Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 223 Chapter 288 289 Strength Increased By 100 Million Points! Divine Ability Means A Qualita

Chapter 223 Chapter 288 289 Strength increased by 100 million points! Divine Ability means a qualitative leap! chaotic time and space

At this moment, his cultivation had reached a great level, and Xu You was still in a very happy mood.

Especially when he felt the surging cultivation of the five realms in his body, his whole person transformed from the inside out.

Although it is just a transitional state before Gold Core, I am still very happy because my strength has reached a whole level, which means an exponential increase in combat effectiveness.

Unknowingly, we have already gone more than half of the way to cultivation. This journey has been full of dangers and obstacles.

It’s not easy, it took so much effort, and it took me almost twenty years to reach this point!

It’s really not easy!

After sighing for a moment about his "efforts", Xu You began to concentrate on consolidating his cultivation in the Five Realms while thinking about what would happen after the Five Realms.

First of all, you can learn the Divine Ability that comes with Jiuyang Immortal Jue. This is a Divine Ability that can only be learned in the fifth realm. It should be very powerful.

The previous Divine Ability Seven Kills, killing indiscriminately in the four realms, can also threaten the monks in the fifth realm.

Now Po Jun should be no exception, and the swordsmanship can also be improved a bit. Using the five realms of cultivation to use Shenxiao, Thunder Sword Skills, and the earlier Niwan Palace Sword and Mirror Flower Water Moon must be all A qualitative leap can be achieved.

Then there is Talisman. After entering the fifth realm, you can fully display the power of the three war talismans you learned before, and the power will also increase a lot.

Then you can start learning the Six Realms War Talisman!

Learn one or two Sixth Realm Apex Level War Talisman, and your combat power will soar again. At least you will no longer have to run away when facing monks below the Heavenly Dao Realm!

Then after the strength is improved, go out and take revenge!

All those ghost shadow sects who surrounded and almost killed me in these places will be killed!

Kill him! Kill kill kill! Kill them all!

Xu You is very angry now. The talented person is bold. In the Lost Realm, he is now confident enough to kill these people!

Finally, there is the outlook for the future.

After entering the fifth realm, it’s time to think about the sixth realm. This is the last level of the Alchemy Realm, the Gold Core realm of Taoism.

As the Gold Core realm with the strongest transformation of strength in the Alchemy Realm, it will be able to make full use of some of the general trends of the world to fight and achieve a qualitative leap in strength.

The Gold Core realm must be carefully considered, as it is a great realm that connects the past and the next.

Further up is the final great realm of cultivation, the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Heavenly Dao Realm monks are at the top of the food chain in the Immortal Cultivation World.

To judge the strength of a force, the first important thing is the strength of the top powerhouse.

The monks from the Tongyuan Realm, the seventh realm of Heavenly Dao, are large forces, just like the three leading forces in the Taihua Mountains that have been destroyed.

The fake Eight Realm monks are the top forces in the large-scale, just like the previous Chijin Sect.

Apex Level forces, such as the Ghost Shadow Sect, are commanded by monks from the Eighth Level of Heavenly Dao.

The forces controlled by monks who have reached the ultimate realm of heaven and return to the realm are the top of the food chain in this Immortal Cultivation World.

Forces such as the Five Sects and Seven Sects can influence the entire Immortal Cultivation World.

Cultivation is extremely difficult. After entering the realm of heaven, there is not much difference between the seven realms. There will be no qualitative changes in the three small stages of junior high school and Late Stage.

But after reaching the Eighth Realm Hua Xuan Realm, the gap can be very big, especially after the Eighth Realm monks can practice "domain", the difference that can be produced can be described as the difference between cloud and mud.

Every small step in the early, middle and late stages can be regarded as a qualitative leap.

Therefore, monks in the Eighth Realm cannot be the same as each other.

As Xu You knows, monks of the Eighth Realm such as the masters of the Five Halls of Kunlun, the masters of the Five Pavilions of Sword Sect, etc. are the ceiling combat power in the Eighth Realm.

An eighth-level monk with a powerful "domain" can challenge multiple monks of the same level by just one person.

This is the difference between strong and weak among the eight realms. Xu You doesn't know the details, because he has almost no understanding of the "realm" at this stage.

As for the extreme monks who go up to the ninth realm and return to the Dao realm, they are the real top kings at the end of their cultivation.

Every extreme monk must go through his own unique Great Dao before he can enter the extreme realm. However, this road is extremely difficult and there are only a few who can pass it.

There are rumors that the number of monks in the extreme realm is fixed and bound to the way of heaven and fortune. Some people rise and others must fall.

Because there are only so many ways of heaven and great luck, and to reach the extreme realm is to seize the way of heaven and great luck.

Of course, I don’t know whether this statement is true or not. In short, the number of extreme monks existing at the same time in the world is very small.

Even the forces at the level of five sects and seven sects are few and far between.

Once one's cultivation reaches the extreme level, he rarely shows up and lives in seclusion without paying attention to worldly affairs.

There are also unwritten rules on the land of Shenzhou, and monks in the extreme realm basically do not participate in disputes.

Because once this cultivation is carried out, it will destroy the world and destroy all living beings.

Therefore, the monks in the extreme realm do not take any action easily, and basically stay behind the scenes, focusing on pursuing the so-called Immortal Dao, which is invisible and only exists in legends.

Furthermore, it is said that those who reach the extreme realm of cultivation will be "targeted" by the so-called heaven.

Cultivation itself is a "grabbing" of the way of heaven and great fortune, and there is no endless grabbing under the world.

Sooner or later, you will have to pay it back. The so-called "returning to heaven" refers to the monks in the extreme realm.

And monks who have not entered this realm do not understand or know these things at all. After entering this realm, they are also secretive about these things.

Therefore, the scenery above the extreme realm can only be known by monks who have truly stepped into it.

Extreme monks are like nuclear weapons and cannot be used easily.

In other words, you can use it, but you can’t live without it.

Therefore, once someone in a force breaks through the extreme realm, it is called Dragon Transformation.

In the new Great Dao era, in addition to good luck, the Qianlong forces also have greater luck that allows these Qianlong forces to give birth to extreme monks.

Once an extreme monk is born, he will leap over the Dragon Gate and become the most Apex Level force.

The reason why the previous Zhenwu Tianmen and the current Ghost Shadow Sect walked a tightrope to do this is to create an environment of good luck enough to give birth to extreme monks as soon as possible.

The strength of the top forces is distinguished by the cultivation level of the extremely powerful ones. In addition, the overall development potential of the sect is based on the balance of the three generations of old, middle and young monks to comprehensively rank.

Kunlun Immortal Sect has declined significantly in terms of balance, which is the main reason why it is now at the bottom of the Five Sects and Seven Sects.

In short, when walking outside, the strength of the ceiling is the Eighth Realm of Transformation.

The total number of Ji Realm monks in the entire Divine Continent is only a small number, and the various divine dragons are nowhere to be seen.

Therefore, as long as there is an eighth-level monk who does not commit suicide, he will basically have no worries in this life, and he is an Apex Level master.

Set a small goal first, and then move on to the eight realms.

In this way, Xu You is caught up in planning for a better future.

A few days later, he finally stabilized his cultivation in the five realms, slowly opened his eyes, and felt relaxed and happy.

His eyes immediately fell on Huangfu Lan and Xue Qianluo, who were tinkering with formations not far away.

Hey, Senior Sister Qianluo's cultivation level has actually risen to a small level.

Wait, what are they doing? Why do you look so embarrassed and angry?

"Senior sister, aunt, what are you doing?" Xu You stepped forward and asked immediately.

Huangfu Lan and Xue Qianluo both stopped and looked back at Xu You.

"Have you consolidated your realm?" Xue Qianluo asked first.

"Senior sister, it's no problem after you consolidate it." Xu You said with a smile.

"Congratulations to junior brother for successfully entering the fifth realm!" Xue Qianluo showed a rare smile and sincerely congratulated Xu You.

Xu You also said cheerfully, "Congratulations to senior sister for her progress in cultivation."

"Congratulations." Huangfu Lan casually congratulated Xu You, and then said, "We are studying the formation."

"Hasn't it been researched yet?" Xu You asked subconsciously.

Huangfu Lan, who was already extremely depressed, turned dark and said, "What do you mean? Or you? You have been the boss for several months. What do you know? What do you know?"

Xu You smiled coquettishly, not daring to refute. He was stunned for a moment and jumped up, "What? How many months has it been?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

"I thought it was just a few days!" Xu You said anxiously, "That's not right, I also counted time when I was practicing in seclusion, it couldn't be a few months."

"What? Do you think the Fifth Realm is the Cabbage Realm? How many days is enough to break through the Five Realms?" Huangfu Lan asked in return.

"No, no." Xu You shook his head and said, "I really remember the time. It's really only been a few days, how come it's only been a few months."

"But the fact is that it has been three months." Huangfu Lan said again.

"Damn, this place is so weird! How can it make people feel confused in time and space? The day lilies have been cold for a few months, so I don't know what kind of trouble is happening outside now.

If nothing else, my master has a bad temper and has not heard from me for several months. She might really do something stupid. "Xu You became more and more anxious.

"It's no use being anxious, I just can't get out now." Huangfu Lan said.

"What's the next step?" Xu You took a deep breath and asked trying to calm down.

Yes, it's been three months, and there's no point in being anxious. The top priority is still to think about how to get out.

"I can now completely reproduce it, and I can say that the score is perfect. I just don't know where the problem lies. I guess I can find the problem and solve it in a few days." Huangfu Lan replied.

"Okay. Then I'll trouble Auntie to continue researching." Xu You sighed.

This formation is indeed complicated, and Xu You has no research on the formation. Naturally, there is no need to participate at this time, otherwise it will only be a disservice.

It's better to take advantage of these few days to master your Divine Ability more, so that you can better deal with danger if you go out.

So, Xu You stopped disturbing them and went to a place slightly further on the right to study Divine Ability.

Huangfu Lan continued to study the formation.

Xu You immediately looked at the second strongest Divine Ability in the Alchemy Realm on Jiuyang Immortal Jue, Pojun.

The three Divine Abilities of Sha Po Lang are actually closely related but relatively independent. After learning all three, they can be combined into one Divine Ability that is the highest Apex Level in the Alchemy Realm, or they can be separated and learned individually.

The previous Seven Kills were developed based on the fire spiritual power, a seven-handled musket with the most powerful Divine Ability.

Po Jun is based on the spiritual power of sharp gold, and can be manipulated to form seven invincible golden spears. It is the main divine ability of the killing type.

Under the Jin Ge Spirit Spear, everything is indestructible and everything is indestructible, and its offensive power is off the charts.

Of course, this depends on Xu You's own basic strength.

With Xu You's current cultivation level, using this Divine Ability can completely pose a fatal threat to those in the early stages of the Sixth Realm.

To be honest, in terms of strength, Jin Ge Ling Qiang is not very popular with Xu You.

But this is the perfect fit with your own Great Dao and skills. After you become proficient, you can use only a small part of your cultivation to display this terrifying Divine Ability, which is very cost-effective.

So naturally you have to learn, and you also have to learn to master it.

Xu You opened the Divine Ability to break the army and began to understand it carefully.

Half an hour later, Xu You realized it, and he realized it thoroughly.

The speed is only a little slower than when practicing Kendo and Talisman Divine Ability. In other words, the talents related to Nine Yang Immortal Technique are definitely Apex Level.

As expected of the Jiuyang Dao Foundation, which only came out in thousands of years, it is indeed very powerful.

After that, Xu You put away the formula and began to perform the formula quickly with both hands, as if he had mastered it a hundred times and felt as smooth as if he had practiced it hundreds of times.

The surrounding spiritual energy of the world was mobilized instantly, and then seven red-gold Jin Ge spirit spears were condensed in front of him.

The spirit spears were extremely sharp and contained extremely terrifying energy. Xu You waved the fingers of his right hand gently, and these spirit spears danced as flexibly as his arms.

Boo hoo hoo—

Xu You finally pressed forward, and these Jin Ge spirit spears shot directly to a very far distance, and then exploded with a loud bang. The power was particularly terrifying.

Xu You looked at the movement of the Jin Ge Spirit Gun in front of him with great satisfaction. As he gets more familiar with it, its power will be even more impressive.

Moreover, the loss of cultivation is really small. With Xu You's current strength, there is no problem in continuous spraying.

Then, Xu You made some repairs, and then he did not rush to learn the new Divine Ability. Instead, he took out the three battle talismans he had learned before and walked around to see how terrifying the power of the five realms can be. .

The fire dragon formed by the Geng Yan Dragon Talisman was almost twice as strong and twice as powerful.

The number and power of Sunflower Needle Talismans has also nearly doubled.

In particular, the power of the Jia Ge Explosive Talisman, which has the strongest single target attack, has more than doubled.

After verification, Xu You was extremely satisfied.

These battle talismans can provide both terrifying AOE output and extreme single-target output.

Just relying on these three battle talismans, you can easily kill the five realm monks instantly.

Xu You, a monk in the early stage of the six realms, can also be killed with confidence, and there is no problem in protecting the monks in the late stage of the six realms.

The most important thing is that now that I have reached the fifth level of cultivation, I will no longer have so much pressure to use these war talismans, and it will not consume so much cultivation.

Finally, Xu You adjusted his breath and took out Zhang Changli's true interpretation of the talisman, with the clear purpose of turning directly to the war talisman practiced by the Six Realm Talisman Dao monks.

War Talisman is the most Apex Level combat Divine Ability. The higher the level, the fewer types and quantities of War Talisman.

Because as the realm goes up, the complexity of the battle talisman increases exponentially, and the difficulty of studying it also increases exponentially.

Therefore, even monks who follow the path of talismans cannot practice too many war talismans in the entire six realms. They should focus on cultivating magic talismans, and then concentrate on studying one war talisman as a trump card.

Yes, ordinary Talisman Dao monks can basically only practice one battle talisman as a means to keep the bottom of the box.

It is really difficult to learn, especially if you want to get to the level of instantaneous six-realm battle talisman. It takes at least ten years or more than decades of study.

You have to devote yourself to studying, which will inevitably delay your cultivation. It is enough to show how difficult it is to practice the Six Realms War Talisman.

Of course, the power is even more terrifying.

The Six Realm War Talisman is not comparable to the Five Realm War Talisman. If you can learn the Six Realm's main offensive war talisman, even if you only cultivate to an ordinary number of war marks, you can still walk sideways in the Six Realms.

And if one could cultivate the war talisman to the highest number of war patterns, then it would be possible to kill any Sixth Realm monk ninety-nine percent of the time.

Xu You has already experienced the benefits of this kind of Apex Level cross-border combat. The previous three five-level battle talismans made great contributions to him and gave him an extremely clear understanding of the talismans.

He is now very glad that he put the Heart of Inquiry 2.0 on Fu Dao. This is really an extremely wise decision.

Fu Dao has now become one of Xu You's most relied-upon trump cards. To some extent, it is even more convenient and easier to use than Sword Dao.

Therefore, Xu You now puts the absolute focus on the Six Realm War Talisman and studies the Six Realm War Talisman as his new trump card.

As for the Six Realms Talisman, Xu You doesn't plan to learn it now, and will wait until he goes out.

Because although the Sixth Realm magic talisman is also strong, it is not as perverted as the War Talisman and can easily crush the Sixth Realm monks.

The Six Realm Talisman can only be said to pose a certain threat to the Six Realm monks, so this level of Talisman Divine Ability is of little use to Xu You.

After you go out, you can just learn some magic talismans to hide from others. It is enough to deal with ordinary battles. There is no need to use battle talismans to deal with the enemy every time, as that is too eye-catching.

Finally, although I have the bonus of the heart of inquiry in the talisman path, I can improve my practice of war talismans to a greater level.

However, there is a lot of pressure to forcefully learn the Sixth Realm War Talisman with the Five Realm cultivation level. It is impossible to learn too much, otherwise the pressure on the body, soul, and Talisman Dao will be too great.

I estimate that learning one or two is almost the limit.

Therefore, what you study is extremely important, and you must choose carefully.

Xu You carefully looked at all the six realm war talismans that Fu Luzhen had solved one by one and began to select.

This selection took most of the day, and finally Xu You selected the two battle talismans that best suited his current situation.

The old one is the Six Realm War Talisman that mainly attacks.

The other door is mainly for defense. I am still very lacking in defense means. The only thing I can use is the Sanskrit Bell that Shangguan Changge gave me before.

But the Fanyin Bell is now severely damaged, and is no longer useful for the level of battle that he will encounter now.

Now that there is no shortage of offensive methods, a defensive method is more stable and can save lives in some extreme situations.

Xu You first learned the defensive war talisman, named Liuding Tianjia war talisman!

After practicing it, a golden talisman armor will be formed to wrap around the body. Before the power of the talisman is dissipated, it can be almost immune to any form of attack by monks below the Heavenly Dao realm.

Divine Ability means that target the physical body, divine palace, and divine soul are all immune.

As long as you put on such a set of Six-Ding Heavenly Armor War Talisman on your body, you will become a real turtle bastard. As long as the enemy is not above the Heavenly Dao Realm, there will basically be no danger to your life.

Of course, the persistence of this battle talisman is still related to one's own cultivation level.

With Xu You's current level of cultivation, it is very stressful to be able to hold on to the Liuding Tianjia Battle Talisman all the time. It can only be said that it is used at critical times.

After that, Xu You directly began to study the Six Ding Tianjia War Talisman.

Xu You has accumulated enough experience in this area of ​​battle talismans, so he got started quickly this time.

But the energy consumed after getting started is much greater than when practicing the Five Realms War Talisman.

The difficulty of cultivating the Six Realms War Talisman has been raised to a whole new level. Both the number of war patterns and the complexity of their arrangement far exceed any of the war talismans that Xu You has learned before.

Of course, with the blessing of the heart of questioning, Xu You can still grasp it now, and the whole person is directly immersed in the drawing of the battle talisman.

Three days later, Xu You, who was exhausted, took a long breath.

Although the person is tired, his eyes are full of joy.

After these three days of painstaking study, he has now completely mastered the Six-Ding Tianjia War Talisman.

It has also been able to achieve almost instantaneous effect.

Xu You took a deep breath, used his hands as pens, and drew battle symbols in the air at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Soon, a golden battle talisman was formed instantly, and then golden light fell on Xu You like stars.

Under the changes, a lifelike set of Supreme Grade gold armor was finally formed.

The armor formed by this set of six-ding heavenly armor battle talismans made Xu You, who was originally relatively slender, look much more powerful and burly, like the god of war in heaven.

The golden light is flowing on the golden armor. You don’t even need to try it. Just by looking at it, you can tell that it is very indestructible!

Xu You reached out curiously and patted the golden armor on his body. It felt as if it were real. But Xu You knows that it is built with spiritual energy.

The internal structure can be said to be extremely complex, and many places connected to the golden armor have established connecting channels with one's own cultivation.

In other words, the moment the golden armor is put on one's body, it begins to continuously absorb one's own cultivation to maintain the intensity of its activation.

The pressure was so great that Xu You could feel his cultivation pouring out like running water.

It consumes more cultivation than I had expected, and it won't last long if I keep wearing it.

After patting the golden armor twice more, Xu You held the sword technique with his right hand, and directly inspired a Niwan Palace Sword between his eyebrows.

When the Niwan Palace Sword shot out, Xu You immediately caught up and directly caught the Niwan Palace Sword with his body.


There was a crisp metallic collision sound.

After the Niwan Palace sword landed on the golden armor, it shattered into pieces and turned into star points that dissipated, leaving only a shallow white mark on the golden armor.

But Xu You remained as steady as a mountain. This golden armor not only completely prevented the damage caused by the Niwan Palace Sword, but even the energy generated by the collision was emitted to the outside through the internal structure of the golden armor in a very special way.

Xu You stood there touching the golden armor in amazement. It is no exaggeration to say that he felt nothing just now, as if he had been hit by cotton.

You must know that the Niwan Palace Sword is no joke. With Xu You's current cultivation and strength, even if he just uses the Niwan Palace Sword in an ordinary way, the ordinary five-level monks will not dare to block it head-on.

If you block it from the front, you will either die or be injured.

But now the golden armor blocked it so easily.

What surprised Xu You the most was the way he could discharge energy.

I thought that maybe this thing would be like a body armor that could block damage, but I still had to bear the impact.

But I didn't expect that even this impact could be dissipated without causing any harm to myself.

This is simply divine armor! Apart from the fact that it consumes too much cultivation, these are all the advantages of Apex Level.

Xu You is extremely satisfied with the performance of the Six Ding Heavenly Armor War Talisman. With this golden armor signed up, there is really no life-threatening danger for people below the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Thinking about it, Xu You shed the golden armor on his body. Then he started studying another battle talisman.

Six realms Apex Level offensive talisman, the true Buddha's hand!

The name of the war talisman seems ordinary, but its power is terrifying. The complexity is also the most difficult one Xu You has learned so far.

The Six Ding Heavenly Armor War Talisman I just learned is far inferior to this true Buddha's master.

Five days later, Xu You once again came out of the study with a tired look on his face.

After squeezing it dry and draining his spirit, Xu You finally fully learned this battle talisman in five days with the blessing of the heart of inquiry.

True Buddha's Big Hands, as the name suggests, the battle talisman will eventually condense into a pair of giant hands.

The giant hand of red gold controls righteousness and carries the general trend of heaven and earth. After the great success, everything below the realm of heaven cannot be grasped and everything cannot be destroyed.

In just one sentence of introduction, you can know how powerful this true Buddha's big hand is. As long as you practice to great success, it can be said that when facing strong men below the realm of heaven in the future, Xu You can not only protect himself, but also counterattack. kill!

Xu You's right hand quickly drew the True Buddha's Big Hand War Talisman in the air at a speed invisible to the naked eye. In an instant, a golden war talisman merged into the air.

Then the surrounding space quickly twisted and was filled with gold.

Among the gold, a pair of big golden hands quickly formed. The big hands were lifelike, the color was like gold, and the surface looked hazy and illusive. It was filled with the general trend of heaven and earth, with mysterious Sanskrit sounds lingering, and terrifying pressure rushing around.

The true Buddha is accomplished!

Xu You looked up with sweating profusely at the big hands of the Buddha that he stretched out, his eyes were filled with surprise. The energy and the general trend of the world contained in them were terrifying.

An ordinary six-level monk would die instantly under such a big hand.

Xu You has seen many such "big hand" Divine Abilities before, but the Divine Ability displayed by the enemies he has encountered so far is the absolute younger brother in front of the real Buddha's big hand, and cannot be compared with Law Manifestation.

After feeling the real Buddha's big hand carefully for a while, Xu You quickly dispersed it and panted heavily.

This thing puts too much pressure on him, and it consumes much more than the Six-Ding Tianjia Battle Talisman.

Xu You made a little guess and found that if he activated these two Six Realm War Talisman at the same time, he would not be able to last for half a quarter of an hour with his current level of cultivation.

But this time is enough. High Level battles change rapidly, and life and death can be decided in an instant.

If you can't beat it, it will be useless no matter how much time you take. Half a quarter of an hour is enough.

Within half a quarter of an hour, Xu had no fear below the level of Heavenly Dao!

Thinking of this, Xu You put a smile on his face. The harvest of this retreat was perfect. In terms of strength, there has been a direct qualitative leap, which is completely different from what it was before the retreat.

Now if he encounters Shen Shou and the others again, Xu You is confident that he will pin them all to the ground and kill them! Instant kill!

It's just that it has been delayed for too long in terms of time. A lot of changes must have taken place outside in the past few months.

When she thought about this, Xu You became a little anxious. As long as Auntie hadn't set up the formation, she wouldn't be able to get out and could only wait here.

The joy in Xu You's heart also slowly dissipated. He sighed slightly and immersed himself in his divine palace again, preparing to refine the spirit stick of Xiao Jinger's previous companion.

Soon, Azure Lotus completed the process, and the golden juice sprayed turned into a pure white elixir.

[Nirvana Pill]

[Monks in the extreme realm of heaven will be affected by the power of annihilation and lose all their cultivation after taking this pill. The duration depends on the strength of the person taking it, and may not exceed two days at most. ]

Xu You looked at the white elixir in his hand with some astonishment. What is the use of this thing? It's of no use at all.

If you want to say this is a Divine Ability, it is definitely an Apex Level skill that allows monks below the extreme cultivation level to temporarily become mortals.

But if you give a pill and say it has such an effect, isn't it just a joke?

You can't let the enemy open his mouth and swallow this elixir, right?

And why would anyone who is willing to listen to you and take this elixir turn the other person into a mortal?

Isn't this Nirvana Pill just a piece of chicken ribs? What use can it be used for?

wrong? etc!

Xu You suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a wonderful use. If any aunt eats this, wouldn't she become a mortal and be able to do whatever she wants?

Huangfu Lan is a clear example. When he was in the Lost Realm, Huangfu Lan, who had no cultivation, really gave people a sufficient sense of weakness.

But he quickly shook his head and patted his face gently. Xu You, Xu You, do you want some face? Is this possible when someone is in danger? What a bastard!

I, Xu, will never do those things to my aunts that take advantage of others in this life!

Thinking about it, Xu You quickly put away the Nirvana Pill and threw it into the storage bracelet to eat ashes.

After putting away the elixir, Xu You looked up at the white surroundings. Now that the main things were done for the time being, it was time to go back and see how Huangfu Lan was doing, and work together to figure out a solution.

But just when Xu You was about to leave, the storage bracelet suddenly buzzed and vibrated.

Xu You was stunned for a moment when he saw this. Just as he was stunned, a blue and gold beast egg flew out, and then flew out into the distance very intelligently.

Xu You stared in the direction where the beast egg was leaving with wide eyes. This was the divine beast's thunder egg.

After successfully carrying out the ownership ceremony of this mythical beast's egg at Cave Mansion in Quanji, Xu You has been keeping it close to her.

I originally thought that after absorbing the power of the thunder field for thousands of years, and finally absorbing the power of the Thousand-Character Jue's thunder-inducing formation, the egg of the divine beast would hatch as soon as possible.

But it has been lying quietly in Xu You's storage bracelet for so long.

If Xu You hadn't clearly sensed the vigorous vitality inside it after recognizing its owner, everyone would have thought it was another dead egg.

Even Xu You forgot that he had such a mythical beast egg, and now he could suddenly run away.

[I didn’t expect so many people to dunk one last night. I would like to call it the male awakening! Don't give flowers to women, they won't even get anything as a thank you. Give them a coastal pass, and you can spend money on the coast. It's a good deal. oZO ]

(End of chapter)

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