Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 215 Chapter 272 273 Kill The Six Realms! Escape From Death, Xu You Is Unreasonably Powerful!

Chapter 215 Chapter 272 273 Kill the Six Realms! Escape from death, Xu You is unreasonably powerful!

First of all, in this Lost Realm, the Sixth Realm cultivation can only use 20 to 30% of the strength, and these two people look like their vitality is greatly depleted, so they probably have to be cut in half.

This left only more than 10% of the strength. Although the last female monk who looked very coquettish was at the sixth level, Xu You keenly felt that she was just a showman.

He is also a veteran of cultivating immortals now, so he naturally knows that some monks may appear to have reached the realm, but in fact they have not achieved it by slowly consolidating and accumulating their own cultivation.

Instead, they were forcibly raised and fed up. Such monks have extremely high combat power and are at the bottom of the food chain in the same realm of cultivation.

Let's put it this way, as long as you cultivate yourself, no matter what level you belong to, you can instantly kill the useless monks piled up here.

Therefore, Xu You is not too panic now. Under these points deductions, the coquettish female monk is probably not as good as the Apex Level Five Realm monk.

However, Xu You's current trump card methods can still hold up against such a greatly compromised enemy, so he is somewhat confident.

The only thing he paid attention to was the man in black robe. He was a serious six-level monk. Even if he could only use 10% of his strength, Xu You would still need to exert all his strength.

It is definitely not something to be underestimated and must be done with all one’s strength.

"Leave the girl to you, leave the boy to me." Xue Qianluo said calmly. Obviously, she immediately saw the fighting power of these two people and directly picked a tough persimmon for herself.

Xu You nodded slightly, not showing off. After all, there was a big gap between herself and Xue Qianluo, so it was up to her to deal with the man.

Xu You has seen Xue Qianluo's strength, so he naturally trusts her.

Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You and Xue Qianluo with some surprise and asked, "Are you serious? They are six-level monks after all. The gap between each level is like a chasm. Don't you know this?"

Xu You smiled slightly and said, "Auntie, do you know what is the most important criterion for Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list? In Dan Dao, one must have the ability to fight across large boundaries.

Not talented, my senior sister and I happen to be both. "

"I know that, but you are different, you are only in the fourth realm!" Huangfu Lan said solemnly, thinking that the little guy was a little ignorant.

The Fourth Realm and the Sixth Realm are not the same at all. These are people from two different worlds.

Xu You continued, "Auntie, the smell of the fat woman opposite seems to be that of a medicine man, who got up by taking drugs. Coupled with the suppression of the Lost Realm and their current wear and tear, the problem is not big, don't worry."

Huangfu Lan pondered for a moment, "I don't have any cultivation right now, and I can't tell what path these two people are taking until they take action. I'm afraid they are ghost cultivators.

If they are ghost cultivators, the abundant Yin spirit power around them will enhance their strength. "

"It's okay, the same." Xu You said confidently.

When Xu You and the others communicated, they communicated directly and openly.

The sound was particularly harsh in the ears of the two black-robed monks, and I wondered if I heard it wrong.

Damn it, shouldn't this distribution be between the two of them?

Didn't you see clearly who is the Sixth Realm cultivator?

One is in the fourth realm and the other is in the fifth realm. How dare you assign them like this? There was even a fucking mortal there.

Has the world changed? Are today's young people too ignorant, or are they too strong?

The two naturally believed the former, so their anger level became higher and higher.

Damn it, you must crush your bones and raise your ashes to relieve so much anger in your heart!

"Did you hear that? Kill them!" The man in black robe said harshly to his companions.

"I know, cut into pieces with a thousand cuts! Leave that pretty boy to me!" the woman in black robe also said angrily.

Xu You's words about fat women directly let her break her guard. You know, she relied on her plump figure to get to where she is today.

As a result, she was directly scolded by Xu You as a fat woman who didn’t know how plump it was when she was young! No taste!

She also said that she was a medicine person. She couldn't compare to the monks in the same realm, so how could she humiliate the monks in the fourth realm!

The angry woman in black robe immediately appeared in front of Xu You and looked at Xu You with a sneer, "Originally, I admire you as a pretty boy. If you are in a good mood, I might as well take you back to raise you.

As a result, you don't know good from evil, so don't blame me for humiliating you. "

Xu You seemed to have heard the joke, and turned to look at Huangfu Lan and said with a smile, "Look, Auntie, let me just say that I am popular. All my enemies want to support me."

Huangfu Lan rolled his eyes at Xu You and didn't want to answer.

"Sorry, fat aunt, you can't support me." Xu You said apologetically, then pointed at Huangfu Lan beside him and said, "Unless you can look as good as my aunt.

But obviously, the gap is too big and I have no desire at all. "

The expression of the woman in black robe was stagnant. She heard the harsh words in her ears and looked at Huangfu Lan, who was indeed incomparable to her at all. She was going to explode!

I haven't been this angry for a long time, even more angry than when I was humiliated by my companions just now.

"I want you to die!"

The black-robed woman's body was overwhelmingly filled with cultivation. She quickly formed a hand seal with her hands, and ghost soldiers with inexplicable shapes emerged from the surrounding Yin spirit power.

The cultivation level of each ghost soldier is in the third realm, and a small number of them are in the early stage of the fourth realm.

After that, these ghost soldiers made of Yin spirit power continued to besiege Xu You with their fangs bared.

Xu You regained his playful expression at this moment and became very solemn.

A few words of trash talk before a battle can help boost morale, but it doesn't mean that Xu You really treats the opponent as a piece of cake.

Soon, those ghost soldiers surrounded Xu You. The black-robed woman sneered at Xu You who was drowned.

No one with cultivation in the fourth realm could survive this move. These ghost soldiers from the third and fourth realms were enough to crush him to pieces. She used this trick just to torture Xu You until she died.

Seeing that Xu You made no move to resist, the woman in black robe turned to look at Huangfu Lan, "Such appearance is only found on a mortal like you. It's a waste of natural resources and you should die."

When the black-robed woman was about to kill Huangfu Lan, she saw Huangfu Lan looking at her sternly.

It was an absolute superior gesture, and she was very familiar with this look. It was the kind of indifference that only those big guys in the sect who were really in charge of other people's lives and lives had.

Yes, it is this sense of indifference. This kind of feeling can only be felt by people who have been in high positions for a long time.

The woman in black robe was stunned for a moment. She was not stupid. She quickly thought that this was the Lost Realm, which meant that the woman in front of her was probably a monk in the Heavenly Realm!

Thinking of this possibility, the woman in black robe did not dare to take action for a while, and her brain, which was not usually used much, began to spin rapidly.

Searching for all the powerful monks in the Heavenly Dao Realm that he had impressions of.

Soon, the woman in black robe seemed to have thought of something and looked at Huangfu Lan with wide eyes, "Are you Huangfu Lan from Jubao Pavilion?"

Huangfu Lan still didn't speak, and his eyes were still indifferent. It would be embarrassing to talk to such a woman.

Seeing that Huangfu Lan ignored her, the black-robed woman didn't even dare to get angry, but turned to look at her companion,

"Huangfu Lan is here!"

When the man in black robe heard the words Huangfu Lan, he immediately turned around and stared at Huangfu Lan.

When he first arrived, he didn't pay any attention to this mortal at all, but now he saw clearly that it was really Huangfu Lan.

Seeing this, the man in black robe changed his expression. Even in the Lost Realm, there were some people that he couldn't afford to offend at all, and Huangfu Lan was one of them.

The main reason is that Huangfu Lan's background is too special. Neutral backgrounds are actually the most difficult to mess with in many cases, especially those at the ceiling level.

It's not something that ordinary monks in the Heavenly Dao Realm can compare with.

"Don't touch her, kill these two people, and take Manager Huangfu back."

After saying that, the man in black robe turned into a thunderous dragon and rushed towards Xue Qianluo, full of killing intent.

Xue Qianluo just frowned slightly, not too frightened, and drew out the long sword behind his back to respond to the enemy.

In an instant, the wind and clouds surged, black mist arose, and the heaven and earth were shocked.

The woman in black robe did not look at Huangfu Lan at this moment, and wanted to go directly to Xu You.

At this moment, a flaming sword energy rose into the sky, and the ghost soldiers surrounding Xu You evaporated completely under the flaming sword energy.

Xu You walked out with the Pure Yang True Sword intact.

How can some ghost soldiers of the third and fourth realms be his enemies together? The Nine-Yang Immortal Art is as strong as the Yang, and the same is true for the Pure Yang True Sword, which just restrains the ghostly methods.

The identity of the person in front of him was basically confirmed, that is, he was a monk from the Ghost Shadow Sect. This was a bad situation.

As for the monks of the Ghost Shadow Sect, their cultivation is naturally enhanced by this strong Yin spirit power, and their strength needs to be even higher.

Xu You's eyes immediately looked towards Xue Qianluo. She was wrapped in the black mist and fought with the man in black robe. The battle was fierce and the sword energy was overflowing.

However, Xue Qianluo's breath was very steady, and Xu You breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, these two people had lost a lot of their cultivation when they came, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with them. What a good luck.

Then, Xu You looked at the woman in black robe in front of him again and said that it was really inappropriate to call her fat aunt just now.

The other party is still in good shape and has a good car, but the smell of dust on his body is too strong.

For a dignified monk in the Sixth Realm to be able to have such a strong smell of dust, there is no need to think about it. His cultivation must have been through unspoken rules all the way up.

The woman in black robe was not as relaxed as Xu You at this moment, but looked at Xu You in astonishment.

What just happened?

How could the Four Realm monks be safe and sound under their own Divine Ability? And kill your own ghost soldiers easily?

How is this possible? It stands to reason that these ghost soldiers are enough to strangle any monk in the Four Realms.

"Hey, Fatty Auntie, don't you want to kill people with background?" Xu You said, "You don't want to mess with those from Jubao Pavilion, so what should we say if our seniors and brothers are true disciples of Kunlun?"

"The ones to be killed are the Kunlun disciples!" Anger filled the face of the black-robed woman again, and she became furious with embarrassment.

It doesn't matter if she can't defeat some Apex Level 5 monks, but now if even the 4th level monks can show off their power in front of her and spread the word, she won't have the face to hang around anymore.

Furthermore, Kunlun’s current embarrassing Immortal Gate is just a bluff.

The black-robed woman suddenly appeared in front of Xu You, and the Yin spirit power between heaven and earth around her was mobilized crazily. Although she was in the Sixth Realm by force, her Divine Ability was still terrifying.

Those Yin spirit powers formed several giant black palms, which burst out with powerful deterrence and grabbed Xu You.

Xu You looked at these giant black palms with a solemn expression.

Don't tell me, if it weren't for the suppression of the Lost Realm and the opponent's poor state, Xu You would have to retreat when encountering such an offensive outside, unable to resist forcefully.

I really can't beat him. The six realms he has reached through taking drugs are not something he can touch now.

But I'm sorry, now in this lost realm, destiny is mine!


Xu You pointed at the Pure Yang True Sword, directly stimulating one of the most powerful sword skills in the Sword Sutra practiced by Mo Yuhuang, Ben Lei!

The rumbling lightning danced with blue light on the Pure Yang True Sword, and an unrivaled cold sword energy was brewed directly.

The pure Yang fireworks enveloping the Sun formed a huge sword energy of thunder and fire. The sword energy cut through the sky and illuminated the surrounding area like daylight.

The sword energy swept across, and several giant black palms were directly burned to pieces!

Then, Xu You stepped on the sword energy and slashed straight at the black-robed woman in front of him.

The latter's face changed greatly as he looked at this sword energy that was wrapped with thunder and fire, which contained a little bit of the general trend of the world. He looked at this bright sword energy in disbelief.

How could a Four Realm monk control the general trend of the world!

Only those who have reached the Sixth Realm can start to dabble in the general trend of heaven and earth, and they can only use a little bit of the general trend of heaven and earth to fight against the enemy.

If you want to truly make full use of it, you can only cultivate into the Seven Realms of Heavenly Dao.

But it is enough to borrow a little bit, which is the core reason why monks in the Sixth Realm can proudly be in the Three Realms of Alchemy.

Under the offensive of the general trend of heaven and earth, no one below the sixth realm can stop it.

It is shameful to say that although she has barely entered the Sixth Realm for many days, her achievements in the general situation of the world are almost zero.

Yes, instead of relying on her own cultivation, her cultivation level almost stopped here by relying on the six realms that were forcibly piled up.

For so long, I have not made any progress in my understanding of the general trend of heaven and earth, which is the strongest in the six realms. I cannot understand it at all.

But in front of me, Xu You was able to use his Four Realm cultivation skills to unleash sword energy that carried the general trend of heaven and earth!

She had never heard of such a situation. How could there be such a monster in the world!

In a panic, the black-robed woman quickly formed a seal with her hands, forming a thick barrier on her body to protect herself.

Boom~! !

The sword energy suddenly fell on her. Her current cultivation was already severely suppressed, and coupled with the loss of essence and blood just now, she couldn't stop it at all under this sword.

The protective black mask on her body was instantly cut through, and the sword energy fell on her hard, as if the pressure of heaven and earth fell on her.

The whole person was smashed to the ground, and the remaining power of the sword energy continued to spread across the ground, leaving a bottomless ravine on the ground. The fierce thunder and fire sword energy even temporarily dispersed the white light emanating from the Lost Realm.

It stirs up thousands of sparks, which is really beautiful.

One sword!

Directly kill the weakest six-level monk, whose strength is about 20% at most, to the ground!

The black-robed woman was lying on the ground, coughing blood crazily. The cultivation power in her body was all over the place. She was seriously injured and extremely depressed. She now looked at Xu You floating above with a look of horror on her face.

A shadow of death hung over her head. The woman in black robe, who had grown up in the greenhouse and had not experienced much fighting, was so frightened that she did not dare to move.

Seeing this, Xu You frowned slightly. Isn't this too simple?

Can there be such a dish? No matter how many debuffs you stack, it can still be considered a sixth realm, right?

How come he has no fighting spirit and his methods are unfamiliar, as if he has never fought before.

But Xu You doesn't care about that much now. The better the opponent is, the happier he will naturally be. At this time, he can use as little cultivation as possible.

Thinking about it, when Xu You was about to go down and kill the other party directly, Huangfu Lan stopped him and said, "Stay alive first and ask something useful. The more you know, the better it is for us."

Xu You nodded slightly and used a Law Weapon with his backhand.


When I first entered the Four Realms, one of the many items was rewarded in the door.

It is a seal-style Law Weapon with the word Houtu written on it. The whole body is earthy yellow and looks simple and unpretentious.

Ranked third on the Law Weapon list within the door!

It has been passed down in the Kunlun Immortal Sect for tens of thousands of years. It is an aggressive Law Weapon. Xu You has never used it after getting this Law Weapon.

Because only the Four Realms Late Stage cultivation can barely drive it.

This was Xu You's first time to use it. He made secrets with both hands and penetrated the seals one after another into the Hou Tu Seal.

Soon, the seal swelled in the wind, and finally became the size of a small mountain.


Xu You pressed his hands, and the hill-like back soil mark hit the black-robed woman hard.

It's not pity at all. Of course, it won't kill the person. It can only aggravate the other person's injury. It is enough to trap the other person and leave some breath for questioning later.

Xu You's series of operations were smooth and smooth, and the Sixth Realm monk was temporarily eliminated with a backhand.

Huangfu Lan, who was watching from the end, was a little silent. This was the first time she saw Xu You attack with all his strength.

To be honest, it's not that she has never seen the world, on the contrary, she has seen countless so-called geniuses.

But what shocked her the most so far was Xu You who had just taken action. She could not have imagined that a monk in the fourth realm could control a monk in the sixth realm so easily.

Even though this Sixth Realm monk is a very rubbish existence, after all, his cultivation level is so much higher than that of Xu You.

The most important thing is that Xu You's sword energy just now can actually hold the general trend of the world! This is simply unimaginable to Huangfu Lan!

How could a Four Realm monk grasp and take advantage of the general trend of heaven and earth?

Unheard of in ancient times!

At this moment, she finally understood the fundamental reason why Xu You was so confident just now. It's not that he has much luck, but that he has absolute confidence in his strength.

Yes, a monk who can take advantage of the general trend of heaven and earth to fight is basically invincible in the Lost Realm.

"Why can your sword energy borrow the general trend of the world?" Huangfu Lan couldn't help but ask directly.

"Auntie, I told you that I am very powerful." In front of Huangfu Lan, Xu You was not modest and showed off his pride as a young man.

"I can't be judged by normal standards."

"But." Huangfu Lan wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Yes, it cannot be judged by common sense that an Apex Level prodigy will appear in thousands of years.

No wonder Kunlun valued him so much. No wonder Mo Yuhuang led his team to push through Chijinmen after knowing that he was being bullied.

Xu You is worth the price! This is Kunlun’s hope for the future!

So now that Xu You and Xue Qianluo have fallen here at the same time, Kunlun must be going crazy?

Huangfu Lan thought before that Kunlun would definitely come to the rescue, but it is different now. It is estimated that if the senior officials in the door knew that Xu You was trapped here, they would all be violent!

What's more, there is Xue Qianluo here. Huangfu Lan can already guess that there are definitely many big shots coming from Kunlun at this moment.

"Actually, this fat woman is too weak. She is in the Sixth Realm and can't even understand the general trend of heaven and earth. Plus, she is suppressed here. If I can't beat her, then I will be sorry for the cultivation in my sect.

If that man hits me, it's really hard for me to say. "

Xu You smiled and explained to Huangfu Lan again. The latter just looked at Xu You with a complicated expression.

This little man is really rare, not only capable but capable.

Anyway, so far, Xu You has almost no shortcomings. I don’t know how many hidden advantages are waiting to be discovered by yourself.

There is no end to the excavation. There is no end to the excavation.

Huangfu Lan could only shake his head and turned to look at Xue Qianluo. The black mist was still thick, "Aren't you going to help your senior sister?"

Xu You also looked over and said with a smile, "No need for the moment, my senior sister is not a big trouble. This is just an early stage cultivator of the Sixth Realm with only 10% to 20% strength, so it's not a big problem."

There is news that Xu You did not tell, that is, when they were in the underground mine field of the Lagan Desert, he and Xue Qianluo teamed up to kill a mid-six-level one-horned thunder dog.

Although he relied on his gelatinization technique to drain the Demonic Beast's cultivation in order to kill it, in the end, he was killed by the Sixth Realm Monster Cultivator with its full cultivation.

At that time, Xu You had seen Xue Qianluo attack with all her strength, and the brilliance of one of her ultimate moves, Taihua Jianqi, was still fresh in Xu You's memory.

Huangfu Lan looked at the confident Xu You, and then looked at the battle in the black mist, and she fell silent again.

Who told me that Kunlun's life was exhausted?

Isn’t this a pure scam?

Are Xu You and Xue Qianluo like this? All the forces under that day were completely useless.

Huangfu Lan now even has reason to suspect that this is a rumor spread by Kunlun himself to make other forces relax their vigilance.


At this time, there was an earth-shattering explosion on the right side, and Xu You heard it.

The black mist inspired by the black-robed man suddenly dispersed, and a snow-white sword energy rose into the sky, turning into stars and dispersing in the air.

Xue Qianluo was wearing hunting clothes and standing with Tai'a Sword in his hand. His aura was calm and clear. There was no injury at all, and his aura was not even disordered.

On the other hand, the black-robed monk's face was pale at the moment, his breath was extremely weak, and he was breathing heavily.

He looked at Xue Qianluo in disbelief. He couldn’t figure it out. He really couldn’t figure it out. Damn it!

The man in black robe considers himself to be a very outstanding monk in the early stage of the Sixth Realm. He has experienced countless small battles in his life, and he is a veteran with outstanding combat experience.

But today, when facing this girl in the early stage of the Fifth Realm, not only did she not get any benefits, but she was also beaten and held down by the opponent. How is this possible?

No matter how severely weakened my current cultivation level is, it is not something that a mere monk in the early stage of the fifth realm can touch!

What the fuck is going on?

The black-robed monk who couldn't figure it out looked at Hou Tuyin from the corner of his eyes, and there was a very faint breath of that stupid woman coming from underneath.

He was stunned again, and looking at Xu You standing there unharmed, he became even more stunned.

what's the situation?

A teammate was beaten down by a Four Realm monk?

Isn't this a fucking joke again?

No matter how weak that stupid woman is, she is still a Sixth Realm cultivator. How can she be eliminated so quickly by a Fourth Realm cultivator?

Has the quality of young people now been exaggerated to this point?

"Auntie, I'm going to help. It's a quick decision." Xu You said with a smile, and then teleported to Xue Qianluo's side.

Huangfu looked at the backs of the two of them. Not to mention, the boy and girl looked at each other closely. This youthful vitality had long since disappeared at her age.

The aunt couldn't help but sigh a little, how wonderful it is to be young.

"Sister, are you okay?" Xu You asked.


"Is that so? Then I'll be relieved." Xu You said with a smile, "Let me help you, make a quick decision, don't waste time."

The exchange between the two was still open and aboveboard. The man in black robe who was breathing heavily had a face so dark that ink could be squeezed out of it.

What a shame!

The monks in the fourth and fifth realms chatted there and said that they were weak and it was not a big problem? A quick fix? Not wasting time?

Damn it, I have never been humiliated like this since I started practicing!

"Okay, okay!"

The man in black robe sneered and said three good words loudly, then quickly made a hand seal with his hands, and his cultivation level spurted out desperately.

The surrounding Yin spirit power began to surge like a storm, and the wind and clouds changed.


The man in black roared angrily and spurted out a mouthful of blood. As the mouthful of blood spurted out, his whole body became sluggish again.

The blood essence turned into blood mist and combined with the surrounding Yin spirit power, finally forming a huge black palm.

This palm carries a bit of the general trend of the world, and the coercion rushes straight towards Xu You and Xue Qianluo, locking the two people, and falling towards them with a terrifying force.

Xu You looked at the giant black palm with half-squinted eyes. This Divine Ability was somewhat like Yun Yanjin's Rakshasa Hand, but in terms of power, it was naturally not comparable to Yun Yanjin's.

But it was shocking enough. If the opponent had unleashed this Divine Ability during his prime, Xu You wouldn't even be able to run away.

"Senior sister, you hold hands and I kill!" Xu You said quickly.


Xue Qianluo nodded directly, holding the Tai'a Sword in his hand and making a secret with one hand in his left hand.

Sword skills, too brilliant!

A solid sword energy several feet long spurted out. The energy was deficient and full, and it could destroy objects with its force.

Although the sword energy is not strong, this is the essence, and it is one of Xue Qianluo's absolute killer moves!

This sword energy was the color of sapphire, and it moved toward the giant black palm at a lightning speed.

Xu You, on the other hand, teleported to another direction. He took a deep breath, looked at the black-robed monk, and quickly made secrets with his hands. The most intricate patterns that Xu You currently mastered instantly gathered in front of him into the War Talisman Ge Explosion Talisman. .

Using his cultivation as a traction, a several-inch body integration spiritual ball of pure spiritual energy suddenly condensed in front of him. The spiritual energy contained in it was astonishing.

Then Xu You raised his hands, and the spiritual energy Body Integration instantly fell on the black-robed monk.

The black-robed monk was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, the strange spiritual ball fell on him, and then instantly grew in size and wrapped it inside, making him unable to move.

After that, the spiritual energy in Xu You's body gathered towards the spiritual ball crazily, and then expanded rapidly.

It wasn't until Xu You's cultivation was drained that the expansion stopped. At this moment, the spirit ball had become a huge spirit ball with a diameter of several feet.

The density of spiritual energy inside has reached the point of solidification.

Xu You panted heavily and looked at the finally formed Jia Ge Explosive Talisman, then turned around and flew slowly towards Xue Qianluo.

Real men never look back to see the explosion.


The Jia Ge Explosive Talisman exploded directly, and the terrifying explosion ripples blew away all the black mist formed by the surrounding Yin spirit power, forming a huge vacuum area.

The aftermath of the explosion spread dozens of miles away.

At the core of the explosion, space even collapsed into a huge black spot. The power was terrifying.

The surrounding area was shimmering with dazzling white light, and the wind was blowing hard.

When the explosion dissipated, the black-robed monk was covered in blood and fell down dying.

Although there is no aura of heaven and earth around, which weakens the power of the Jia Ge Explosive Talisman to a certain extent, Xu You's current cultivation level is one level closer than when he was practicing Talisman Dao before.

So the power is not too weak.

If a monk below the sixth level is trapped by such a level of Jia Ge Explosive Talisman, he will definitely die!

Of course, if they are monks in the Sixth Realm in a normal state, this Jia Ge Explosive Talisman cannot cause them to be fatally injured.

But the black-robed monk's current state of strength cannot hold up under this Jia Ge Explosive Talisman. Now that he has not exploded into ashes but is only dying, he is considered very strong.

On the other side, Xue Qianluo's Tai'a Sword also lived up to expectations.

The sword energy Taihua was still extremely powerful, directly dissipating the black-robed monk's Divine Ability.

The overflowing sword energy filled the sky with coldness, and the giant black palm turned into fly ash. The surrounding strong Yin spirit power was all destroyed, and the world was restored to peace.

Under the combined attack of the two men, the black-robed monk who was at the end of his strength was no match at all.

Huangfu Lan still watched in silence as Xu You and Xue Qianluo, a fourth-level monk and a fifth-level monk, teamed up to kill a sixth-level monk.

Although there are many advantages, it is still too exaggerated.

Huangfu Lan, who has a very high vision, could not help but sincerely praise the silky and picturesque beauty of the two of them working together.

Among them, the one who surprised Huangfu Lan the most was Xu You, this little man who gave people endless surprises.

If you read it correctly, Xu You is using the Divine Ability Talisman, which is the most Apex Level Talisman in the alchemy stage!

And it is the most Apex Level battle talisman among the talismans! The most Apex Level instant battle talisman among the war talismans!

It is still an instant battle talisman with such huge strength!

Talisman is notoriously difficult to practice, and to a certain extent, there are few Great Dao in the world that are more difficult than Talisman Great Dao.

Even if you are a swordsman, you can't compete with him.

Therefore, there are very few Talisman monks in the world, but correspondingly, once they have achieved success in cultivation, their combat effectiveness is very powerful.

Huangfu Lan has met many Fu Dao monks before, and they are the most Apex Level Fu Dao monks.

Including Jubao Pavilion, many talisman monks have been trained, and they usually draw talismans for sale.

It can be said that she has seen many Talisman geniuses in large numbers, but there has never been one as exaggerated and perverted as Xu You, who directly shocked her thinking to a halt.

(End of chapter)

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