Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 220 Chapter 282 283 How Can It Be Said That There Is No One In Kunlun? Many Apex Level Exper

Chapter 220 Chapter 282 283 How can it be said that there is no one in Kunlun? Many Apex Level experts rushed to help! Xu You is full of cards! Get started!

At this moment, Linghu Yuan was listening to the information reported by an elder from Kunlun Peak.

"This is what happened from Tianque City. Peak Master Zhang has already rushed to Dongyang County."

Linghu Yuan's eyes flickered slightly after listening to the news. Although his eyes were calm, the sullenness deep inside was still clearly visible.

He looked to be in his early fifties, with a long beard, a slender face, and a thin build. He was wearing a vaguely white shirt, and his grayish-white hair was tied with a jade crown.

The whole person does not look as sharp as an ordinary swordsman, but rather looks like a teacher.

"I got it." Linghu Yuan said with a cold voice, "Pass on the order, all the cultivators above the sixth realm in the peak will follow me to Dongyang County, immediately."

"Yes." The elder immediately turned and left. As soon as his front foot left, an old man's figure slowly appeared on the back foot of the hall.

This man has white beard and hair, looks to be octogenarian, wears gray coarse linen clothes, and is slightly stooped.

There was a kind smile on his dry and wrinkled face, and there was no trace of spiritual energy fluctuations on his body. He looked like an old man at the entrance of the village, an ordinary mortal old man.

But when Linghu Yuan saw the old man, he immediately stood up and bowed respectfully to say hello, "I've met the palace master."

This old man is actually the master of Kunlun Palace, Master Kunlun.

If Xu You were here, one would have to wonder whether Master Kunlun and Gong Yangzheng were brothers.

A sect master and the most senior palace master both look like old farmers. It is hard not to think that the previous education of Kunlun Immortal Sect was a little skewed.

"Master, is there something wrong?" After Linghu Yuan called him according to his position for the first time, he now changed his title to master.

"Is that doll Qianluo trapped in the lost realm that suddenly appeared in Dongyang County?" Master Kunlun asked slowly, his voice unhurried.


"There's also that doll named Xu You, right?"


"The sect master just looked for me and asked me to go to Dongyang with Master Azure Dragon."

Linghu Yuan paused for a moment, "Why do you always need to go together with the two palace masters, Master Azure Dragon?"

“The sect owner directly contacted the Ghost Shadow Sect as soon as he knew about this matter, but there was no reply. This matter must not be too simple.

So he asked me to go with Master Azure Dragon. "

Master Kunlun smiled slightly and said, "As people get older, they go out less and less. They have been staying indoors for the past 20 or 30 years, so I would like to take this opportunity to go out and have a look.

Furthermore, if something big happened to Qianluo, I, as the master, would naturally go to help.

And the owner of the doll sect named Xu You is particularly concerned about it and asked me to ensure his safety no matter what.

I'm even more curious about this. After knowing Gong Yang for so many years, this is the first time I've seen him care so much about a junior.

In short, no matter what, Qian Luo and that Xu You are our Kunlun disciples, and they must be safe. "

"Yes." Linghu Yuan bowed and nodded.

"Why is it so noisy outside?" At this time, Master Kunlun pointed outside and asked.

Linghu Yuan also turned his head and saw that there had been waves of fighting between Heavenly Dao Realm monks outside just now, and now it seemed to be getting more and more intense.

And it's not too far away, just within the jurisdiction of Kunlun Palace.

Linghu Yuan directly sent someone to call an elder to come in.

"What's going on outside?"

"Back to the Palace Master, back to the Peak Master. It's Peak Master Gongsun of Luoyan Peak and Master Mingzhi Peak who are fighting," the elder replied.

Linghu Yuan was a little surprised when he heard this, "Didn't Gongsun Li just cause trouble for White Tiger Hall and Black Tortoise Hall yesterday? Why is she here with us again today?"

The elder explained the reason.

After hearing this, Linghu Yuan's face darkened, "That's ridiculous! Does Gongsun Li really think that Kunlun is something she can do whatever she wants? Master, wait a moment, I'll go and settle this matter first."

"There's no rush." ​​Master Kunlun smiled calmly, "I haven't seen her for a long time, and she's already so old. Why is she still so grumpy now?

In terms of seniority, is Xu You considered her nephew? "

"Yes, according to seniority, she is Xu You's uncle." Linghu Yuan replied.

"I guess she doesn't know what happened to Xu You. Let's go and tell her about it. I guess she won't just sit back and let her nephew do nothing.

If you have the strength, let her take it outside for use. Let's go without wasting time. " Master Kunlun simply waved his broad sleeves, and Linghu Yuan and the two disappeared directly as if they melted into the air.

When the two of them appeared again, they had arrived at the core of the battlefield where Gongsun Li and Master Mingzhi were fighting outside.

The fight between the two was so fierce that there was no grass growing for hundreds of miles around, and several mountain peaks were smashed by hammers.

Looking at the messy scene in front of him, Linghu Yuan's face became even more ugly. These are the properties of Kunlun Palace. It is unknown how much it will cost to renovate and repair them afterwards.

This Gongsun Li really has no bottom line and no sense of measure when doing things!

Two people suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield, and Gongsun Li and Master Mingzhi also stopped.

The moment the latter saw Master Kunlun, he immediately stepped forward and clasped his hands to say hello, "I've met the master of the palace."

"Eh? Can't you beat me?" Master Kunlun asked with a smile.

"Ashamed, I can't beat him, I'm struggling to hold on." The monk didn't lie, Master Mingzhi just said with a wry smile.

"Master Gongsun, how about giving me some face?" Master Kunlun turned to look at Gongsun Li and said with a smile.

Gongsun Li slowly put away her domineering attitude, and the smooth muscle lines on her body became softer, highlighting the unique beauty of women's lines.

She gave Master Kunlun a little hug and said, "Old Palace Master, you have already spoken, so of course I will give you face. But what does this mean?

Recruiting a disciple is a trivial matter, why should I bother you, old palace master? "

"It's not because of this matter." Master Kunlun smiled, "It's because of your nephew's matter."

"My nephew?"

Master Kunlun nodded to Linghu Yuan, who threw a jade talisman to Gongsun Li.

The latter took the jade talisman and looked at it strangely. Soon, she raised her eyebrows slightly and asked with squinted eyes, "Is Xu You in serious danger?"

"Yes." Linghu Yuan said calmly, "Peak Master Gongsun also knows about his nephew. I thought you didn't care about this."

Regarding Linghu Yuan's slight yin and yang aura, Gongsun Li just said lazily, "Although I have never seen my nephew, I have heard some things about him.

He is the only one in our Vermilion Bird Palace, how can we not care? Do you think I'm like you? "

After saying that, Gongsun Li sneered, his expression still very sulky. Although I have never met this nephew, Xu You is in trouble. How can I, as a nephew, stand by and watch.

She first said to the Lazi disciple in the distance, "You go back to Luoyan Peak first. Master goes out to do something and we will talk about it when we come back."

After saying that, Gongsun Li glanced around at the disciples watching the excitement in the distance, raised his right hand, and a strong wind whipped up, blowing everyone around him to pieces.

After doing this, when she was about to leave, Master Kunlun said, "Master Gongsun, let's go together."

"Huh? Are you going too?" Gongsun Li asked curiously.

"Of course, I and Master Azure Dragon will both go."

"Huh? Two palace masters?" Gongsun Li asked in surprise, "My nephew has such a big name?"

"Of course." Master Kunlun said with approval, "The sect master said that Xu You's safety must be guaranteed no matter what."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Gongsun Li immediately stood next to Master Kunlun and said, "I really didn't expect that my nephew could be so good. It seems that I still know too little."

"In that case, I'll give you a ride."

Master Kunlun nodded with a smile, raised his right hand slightly, and the three of them disappeared again.

Master Mingzhi looked at the mess underneath with some pain in his head, clasped his hands together and chanted Amitabha wildly.

When Gongsun Li and the others appeared again, they were already high in the sky, and there was another person here.

This man looks middle-aged, tall, wearing a blue shirt, with long hair, straight nose and broad mouth, with a square pavilion, a powerful temperament, and looks extremely domineering.

But besides being domineering, there is also a slight sense of weariness.

Like a faint feeling of tiredness after all desires have been satisfied.

He is the leader of the Azure Dragon Palace in Kunlun, Master Azure Dragon.

Unlike Master Kunlun, Master Kunlun has a great reputation, but he actually does not have a clear impression among recent generations of monks.

Because Master Kunlun has rarely taken any action for many years.

But Master Azure Dragon is different. He is famous for his domineering behavior. When he first started to become famous in Shenzhou in his early years, he acted in a domineering manner.

Even when he later became the master of the palace, his behavior remained the same.

It is precisely because of his domineering character that he has a great reputation among the monks who have grown up in recent generations of the Divine Continent.

Even the disciples of the entire Azure Dragon Palace gave people the impression that they would do whatever they wanted.

"I've met the Master." Linghu Yuan bowed and said hello.

Master Azure Dragon just nodded slightly lazily, then looked at Master Kunlun and said, "This wind has blown you out."

Master Kunlun smiled cheerfully, "Go out for a walk and see the new world."

Master Azure Dragon nodded slightly and turned to look at Gongsun Li with a smile on his face.

It is obvious that this Apex Level boss quite approves of Gongsun Li. After all, in terms of work style, Gongsun Li's way of speaking with his fists is very agreeable to him.

"When did Peak Master Gongsun come back?"


"You just got back and started fighting?"

"That bald donkey is unreasonable." Gongsun Li said calmly.

Master Azure Dragon was a little dumbfounded. Looking at Master Kunlun who was right next to him, he couldn't say anything. He lightly drew his right hand in front of him, and suddenly a dark crack in the void was opened in the air.

He strode directly into the crack, followed closely by Master Kunlun and Linghu Yuan.

Dongyang Nanjun, above the original Taihua Mountains.

There are many monks high in the sky, most of them are monks from the Ghost Shadow Sect.

Under them is the vast Lost Realm. The Lost Realm vertically covers the area starting from the depths of the ground and ending thousands of feet high in the sky.

The boundaries are clear and the interior is a world of its own.

An old man with a ghostly aura stared at the vast Lost Realm below.

The old man has a gloomy face, wrinkles on his face, a short and thin stature, and a slight stoop in his back, but his aura is very energetic.

The temperament of a superior person can only be formed by staying in a high position for many years.

This person is Elder Tianlong, Geng Gongming, one of the four strongest elders of the Ghost Shadow Sect.

In addition to the chief and deputy heads, the Ghost Shadow Sect has four other elders. These four are the most Apex Level combat power of the Ghost Shadow Sect.

As the sole overlord of the Dongyang Ghost Land and the strongest ghost force in the ghost world except Fengdu, the Ghost Shadow Sect is still very strong.

These four elders are all experts at the Apex Level of the Eighth Realm, and the strongest among them is at the mid-level of the Eighth Realm.

It is precisely because of these four elders that the Ghost Shadow Sect can gain a firm foothold as an Apex Level force.

If compared with the five sects and seven sects, the Guiying sect is not as good as them. However, against the weakest one among the five sects and seven sects, the Guiying sect is confident that it can take two bites of its flesh in a head-to-head fight.

To forge iron, you need to be strong yourself, otherwise even if they have the appearance of a hidden dragon now, and with the help of so many forces secretly, they will not be able to jump out and activate this lost realm right now.

He didn't even dare to jump out and fight Kunlun to the end.

What I dare to rely on now is the explosion of my own heritage over the past thousands of years. Each generation has become better and better. Now it can be said that the Ghost Shadow Sect is at the peak of its strength.

And once this plan is completed, relying on so many years of experience and the luck of Qianlong, then there is a very high probability that Ascension will become the most Apex Level force.

At this moment, there were three people standing beside Geng Gongming. One of them was also a monk from the Ghost Shadow Sect. He was tall and in his early fifties. He was Yan Fengshan, Geng Gongming's confidant.

He is in the Seventh Realm Late Stage and is very powerful. He has no special position in the sect and his only function is to assist Geng Gongming in his work.

He is one of the strong men standing at the top of the Ghost Shadow Sect.

The other two were Nie Zheng, the general person in charge of the Beast Control Sect in the Middle-earth Heavenly Continent, and Lu Xingyan, the ghost-faced elder of the Profound Transcendence Valley.

The presence of these two people here means that the matter of the Lost Realm is related to the Beast Control Sect and the Profound Transcendence Valley.

Nie Zheng was in a relatively relaxed state. After all, he was backed by the Beast Control Sect, which was at its peak among the seven sects.

Therefore, even though his current cultivation level is lower than Geng Gongming's, his attitude has not lowered.

On the other hand, Lu Xingyan was not so relaxed. Not to mention that Profound Transcendence Valley was the weakest among the three factions, and his strength was also the weakest.

So, the posture is very low at the moment. There is no trace of the proud posture of one of the Apex Level elders of Profound Transcendence Valley.

At this moment, some monks from the Ghost Shadow Sect came forward from time to time to report on the battle situation of Qingming Operations in various places covered by the Lost Realm, as well as the progress of collecting the living souls of the Taiyin Soul Flag.

Geng Gongming listened very carefully and was relatively satisfied with the progress below.

The matter involves the Ghost Shadow Sect's thousands-year plan, so he cannot help but not take it seriously.

"Congratulations to Elder Geng, victory is in sight." Nie Zheng stroked his white beard and bowed to Geng Gongming in congratulations.

Geng Gongming's gloomy expression did not change at all. At this time, a monk from the Ghost Shadow Sect hurriedly came forward and bowed,

"Elder, it is reported that many monks from Kunlun Immortal Sect are heading here first, all monks from the sixth realm or above! All the strongholds in Kunlun in the surrounding counties have been upgraded to a full-scale combat posture."

Geng Gongming's expression was indifferent and he didn't say anything. Yan Fengshan beside him took over the conversation and asked,

"what reason?"

"It is said that Kunlun disciples Xu You and Xue Qianluo are trapped in the Taihua Mountains. They are here to save people."

"Two disciples need such a big movement?"

"Elder Yan, you may not know that Xu You and Xue Qianluo are the two most valued young disciples in Kunlun at the moment. It is not surprising that there is such a movement." Nie Zheng on the side took the initiative to explain.

At this time, Geng Gongming slightly narrowed his cloudy eyes and said to Yan Fengshan, "Ask what is going on with Xu You and Xue Qianluo now."

"Yes." Yan Fengshan immediately clasped his fists and went down.

Not long after, Yan Fengshan came back and said directly,

"Elder, Shen Shou is in charge of this matter now."

"Where are the people?"

"Shen Shou is now seriously injured and in a coma. The whereabouts of Xu You and Xue Qianluo are unknown, and we are currently searching for them."

"Shen Shou was seriously injured? Who did it?" Geng Gongming asked with lightning eyes, "How could there be someone in the Lost Realm who could seriously hurt him?"

"This matter is more complicated. Xu You and Xue Qianluo are extremely weird, and we paid a heavy price when we tracked them down.

Elder Shen went there after Hall Master Wang died, and then Elder Shen killed Hall Master Xiao."

Yan Fengshan gave a brief and concise summary of the situation, focusing on the process of chasing Xu You and the others.

After listening, Elder Geng mused, "It's really weird that a monk in the fourth realm or a monk in the fifth realm can do this. It's no wonder Kunlun is so interested."

After saying that, Elder Geng continued to ask, "Are you sure that you can't find their location even in the Xuanming Mirror?"

"Yes, my subordinates are also very confused. Logically speaking, no one in the Lost Realm can escape the Xuan Ming Mirror's detection, but this is the fact.

All the monks who hunted Xu You, the Xuan Ming Mirror, sometimes failed to function, and even now there is no trace of it. "

"Pass on the order and continue to search for these two people with all your strength."

"If you find it, should you kill it or not?"

Geng Gongming muttered, "Don't kill Xu You and Xue Qianluo first. Once they are found, capture them alive and control them."

As he said that, Geng Gongming glanced at Nie Zheng out of the corner of his eye and continued, "Except for these two people, if there are any disciples from Kunlun, we will kill them without mercy. We will kill them first and then report them."

"Yes." Yan Fengshan immediately passed on the order.

"Elder Geng is so brave." Nie Zheng praised, "However, Xu You and Xue Qianluo are also Kunlun disciples. Although their status is higher, I hope Elder Geng will not have any extra compassion in the future. .”

Yan Fengshan took the question expressionlessly, "The Ghost Shadow Sect has its own rhythm, please rest assured."

The benefits in the world are never free, especially when you are in a weak position and want to get big benefits, you have to pay more chips.

Today, the Ghost Shadow Sect can use the Lost Realm to capture the southern border of Dongyang County as a base for future jumps. The price paid in secret is naturally immeasurable.

Facing Kunlun, it's okay not to be strong now.

Of course, even if you agree to this. Naturally, the Ghost Shadow Sect cannot really bet all its future on this matter, and has its own considerations.

Especially now that Operation Qinglang has not yet ended and the transformation of the Lost Realm has not been completely completed, we must be more cautious. It is not easy to fight to the death with Kunlun Immortal Sect now.

At least we have to wait until the initial transformation of Lost Realm is completed.

At this time, a spell wave came from a little distance ahead on the right, and these people looked up.

It could be vaguely seen that several disciples of the Ghost Shadow Sect on duty outside were knocked down in an instant, and the person who took action quickly came towards this direction again.

The person who came was none other than Zhang Changli, who was the first to rush here with all his strength.

As soon as he entered the Taihua Mountains, he was blocked by the Ghost Shadow Sect monks. He fought all the way here. Of course, he didn't kill recklessly, he just defeated them.

The closer I got, the heavier my heart became, because the Ghost Shadow Sect in front of me showed no concern for his identity as the master of Kunlun Peak.

This gave Zhang Changli a bad feeling.

After waiting, Zhang Changli's eyes immediately fell on Geng Gongming, his pupils narrowed slightly.

He naturally recognizes Geng Gongming, one of the four elders of the Ghost Shadow Sect. Such an eight-level Apex Level expert is actually sitting here.

Then, Zhang Changli's eyes fell on Lu Xingyan and Nie Zheng again, and he became more thoughtful.

Then Zhang Changli looked around at the monks from the Ghost Shadow Sect, and almost no one from other factions was seen.

Taiyi Sect, Sword Sect, and Joyous Union Sect all have affiliated forces here. Now such a big thing is happening here but no one has seen it.

Either he came too early or they just didn't want to come.

Looking down again, I saw that the underground was foggy, and the power of the interface was very clear.

The huge lost realm can't be seen to the end at a glance, and I don't know how far it extends. This is the first time Zhang Changli has seen the Lost Realm.

His mind was spinning rapidly at the first moment, thinking about the various joints in it.

But the main thoughts are still on Xu You and Xue Qianluo, and other things can be ignored for now.

Then, Zhang Changli clasped his fists towards Geng Gongming and followed the etiquette of a junior, "Elder Geng, Kunlun has two disciples, Xu You and Xue Qianluo, in the Taihua Mountains.

Now that I think about it, I am trapped inside. I wonder if I can ask Elder Geng to ask his men to help him. Once the matter is completed, Kunlun will be grateful. "

Geng Gongming's eyes were indifferent, then he closed his eyes and said nothing.

As a roundworm in Geng Gongming's stomach, Yan Fengshan immediately answered the question and said cheerfully, "Of course, let's call them Xu You and Xue Qianluo, right? I'll tell you to bring them out if you see them." .”

After saying that, Yan Fengshan waved to another subordinate and conveyed the order.

Zhang Changli looked silently at the "extraordinarily generous" Yan Fengshan in front of him, and then looked at Geng Gongming with his eyes closed. He did not expect that the other party would agree so freely.

"Why, Peak Master Zhang has doubts? Do you think our Ghost Shadow Sect won't do our best?" Yan Fengshan said lightly, "If Peak Master Zhang is worried, you can go in and search for yourself."

How could Zhang Changli go in by himself? If you enter the seventh realm and become a mortal, it will only have the opposite effect. He cupped his fists and said, "Then there is Elder Lao Yan.

We will have other Six Realm monks from Kunlun in a moment, and I will let them in. "

On the way here, he kept looking at the soul cards left by Xu You and Xue Qianluo. They were not extinguished, which meant that there was no immediate danger to his life.

Otherwise, Zhang Changli would not be so patient now.

But one thing is that the two soul tokens have become extremely weak and difficult to detect from just now, as if they were isolated by some kind of great Divine Ability or some mysterious power.

Zhang Changli didn't know what it was, so he was naturally even more worried now.

But the more anxious you are, the less chaotic you are. After all, you are now alone and weak, so it is not appropriate to do impulsive things.

As soon as Zhang Changli finished speaking, there was movement behind him again, but it was the stewards from the Kunlun Office who were nearby who arrived.

"Master Zhang Peak." There were five or six people who came. They were all managers of Kunlun Immortal Sect in other offices. They greeted Zhang Changli immediately.

The latter nodded slightly, then looked at Yan Fengshan and said, "Elder Yan, my colleagues have arrived, so I will let them go in to look for him."

Yan Fengshan shook his head and said, "Since I promised to find the person, I will not break my promise. Peak Master Zhang will wait here patiently.

As for you people from Kunlun, you can't go in. We, the monks from the Ghost Shadow Sect, are all working inside. If you go in hastily, it will be bad for everyone if there is a conflict.

It will also affect what we do. "

Zhang Changli narrowed his eyes and said, "Elder Yan, it is a consensus that the Ghost Shadow Sect lives in seclusion in the Dongyang Ghost Land. It has always been agreed that the monks of the Ghost Shadow Sect will not leave the Dongyang Ghost Land.

I wonder what Elder Yan is doing now? Most of the southern territory of Dongyang is covered by this Lost Realm. Is it inseparable from your Ghost Shadow Sect? "

Yan Fengshan said coldly, "Peak Master Zhang, I don't need to explain to you how the Ghost Shadow Sect operates, right?"

Zhang Changli turned to look at Nie Zheng and asked directly, "Elder Nie, your Beast Control Sect is just going to sit back and watch the lives of this place become desolate?"

"Master Zhang, I don't dare to say this nonsense. I'm just here to meet an old friend. As for the Ghost Shadow Sect, I'm not sure about the agreement in Dongyang Ghost Land and I'm not familiar with it. I'll ask the sect later.

Furthermore, there is something wrong with what you said just now, Peak Master Zhang. Where did the loss of life come from?

This sudden appearance of a Lost Realm is considered a natural disaster. Peak Master Zhang also knows the horror of this thing. The Ghost Shadow Sect is actually here to do good things.

They were thinking about how to solve this lost realm. you misunderstood. "

Zhang Changli listened to Nie Zheng's words expressionlessly. He said nothing more, but he knew that the current situation was by no means as simple as it seemed.

But Kunlun didn't know about all this.

The current situation is delicate. They made such a big noise quietly, and now they are even more disrespectful of Kunlun.

It's hard not to think that this might also be for Kunlun.

"Xiang Guangpeng and Zhuang Chuanshu from the Yuhai Office were ordered to come here and have met Master Zhang."

"Wen Xinxue and Bian Jinming from Cangyuan Office were ordered to come here and have met Master Zhang."

"The Beidao office is spread all over the world. Shen Tu Kequan was sent here and met Master Zhang Feng."

At this time, one after another greeting voices came from behind Zhang Changli, and with each voice, two Kunlun monks with six levels of cultivation came over in surprise.

In a short period of time, dozens of monks from the Sixth Realm and three or four early-stage monks from the Seventh Realm of Heavenly Dao had gathered behind Zhang Changli.

And people are still coming for help in a steady stream.

The surrounding Ghost Shadow Sect monks looked at the exaggerated scene in front of them with some horror.

In this world, so many monks from six realms and above can come to help in such a short period of time. Only the most Apex Level forces can do it.

Even though Kunlun's foundation is not as good as before, this moment is still awe-inspiring in the eyes of the Ghost Shadow Sect monks.

So scary!

Geng Gongming also slowly opened his eyes and looked at the Kunlun monks behind Zhang Changli, his cloudy eyes flickering slightly.

Geng Gongming was a little surprised that those two little babies could attract such attention from Kunlun.

According to the plan, Kunlun would not have such a grand event at this time. At most, only one or two seventh-level monks would come to investigate first, but now because of those two people, Xu You and Xue Qianluo, everything has changed so much.

In any case, Geng Gongming doesn't want to see such a scene now.

Then, his voice was slightly hoarse and he said to Yan Fengshan, "Notify all the monks in the Lost Realm to go find Xu You and Xue Qianluo as soon as possible."

"Yes." Yan Fengshan clasped his fists and went down.

Zhang Changli looked at Geng Gongming with twinkling eyes, without saying a word, and for the time being he did not ask the Sixth Realm monks behind him to go in and investigate together.

A quarter of an hour later, Yan Fengshan came back and shook his head invisibly at Geng Gongming.

"Elder Yan, do you have any news?"

The latter said, "Master Zhang, please don't be impatient. I believe we will find him soon."

Zhang Changli's face darkened, "I won't bother the Ghost Shadow Sect. We Kunlun people will go in and look for it ourselves."

"No." Yan Fengshan refused directly.

Zhang Changli took another look at the soul token. It was already flickering on and off. The situation was urgent.

Seeing this, he no longer planned to act peacefully, and sneered, "I just said that the Lost Realm is a natural disaster and has nothing to do with your Ghost Shadow Sect, so what qualifications do you have, Yanfengshan, to stop us from Kunlun?

What qualifications do you have to stop us from entering this Lost Realm? "

"Master Zhang, the advantage is not with you now. If you continue to be stubborn, don't blame our Ghost Shadow Sect." Yan Fengshan shook his head.

How could they let people from Kunlun enter the Lost Realm now?

It's being renovated inside. If people from Kunlun get in now, what's the point? So no one from Kunlun can be allowed in under any circumstances.

But the current situation obviously does not allow the people of Kunlun to wait patiently any longer. They are here just looking for Xu You and Xue Qianluo.

These two people can't get along with each other. This is very stiff.

At this moment, Yan Fengshan felt that the sect's order to kill all the Kunlun disciples was unconscionable, and even wanted to slap Shen Shou to death. How could it be such a coincidence that Xu You and Xue Qianluo were here.

Why do you think the two Kunlun Apex Level geniuses came to this place where there is no shit? If there were any other Kunlun disciples, the situation would not be like this.

Now they have forced Xu You and others into a desperate situation. Their whereabouts are unknown, and they don't know whether they are alive or dead.

Just now, almost everyone in the Lost Realm was mobilized to search for it, but there was no whereabouts, as if it had evaporated and no trace could be found.

This has led to a situation where we can only confront each other. Otherwise, if we just hand over Xu You and Xue Qianluo, everything will be fine for the time being.

Now I have no choice but to hold on like this.

As soon as Yan Fengshan finished speaking, a dark hole was suddenly torn open in the void around him, and then four people filed out of it.

Before Yan Fengshan could even see who it was, he felt someone grab his neck, and a very magnetic questioning voice came from his ear.

"Who are you talking about being stubborn?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gongsun Li grabbed Yan Fengshan's left hand with his right hand.


He ripped off the opponent's entire arm like tearing paper, and the blood immediately surged.

A little bit of it splashed onto Gongsun Li's wrist, which looked bloody and bright under the sun.

[Silly author, is this out of context? I’ll scold myself first~, please be gentle. Shamelessly ask for monthly votes ]

(End of chapter)

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