Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 241 Chapter 324 325 The Bad Woman Caught Xu You And Huangfu Lan Being Intimate, I Will Keep

Chapter 241 Chapter 324 325 The bad woman caught Xu You and Huangfu Lan being intimate, I will keep your secret for the rest of my life!

The two hugged each other tightly, feeling each other's kisses and responding with the most enthusiastic responses.

At this moment, it seemed like there were only two of them left in the world.

Even this kiss had a fierce intensity, as if they were trying to rub each other into each other's bodies.

A young man with a vigorous spirit, and a beautiful woman who has matured for many years.

When I met you at my best age, it was destined that such a relationship would be extremely warm and sincere.

It is destined to be as fierce and violent as a volcano.

For Xu You, the love for her aunt did not happen overnight. From the first meeting, there were so many intersections and shared experiences.

Huangfu Lan has long been imprinted deep in his heart.

She is a very attractive aunt, with a plump figure, a charming temperament, and stringy eyes. Her energy when teasing herself is really charming.

The most important thing is that she is such a strong and capable woman, and it can be said that she is absolutely in line with Xu You's aesthetics and three views in every aspect.

Xu You thinks that she and her aunt are a perfect match!

And for Huangfu Lan, the same is not true. Xu You is like a sharp blade that directly cuts through her heart that has been sealed for many years.

Before meeting Xu You, Huangfu Lan never thought that one day he would fall in love with a boy.

In her perception, the boy is a body integration of childish creatures.

But Xu You directly changed her inherent cognition and entered her life in a very domineering and powerful manner.

It was one kind of life before I met Xu You, and it was another life after I met Xu You.

And it is obvious that the latter life is more meaningful, more vivid, more interesting and brighter for Huangfu Lan.

How could Huangfu Lan not like such a young man who was rare in thousands of years?

What she said to Xu You before was that when Xu You becomes truly powerful, she would go find someone from the Huangfu family if she has the guts. This sentence is definitely not a joke.

But I look forward to such a day from the bottom of my heart. I wonder if Xu You will really be stronger than me by then and will he be overbearing to protect him.

Auntie doesn't have a girlish heart.

She, Huangfu Lan, would naturally think about it occasionally in the dead of night.

Because what Xu You has shown her so far is such a strong potential, he is such a little man who creates miracles for everyone.

The little man will definitely become a strong man in the future. Huangfu Lan has never doubted this.

Then at this moment, all the suppressed love in her heart burst out, engulfing her completely.

Originally, in Huangfu Lan's expectation, this kind of thing could not happen too quickly, because if they were like this now and people knew about it, they would be very passive.

She was so passive that she didn't know how to deal with this matter.

Therefore, she thought about waiting until Xu You became stronger, or at least entered the realm of heaven.

But he didn't expect everything to happen so suddenly. It was at this moment that Huangfu Lan realized how stupid he was.

She always thought that she could do countless things well, so naturally she could handle the matter of love.

Who knew that she would immediately lose her mind as soon as it broke out, directly defeating her psychological defense line.

It turns out that feelings are the most unreasonable thing in the world, and they are not something you can master if you want to.

At this moment, Huangfu Lan has long forgotten all his plans. Go to your plans, go to your reason, go to your caution.

Now there is only one thought in my mind, kiss, hug, stick to each other.

She felt as dizzy as if she were in the clouds. The smell of the little man was so strong that she was suffocated.

The physical and mental experience brought by kissing was something she had never experienced before. The time Xu You attacked her before was not clear. But this time, she felt it deeply.

At this time, Xu You's genes began to instinctively drive his behavior.

As we all know, when a man is kissing, it is absolutely impossible for his free hands not to sneak up on him.

Genes and instincts drive men to find the first maternal love.

Xu You was like this at the moment, with his hands familiarly placed on Huangfu Lan's waist, and then headed north, looking for the season of flower blooming.


Just when Xu You was about to find it, his hands were grabbed by Huangfu Lan.

At this moment, Huangfu Lan came over slightly, took the initiative to leave, took a big breath of fresh air, shook his head to Xu You and said,

"No, it can't be like this."

Xu You lowered his eyes slightly and looked at Huangfu Lan, only to see that the other person's face was incredibly rosy at the moment. He had never seen Huangfu Lan's cheeks so rosy.

His eyes were even more blurry and unfocused, and his whole person was in a rare state of confusion.

Such a charming Huangfu Lan really makes Xu You almost unable to breathe now.

"Auntie, it's okay, auntie."

"No!" Huangfu Lan forced himself to shake his head, "We can't get to this point now, otherwise it will be really troublesome if anyone finds out."

"How could anyone know?" Xu You asked, "Auntie, who would come here without your permission?"

"That's very little."

"That's alright, God knows this and no third party knows about it." Xu You said nicely, "Auntie, I like you, I really like you. Let's get along!"

"Ah? You" Huangfu Lan was stunned for a moment, his face became even more rosy, almost bleeding. But in the end I still shook my head,

"No, it will be really troublesome if people find out."

"Auntie, have you forgotten my blessing? My Hongfu Qitian, Auntie, as long as we keep it secret, how could a third party know about it?

My luck is really good! "


But Xu You didn't give Huangfu Lan a chance to speak anymore, and directly buckled Huangfu Lan again and kissed Huangfu Lan fiercely.

Xu You doesn't want to worry too much now. The side effects of Hong Fu Qitian have passed at that time. He really doesn't believe that he will still be unlucky enough to be discovered now.

This place is so secretive that it is basically impossible for a third person to know about it, and it is even less likely that my luck will be bad enough to be discovered.

Therefore, now is the best opportunity. Xu You has always been a person who is good at seizing opportunities.

He didn't expect that he could develop to this point with Huangfu Lan tonight, but now that it has developed to this point, it is the best time to take a further step.

Otherwise, if you miss this opportunity, where can you find such a good opportunity again in the future? If you are timid and cowardly, will you regret it later?

He Xu You has never been a timid man. In other words, a timid man is not worthy of having multiple women.

Xu You has always had courage, otherwise why would these aunties like him?

As long as you are brave, aunts can take maternity leave!

Therefore, Xu You is more domineering at this moment, giving Huangfu Lan no chance to resist.

He tightly hugged Huangfu Lan's body, and the latter's body seemed to have no bones at this moment, and he didn't even have the strength to resist at all.

It is obvious that his cultivation level is much higher than that of Xu You, but for some reason, he can't exert any strength or cultivation level after being hugged by Xu You like this.

Xu You can do whatever he wants.

"Auntie, I'm serious. If you don't believe me, look at my heartbeat. It's beating feverishly for you."

Xu You said in a vague voice, then took Huangfu Lan's right hand and placed it on his chest to feel the heartbeat.

The pounding of the heartbeat was transmitted through Huangfu Lan's palm into her heart, and her heart was also beating wildly.

And the two of them were in a state of kissing. Xu You's voice was conducted along the bones, the kind of voice that was thick and deep that went directly to the depths of the soul.

The murmur of voices and the sound of heartbeat once again annihilated Huangfu Lan's rational thinking, this time obviously even more completely.

Totally crazy!

So, under the moonlight, by the river, in the courtyard.

The boy and the mature woman kissed passionately. The bright red and thin clothes on the plump mature woman looked particularly attractive under the moonlight.

The gentle curves were like ripples of water, and the two of them were completely in love at this time.

When a man is in love and a woman is interested, the atmosphere is full, the environment is full, the emotions are full, and the state is full.

Xu You's big hands came to the jade belt around her aunt's waist without knowing when.

At this time, Huangfu Lan, who felt his waist being held down by Xu You's big hand, found the strength to grab Xu You's wrist again, his voice almost pleading.

"No, this is really not the time for me to make a mistake. We can't do this."

"Auntie, it's really okay. Is there any reason in the world to prevent people from falling in love? It's time to change the rules of the Huangfu family. Leave it to me. I will find a way to deal with it in the future."

Xu You guided with great patience. In other words, at this moment, every man will be the most patient and the most talkative.

"No way"

Xu You saw that although Huangfu Lan was still a little loose, he was obviously much looser than before, and he suddenly understood.

If you increase the intensity while it's hot, you can basically completely shake Huangfu Lan's psychological defense.

From now on, the best life will beckon to you.

Thinking of this, Xu You's heart suddenly felt hot. He couldn't even imagine what a wonderful life he would have after getting along with his aunt!

Thinking that my aunt can lie in my arms at any time in the future, I don't know how to describe the feeling.

Just when Xu You wanted to continue to move forward, his expression suddenly changed.

A terrifying coercion suddenly came from above the courtyard, followed by a very majestic and old man's voice blasting through the courtyard.

"Is Xiaolan here?"

When he heard this voice, the dazed Huangfu Lan woke up with a start. His eyes were clear but panic quickly came over him.

The panic was palpable, and Xu You stared at Huangfu Lan with wide eyes. He had never seen such a panicked Huangfu Lan.

In his impression, Huangfu Lan has always been very stable and calm in everything he encounters. But now I am really panicking.

With her panic, Xu You also started to panic.

"Auntie, who is looking for you?" Xu You asked in shock.

"My third uncle Huangfu Yun!" Huangfu Lan said anxiously.

"But that senior who went to Dongyang to look for you?" Xu You asked in retrospect.

"It's him."

"I'll wipe it." Xu You's face suddenly changed and his feet began to tremble.

He must know Huangfu Yun. His aunt's third uncle is one of the top Apex Level warriors in the Huangfu family. He has cultivated to the eighth realm of heaven and is an absolute Apex Level warrior.

This old man has been famous for many years and has made a statement.

If Xu You knew about his relationship with Huangfu Lan, Xu You couldn't imagine what would happen to him under the rules of the Huangfu family.

Even if Huangfu Yun was so angry that he slapped himself to death, I'm afraid Kunlun wouldn't be easy to pick against.

"No, what's going on, aunt? Why does your third uncle come to see you so late at night?" Xu You stood up quickly and asked with a trembling voice.

"I didn't know! Maybe something important happened in the pavilion, so I came here." Huangfu Lan quickly stood up and straightened his wrinkled clothes and messy hair.

"But that's not important. Think about what to do first."

"What should I do, auntie?" Xu You asked quickly.

The blush on Huangfu Lan's face has not dissipated, and she still looks so charming. She said angrily, "Now you know you are afraid?

Why weren't you afraid just now? Um? How dare you be so bold just now? "

"Auntie, stop talking and tell me what to do."


"Yes, hide!" Xu You aimed at the fragrant couch, and then prepared to bend down and hide under the bed.

Huangfu Lan grabbed Xu You and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Hide down here."

"Hiding under the bed? Do you think my third uncle is blind? Is it useful to hide here?"

"Then where to hide?" Xu You looked everywhere, "Is it useful to hide in the room? Can I hide?"

"It's useless. Although my yard is big, it's not that big, and I don't have any powerful isolation formations. With my third uncle's strength, he will definitely find that the aura here is wrong, and it will be easy to find you when the time comes."

After all, Huangfu Lan is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. At this moment, his heart slowly calmed down and his mind was spinning rapidly.

"It's actually useless to hide now. If you are discovered, you can't explain it. It's better to be generous and let my third uncle know that you are here."


"Ah what!" Huangfu Lan glared at Xu You and reached out to pinch Xu You's arm angrily, "Isn't it all your fault for being dishonest!

What can be done now? Please stop talking later and I will explain. "


"Nothing but! Remember, just cooperate well. Aren't you usually very capable? Isn't it your specialty to talk to people when you meet them?

It’s the same this time, just forget everything else and just treat it as meeting an elder. do you know? "

"I understand. I will cooperate with you, auntie."

At this point, Xu You can only nod his head.

He does have a lot of experience in treating people. Under normal circumstances, he can naturally make the elders happy when dealing with them.

But this time it was different. It was really difficult to stop something like a guilty conscience, so naturally, Xu You was under unprecedented pressure.

From the time the two people stopped to the time they finished speaking, a figure landed precisely on the atrium.

It was Huangfu Yun. Although he didn't get a reply from Huangfu Lan just now, as the third uncle who watched Huangfu Lan grow up, it would not be rude for him to come in directly at this moment.

"Third uncle, why are you here?" Huangfu Lan quickly walked out of the pavilion and said hello to Huangfu Yun.

Her current state has finally been temporarily adjusted to a slightly normal state, not as exaggerated as it was at the beginning.

Huangfu Yun didn't speak, his eyes just passed over Huangfu Lan and then fell on Xu You who was standing behind with his hands tied.

Then he looked at the messy traces on the incense couch, and finally landed on Huangfu Lan's body. There was still some blush on his face.

He grew up watching Huangfu Lan and was very familiar with his niece, especially Huangfu Lan's personality.

At this moment, although Huangfu Lan looked normal, she was still very different from her usual self.

In other words, it seems that he, the third uncle, has never seen Huangfu Lan in such a state?

Looking at the subtle surroundings and Xu You, Huangfu Yun never realized anything was wrong, and his life was in vain for so many years.

As a result, the scene suddenly became quiet, and Xu You still stood there obediently without speaking.

Huangfu Lan's psychological pressure gradually increased. In the end, she could only raise her head and look at her third uncle as usual, and asked,

"What's the important thing for Third Uncle to come?"

"Things in the pavilion seem to be less urgent than the current situation." Huangfu Yun said calmly,

"Xiaolan, aren't you going to explain what's going on? Why is that Kunlun disciple here with you this late at night?"

"Oh, I called him here." Huangfu Lan smiled, "We talked about cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Huangfu Yun asked, "What kind of cooperation can a junior monk like him have with you? How can he come to your small courtyard to discuss things so late at night? Is he in such a hurry?"

"Third uncle, don't underestimate today's young people. Xu You's Helian Adult Store has amazing benefits. Look at this."

Huangfu Lan very calmly took out a jade talisman and handed it to the other party and said, "This is the income we have gained from our cooperation during this period."

Huangfu Yun took the jade talisman with an indifferent expression at first, but when he saw clearly the benefits recorded densely in the jade talisman, even though he had experienced countless things in the world, his expression became a little surprised at this moment.

"How can we make so much profit in ten days?"


So, Huangfu Yun turned to look at Huangfu Lan and asked very curiously, "What kind of business is this? Can you make money like this?"

The latter explained, "Well, I can't explain it clearly in a sentence or two. If the third uncle is interested, he can go back and find out the details. This is all documented in the cabinet."

"You are Xu You, right?" Huangfu Yun looked past Huangfu Lan and landed on Xu You.

Xu You then raised his head and looked at the famous old man in front of him, bowed and said, "Senior, I'm Xu You, a disciple of Kunlun."

"Since you are doing business, why don't you cooperate with your own Kunlun and choose to cooperate with our Jubao Pavilion?" Huangfu Yun asked, squinting his old eyes.

Xu You slowly calmed down at this moment. I have to say that Huangfu Lan's mind is really fast. The reason he found is perfect. He can cooperate well.

"Senior, my business is actually quite underground. We don't do this kind of business in Kunlun. I actually do it secretly, and then I happened to meet Manager Huangfu, so I cooperated with Jubao Pavilion."

"That's it, then why are you here this time?" Huangfu Yun continued to ask.

"Ahem." Xu You said a little embarrassed, "I'm here to ask for money. Although we and Lian Sheng do rely on the cooperation of Jubao Pavilion.

But Manager Huangfu pumped too hard. The money we and Liansheng got was really small. This time we came here to get half of the profit.

In fact, I have communicated with Manager Huangfu many times about this matter. This time, Manager Huangfu could not bear my harassment, so he asked me to come here. "

After hearing Xu You's explanation, Huangfu Yun nodded slightly, without expressing his opinion, but said, "It's not appropriate for you to communicate this kind of business in private.

Do you come to this yard often? "

"No, I'll get back to you." Xu You replied.

At this time, Huangfu Lan on the side raised his eyebrows directly, "Third uncle, what do you mean? Interrogate my guest?"

Huangfu Yun paused for a moment, and Huangfu Lan continued, "Tell me what the third uncle is here for."

When Huangfu Yun saw this, he really didn't have anything to ask anymore.

Although on the surface, Xu You and Huangfu Lan do seem to be very serious, but these subtleties cannot withstand scrutiny. The two of them are definitely not that simple.

In addition, when he was in Dongyang County, Huangfu Lan still stayed to take charge of Xu You, which made Huangfu Yun feel that it was not simple.

But there is no evidence, and it’s really hard to ask more questions now. So, Huangfu Yun was just the first to say,

"Come here, I'll tell you the next thing."

Huangfu Lan glanced at Xu You and then followed his third uncle to the side to talk.

Xu You stayed put, feeling a little relieved, and then looked at the uncle and nephew over there and said what if.

After a while, the two finally agreed.

Huangfu Yun finally said, "This matter is very important to the pavilion. All your focus in the next period of time must be on this."

"Okay, I understand." Huangfu Lan nodded.

Then, Huangfu Yun paused again and said. "Xiaolan, you should know many things without me having to say more. After all, the rules of our Huangfu family are here.

Don't do anything ridiculous, otherwise you will be in trouble. "

Huangfu Lan raised his eyebrows slightly and raised his eyebrows directly, "Uncle Third, what do you mean? I noticed something was wrong with you when you came just now. You don't think there is something going on between me and Xu You, do you?"

"Not really."

Huangfu Lan said angrily, "Uncle, please don't go too far! How old am I, and how old is Xu You? There is a gap of several generations! What are you thinking!"

No matter what I do, how can I be interested in a little kid? I called him here simply to discuss cooperation. This young man is worth investing in! I am working for our cabinet! "

"Okay, okay." Huangfu Yun laughed cheerfully and said nothing more.

But in fact, there was more and more murmuring in my heart, Huangfu Lan was so smart that he was misled by his cleverness. Based on his understanding of his niece, being so anxious now proves that something is wrong.

Otherwise, with Huangfu Lan's temperament, it is impossible to explain anything for this kind of thing, and he will only ignore himself.

Of course, Huangfu Lan didn't say much, he just kept an eye on the matter.

"Uncle, if there's nothing else, you can leave." Huangfu Lan directly gave the eviction order, "I still have something to do."

"Okay, anyway, you have to remember what Third Uncle said." Huangfu Yun gave a final reminder, and then disappeared.

Huangfu Lan did not rush back to the pavilion, but waited there for a while. After confirming that his third uncle had left, he turned back with a slight sigh of relief.

Xu You greeted Huangfu Yun immediately. He didn’t ask Huangfu Yun what was going on. It was a secret inside the Renjubao Pavilion. He just asked,

"How is Auntie? Senior, he doesn't doubt us anymore, does he?"

"How can I not doubt it! My third uncle is not stupid. He eats more salt than you eat rice. But there is really no evidence for this kind of thing, so he didn't say anything more.

But he will definitely take it to heart. Huangfu Lan said angrily.

Xu You smiled coquettishly, "That's right. It's actually okay, auntie. He is your third uncle after all. And as long as we are more careful in the future, it won't be a big problem."

"Do you still want to have a future?" Huangfu Lan glared at Xu You, "I see now that you are really bold. Aren't you afraid that my third uncle noticed something wrong and slapped you to death?"

"What am I afraid of?" Xu You straightened up, "I am a disciple of Kunlun. How could your Third Uncle bully a junior? Furthermore, how could he risk killing me."

"You!" Huangfu Lan pointed at Xu You's nose, "You're quite proud, aren't you?"

"I'm just telling the truth."

"How dare you come to me at night?"

"Isn't that why you called me here, aunt?"

"I asked you to come and kiss me." Huangfu Lan choked up mid-sentence, and finally gave Xu You a chestnut, "Didn't you say that you are blessed with great fortune?"

Xu You smiled coquettishly again, muttering about his luck in his heart.

Damn it, couldn’t this be the side effects of Hong Fu Qitian that haven’t passed yet? It’s been several days, when will it end!

"Okay, you go back first." Huangfu Lan said nothing more and just waved to Xu You.

"Auntie, you just threw me away when you're done with me?" Xu You looked at Huangfu Lan in disbelief.

"What nonsense!" Huangfu Lan's face began to blush again.

"I won't leave!" Xu You stepped forward and hugged Huangfu Lan, "I won't leave!"

"You are so brave! What are you doing! Let go!" Huangfu Lan felt powerless again after being hugged by Xu You.

"Not loose!"

"Aren't you afraid that my third uncle will come back and see you? He will really kill you when the time comes."

"Just kill, I really don't believe in evil."

Xu You said that he was about to bite, just when he touched Huangfu Lan's lips accurately.

Suddenly Huangfu Lan pushed Xu You away. Although his face was flushed, he turned his head solemnly and looked to the left, and shouted sharply,


Xu You was shocked, quickly let go, and then followed Huangfu Lan's gaze.

The delicate piece of paper on the table next to him that Xie Mengqing gave to Huangfu Lan as a provocation was facing him at the moment. There was a ray of light emitting from it, which contained a very light wave of magic.

Soon, the breath shot out of the paper and flew away into the distance.

Huangfu Lan reacted quickly and absorbed the escaping aura on the spot and eliminated it on the spot. Then he looked at the paper with an extremely ugly face.

Although Xu You didn't understand what this technique was at the moment, he had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running away, so he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Auntie, what's going on?"

Huangfu Lan said with a gloomy face, "Xie Mengqing's shameless vixen left a trace of breath on this for monitoring purposes."

"Ah?" An extremely horrified expression appeared on Xu You's face, and he quickly asked, "No, were we just seen or heard?"

Huangfu Lan shook his head and nodded, "It's possible. But that ray of magic was destroyed by me. I don't know what's going on with Xie Mengqing now."

Xu You suddenly had a headache. If Xie Mengqing knew about her affair with Huangfu Lan, what would happen?

This Xie Mengqing is Huangfu Lan's enemy.

Huangfu Lan gritted his teeth angrily and said, "This damn vixen is really vicious! He actually uses such a nasty method!"

Xu You asked, "Auntie, didn't you feel something was wrong when you received this?"

"No." Huangfu Lan snorted coldly, "Now do you know how dirty this vixen's heart is? She has a snake-like heart and is extremely vicious."

Xu You fell silent. He directly understood why Xie Mengqing was called a snake and scorpion woman. She did have a scheming plan.

A real bad woman.

"You go back first. I'll go to Tianyuan City to resolve this matter." Huangfu Lan said directly.

"No, aunt, you want to find that Xie Siniang?"


"Isn't it appropriate to go now? Isn't it self-inflicted?"

"This is not a question of whether to recruit or not. The sooner we can negotiate this matter, the better."

"Then let me go together."

"No, it will only make it more troublesome if you go. I can solve it."

"Auntie, then Xie Siniang is so bad, I'm worried."

"What are you worried about? He's just a vicious vixen! I've seen this kind of thing a lot, don't worry, I'm sensible." Huangfu Lan snorted coldly and left in a flash of surprise.

Xu You paused on the spot, only feeling a bit of toothache, what the hell is this?

Are you really that unlucky? Gan! Will the great blessings of Dog Day be over? Xu You is now extremely worried looking at Huangfu Lan's disappearing back. All she can do now is wait here for Huangfu Lan to handle things.

He also believed that Huangfu Lan could handle it well. After all, Huangfu Lan's ability was there.

Tianyuan City, the top floor of Wanbao Building.

In a large room with extremely luxurious decoration, Xie Mengqing, dressed in black, sat there with her sexy legs crossed.

At this moment, she half-squinted her beautiful fox eyes, holding a copy of the real image in her hand, and looking at it.

The real image is a bit blurry and only lasts a few seconds, but it can be clearly seen that the two people inside are Xu You and Huangfu Lan, hugging each other in a very intimate posture.

To be honest, Xie Mengqing was really shocked at this moment. I didn't expect that I would actually get such a big melon for myself.

There is such an unknown relationship between the chief executive of Zhongtu Tianzhou in Jubao Pavilion and the first genius of Kunlun Immortal Sect!

This is definitely an Apex Level secret. It seems like they can keep this secret for a lifetime?

[As usual, please ask for a small monthly ticket again, okay~~]

(End of chapter)

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