Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 221 Chapter 284 285 The Female Killer Gongsun Li, Apex Level Bosses From All Sides Gathered,

Chapter 221 Chapter 284 285 The female killer Gongsun Li, Apex Level bosses from all sides gathered, and disputes surged

The victim, Yan Fengshan, was stunned at first. He was a little confused about the current situation. He felt as if something was missing from his body and he was very empty.

Then an intense pain spread to his mind. When he looked down, he saw that his entire left arm had been torn off irregularly, and blood was gushing out.

He screamed in pain unconsciously in his throat. This was heartbreaking pain that could not be easily resisted by willpower.

The surrounding monks from the Ghost Shadow Sect reacted only after hearing Yan Fengshan's soul-piercing screams, and then looked at Gongsun Li in horror.

I saw Gongsun Li holding Yan Fengshan's collar in her left hand. She was tall and had very graceful lines, the well-proportioned lines of Apex Level's natural and muscular figure.

The wheat-colored skin is very eye-catching under the sun.

In her right hand, she still held the bloody limb that had been torn off.

The blood flows tick-tick-tick, and the violent scenes form a striking contrast with the beautiful skin lines and lazy posture.

The surrounding people looked here in silence, no one dared to breathe, and those monks with weaker cultivation even shivered involuntarily.

Gongsun Li and the other four are all Apex Level experts, and none of them has a weaker aura than Geng Gongming, which is horrifying and breathtaking.

These ghost shadow sect monks are a little confused. Aren't monks above the eighth realm of heaven considered to be ceiling-level existences?

Normally one is rare to see, but now there are four of them gathered together. When did the Eighth Realm monks become so worthless?

And it seems that this posture is just looking for trouble.

What kind of person is Yan Fengshan? Elder Geng's most trusted subordinate, the absolute top figure of the Ghost Shadow Sect, was now being killed by a woman with one hand.

The picture was so shocking that everyone stood there as if struck by lightning.

Geng Gongming's face turned dark and shameless when he saw this scene, but he still did not make any move, but watched helplessly as his men's arms were torn off.

The reason is simple, two fists are hard to beat with four hands.

He knew all the four people from Kunlun who came here, and they were all the absolute top fighters in Kunlun.

Especially the two palace masters, Master Azure Dragon, and Master Kunlun who had not left Kunlun for many years.

Geng Gongming's heart slowly sank, and things seemed to be out of control.

Damn it, how could Kunlun have such a grand event!

Two twenty-year-old junior disciples could actually get two Apex Level peak masters and two palace masters to come!

That's the palace master of Kunlun Immortal Sect!

Regardless of status or strength, the Middle-earth Heaven Continent will follow the shocking giant!

As a result, such a strange aspect appeared. Yan Fengshan was beaten violently in front of so many Ghost Shadow Sect monks, but he, as a superior, did not dare to take action.

Gongsun Li still looked at Yan Fengshan lazily. After the other party's roar slowly stopped, he asked lightly again,

"Who are you saying is stubborn?"

Yan Fengshan's face was pale at the moment, his face was covered with sweat, and the blood from the broken arm was still flowing. Even with his cultivation, he couldn't stop the bleeding.

Because just now Gongsun Li seemed to have only torn off one of his arms, but in fact the opponent's attack brought with him the power of a field that can only be mastered by the Eighth Realm Hua Xuan Realm.

How could he block such Divine Ability? The pain was like a thousand arrows piercing his heart.

But Yan Fengshan was also a man, and his thoughts slowly came to his senses, and he recognized at a glance that the person who had taken action was Sun Li, the famous Lord of Luoyan Peak of Kunlun Immortal Sect.

A Valkyrie that makes everyone change their mind.

Yan Fengshan did not look down upon Gongsun Li's style and methods, nor did he try to be aggressive. He immediately gave in and said, "Master Gongsun, I just made a mistake. Please give me more, Master Gongsun."

"You adults have a lot? That's how you describe your men." Gongsun Yan yawned, "I am a woman. Since ancient times, only women and villains have been difficult to raise."

After saying this, Gongsun Yan casually removed Yan Fengshan's other arm without any expression.

In an instant, Yan Fengshan let out a miserable scream again, and his whole body was soaked in blood and turned into a bloody man. It was so miserable.

Zhang Changli's eyelids jumped wildly as he looked at Gongsun Li who was so cruel, and he quietly reached out to touch the sweat on his forehead.

After not seeing each other for a few years, Gongsun Li seems to have become more cruel. Although she was like this before, she was not so cruel.

Why has the Nanyi Barbarian Continent become so cruel after six years?

Nanyi Barbarian Continent is truly a barbaric and difficult-to-civilize place, which shows just how ferocious the folk customs of Nanyi Barbarian Continent are among the martial arts cultivators across the continent.

Now in comparison, Mo Yuhuang is much gentler and easier to talk to than her senior sister.

Linghu Yuan looked at Gongsun Li's behavior with a calm face. Master Azure Dragon still had that faint look of fatigue on his face.

Master Kunlun still had a cheerful expression, and the three of them didn't say anything, leaving Gongsun Li to kill them.

When Geng Gongming saw this, he could no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb. With so many Ghost Shadow Sect monks watching, if he didn't stand up at this time, his majesty would be absolutely lost.

"Master Gongsun, it's not a bad thing to come out of Yanfeng Mountain Pass, but two arms are enough to pay for it, right?"

Gongsun Li turned to look at Geng Gongming and said suddenly, "I forgot that this is Elder Geng's dog. I will teach you guys from the Ghost Shadow Sect well in the future."

Don't talk nonsense, be a person of quality. "

After saying that, Gongsun Li casually threw Yan Fengshan, who was covered in blood.

Geng Gongming caught his men and said with a sullen face, "I don't have to worry about how the Ghost Shadow Sect acts, Master Gongsun."

Hearing this, Gongsun Li raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, ask the matter clearly first." Master Kunlun on the side immediately smiled kindly. The old man was afraid that if he didn't speak, Gongsun Li and Geng Gongming would fight again later.

There is no need to be so hasty on this point. The matter must be clarified first.

Gongsun Li stopped raging, looked back at Zhang Changli and asked, "Old pervert, what's going on now?"

Hearing Gongsun Li call him this name, Zhang Changli's mouth twitched slightly. It was really rude!

Although I Zhang is a pervert, I don’t want to lose face!

Of course, Zhang Changli did not dare to express any opinions and replied slowly.

"Not too optimistic. The people from the Ghost Shadow Sect are blocking us from entering the Lost Realm. Now Xu You and Xue Qianluo's soul cards are flickering on and off. They are either in danger of their lives or trapped in a place with no breath. inside."

"What do you mean? What's going on?" After hearing Xue Qianluo's current situation, Linghu Yuan's face turned gloomy.

"Yanfengshan already knows the specific situation." Zhang Changli pointed at Yanfengshan and said.

Linghu Yuan's expression darkened and he looked over there with an ugly expression.

Geng Gongming looked at Linghu Yuan and his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Linghu Yuan's swordsmanship was so strong that he still had to give way.

When Gongsun Li heard these words, the laziness on his face slowly disappeared, and some anger surged up.

She disappeared in an instant, and when she appeared the next moment, she was already beside Yan Fengshan, and then she grabbed the other person's neck,


Seeing the murderous aura on Gongsun Li, Yan Fengshan was shocked. He turned to look at Geng Gongming, who nodded slightly with an ugly expression.

This matter cannot be kept secret from the left and right, so it is better to let Yan Fengshan speak out and save his life.

Upon hearing this, Yan Fengshan immediately told everything he knew about the situation, and finally added,

"Xu You and Xue Qianluo are not in danger, but they don't know where they went. All our people are looking for them. Peak Master Gongsun, please rest assured."

"So, the people from the Ghost Shadow Sect were hunting Xu You, right?" Gongsun Li asked expressionlessly.

"This... is all a misunderstanding."


"Yes, Peak Master Gongsun, if we knew it was Xu You and Xue Qianluo, we would never do such a thing."

"You mean, other Kunlun disciples can be killed as well?"


One second Yan Fengshan hesitated, and the next second his head dropped in hesitation.

Gongsun Li immediately tore off his head, and before the blood could even spurt out, he punched him and killed him.

The fist formed an endless high temperature, burning through the surrounding space. When it landed on Yan Fengshan, the physical body and soul were directly annihilated, leaving no ashes left.

Gongsun Li's sudden killing spree was something no one expected.

Yanfeng Mountain! A rare seven-level Late Stage expert from the Ghost Shadow Sect, an Apex Level expert who is enough to support a relatively large force.

Geng Gongming's confidant and a very capable boss was suddenly killed, physically and mentally destroyed!

The monks in the surrounding Ghost Shadow Sect were all stunned, and then a huge panic surged in their hearts. If the boss said he would die, wouldn't it mean that they, the little Kalami, would have no way to survive?

Zhang Changli and the Sixth Realm monks who came to help were also frightened, but they immediately got ready to fight.

To kill such an important person as the other party, this must be a hair-trigger fight.

The two palace masters remained the same as before, one was a little tired, the other smiled kindly, but still said nothing.

Finally, Master Kunlun smiled and said to Gongsun Li like a good old man, "You are in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

When Geng Gongming saw this, he said angrily with an extremely gloomy face, "Gongsun Li, bullying the small and killing them wantonly! Do you think too little of our Ghost Shadow Sect?"

"Bullying the young with the big?" Gongsun Li sneered, "You, a group of fifth- and sixth-level monks from the Ghost Shadow Sect, strangulating our younger generation of Kunlun disciples, doesn't that count as bullying the small with the big?

If my nephew hadn't been so brave, wouldn't he have perished long ago?

Are you telling me now that the big one bullies the small ones? Why, you are allowed to use the big one to bully the small ones in the Ghost Shadow Sect, but we are not allowed to do so in Kunlun?

You hang my nephew, but you won't allow me to kill your dog? "

After saying that, Gongsun Li swooped in front of Geng Gongming and said indifferently, "The posture is set by your ghost shadow gate, and it is clear that you are going to have trouble with our Kunlun.

Does a mere ghost land lord really think of himself as a green onion? You old man wants to fight, so I, the peak master, will accompany you. "

Geng Gongming's face was extremely ugly, but he still suppressed the anger in his heart. Although he was furious, the situation was stronger than the others. He didn't dare to take action rashly, and he couldn't even talk about it.

It's OK to be nice to others, but that's because others are reasonable and won't do things right away.

But it's not okay to have sex with Gongsun Li, because she is completely unreasonable. If she says she will kill you, she will really kill you.

Seeing that Geng Gongming was so cowardly, Gongsun Li was too lazy to talk to him. He moved his eyes back a little, first falling on the ghost-faced elder, and said with some disgust,

"Do you also have a share in Profound Transcendence Valley?"

The ghost-faced elder squeezed out a smile on his half-normal face, "No."

"Then what are you doing here? You're not going to tell me you're looking at the scenery, are you?"

"No, I came here because of something."

"Is there something wrong? It's not a bad thing." Gongsun Li swooped in front of the ghost-faced elder and punched him again, landing on the opponent's stomach.

This time Gongsun Li used a clever technique, all the energy fell into the opponent's body without letting him move at all.

Of course, I stopped, not wanting to take the other person's life.

Whether he should be killed or not, Gongsun Li felt the same as Ming Jing.

Don't be afraid of being strong in martial arts, just be afraid of being strong and wise.

The remaining half of Lu Xingyan's face was also twisted into a grimace. He was holding his stomach and speechless, with sweat dripping from his head.

How dare Lu Xingyan say anything? He didn't even dare to show any negative emotions and could only endure the bullying.

Yan Fengshan's death just now was vivid in his mind, and Lu Xingyan wanted to live with two more people, not wanting to challenge Gongsun Li's majesty.

"Go away, don't let me see you. If you don't like it, let your Po Valley Master come to me."

After saying that, Gongsun Li's long, straight and round legs kicked directly on the belly of the ghost-faced elder, who disappeared into the sky like a shooting star.

After kicking Lu Xingyan away, Gongsun Li clapped her hands and looked at Nie Zheng's face again.

"What's your name? I forgot a little bit."

"I'm Nie Zheng." Nie Zheng's eyelids twitched, but his demeanor was quite full, and he did not fall into the style of the Beast Control Sect.

Of course, it’s better to be a coward if you tell me your name honestly and you’ll be beaten up later.

"Are you also here to help the Ghost Shadow Sect stand up?"

"No." Nie Zheng shook his head firmly.

"Then you can get out. This is the grudge between Kunlun and Guiyingmen. I'm afraid that they will kill you later and affect you." Gongsun Li said calmly.

Nie Zheng paused for a moment. Naturally, he couldn't just leave in despair, otherwise if word spread, he would be a sinner of the Beast Control Sect.

Then, Nie Zheng nodded slightly and said, "I have other things to do here, so I won't ask Peak Master Gongsun for advice."

Gongsun Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly stood in front of the other party, holding his collar, "Old man, I'm so shameless. When this peak master started practicing, you were at this level, right?"

Still now? If you don't practice hard, what's the point of running around? Looking for health? "

As he spoke, Gongsun Li spoke sharply, and slapped the other person's old face provocatively with his right hand.

Just when the slap was about to fall, the space beside Nie Zheng suddenly fluctuated slightly, and an old man slowly emerged.

The old man's right hand seemed to be slow but actually he grasped Gongsun Li's wrist with precision, and said in a gentle tone, "Master Gongsun, don't hit someone in the face.

The matter between you and the Ghost Shadow Sect should not fall on the side of our Beast Control Sect. Do you think so? "

Gongsun Li turned to look at the uninvited guest with a normal expression, not surprised, and calmly as if he knew someone would come out to stop him.

A smile slowly appeared on her face, and she laughed and said, "Senior is right."

The old man let go of his hand, and Gongsun Li also took back his hand.

Nie Zheng, who breathed a sigh of relief, immediately bowed to the visitor and said, "I have met the great elder."

The person who came was none other than the great elder of the Beast Control Sect, Dongli Perfected Being, who came before when the Beast Control Sect learned about the whereabouts of the egg of the divine beast.

During this period of time, he had never returned to the Middle-earth Heavenly Continent. As the great elder of the Beast Control Sect, this Dongli Perfected Being was of a very high seniority, and he was also of Gong Yangzheng's generation.

Gongsun Li naturally recognized this great elder of the Beast Control Sect, so he called him "Senior" to show off his face.

"Long time no see." Dongli Perfected Being smiled and greeted Master Kunlun.

"Huh?" Master Kunlun looked at the other party with a surprised look, "Why are you here? I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to be as sneaky as before.

Now that I am so old, I have to change this problem. "

"Absolutely." Dongli Perfected Being smiled and nodded.

"Why, a mere ghost shadow sect bothers you to come? Could it be that this Lost Realm has something to do with your Beast Control Sect?" Master Kunlun said cheerfully.

"Why do I think you want to cooperate with the Ghost Shadow Sect to deal with our Kunlun together?"

Dongli Perfected Being slowly shook his head and said, "What are you talking about? How could the Beast Control Sect do such a thing? Middle-earth Tianzhou is your territory, and we have nothing to do with the Ghost Shadow Sect.

I'm just here to do other things this time. As you know, I owed a favor to the master of the Ghost Shadow Sect in the early years, and now I'm here to repay the favor. no other meaning. "

"You just want to give the Ghost Shadow Sect a platform, right?"

"It's not easy to understand it this way. I can only say that if there are difficulties, it's better to just stand aside and watch. After all, kindness is not the most difficult thing."

"I understand, I understand." Master Kunlun smiled and nodded, "Go out for a drink later."

"Easy to say."

The two old people were chatting here like old friends they hadn't seen for many years, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

After the two of them finished their greetings, Gongsun Li said to Master Kunlun and Master Azure Dragon,

"Two old palace masters, please break open this lost realm and send some people in to find Xu You and Xue Qianluo."

"That's how it should be."

Master Kunlun's old body slowly fell.

Master Azure Dragon looked a little lazy but looked at Gongsun Li seriously, "This palace master is not old and is in his prime. Be polite when you speak!"

Gongsun Li saw that the master of the palace, who was a junior uncle, ignored his words.

At this time, Geng Gongming was a little anxious. How could the Lost Realm be broken open at will? An accident would really ruin the matter.

"Wait a minute, two palace masters." Geng Gongming stepped forward to stop him.

"Noisy!" Master Azure Dragon raised his right hand lightly, and a violent gust of wind swept up, trapping Geng Gongming directly in front of the gust of wind, unable to move forward.

The latter was horrified to see that he was trapped so easily and could not break free.

Master Azure Dragon was like a vast ocean that could easily trap his lonely boat. Faced with this situation, Geng Gongming was indescribably horrified.

At this moment, another dark hole opened in the air, and a monk in a big green robe stepped out of it.

The man was middle-aged, with a pale face, as pale as a corpse.

He stretched out his right hand and gently dispersed the wind blast left by Master Azure Dragon, allowing Geng Gongming to regain his freedom.

Then he raised his hands to Master Azure Dragon and said, "Fellow Daoist, wait a minute."

"Black Mountain? If you don't stay well in your Fengdu, why are you here?" Master Azure Dragon looked at the man in green with indifferent eyes.

The tone was that of an ordinary person communicating, and the origin and identity of the other party was indeed worthy of it.

There are three great ghost envoys Venerable under the Ghost King of Fengdu, and Heishan is one of them. The status of the ghost envoy Venerable in Fengdu can be described as transcendent, and he is in charge of millions of ghost cultivators.

In the huge and powerful Fengdu, his status was only lower than that of the Ghost King.

"It's hard to break through this Lost Realm directly." Heishan said.

"Why?" Master Azure Dragon asked calmly.

"I'll explain this to Fellow Daoist later."

When Master Azure Dragon was about to speak, two more figures shot out from the distance. They were the other four elders of the Eighth Realm of the Ghost Shadow Sect.

Obviously, this is the arrival of support from the Ghost Shadow Sect.

Master Azure Dragon narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this.

As the master of the palace, he can naturally see through the key points at once, and the picture here is not small. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be such Apex Level forces coming to help.

On the surface, there is Fengdu and the Beast Control Sect, but secretly I don’t even know how many more there are.

Azure Dragon said to Master Kunlun, "Old Palace Master, there are a lot of people."

"Hold on, I'm very fast here." Master Kunlun didn't even raise his head.

Master Azure Dragon looked at Dongli Perfected Being, Black Mountain Ghost Envoy, and the three monks from the Ghost Shadow Sect who were in the early stages of the Eighth Realm, and then showed a rare smile.

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to hold on."

Master Kunlun, who had fallen far away, slowly flew up again, looking around with his old eyes.

"Huh? There are so many people. It seems that there are not enough of us here."

After saying that, Master Kunlun said to Master Azure Dragon, "In this case, you go down and break it, and I'll be here. I'm old, and these Human Venerables love the young, so they shouldn't make things difficult for me, an old man."


When Master Azure Dragon was about to go down, the Black Mountain ghost emissary shouted again, "Wait a minute."

He was very polite, especially when looking at Master Kunlun, he said politely, "Senior, don't you want to go in and find Kunlun disciples?

It would be better to let the ghost door open a special entrance for entry and exit, and it would avoid making the realm unstable.

It's important to find someone first. As for the grudges involved, we can wait until the person is brought out safely.

Senior said, is this true? "

"Yes, yes." Master Kunlun smiled and stroked his beard, "You are still very polite, just like your master. I haven't seen your master for many years. Is he okay?"

"My master passed away ten years ago."

"It's a pity." Master Kunlun sighed with emotion, "Old friends are dying one after another."

"Go, open the realm." The Black Mountain Ghost Envoy turned his head and said to Geng Gongming expressionlessly.

"But..." Geng Gongming hesitated, "Let so many people from Kunlun enter."

"Go!" the Black Mountain ghost said without any doubt.

Geng Gongming's expression changed slightly, and finally he nodded slightly and went to open the door himself.

Then Master Kunlun waved gently and led all the Kunlun monks to follow him.

Geng Gongming's hands and feet were very agile and he opened an entrance and exit to the Lost Realm.

Master Kunlun looked at the vast world inside through the opening, and said,

"It's important to go in and find someone later. We'll find them safely first."

"Old Palace Master, what if someone from the Ghost Shadow Sect is causing trouble?" someone asked.

"That's okay. It's time to kill and fight. Finding people is the purpose, the process is not important." Master Kunlun chuckled. He ignored Geng Gongming next to him, or that's what he told him.

"Yes." The six realm monks responded with clasped fists, and they all obeyed the old palace master's orders.

Although these Six Realm monks are the powerful bosses in the areas that their respective offices are responsible for.

But at this moment, they are all small characters in the background.

Even though many of the monks were from Kunlun, they had never seen such a big scene today.

Darling, this random big shot is someone who stomps his feet outside and makes the entire Divine Continent tremble. Now he has been "discussing" such a trivial matter for such a long time.

Just now these Six Realm monks said they were not panicking, but that was a lie.

If a high-end Apex Level game like this breaks out, life or death will really be unpredictable!

But fortunately, now we are going in to find someone, so that’s not a big problem. In the Lost Realm, their six realms of cultivation are more than enough to protect themselves.

"Let's go in." Master Kunlun waved his hand gently.

As a result, these six realm monks turned into streams of light and poured into this lost realm.

"Old Palace Master, is this Lost Realm really so magical? Even if I enter it with my cultivation level, I will become a mortal?" Master Azure Dragon asked as he looked at the scene inside the Lost Realm.

"Of course, it's quite difficult for me to go in." Master Kunlun said with a smile.

"The only monks in the world who can withstand the power of the Lost Realm and assimilate it are the very few who have climbed to the extreme level, and they must be the kind of extreme level monks who have walked out of their own way." Master Kunlun explained.

"Then this is really difficult. No wonder the sages tens of thousands of years ago spent so much money to clean up the Lost Realm." Master Azure Dragon was amazed.

At present, Kunlun Immortal Sect naturally has no extreme monks coming here, and Master Kunlun and Master Azure Dragon naturally will not enter this lost realm.

Just wait for the Six Realm monks at the door to bring Xu You and Xue Qianluo out.

Rescue the person first, and then carefully consider how to handle the matter.

At this moment, the face of Geng Gongming next to him turned green. So many monks of the Sixth Realm poured in all of a sudden, and they were all Sixth Realm monks from Kunlun.

One mistake will really affect the overall transformation inside, especially since it is still absorbing souls. If these Kunlun monks with a strong sense of justice stop it, the losses will be even more severe.

In order to be able to absorb these living souls, the Ghost Shadow Sect has to pay an unknown price.

But now we have to do this. The people coming from Kunlun this time are so powerful that they cannot be blocked by the Ghost Shadow Sect at this stage.

Geng Gongming turned to look at Dongli Perfected Being of the Beast Control Sect and the Black Mountain Ghost Envoy, feeling a little sarcastic in his heart.

These days, allies are really unreliable.

But what Geng Gongming wanted more was to slap Shen Shou to death, so why did he have to force Xu You and Xue Qianluo into a desperate situation.

And how could they disappear without a trace, giving Kunlun such a good reason to enter the realm directly.

Geng Gongming even absurdly wondered whether Kunlun had known about this before and was now using Xu You and Xue Qianluo as a trap for him.

In the final analysis, the source of this matter is the person named Xu You and Xue Qianluo. These two little kids actually forced things to be so passive now.

At this time, another sound of piercing the sky came from behind, and Geng Gongming's already excited heart became even higher.

Two more Eight Realm bosses are here! They are still the two famous Eighth Realm bosses from the Jubao Pavilion!

Everyone present focused their attention on these two eighth-level monks from the Treasure Collection Pavilion.

Both of them looked like old men in their sixties or seventies, wearing the unique golden clothes of Jubao Pavilion.

The one on the left is called Huangfu Yuntian. He has a rosy complexion and looks extremely noble.

The one on the right is called Lu Hanqing. He has white beard and hair, but also has a rosy complexion, and looks like a fairy.

The former's strength ranks third within the Huangfu family, and he is an absolute Apex Level cultivator of the Eighth Realm of Heavenly Dao.

The one at the back is one of the five elders of Jubao Pavilion. Jubao Pavilion has five top elders of the town.

Each one is responsible for the overall security situation on a continent.

This Lu Hanqing is the elder in charge of the Zhenge Pavilion in the Middle-earth Tianzhou. His position is among the top few in the Jubao Pavilion. Only the pavilion master can order him to act.

In Zhongtu Tianzhou, Huangfu Lan is the general manager of Jubao Pavilion and is responsible for all clerical work.

This Lu Hanqing is responsible for all the military work of Jubao Pavilion in Tianzhou, China.

The purpose of the two people coming here is also very simple. The news of the Lost Realm appearing here will naturally be the first to receive the news due to the intelligence capabilities of the Jubao Pavilion.

And Huangfu Lan is currently in Dongyang County, which means he is directly trapped in the Lost Realm, and Huangfu Lan's Soul Card is flickering on and off.

How can Jubao Pavilion sit idly by and do nothing? Huangfu Lan's importance to Jubao Pavilion is self-evident, and he must rescue these two people at all costs.

Immediately let Huangfu Yuntian and Lu Hanqing, the strongest monks in Jubao Pavilion in Zhongtu Tianzhou, come.

The card surface is directly stretched to the maximum, so be sure to bring Huangfu Lan back safely.

Huangfu Yuntian and Lu Hanqing glanced around, both of them a little surprised. Because there were so many monks from the Eight Realms of Heavenly Dao present.

It is rare to see so many monks from the Eighth Realms of Heaven gathered at once, especially since each one of them is a well-known figure.

As a permanently neutral force, Jubao Pavilion naturally does not distinguish between good and evil, and is on good terms with all monks of both good and evil paths.

Therefore, although the situation was urgent, the two of them still simply said hello to others one by one out of politeness.

Finally, Huangfu Yuntian's eyes fell on Geng Gongming and asked directly, "Elder Geng, is the Lost Realm caused by your Ghost Shadow Sect?"

Geng Gongming frowned, "Elder Huangfu, you must have evidence when speaking."

Huangfu Yuntian waved his hand directly, "I don't care what your Ghost Shadow Sect is doing here, and I don't care about the loss of the Jubao Pavilion's stronghold here for the time being.

There is only one thing that comes to mind. Manager Huangfu Lan is now trapped in the Lost Realm. Do you, the Ghost Shadow Sect, need an explanation for this? "

"What?" Geng Gongming was stunned on the spot and almost jumped up.

Just kidding, provoking Kunlun Gang Kunlun is a last resort.

But how can other Apex Level forces provoke the Ghost Shadow Sect at this stage? Why is Huangfu Lan trapped here now?

Damn it, why are so many difficult people here in a barren land? Are you playing?

Geng Gongming quickly bowed and said, "Elder Huangfu, our Ghost Shadow Sect really doesn't know about this matter, but you can rest assured that the monks of the Ghost Shadow Sect have absolute discretion. The monks of Jubao Pavilion will not cause any harm.

What's more, Huangfu is in charge. "

Huangfu Yuntian said coldly, "Huangfu Guanshi's cultivation will be useless in this lost realm!"

"Elder Huangfu, don't worry. Even if Manager Huangfu becomes a mortal temporarily, no one will be in trouble as long as he names him. Wait a moment, I will let my disciples go search for him."

[Hey, I didn’t break the story today, so I can confidently continue to ask for monthly votes, okay? ]

(End of chapter)

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