Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 224 Chapter 290 291 Strange Encounter, Strange Objects From Heaven And Earth! Get Out Of Tro

Chapter 224 Chapter 290 291 Strange Encounter, Strange Objects from Heaven and Earth! Get out of trouble and get ready to kill!

Originally, Xu You wanted to catch up immediately, but there was no sense of direction in the vast white surroundings. If he was too far away and couldn't find his way back, wouldn't it be the end?

But in the end Xu You still gritted his teeth and chased after him. The value of this divine beast's egg is self-evident. Thousand Beast Valley, one of the seven sects, was destroyed because of this beast egg. The Beast Control Sect also searched for it at all costs for thousands of years. How could it be Can let it run away.

Just in the process of chasing, Xu You sprayed out a little blood essence at intervals to serve as road signs.

He can only use this stupid method of damaging his body. He has telepathy with his own essence and blood, and he can rely on this to leave a way back.

After flying a certain distance and confirming that this method was feasible, Xu You chased the egg with all his strength with confidence.

Therefore, at this moment, Xu You looked very much like the Ghost Shadow Sect monks who had been chasing him in the Lost Realm before, spurting blood all the way. Only after experiencing it himself did he know how uncomfortable it was.

Fortunately, although the speed of the Divine Beast Egg is fast, I can barely keep up.

In this way, one person and one egg flew back and forth for a full hour, and finally the egg stopped.

Xu You stopped breathing heavily, with his hands on his hips, watching the blue-gold egg jumping around, looking lively and happy.

Xu You frowned and looked at the situation in front of him, still not understanding what happened.

At this time, the beast egg stopped jumping and started spinning at an extremely fast speed.

Then a vortex formed, and the surrounding white spiritual energy crystal threads poured into the beast eggs like crazy.

The beast egg was like a bottomless pit at this moment, wildly swallowing these spiritual energy crystal threads. Xu You's face was full of horror when he saw this.

Is this mythical beast's egg so perverted? Can you absorb such a high concentration of spiritual energy crystal threads before you are even conceived?

In this way, the beast egg maintains this terrifying speed of absorbing spiritual energy crystal threads.

After a few quarters of an hour, the surrounding white light even faded visibly to the naked eye.

At this time, Xu You's eyes immediately fell on a white object not far away.

It was a green prism-shaped, palm-sized crystal core-like thing, with a faint white mist flowing inside it. Xu You just stared at the white mist for a while, and he felt a little dizzy.

The moment the green crystal core appeared, the beast egg rotated faster and faster, and the suction force of the vortex formed went straight towards the green crystal core.

The latter also seemed to have gained spiritual intelligence at this moment, and the light on his body burst out, and finally flickered and disappeared directly across the sky.

Beast Egg immediately chased after him, while Xu You looked at all this with an increasingly confused look on his face.

What the hell is going on? This beast egg seems to be fertilized and has a very spiritual appearance. Xu You can also understand. After all, it is the egg of a mythical beast, and the Apex Level gene is here.

But what the hell is this crystal core? Can this ore-like thing also become a spirit?

At this moment, Xu You didn't have time to think too much. He chased after him immediately. For some reason, he had a strange premonition that the crystal core was an Apex Level treasure.

In this way, Xu You started the blood-spraying pursuit again.

The crystal nucleus is in the front, the animal egg is in the middle, and Xu You is in the back. The picture is extremely strange.

Another hour later, just when Xu You couldn't hold on any longer, the green crystal core couldn't hold on either and was sucked directly into the beast egg with strong suction.

When the green crystal core stuck to the egg's case, it finally stopped.

Xu You gasped again and stopped, then looked straight at the egg in front of him.

I saw the beast egg blooming with extremely dazzling blue light, and then greedily absorbing the crystal core. The white mist inside the crystal core kept pouring into the beast egg.

As the white mist entered the body of the beast's egg, the blue light bloomed more brilliantly.

It was so brilliant that even with Xu You's current level of cultivation, he didn't even dare to open his eyes and look. After a quarter of an hour, the brilliant blue light slowly dissipated.

Xu You then opened his eyes and looked. The beast eggs and crystal nuclei were floating there quietly.

Only a little bit of the white mist remains inside the crystal core, and its spirituality and brilliance are much worse than when they first appeared.

But animal eggs are different. At this moment, the skin is round and full, extremely shiny, spiritual, and the most important thing is that the color changes drastically!

It used to be blue with some gold, but now it's gold with a few rays of blue.

Xu You hurried to the front line to grab the egg of the mythical beast. The moment he held it, he paused.

Strong vitality filled the bottom of the eggshell, and the inside was filled with extremely terrifying energy.

Xu Youfuling came up with a violent thought. As long as the animal egg completely absorbs and transforms the energy, it will hatch successfully.

Xu You didn't know why he had such a wonderful premonition, but he was able to inexplicably strengthen this premonition.

I didn't feel this way at all when I recognized my Lord before, but now this feeling is extremely strong.

It hatches quickly and won't take long!

At this moment, Xu You was even more shocked! You know, the mythical beast has long since disappeared from this world.

The egg of this mythical beast has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and there has never been any sign of hatching in all these years. Thousand Beast Valley has obtained this egg for so many years and still has no way to do anything.

As the leading force in controlling the beast, there is no way around it, so one can imagine how difficult it is.

After that, Elder Quanji worked hard for thousands of years but still failed to hatch. Originally, Xu You didn't have much hope for the egg of the mythical beast.

But now that the mind is connected, Xu You can clearly sense that the beast egg is really going to hatch this time.

Knowing this, Xu You would be lying if he said he wasn't excited!

This is an extinct mythical beast!

Although some Monster Cultivators and Demonic Beasts in the world are said to have the blood of mythical beasts, they are so thin that they have nothing to do with mythical beasts.

Legend has it that the mythical beast with the purest bloodline is unique, born with the body of the Great Dao, born in the five realms, with unlimited room for growth, and even more terrifying strength! They are basically invincible in the same realm.

There is a very high possibility of cultivating to the extreme level.

This is also the reason why the Beast Control Sect has been tracking it for so many years. If a divine beast can be hatched and used as a gatekeeper beast, it can ensure that the inheritance of the Beast Control Sect will be there.

The longevity of mythical beasts is far beyond that of humans. Coupled with its powerful strength, if it can be cultivated to the extreme level, it can basically guarantee that the inheritance of the entire force will not be destroyed.

Therefore, how could Xu You not be shocked now? If this hatched out, it would be extremely terrifying for him to gain strength.

After all, he has recognized himself as the master, and that is the most Apex Level gold medal fighter.

The more Xu You thought about it, the more excited he became, but at the same time he became more and more curious. With so many forces and big bosses at a loss what to do, how could this crystal core do it?

Xu You took the sluggish green crystal core with only a little bit of white mist remaining and looked at it carefully.

It looks like an ordinary ore, and the thin white mist inside it doesn't make people dizzy, but it still makes people feel uncomfortable after staring at it for a long time.

After playing with the green crystal core in his hands, Xu You really couldn't find anything special about it. Finally, he hesitated and carefully entered the inside of the crystal core with some cultivation.

Xiuwei went in smoothly, but still didn't find anything strange. The white mist was still floating quietly inside.

Xu You murmured a little, couldn't all the energy in this thing be absorbed by the eggs?

But intuition tells Xu You that there shouldn't be, especially the white mist, which must have a very Apex Level effect.

After observing carefully for a while, Xu You put away the green crystal core, and then solemnly put away the golden beast egg.

This unexpected adventure makes Xu You very excited now, and she is looking forward to what this mythical beast will look like after it hatches.

And this crystal core is also Apex Level, which allows the mythical beast to obtain the energy of hatching. You can imagine how terrifying it is.

When I go out and see if I can find out what it is, Xu You has a strong feeling that this thing will be of great use.

Xu You still doesn't understand a lot. What is this place? Why is the egg of the mythical beast attracted and has such a deep connection with this mysterious crystal core?

There was too little information, and Xu You couldn't figure it out. There was no point trying to think about it. He could only lament the wonder of chance. I will study it slowly if I have the opportunity in the future.

And you can't talk nonsense about this matter, you can only swallow it in your own stomach. You must be extremely cautious when it comes to mythical beasts.

After putting away the two things, Xu You didn't stay here any longer, and immediately followed the blood essence and blood he left behind along the way back.

Fortunately, I was smart and used my essence and blood to lead the way. Otherwise, I really couldn't find my way back and would have to get lost in this boundless space.

More than two hours later, Xu You will return to the place where he practiced Soul Refining along the original path.

Then continue to fly forward and return to Auntie's side.

At this moment, about ten days have passed since the last time I broke through the realm and retreated.

I have completely mastered these advanced Divine Abilities, but unfortunately there is still no movement from my aunt.

When Xu You came back, the first thing he saw was his aunt.

Auntie looks even more embarrassed now. She has even given up on image management and is focused on following this formation pole.

At this moment, I didn't notice Xu You coming over, talking about something about the formation.

I'm very confused. It's obviously perfect, but I just don't know where the problem lies.

She can now successfully arrange this formation with her eyes closed, but she just doesn't know where the problem lies.

Bastard! What a bastard!

Xue Qianluo also squatted aside and looked at the damaged formation again and fell into deep thought, looking equally puzzled.

"Auntie, auntie, don't be like this, how about we relax?" Xu You called in a low voice.

Huangfu Lan didn't respond, so Xu You reached out and patted Huangfu Lan on the shoulder. Only then did the latter react, "What?"

"I said, let's take it slow. Maybe we can change our thinking. Sometimes we will dig deeper and deeper into the corner."

"What do you think we should do?" Huangfu Lan said angrily.

"Auntie, you can reproduce it perfectly now, right?"


"Well, you can show it to me from beginning to end and explain it to me. Maybe I, an outsider, can see it more clearly." Xu You replied.

"I've spent months working on it, how can you just read it once?" Huangfu Lan waved his hand.

"Aren't we going to decorate it again anyway? It's just a matter of course."

"Okay." Huangfu Lan rubbed his eyebrows. He frowned so many times in the past few months that the wrinkles almost appeared when he said yes.

Soon, Huangfu Lan adjusted his numb state again, took out a new batch of materials, and said,

"I'm anxious not because of time, but because of the materials. If I try a few more times, the materials will be completely gone, and then there's really nothing I can do."

After saying that, Huangfu Lan continued to play with the formations, while Xu You squatted beside her and listened carefully to the explanation.

Although the formation is complicated, Huangfu Lan has already mastered it, and can speak to the essence of every sentence. With Xu You's IQ and understanding, it doesn't sound tiring, and at least he can follow the opponent's train of thought.

By the way, Xu You's brain was spinning rapidly as he looked at the original explanation of the formation and compared it one by one.

A few hours later, Huangfu Lan once again arranged an exquisite and complete teleportation array.

It's much faster than it took several days to build in the beginning.

Xu You suddenly felt sorry for her aunt's proficiency. From Xu You's point of view, the formation she arranged was perfect and a perfect replica of a work of art.

Logically speaking, there really isn't any problem.

"Auntie, this should be no problem."

"The devil knows." Huangfu Lan finally took out a piece of spiritual crystal and prepared to install it.

Looking at this piece of spiritual crystal, Xu You suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and he grabbed Huangfu Lan's right hand.

"Auntie, is it possible that this spiritual crystal is the problem?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Did the formation explode after the spiritual crystals were released before?"

"You can't activate the formation without releasing the spiritual crystal. What does it have to do with the spiritual crystal? All formations in the world need this kind of core driving force.

Especially this kind of large formation, without the spiritual crystal, it would be a dead formation. "

Xu You replied, "I know this, but is there a possibility that these spiritual stones are needed to perform ordinary formations because the density of the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not enough to support the operation of the formations.

But it's different now. The surrounding spiritual energy has been crystallized, so maybe there is no need for the blessing of spiritual crystals?

This spiritual energy is already enough. Will the addition of spiritual crystals directly overwhelm the formation? "

Huangfu Lan was stunned for a moment. She had never considered this angle before, but when she thought about it carefully, it was ridiculous. How could there be such a reason in the world?


"Try Auntie, it doesn't matter if you try. What if this is really the reason? Auntie, you have seen my luck before.

Believe me. "

Xu You directly convinced Huangfu Lan when he mentioned the word luck. He remembered it clearly when he ran away before.

Huangfu Lan nodded slightly, ready to trust a hand. She put away the spiritual crystal and made a quick seal with both hands.

As one spell after another penetrated the formation, everything began to tremble violently as usual.

Soon, Huangfu Lan's eyes lit up, because the formation did not explode like before but was running very steadily, as she entered the last spell.

The entire array buzzed, forming a huge beam of light rising into the sky. Finally, the beam of light seemed to break through the white sky above, forming a striking black hole.

Xue Qianluo looked at the situation in front of her in astonishment. She didn't expect that she had tried so many times and failed. This time, she just didn't put the spirit crystal!

"Auntie, is this done?"

"Yes! Let's go, join the battle!" Huangfu Lan had a joyful expression on his face. He didn't understand why he had to explain too much, so he entered the battle first.

Xu You and Xue Qianluo followed closely behind. The moment they entered the formation, the three of them turned into streams of light and flew towards the hole on the top.

After a burst of white light flashed, the surrounding silence returned to a vast expanse of white, and the dark hole also closed again. Xu You and the other three escaped from this mysterious space directly along the teleportation array.

After a violent trance, Xu You shook his head, opened his eyes and looked around.

Darkness, silence, and the screams of living souls.

Xu You was a little stunned for a moment, and his memory was suddenly pulled back to before the retreat.

The current situation was still the same as it was before he entered the mysterious space, as if it had not changed at all.

No, it's been several months, how could there be no change at all?

I looked up and saw that someone high in the sky was still absorbing living souls. This thing couldn't be absorbed for several months, right?

What's going on?

Xu You couldn't help but feel confused in time and space, as if he was practicing in seclusion in a mysterious space and comprehending Divine Ability. The past few months had been like an illusory dream.

But after feeling the cultivation in the body, it is still a real cultivation of the Five Realms!

Xu You was a little confused, then turned to look at Huangfu Lan and Xue Qianluo. Their expressions were exactly the same as his own, they both looked dazed and confused.

When Xu You was about to speak, the aura of Huangfu Lan next to her became weak again, and soon she became a mortal body without any cultivation.

Xu You quickly caught Huangfu Lan and asked with concern, "Auntie, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Huangfu Lan said helplessly, "It seems that we have indeed come to the Lost Realm again."

Xu You frowned, "But it feels the same as it did a few months ago. It's like, it's like time has stopped living here.

Where is that white space? "

"I don't know. Now is not the time to pursue these matters. The first priority is to ask a monk from the Ghost Shadow Sect, and then find a way to leave this lost realm."

"Okay." Xu You nodded and said, "If it's the same as before, those who are chasing us will find us soon. Let's try to wait and see. It's not easy to move until we understand the situation."

"Okay." Neither Xue Qianluo nor Huangfu Lan had any objections.

And Xu You also took out the piece of jade and put it in the palm of his hand. The piece of jade, which had nothing special about it, began to rotate again.

Xu You's heart moved, this jade can still move, doesn't it mean that the effect of Hongfu Qitian has not been broken yet?

This further proves that time outside does not seem to be lost.

Xu You has not taken the initiative to stimulate the effect of Hongfu Qitian for the time being, so that the monks from the Ghost Shadow Sect can find him as soon as possible.

And the fact is as Xu You expected. Without much effort, a monk from the Late Stage of the Five Realms came here with a look of surprise on his face.

The two of them were ecstatic when they saw Xu You. After searching for so long, they finally found it! Nothing went wrong this time!

This was a great achievement. When this man was about to contact his teammates, his vision blurred, and then he was brought over by Xue Qianluo.

Xue Qianluo, who has reached the middle stage of the Five Stages, can subdue this ordinary Late Stage monk.

This man was half-impaired in an instant.

Xu You didn't waste any time and directly pulled the person aside for interrogation using unconventional means.

After asking everything, Xu You directly silenced him. The other party did not have a spirit stick, which did not surprise Xu You.

Azure Lotus only ingests extremely bad spirits, but this ghost cultivator does not fall into this category.

"What do you say?" Huangfu Lan asked immediately after seeing Xu You come back from the interrogation.

Xu You pondered, "This is indeed the Lost Realm, and it has only been three hours since we entered that mysterious space!"

"How is it possible!" Xue Qianluo immediately questioned, "We have been in there for three months, how is it possible that only three hours have passed?"

"This is true. That person didn't tell lies. The only possibility is that the time in that mysterious space passes at a different speed than outside." Xu You said and looked at Huangfu Lan and asked,

"Auntie, do you know what's going on?"

Huangfu Lan shook his head, "I have never seen or heard of such a thing. In contrast, we stayed inside for a month and only spent an hour outside!

I have never heard of such a thing.

I've heard before that there are strange things in the world that can slow down or speed up the passage of time, but the effect is not that exaggerated at all. At most, it just makes the flow of time slower within a small range.

And there are very few such wonders in the world, very rare.

As for how a boundless independent space as big as that can slow down time so many times, I have never seen any record in any classics.

In short, that mysterious space is most likely related to this lost realm. As for what the relationship is, this cannot be determined.

I have read a lot of records about the Lost Realm, but I have never seen a description of this mysterious space.

I'll do some research on this when I go out later and see if I can find any clues. "

"Okay." Xu You nodded slightly and stopped worrying about this matter for the time being.

In fact, Xu You thinks it is a very good thing that time flows so slowly. He can be said to be relieved now.

It was previously learned that Xu You had been trapped inside for several months. Although Xu You was calm on the outside, he was still anxious and panicked in his heart.

Such a big thing happened, especially since both himself and Xue Qianluo were trapped inside.

If it really takes a few months, I really don't know how deep Kunlun will be in this matter, how big the matter will be, and how complicated the situation will become.

If this is true, it will be extremely detrimental to Kunlun at this stage, and it is even very likely that it will be dragged into a difficult situation by the Ghost Shadow Sect and those forces that secretly allied with it.

But now only a few hours have passed, and everything is easy to say. I and Xue Qianluo now have no problems and are "behind jail".

The people from Kunlun must be coming to support soon. As long as he and Xue Qianluo have the banner in this lost realm, the initiative will be in Kunlun's hands.

Advance to attack, retreat to defend.

"What about now?" Xue Qianluo asked,

"Wait." Xu You said.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for someone to come." Xu You said with a smile, "Those monks from the Ghost Shadow Sect are not trying to hunt us down. They have been running for so long and don't want to run away again.

Those people need to be killed, especially the one named Shen Shou. "

Xue Qianluo paused for a moment, "Just waiting? What if a bunch of Sixth Realm monks come?"

"Then keep running." Xu You said with a smile, "Now in this Lost Realm, no one can kill us."

Xue Qianluo didn't say anything more. With their current strength, they were indeed safe and their lives were basically not in danger.

Therefore, now that Xu You wants to continue to wait and kill people, Xue Qianluo naturally has no other objections.

When a gentleman takes revenge, the sooner the better.

Huangfu Lan rubbed her forehead. Judging from her life experience, finding an exit now is the best way.

As for revenge, it is not a wise choice at this stage.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late. There is no need to rush in other people's places.

But since Xu You thinks this way, she, as an aunt, will naturally support it.

Young man, I understand. If you want revenge, who has been waiting for you for ten years?

At this time, Xu You spread out his right hand and began to turn the jade stone again. He silently stimulated the effect of Hongfu Qitian.

There is no other reason, just to make it difficult for those who are looking for him, to make them vomit blood and essence all the way, and to be severely disabled first.

Revenge has nothing to do with fairness, justice and morality.

Of course, Xu You now not only said that he simply wanted to avenge Shen Shou and the others, but also wanted to know more information.

Shen Shou definitely knows more about this Lost Realm than Xiao Jinger. How to get out, where to get out, and how to get out safely all have to be learned from Shen Shou's mouth.

And he is not worried at all that there will be situations that he cannot handle. With his current Divine Ability, he can completely walk sideways in this Lost Realm.

For the next time, Xu You put his hands on his hands and waited leisurely for the fish to take the bait.

In this way, a few quarters of an hour later, there began to be movement around. At least seven or eight people surrounded and suppressed them. Most of them were monks in the fifth realm, and there was only one monk in the early stage of the sixth realm.

These people all had Xuan Ming Mirrors in their hands, their faces were pale, and their cultivation levels had also been greatly depleted. It was obvious that they were chasing after them this time, spraying blood all the way.

These people surrounded Xu You from a distance, and then looked at Xu You in confusion.

If I remember correctly, a few hours ago, Xu You and Xue Qianluo, one was a monk in the fourth realm and the other was a monk in the early stage of the fifth realm.

How come Xu You entered the fifth realm in a blink of an eye? Xue Qianluo also advanced to the middle stage of the Five Realms?

Isn't this a joke?

For the first time, these people thought it was violent and hallucinating, but looking left and right, it was all true.

So now I don't even dare to step forward.

They also knew these two people from the pursuit in the past few hours, and knew that their fighting power was off the charts.

At the beginning, Xiao Jinger and Elder Wang were directly killed, and their strength was terrifying.

Now that the aura of cultivation on his body is in such a strong state, people like them are determined to be unable to do it now.

So they just waited for the reinforcements to arrive in a semi-encirclement posture. During this period, if Xu You and the others "break out of the encirclement" and ran away, it would be none of their business.

Then the next moment, these people started to murmur in their hearts.

Because Xu You had no intention of running away at all, but looked at this side with a playful look.

I don't know why, but looking at Xu You's eyes at this moment, these people had some very bad premonitions in their hearts.

After that, some Fifth Realm monks came here one after another to join the semi-surrounding situation.

"Where is Xu You! Where is Xu You!"

After a while, there was a loud shout in the distance, and then four or five people came galloping over.

The first ones were really Shen Shou and Deacon Sun of the Beast Control Sect.

At this moment, Shen Shou's face was full of rage, and his body was full of rage. The whole person was shouting like crazy, where is Xu You?

He had just woken up and had been unconscious for three hours. Fortunately, Deacon Sun took good care of him and treated him while he was in a coma and was seriously injured, helping him recover.

That's why now he can shout with such sufficient energy.

Of course, his cultivation level has only recovered a little, and his body is still seriously injured.

But he didn't care about his physical condition. The moment he woke up, all he could think about was how to kill Xu You.

But as soon as he woke up, his subordinates told him a very painful thing.

Elder Geng Gongming personally inquired about the whereabouts of Xu You and Xue Qianluo, and ordered all the monks of the Ghost Shadow Sect here not to kill these two people but to capture them alive.

The order was handed down just before he woke up. After learning about this, Shen Shou almost vomited three liters of blood.

I almost lost most of my life chasing Xu You, but now I am about to catch Xu You alive, why didn't I tell myself that I wanted to capture him alive?

There was nothing he could do, he had to obey the order from the door. Before this order was passed to others, Xu You happened to show up again at this time.

That’s easy to say, if you can’t kill, then why can’t you still torture?

When it comes to capturing him alive, all he needs to do is stay alive. Thinking that he could torture Xu You to his heart's content later, a sinister smile appeared on Shen Shou's face involuntarily.

The smile in his subordinate's eyes was somewhat penetrating.

At this moment, Shen Shou was no longer as calm as he was outside, and he was dazzled by hatred and anger and was criticizing him like crazy.

In fact, Shen Shou was not like this when he was outside. All the way to this position, he had not experienced any humiliation.

They have experienced the ups and downs and gritted their teeth all the way to this position. They have long been unfazed by favors and humiliations.

But he has never experienced such a situation before. In the past, he could crush the monks of the Four Realms to death with just his fingers without even looking at them.

But Xu You suffered such a big setback and was treated like a pig or dog. I paid such a heavy price along the way and almost died here.

Therefore, such hatred directly changed his personality at the moment. Faced with this situation, there is only one solution, and that is to torture and kill Xu You.

Otherwise, this incident may become his own nightmare and affect the future Great Dao.

"Elder Shen, Xu You and the others are over there." One of his men stepped forward and pointed at Xu You and said.

[Everyone’s feedback in the last chapter was that it was a bit confusing. In the future, I will try to reduce the details and be more concise. The crystal nuclei and mythical beast eggs in this chapter are very important and must be written more about. Shouldn't there be water today? ]

(End of chapter)

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