Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 216 Chapter 274 275 The Shocking Truth, Qianlong, The Cruel Xu You, The Isolated Kunlun Immo

Chapter 216 Chapter 274 275 The shocking truth, Qianlong, the cruel Xu You, the isolated Kunlun Immortal Sect

The fourth realm cultivation can instantly cast the highest quality five realms battle talisman with the highest Apex Level combat power!

When news of this incident spread, no one would believe it unless they saw it with their own eyes.

How many Fu Dao and Tiandao can't reach this point in their entire lives? It's really very difficult, even harder than climbing to the sky.

But Xu You did it, and not in the great way of his life!

His major is Dao Foundation, and his minor is Kendo. Huangfu Lan is so outstanding in both areas that it is very unbelievable. He only confirmed Xu You's terrifying talent after seeing it with his own eyes several times.

But now, another talisman that is difficult to practice at Apex Level?

And with such an extremely terrifying level, why should he?

How could a boy under twenty years old do it?

Even if he has a once-in-a-millennium talent in these three Great Dao, it still takes a lot of time. How can he do it?

Huangfu Lan really couldn't figure it out. She felt that the cognitive system of spiritual practice she had built for decades completely collapsed at this moment.

I don’t know how to believe that such an unnatural situation can happen in the world.

This little man really gives people so many surprises that they scare him.

Xue Qianluo on the other side put away the Tai'a Sword and looked at Xu You in surprise. She knew that Xu You had started to practice Talisman Dao before, but she really didn't know that he had practiced to this extent.

That battle talisman just now was really strong! If she were inside, it would be strong enough to hold on.

Thinking of this, Xue Qianluo looked at Xu You with some solemnity. Junior brother, he is really a very strong opponent!

Xu You, on the other hand, was still breathing heavily, stuffing pills to restore his cultivation into his mouth.

The Jia Ge Explosive Talisman just drained him dry, and now his cultivation is almost exhausted.

This talisman is indeed powerful at Apex Level, but it is too heavy to force it to be activated with his current level of cultivation in the Four Realms.

After taking the elixir, Xu You directly sat cross-legged and meditated to regain his strength.

Huangfu Lan and Xue Qianluo waited quietly and watched the dying man in black robe who made a deep hole on the ground without making any noise.

His breath was quite weak, and he would twitch from time to time to prove that he was still alive.

A few quarters of an hour later, Xu You, who had recovered his cultivation level, slowly opened his eyes and let out a long breath. Cross-border combat is a really tiring job.

Xu You glanced at the quiet Huangfu Lan and Xue Qianluo. He didn't think too much and didn't think his performance just now would shock them much.

He just went to bring the black-robed woman and black-robed man over immediately to prepare for questioning.

After Xu You landed, he quickly and neatly brought the two of them to a big rock. Xue Qianluo also brought Huangfu Lan over immediately.

The two black-robed monks were now seriously injured and on the verge of death. Xu You very considerately fed them some healing elixirs.

Just make sure they have the strength to speak and basic thinking and rationality.

Soon, the man in black robe and the woman in black robe woke up at the same time, opened their eyes and saw the handsome face of Xu You, and subconsciously wanted to take action.

But he couldn't squeeze out a trace of cultivation at all. He was so weak that if he moved, it would be like thousands of needles pricking him at the same time.

The woman in black robe had a simple expression, she just looked at Xu You in horror, especially her eyes were full of desire for survival.

The man in black robe looked at Xu You with an extremely complicated expression. He still couldn't believe that he, a monk in the early stage of the Sixth Realm, was defeated so neatly by two little kids.

It was so fast that he didn't realize how he was beaten so seriously.

How the hell did a Four Realm monk do that!

"Both of you are monks of the Ghost Shadow Sect, right?" Xu You said to them in a very gentle voice, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Xu You, a disciple of Kunlun."

The name sounded familiar, but the man in black robe didn't think of it at first.

Xu You continued, "I want to ask you two about something about this place and what your Ghost Shadow Sect wants to do. This is about it. I wonder if you two are willing to cooperate?"

The man in black robe remained silent. His dignity as a high-ranking immortal cultivator made it impossible for him to bow his head so quickly to a cultivator who was so far below him. It was a shame and a great humiliation!

The very coquettish woman in black robe nodded quickly, for fear that she would die if she nodded too slowly.

"Very good." Xu You nodded with a smile, "Which of you two knows more? In other words, who has a higher status in the sect?"

"Me, me, me." The woman in black robe said quickly, "We have the same status in the sect, but I know many more superiors.

I definitely know more than him. "

"Bitch woman, sooner or later I will rape you first and then kill you!" the man in black robe said viciously.

The woman in black robe looked at the other party with a sullen expression, but did not dare to act impulsively.

"Oh? It seems that the relationship between the two of you is not very good." Xu You looked at the woman in black robe intently, "Are you sure you know more than your accomplice?"

"Sir, that's for sure. I know many superiors, have deep relationships with them, and know many things." The woman replied quickly.


Xu You nodded while still maintaining a smile, then turned to look at the man in black robe, and a cold sword energy brewed directly in his hand.

Without saying a word, he slashed the opponent's neck with his sword.

A big head was cut off immediately!

The speed was so fast that no one present could react, and the man was beheaded by Xu You.

Huangfu Lan and Xue Qianluo both looked at Xu You killing with calm expressions.

As for the man in black, his eyes were wide open, and he looked like he was determined to die. How could he kill him so easily?

After all, I am a monk in the Sixth Realm. What will happen if you ask me to be more reserved? I don’t want to answer either!

Of course, no one can give him another chance now. Xu You killed the person with a smile, and then with an even brighter smile, he absorbed the spirit of the Sixth Realm monk and compressed it into a spirit stick.

But in the eyes of the woman in black robe, Xu You is a complete pervert who kills without blinking an eye. No matter how you look at this smile, it's so oozing.

It is true that she has relatively little fighting experience, and only does relatively simple things occasionally. She usually stays at home and commands her subordinates to do things, and will accompany the boss when he calls.

My life is very simple. This time, because there is really not enough manpower, everyone has to come, and with the protection of Lost Realm, safety is definitely no problem, so we come together to do things.

But I didn't expect to encounter such a desperate situation of life and death!

"Fat aunt, don't be afraid, I'm very reasonable," Xu You said to the black-robed woman with a smile after putting away the spirit stick.

The latter turned his head and glanced at the headless corpse of his companion. The head was now stepping on Xu You's feet.

She was so scared. Is this called being reasonable?

Before even a reasonable person can say a word, you kill him!

How can there be such a truth in the world!

But she didn't dare to express any negative emotions, including what Xu You called her. She forced a smile and looked at Xu You, showing a very obedient and cooperative state.

"What do you call Fat Auntie?"

"I am Xiao Jinger."

"What position do you hold in the door?"

"Standing in the position of hall master."

"The leader of the Ghost Shadow Sect is also a leader."

"I'm a small leader. I'm in charge of logistics, so I don't need to do anything on weekdays." Xiao Jinger quickly replied.

"What is Hall Master Xiao doing here?"

"Come and carry out the tasks arranged by the door. There will be no survivors in the Lost Realm. So we all came in and cleared this Lost Realm as soon as possible."

"No one left alive? No mercy at all? Do you dare to kill people from the five sects and seven sects at will? Are you Ghost Shadow Sect so brave? Aren't you afraid of being exterminated?"

"This is an order from the sect. I am just the executor. I don't want to think too much. And not everyone from the five sects and seven sects will be killed. If there are disciples of Apex Level forces like the five sects and seven sects who accidentally get trapped here, they won't be killed.

Except for Kunlun disciples. "At the end, Xiao Jinger's voice sounded a little soft.

Xu You frowned slightly, "Why are Kunlun disciples excluded?"

Xiao Jing'er said quickly, "I don't know about this. I really don't know. In fact, we, the hall masters, basically don't know about this big event. Only the highest-level people in the sect know about it.

We just do what we are responsible for. "

Xu You paused for a moment and continued to ask, "Then what is going on in the Lost Realm? How big is it? How long has your Ghost Shadow Sect been brewing this matter?

Why inspire? What's the intention? It was originally agreed that your Ghost Shadow Sect would not leave the Dongyang Ghost Land, so why do you dare to do such an outrageous thing now? "

Xiao Jing'er hurriedly replied, "This Lost Realm is very large. It can be considered to cover most of the southern part of Dongyang County. I heard from my superior that our Ghost Shadow Sect seems to have been brewing this matter since its establishment. .

But he didn't tell me in detail. I don't know exactly how long it will take. As for the reason for the inspiration, according to the meaning of the door, it is that we plan to transform this lost realm into an existence similar to the ghost cultivator Sacred Land Fengdu.

It has become a real ghost place for us to survive, and at the same time it has some characteristics of the Lost Realm, and there is no need to worry about safety.

After this is accomplished, we will not only be in a world of our own like Fengdu, but also have a strong enough barrier. By then, the Ghost Shadow Sect will slowly become the most Apex Level force. "

Xu You was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Good guy, the attempt is so big, how can he transform the Lost Realm?

Xu You turned to look at Huangfu Lan and asked, "Senior, this Ghost Shadow Sect has been established for many years. I remember that it seemed that it was specially chosen here?"

"Yes, after the last Great Dao era, it was here at Tateyama Gate." Huangfu Lan nodded slightly, "It seems that the Ghost Shadow Gate originally chose to be here at Tateyama Gate. I guess he knew at that time that there was a person 'sleeping' here. Lost Realm.”

"But, how can the Lost Realm be transformed? Can this thing be transformed?" Xu You asked confused.

"I've never heard of this. It stands to reason that if it could be transformed, I wouldn't have expended so much effort to exterminate this Lost Realm before." Huangfu Lan shook his head slightly.

So Xu You turned to look at Xiao Jinger and asked, "Hall Master Xiao, can you explain how you plan to transform this Lost Realm?"

Xiao Jinger hesitated for a moment and did not dare to continue speaking.

"Hallmaster Xiao, don't you dare to say it?"

"Young hero, I told you, I have to die."

"If you don't say anything now, you will die immediately." Xu You said expressionlessly.

Xiao Jing'er's face changed, and finally she gritted her teeth and said, "The young hero swore to promise me something with his Taoist heart. Then you will spare my life! Because I will definitely not be able to go back to the Ghost Shadow Sect after that.

If the young hero cannot agree to spare my life, what difference does it make if I say it or not? "

Xu You was not surprised that the other party made this request. This stupid woman did have some sense when facing life and death.

"Okay, I, Xu You, swear with my Taoist heart that I will not harm your life afterwards!" Xu You swore seriously, "If you violate this word, the Great Dao will fall!"

Xiao Jing'er's face was filled with joy, but Xu You continued, "But, for the sake of Xu's safety, I have to wrong you, Hall Master Xiao.

When the time comes, I will let someone else find a Styx page to bind you for ten years or so. Although I will spare your life, be careful if you bite back. clear? "


"Now is not the time to bargain, understand?" Xu You said coldly.

"Okay." Although Xiao Jing'er felt aggrieved, there was nothing she could do about it. Her life was in someone else's hands, so she could only do this.

Xu You is very satisfied.

If you want to know some of the truth about the matter, you don't have to swear that she won't believe it.

And after swearing with the Dao Heart, Xiao Jing'er cannot be killed and can only be spared her life.

So Xu You immediately came up with a good solution to get Xiao Jing'er to He Liansheng.

Let her film it!

Yes, Xu You has no good impressions of this kind of "cultivating Daji". It is also a kind of salvation for such a woman to become a physical Bodhisattva.

It's just right for filming. The person's travel smell is very suitable for filming, and he's also a Sixth Realm monk. Damn it, this gimmick is so exciting!

Xu You dared to imagine how popular Xiao Jinger's film would be! It’s sure to be a big seller!

Xu You felt at this moment that he was the most evil capitalist, squeezing out every value from people.

But who made these two people want to kill themselves? If they couldn't kill them, they would have to pay the price.

Xiao Jinger didn't realize this at the moment. She just breathed a sigh of relief, at least her life was saved.

She said directly, "This involves the core secret of the Ghost Shadow Sect. I also heard it from one of the deputy sect leaders."

Xu You looked at Xiao Jinger with a strange expression. Did he find a treasure?

He originally thought that Xiao Jing'er hugged five or six thighs at most.

But now it seems that this is a complete underestimate of her, and she is actually involved with so many high-level officials of the Ghost Shadow Sect!

That's so damn awesome. If you asked the man in black robe just now, you probably wouldn't be able to tell anything.

This Xiao Jing'er is fucking Mrs. Ma Kang Min in Tian Long Ba Bu.

Hong Fuqi is so naive that he can capture a prisoner at random and be the most core prisoner of the Ghost Shadow Sect. That’s awesome!

"The deputy sect master once accidentally revealed to me that in this Great Dao era, our ghost shadow sect is one of the hidden dragons. There comes luck and auspiciousness that has never appeared in heaven and earth on both sides of the door.

The key to transforming this lost realm is luck. I don’t know the details, but this is all I know. "

After learning this, Xu You's eyes widened. He did not expect such exciting news!

This ghost shadow door can actually be one of the hidden dragons!

Once it makes sense, everything makes sense. No wonder the Ghost Shadow Sect dared to commit such a big violation and make such a big move.

Qianlong has his own luck. I don’t know what kind of auspiciousness this is that can transform the Lost Realm into an existence like Fengdu!

It's no wonder that the Yin spirit power that is constantly injected here can disappear so slowly under the decaying atmosphere of the Lost Realm.

All these strange things can be explained.

If this really makes the Ghost Shadow Sect succeed, let alone other forces, there really is nothing they can do against the Ghost Shadow Sect.

With the Lost Realm close by, the combat power is full and the barrier is full.

Moreover, now that the new Great Dao era is beginning to take shape, how can the five sects and seven sects act with one heart under such a general trend?

The most important thing is that if it is really a Qianlong, then luck is not so easy to cut off. If you attack the Qianlong that is starting to gain momentum, many things must be considered.

After that, the Ghost Shadow Sect may really be able to take advantage of the wind and become a Transcendent Level force!

"So, since the beginning of the Great Dao Era, your Ghost Shadow Sect has begun to lay out the layout in this Lost Realm? Secretly laying out so many formations to introduce Yin Spirit Power?" Xu You asked.

"Yes." Xiao Jinger nodded, "All of these Yin Spirit Powers were introduced from the Dongyang Ghost Land. The formations that introduced the Yin Spirit Powers were set up before, and the sect paid a very high price.

Only then have all the key points covering the entire area covered by the Lost Realm been deployed. "

"Aren't you afraid of failure? If you can't reform, won't your Dongyang ghost land be ruined?"

"This is decided by the upper management. We have been living in the Dongyang Ghost Land for too long. Naturally, we have to give it a try when we encounter this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

There's nothing wrong with this answer. It's obvious that the Ghost Shadow Sect has been planning this matter for a long time. Now that the weather is favorable and the people are harmonious, if they don't take action, the Ghost Shadow Sect will really have no choice but to live in the ghost land of Dongyang.

As one of the hidden dragons in the new Great Dao era, I am naturally more confident to make a bet.

Just like the True Wu Tianmen, this time they teamed up with the Gu God Clan to hold a witchcraft and Gu conference in Tianque City for the same reason. Qianlong took action to gain the upper hand and luck.

"Then it was you who absorbed these dead souls? How dare you do such an unnatural thing? Kill countless living souls?"

Xiao Jinger replied truthfully, "There are too many lice but it doesn't itch. We took in all the living souls in this lost realm and refined the most Apex Level Ghost Law Weapon, the Taiyin Soul Flag."

The power of the Taiyin Soul Flag refined from such a large number of creatures can be imagined, and it is enough to protect our Ghost Shadow Sect.

This is a very critical and important link. After the Taiyin Soul Flag is refined, our Ghost Shadow Sect can have greater confidence to face the coming storm. "

“Your Ghost Shadow Sect is really cowardly.” Xu You sneered, “But no matter what, it’s impossible for your Ghost Shadow Sect to do this quietly just by relying on your strength.

It is even more impossible to solve the matter of the Lost Realm quickly, and even if you don't kill the disciples of the Apex Level forces trapped in the Lost Realm.

But there are many subordinate forces supported by Apex Level forces in this vast area. Are you really not afraid if you just wipe them all out?

So, does the Ghost Shadow Sect have allies? "

"Yes, Fengdu is helping secretly." Xiao Jinger nodded, "We ghost monks are often suppressed. I heard from the deputy sect leader that this time we have established some kind of cooperative relationship with Fengdu.

Belongs to the top secret in the door. They say they want to build a ghost alliance to help each other. "

After receiving this answer, Xu You was silent. Now the Immortal Cultivation World of Shenzhou is still peaceful on the surface, but the waves under the ground have begun to surge to this point.

Ghost Dao is a very special Great Dao, which has always been considered contrary to the harmony of heaven, especially when practiced by Ghost Dao monks.

It itself is intolerable in the world, but after so many years of accumulation, this thing cannot be eradicated at all. There are so many monks in the world, and no one can guarantee that anyone will one day turn to the ghost realm.

Therefore, we can only coexist, but the monks who follow the right path put great restrictions on the ghosts. Basically, they let the ghosts rule by dividing borders and prevent them from coming out to cause harm to the world.

For example, the Ghost Shadow Sect in Dongyang Ghost Land, and Fengdu all have this principle.

Among them, Fengdu is known as the Sacred Land of Ghost Cultivators and is a world of its own. Most monks will never have the opportunity to go to Fengdu in this life.

And most of the ghost cultivators in Fengdu have lived in Fengdu their entire lives. It contains the Body Integration, the strongest ghost power in the world.

The strongest among them is the Fengdu Ghost City, which sits at the core of Fengdu and can almost be regarded as commanding ghost cultivators all over the world.

This time the new Great Dao era comes, Fengdu Ghost City also has two Apex Level luck auspicious signs, Baji Yaksha, the whole city is closed, and no one is allowed to enter or exit.

Until now, the city has been closed.

Historically, the five sects and seven sects have openly suppressed ghosts and forbidden ghosts from joining forces.

Unexpectedly, Fengdu secretly helped the Ghost Shadow Sect this time, and even said that he would establish some new ghost alliance. This was something Xu You had never thought of before.

But now that I know this, I think it makes sense. This Great Dao era is indeed a good opportunity for Kidao to rise.

As the big brother in the ghost world, it makes sense for Fengdu to come forward secretly.

"What else?" Xu You continued to ask.

"I really don't know the rest." Xiao Jinger quickly shook her head and said, "That's all I know."

Speaking of this, Xiao Jing'er seemed to have thought of something, and said, "But I know there must be more than just Fengdu, there are other forces. But this is an absolute secret in the sect, and my identity cannot reach such a core. .

I've met a lot of angry-faced monks at the deputy sect leader's house before, and the magnanimity of these monks definitely doesn't come from a small family.

One time, I accidentally met a monk from another continent, a monk from the Beast Control Sect. "

"Beast Control Sect?" Xu You narrowed his eyes slightly, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Xiao Jing'er nodded heavily, "Although the man was wearing very tight clothes, the special Demonic Beast aura in his beast-control bag couldn't be hidden from me.

I am born with a sharp nose, especially for Demonic Beasts, and have a unique perception. That man bred an awful lot of Demonic Beasts.

And now in the world, the only people in the world who use beast control as their main method and can make our deputy sect leader take it so seriously are the people of the Beast Control Sect.

The most important thing is that our sect leader spent more than two years in Hanzhou, Northland, a few years ago, and I thought of it. "

"Aren't you quite smart?" Xu You smiled.

"I've actually always had some brains, but others are biased against me." Xiao Jinger said with a smile.

Xu You smiled, and then fell into deep thought. Now it seems that there is definitely something not simple behind the Ghost Shadow Sect. There are shadows of many forces.

Even the Beast Control Sect is involved. Logically speaking, it is impossible for the Beast Control Sect and the Ghost Shadow Sect to have any intersection. Their two forces cannot take care of each other at all, so there must be other secrets behind this!

This can also partially explain why the Ghost Shadow Sect was so bold this time and even dared to directly destroy so many forces in Dongyang County.

Even now Xu You has reason to suspect that among the Apex Level forces, the Ghost Shadow Sect is the only one who won't let go of the Kunlun disciples. Is this because he has some intentions towards Kunlun?

Damn it, Kunlun is not isolated.

The more Xu You thinks about it, the more likely it is. The world is difficult. It seems that there are countless forces staring at Kunlun now.

"Young Master, that's all I know. I've told you everything." Xiao Jinger looked at Xu You with a hopeful look on her face, "Young Master, please don't break your promise."

Xu You slowly stood up and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I keep my word."

After saying that, Xu You turned to look at Huangfu Lan and said, "Auntie, do you have any means to temporarily restrict the monks in the Sixth Realm?"

Huangfu Lan nodded slightly.

Xu You continued, "In that case, Hall Master Xiao, I will place a ban on you, and you will leave here with Guan Huangfu.

Although your companion is dead, as long as you don't return to the Ghost Shadow Sect, there will be no suspicion on you for the time being. If you use the excuse of taking Manager Huangfu out of the Lost Realm, the Ghost Shadow Sect will not doubt you for the time being.

After you successfully leave the Ghost Shadow Sect, the sky is high and the sea is vast. You can go back to Tianque City with Manager Huangfu first. How about that? "

"Okay, young master." Xiao Jing'er's face was filled with joy. At this time, she just wanted to save her life, and it didn't matter what method she used.

The Ghost Shadow Sect will definitely not be able to go back, and the death of her companion cannot be concealed at all. She is very clear about the Ghost Shadow Sect's methods. If she can't give a reasonable explanation, a big memory recovery spell will come to her.

Those with thin skin and tender flesh will definitely not be able to bear it.

In addition, it is impossible for Xu You to let her go back. Now I can only follow Xu You's arrangements.

"You want me to leave first?" Huangfu Lan asked.

"Yes, auntie, now that I have figured it out, the Ghost Shadow Sect should not dare to embarrass you at all. As long as you go out, everything will be safe.

Otherwise it's not safe to continue here. Auntie, it's very inconvenient for you because you don't have any cultivation at all. And after you get out, we'll have to rely on you.

Auntie, please tell me the specific situation of me and my senior sister. Generally speaking, auntie, it would be more beneficial for the situation if you go out first. "

Huangfu Lan slightly nodded in agreement with Xu You's idea. She was not a little girl who wanted to stay and die together.

That is the most childish and lagging behavior.

Inside, I have no cultivation, and I can't use the resources outside, so I can't have any effect at all.

After going out and recovering his cultivation, he can use various resources to help Xu You get out of this predicament. Therefore, it is the best way for Xiao Jing'er to take him out.

"Without further ado, Auntie, please put a ban on Hall Master Xiao first." Xu You said.

When Huangfu Lan was about to take action, suddenly a huge white light flashed next to the big tree.

Xu You and others were startled, and immediately turned around to look, only to see a mirror Law Weapon floating out of the dead man in black robe, and the Law Weapon was buzzing.

The direction of the mirror is pointed towards Xu You, and the white light is emitted by this mirror.

"What is this?" Xu You asked, looking at Xiao Jinger with a sharp gaze.

The latter quickly explained, "This is the Xuanming Mirror, which we use to find other monks in the Lost Realm."

"So you were able to find us by relying on this mirror?"

"Yes, sir."

"So what's going on now?"

"I don't know." Xiao Jing'er also looked confused, "The door just gives us this, so that we can find the monks closest to us, especially the monks who have killed the puppet corpses.

The smell will be stronger and easier to find. "

"Yes, sir."

Xu You's face changed, "Doesn't that mean that if you can find us, other Ghost Shadow Sect monks can also find us?"

Xiao Jing'er said with some resentment, "Don't worry, young master, it's hard for others to find you."

"What's the meaning?"

Xiao Jinger truthfully told the strange situation about looking for Xu You just now, her tone still filled with resentment.

To be honest, she was very angry when she thought about this incident, and her teeth were itching with hatred.

Just now, he and his companions had sprayed countless mouthfuls of essence and blood before they managed to catch up and find them. If it hadn't been for the loss of so much essence and blood, the situation of the battle was still uncertain, at least they wouldn't have been defeated so easily.

Xu You also had a strange look on his face after hearing this. He thought Xiao Jinger and the others had suffered a huge loss of essence and blood from their previous fight with someone.

Unexpectedly, it was such a simple reason. Xu You immediately thought that the reason for such a situation was probably related to his current state of prosperity.

Wait, if the unlucky Xue Qianluo is not by his side, will this mirror not be able to detect him at all?

Xu You now has every reason to doubt the authenticity of this.

"So, you don't know why this mirror suddenly changed?" Xu You continued to ask.

"Yeah, I really don't know."

At this time, Huangfu Lan on the side stared at the glowing Xuan Ming Mirror, and suddenly said, "Destroy this mirror quickly, this may be the effect of shining with other Law Weapons.

The other party can sense where this place is through here. "

Xu You's expression changed when he heard this. He did not doubt Huangfu Lan's knowledge at all, and directly used a sword energy to cut off the Xuanming Mirror.


The moment Xu You's sword energy landed on the mirror, a spell fell from the sky and blocked Xu You's sword energy.

Immediately afterwards, two daoist figures slowly floated down from above.

Both of them are middle-aged men. One is wearing a black robe and is dressed the same as Xiao Jinger. He is a monk from the Ghost Shadow Sect.

The other one is also wearing a black robe, but the style is different, and it looks more like it is for the purpose of covering up.

The two of them have strong cultivation bases and are also six-level monks, but they are much better than Xiao Jing'er and the black-robed man just now.

They are all real Six Realm Late Stage cultivations!

The further the realm goes, the greater the strength gap between the Early Stage and Late Stage at the same realm.

The good news is that these two people are also suppressed by the Lost Realm, but the bad news is that even if they are suppressed by 70 to 80%, their strength can still be regarded as the strength of the initial stage of the completed Six Realms.

In addition, one of them is a monk from the Ghost Shadow Sect. With the blessing of the surrounding Yin spirit power, he will be stronger.

Xu You's heart began to sink again. These two people were really at odds with each other, and he was afraid that he couldn't even touch them now.

[Please give me a monthly pass, okay?]

(End of chapter)

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