underground black market is He Liansheng.

Now this store has this name again, and even fools know it has something to do with it. "

"This" Xu You shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, auntie, this is just a store opened by Wu Bufan himself."

"Isn't there another disciple of Kunlun? His name is Baek Keunsuk, right? This person is your good friend of Kunlun. Now these two people are opening a shop with you, do you think it's okay?"

"Auntie, how come you know everything?" Xu You couldn't help but ask again.

"Auntie said, I care about you especially. Auntie will take anything you say to heart."

After hearing this, Xu You was not only not moved, but also scared. Will she no longer be transparent in front of Huangfu Lan?

This won't work. From now on, we need to behave more secretly and pay more attention.

"Little guy, you are so brave!" Huangfu Lan suddenly shouted and Xu You was startled.

"Don't think that Auntie doesn't know what dirty things are sold in that store!" Huangfu Lan said with hatred, "How can you sell such things!"

"No, aunt, do you know again?"

"Nonsense, I asked for a few samples right away. It's so unethical!"

"Auntie, you don't understand." Xu You shook his head and said, "This is a work of art!"

"What?" Huangfu Lan asked, "You are telling me that this is a work of art that copies women?"

"Auntie, let me ask you three questions. First, is it a merit that some single monks use these things to relieve their stress? Second, with these things, they don't have to go to brothels. Is this a merit?

Thirdly, these things are clean and will not infect the Taoist mind. Are they also meritorious? "

Huangfu Lan was silent for a moment. What Xu You said made sense, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Xu You continued, "So, this is a merit business! It is used to help people in the world. Besides, this matter has nothing to do with me.

It was developed by Baek Keun Suk and Ding Qing, a senior fellow in our sect. Later, they approached me and asked me to help. At first, I was very reluctant to do such a favor.

Later, after learning more about it, I realized the true meaning of this thing. Why can't I help save people in the world?

This is to cultivate my own Taoist heart. Therefore, he helped Baek Keun Suk and others open this store in the name of He Liansheng. "

Seeing Xu You's holy and compassionate face, Huangfu Lan almost believed him.

At the moment when I wrote the letter, my mind came back to Xu You's frank and direct words just now. I want to see that sentence about legs.

Then I felt dumbfounded. Can you believe this?

At such a young age, his acting skills are amazing.

Of course, Huangfu Lan did not expose Xu You because she felt that what Xu You just said was indeed somewhat unreasonable.

Strictly speaking, although this thing is a bit off the table, if you take a closer look, it can indeed be regarded as the kind that has more advantages than disadvantages.

Plus what kind of vision does Huangfu Lan have? The terrifying and huge profit market behind this can be seen at a glance.

The benefits generated by this epoch-making business are definitely considerable.

When she just learned that Xu You was coming, she roughly knew what Xu You wanted to do when he came to her this time.

Of course, no matter how knowledgeable Huangfu Lan is and how much she has seen about the world, she was still a little shocked when those samples were delivered to her.

She had never thought that there was such a business that could be done from such an angle, and she had never thought that someone could come up with the idea of ​​imitating a woman, or even do it so realistically.

It can only be said that while such a person is obscene and obscene, he is also an extremely talented person. He is truly an epoch-making talent.

And Huangfu Lan also knew that it must be him, Xu You, who really came up with this idea. How could it be someone else?

Connecting the incident of Qin Long's filming, it is not difficult to guess that this is Xu You's calculation, both fictitious and real.

The little guy plans to flourish in culture and sports, expand his career to the greatest extent, and form a closed loop.

Regardless of this strange entry point, the little guy is indeed full of business knowledge, and I don’t know where he got so many weird ideas at such a young age.

Now regarding Xu You's three consecutive denials, Huangfu Lan did not expose it to give the little guy face.

Then he just narrowed his eyes and smiled and said, "That's it. Auntie believes that you are a gentleman. I also believe that the purpose of opening this store is to save the world."

"That's right. We Kunlun disciples take the world as our responsibility."

"Tell me, what do you think now?" Huangfu Lan asked with a squinted smile.

"Auntie, as I said just now, I want to make you a fortune." Xu You looked at the other party and said, "Auntie, are you interested in working together in this business?"

"Little guy, you didn't come to me before, but now you come to me when something goes wrong in the store. I doubt your sincerity."

"Didn't I know it would be so popular before? If I had known about it, I would have come to see you as soon as possible."

"You want Jubao Pavilion behind Auntie to endorse your store." Huangfu Lan stretched out his hand and tapped Xu You's forehead, "You have so many tricks at a young age."

"Auntie has a keen eye!" Xu You said with a frank smile, "She is such an auntie. I really want the Jubao Pavilion behind her to endorse me this time, but more importantly, I want to make a fortune with her. Auntie, you You can trust me."

"Also." Xu You continued, "It was definitely not an afterthought about Auntie. I actually solved the problem as soon as the store was sealed."

After saying that, Xu You took out the token given to him by Zhou Xiaoyue and said, "At this time, King Xiao's token, King Xiao and I have reached an in-depth cooperation.

Xiao Wang has already taken a stake in our store. It can be said that there is no need to worry about safety in the future. "

"Oh?" Huangfu Lan looked at the token in Xu You's hand with some surprise, "You asked Prince Xiao to agree to do this kind of business with you?"

"Yes." Xu You said, "Of course, Prince Xiao will not refuse this kind of business that saves people. Of course, the most important thing is the future prospects of our store that attract Prince Xiao."

"Little guy, Auntie really looks down on you. Prince Xiao, you were able to get me on board in such a short time."

Xu You continued to talk, "Auntie, with your wisdom, you must also know how big the prospects of this business are. Now in the entire Shenzhou, only our Helian Adult Store can do this business.

Such a huge market can be said to have a bright future.

So my current idea is to expand and stabilize Helian’s leading position as an adult store.

If Jubao Pavilion can come together to do the endorsement, it will be stable. Since Prince Xiao is here with the Zhou officials, they must be safe and sound. And when it comes to external expansion, coupled with the endorsement of Jubao Pavilion, it will definitely make it prosperous.

In the future, branches can be opened to cover the entire Divine Continent, expand to the entire Middle-earth Heavenly Continent, and finally expand to the five major Divine Continents.

Auntie, think about how much wealth you can earn from such a great prospect? Does it count as the wealth I just mentioned for my aunt? "

Huangfu Lan lightly tapped the table with his fingers, "The aunt you mentioned is very excited. Since the profit is such a big one, why don't you just go to your Kunlun? Why do you want to go to Jubao Pavilion?"

Xu You smiled coquettishly, "Auntie, you also know that our Kunlun Immortal Sect has always been the leader of the righteous path. This kind of business is not easy to cooperate with."

"Oh? Didn't you say this is a business to save people? I think Kunlun will strongly support it." Huangfu Lan said to Xu You with a teasing look on his face.

"Auntie, before saving the common people, the world will be misunderstood. Such misunderstandings will still put Kunlun into a bad situation." Xu You quibbled without changing his expression.

"Then it won't have any impact on Jubao Pavilion?"

"Auntie, Jubao Pavilion has always adhered to neutrality for many years since its establishment. It has contact with businesses of all three religions and nine streams. It is fundamentally different from Kunlun.

So this little thing is not worth mentioning. "Xu You replied.

"What you said makes sense," Huangfu Lan said with a smile, "You have said so. If Auntie doesn't agree, wouldn't it mean that Auntie doesn't understand the market?"

"That's not the aunt's wisdom that I believe in."

Huangfu Lan continued, "I have another question. In addition to Kunlun, with your current connections, it will not be a big problem to fool other forces.

After all, Prince Xiao has convinced you to move. So why choose Jubao Pavilion? "

Xu You said seriously, "Auntie, I just emphasized this point twice. This business is bound to expand rapidly, and it will definitely make countless profits.

And why should I give such profits to others? I just want to give it to you, auntie, and I don’t want to give it to anyone else! "

"Why do you have to give it to me!" Huangfu Lan stared at Xu You.

"The more money Auntie makes for Jubao Pavilion, the higher her status will be and the higher her freedom will be. I don't want Auntie to be bound by the Huangfu family all the time.

I want my aunt to have her own freedom! "Xu You said seriously.

"Little guy, why do you give aunt such a high degree of freedom?" Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You with twitchy eyes again.

"Auntie, you know." Xu You was a little shy, "Auntie is free, then I will be free too."

"The little guy is so cute." Huangfu Lan stepped forward and stretched out his hands to pinch Xu You's face. "You are so kind to my aunt. What should I do if my aunt is so touched?"

"Hey, as long as Auntie is happy, everything else doesn't matter." Xu You said with a smile,

"Little guy, aren't you afraid of fetching water from a bamboo basket?"

"How to say?"

Huangfu Lan slowly returned to his seat and said with a smile, "How dare you come to Auntie with nothing now, and seek cooperation from the Jubao Pavilion behind Auntie.

Aren't you afraid that I will swallow up your Helian Adult Store directly? Even if Auntie swallows it, what can you do? Kunlun definitely can't help you.

Faced with this kind of thing, Prince Xiao can't do anything about Jubao Pavilion. At worst, I will still give him Prince Xiao's share.

As for you, there is nothing left. Don’t even think about artifact refining technology monopoly. Although this thing is exquisite and complicated, it will only be a matter of time before it is cracked and copied if the Jubao Pavilion is given time.

You will have nothing by then, so how dare you come to my aunt like this? "

Xu You smiled casually, "So this is what auntie said. I never thought about it."



"Trust? To whom?"

"Auntie." Xu You looked at the other party seriously, "I never think that auntie will deceive me or suppress me. I only think that auntie will support me and move forward together."

Huangfu Lan chuckled, "Are you so confident? With interests at the forefront, how can you still be so confident?"

Xu You continued to laugh, "Maybe Auntie will feel a little stupid, but that's because Auntie, you have seen too many dark things. But I am different.

I have always been sincere to my aunt, and I have always believed and trusted her. "

"What if?"

"If it happens, forget it. I won't come to Auntie's house anymore, and I won't give massages to Auntie anymore." Xu You shook his head resentfully.

Huangfu Lan stepped forward again and rubbed Xu You's face, "You are so cute. Auntie can't bear to lie to you. Moreover, Auntie really can't bear to know your massage skills.

You hit Auntie's Achilles' heel with precision.

The threat worked for me, my aunt admitted. "

"So, Auntie, you agree?" Xu You smiled.

Huangfu Lan did not rush to answer this question, but said solemnly, "But little guy, you won't just have such simple and pure trust in others in the future.

The human heart is more sinister than anything in the world, and the profits from this business are enough to make countless people take risks. "

"I understand, auntie, I only trust you, and I will be careful about others." Xu You said.

Huangfu Lan smiled hoarsely, "I almost forgot, little guy, you are full of tricks! Why should I worry about this for you? I was almost deceived by you just now."

With that said, Huangfu Lan sat down again, with his legs crossed and the shoes hooked on his toes dangling slightly.

At this moment, there is something in her that Xu You has never seen before, she is smart and capable.

Yes, Huangfu Lan's eyes are half-closed now, looking like the ultimate strong woman who has been on the battlefield for a long time.

"Public to public, private to private, Auntie, I am personally willing to cooperate with you. But when it comes to Jubao Pavilion, I don't have the final say alone.

I have to have something or a plan to convince the elders of Jubao Pavilion, etc. "

"I understand this." Xu You said with a confident look, "Auntie, you already know about the business prospects, so I won't go into details.

As long as you have enough resources and connections, you can develop very quickly. What matters now is the product. In this regard, I am very confident that every iteration of the product will go to a higher level and always lead the way.

And it will not only expand the business of male monks, but also slowly expand to the female monks in the future. In addition, a series of auxiliary plans introduced in the future will have a feedback effect. "

With that said, Xu You took out a jade talisman and handed it to the other party, "Auntie, you can take a look at my imagination and ideas for the future."

Huangfu Lan was curious and put the jade talisman on his forehead and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.

After finally reading it, I asked Xu You in surprise, "Did you write these?"


"Have you written so many things before? Were you thinking about cooperating with Jubao Pavilion before?"

"That's not true." Xu You said, "I just wrote it casually on the way to find my aunt. I really didn't think too much before the accident happened in the store."

So Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You with more and more surprise. The plans for the future here can be said to be perfect, and all kinds of unconstrained and innovative ideas made Huangfu Lan find everything new and fresh.

Having this thing is enough for Jubao Pavilion to fully invest in helping.

What shocked Huangfu Lan even more was that these things were actually written by Xu You just now. How should I say this?

Huangfu Lan has been around for so many years, so he naturally has very deep personal insights into business. There are many flaws and ill-considered things in what Xu You wrote.

But the flaws are not concealed. These innovative things can not only be used in the adult store industry, but can also be extended to other industries.

It is a new and universal set of buying and selling logic, and it does not look like it could be written by a young person.

"Did you really come up with these things by yourself?" Huangfu Lan couldn't help but ask again.

"Yes Auntie."

Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You in even more shock, in disbelief.

Although she had only met Xu You a few times, she had already been shown countless advantages of Apex Level. These things made Huangfu Lan even more curious about Xu You.

To her, Xu You is now a treasure boy. She really wants to understand everything about Xu You and see where the limits of this little man are.

It’s okay to be great in cultivation, it’s okay to be great in dealing with people, it’s okay to speak and do things that make people feel comfortable, but how can you be so good in business?

This kind of thing cannot be done quickly. Now Huangfu Lan can only think that God has given him a favor, otherwise he cannot explain it.

In contrast, Xu You's handsome appearance has become the most inconspicuous shining point.

To be honest, if it weren't for Mo Yuhuang's reputation and Kunlun Immortal Sect, Huangfu Lan would really have the urge to kidnap Xu You directly to him.

I really love such an all-round and flawless young man.

The most important thing is that he understands women so well. If he raised one, wouldn't he be so happy every day from now on?

As he thought about it, Huangfu Lan's mind began to become active. He might try to see if there was any chance in the future.

This little man seems to really have a great affection for a mature woman like himself.

Xu You had no idea what was going on in Aunt Huangfu's mind at the moment. He just said, "Auntie, do you have any questions?"

Huangfu Lan shook his head and said, "No more. The follow-up plan is already very complete. I will revise it later. There should be no problems in Jubao Pavilion.

The last point is the product problem. What did you mean by the female market just now? Auntie warns you, selling things now is extremely disrespectful.

If you continue to develop something suitable for women, that would be even more disrespectful! "

In the end, even Huangfu Lan couldn't describe such a shameful and rebellious thing.

"Auntie, you misunderstood, we still adhere to the idea of ​​saving the common people."

"Don't come here, you can just shout slogans. Are you really stupid as an aunt? Do you even believe what you say?"


Xu You smiled and took out his most popular prop: a happy little heart!

This thing is Divine Weapon, and the Peach Blossom Spring Vaporizer is no joke!

Today we must let Huangfu Lan know what the real Law Weapon is!

"Auntie, do you care?" Xu You handed the happy little heart to the other party.

"What is this?"

Huangfu Lan took over this simple little love with some strangeness, looking very puzzled.

But the moment this little love fell into Huangfu Lan's hands, her whole body felt like it was struck by lightning.

A feeling of confusion like falling into an endless abyss.

In this short moment, to Huangfu Lan, it felt like a whole year had passed.

The ultra-high oscillation of the little love is vividly reflected in Huangfu Lan.

After a while, Huangfu Lan forced himself to hold himself up, quickly threw the little love on the ground, and leaned against the back of the chair. The sweat from behind even soaked the chair cushion.

Xu You looked at the other party carefully. He was shocked by Huangfu Lan's performance.

The effect of this little love heart is actually much weakened when placed on the hand, and it is much weakened when compared to the serious use of it.

When Wu Yanluo tried it before, she didn't get such a big response. What's going on with Huangfu Lan now?

Logically speaking, at this age of auntie, shouldn't she be inferior to a little girl?

[Water but not watery, it’s easy to write too much when writing this kind of interaction]

(End of chapter)

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