Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 242 Chapter 326 327 A Battle Of Wits Between Beautiful Women, A Bad Woman Versus A Good Aunt

Chapter 242 Chapter 326 327 A battle of wits between beautiful women, a bad woman versus a good aunt, I have secured your corner.

Xie Siniang was wearing a black gown with slightly slits at the edges like a cheongsam, and her legs were folded at the moment.

As a result, her plump, jade-like white thighs were slightly exposed.

She gently tapped her green jade fingers on the white skin of her thighs.

Because the skin is so delicate, a light tap with your fingers can cause a slight blush.

Xie Siniang didn't pay attention, she just stretched out charmingly, her plump figure was extremely shocking.

After that, her beautiful fox eyes narrowed slightly, a smile formed on the corners of her mouth, and her mind was thinking about how to deal with this matter.

This secret is of extremely great value. As an old rival of Jubao Pavilion, she naturally knows the rules of the Huangfu family. She also knows that Huangfu Lan can sit in this position, which is extremely important.

As for Xu You, Xie Siniang is more surprised now.

She had contact with that little man yesterday. To be honest, she had a very good impression of Xu You. I appreciate everyone's excellence as a person, in dealing with things, and in myself.

But I didn't expect that such a brat could actually get along with Huangfu Lan?

She, Huangfu Lan, can reach where she is today without knowing how much hard work she has put in. Such a woman should be like herself and don't need any man.

But she didn't expect that she would get along with Xu You. Huangfu Lan must know the risks and possible costs better than anyone else, but she still did it.

What is the charm of Xu You that makes Huangfu Lan willing to do this?

At this moment, Xie Siniang's curiosity about the relationship between the two of them was greater than the value of the matter itself.

She was indeed very interested in knowing how the two of them could get along so well despite such a huge gap.

It's a pity that the spell she left on the paper was discovered and destroyed by Huangfu Lan, and only the scene of a few breaths was sent back. She really doesn't know what happened between Xu You and Huangfu Lan just now.

While Xie Siniang was thinking about this, there was a noise outside the door.

"Manager Huangfu, you really can't force your way in. It's against the rules. If you do this again, I'll really yell at you. It won't look good then."

"Go away and call your stewards out."

This was the voice of Huangfu Lan. After speaking, he shouted into the room very penetratingly, "Fox, I know you are inside, come out and see people."

After hearing this, Xie Siniang pulled away from her thoughts and still had a calm smile on her face.

She didn't look angry at all. It wasn't her who should be angry at this time, but she didn't expect Huangfu Lan to come so soon.

Then, Xie Siniang stood up slowly, and the black satin clothes on her body slid down along the curve.

Her extremely exaggerated plump figure was wrapped in uneven and graceful shapes.

"Let her in." Xie Siniang said lazily toward the door.

The movement outside stopped, and the door was quickly opened, and Huangfu Lan, dressed in red clothes, walked in.

With a calm expression, her eyes wandered around the room indifferently, and finally landed on Xie Siniang.

To be honest, when his eyes fell on Xie Siniang, Huangfu Lan couldn't help but be in a trance for the first time.

The other party's appearance is really stunning, and a woman with such a rich face is really rare in the world.

There is not even a single flaw on his body. His appearance, figure, and temperament are all the most Apex Level. Especially that figure, the fullness can put all women to shame.

Including Huangfu Lan, in fact, Huangfu Lan is still very confident about her figure and plumpness.

But I have to say that compared to Xie Siniang's plumpness, she is still a little inferior.

Apart from anything else, Huangfu Lan also has to give him a thumbs up in terms of looks and figure.

"Manager Huangfu, you rare visitor, what brought you here? It's been quite a while since you last came here, right?"

Xie Siniang said hello with a smile, and then started to get busy making tea for Huangfu Lan and serving the fruit plate.

They are very passionate, and those who don’t know it would think they are great sisters.

Huangfu Lan, on the other hand, still looked expressionlessly at the slutty figure with a slim waist and a big ass facing her. Xie Siniang's clothes were close-fitting and could perfectly show off her curves.

The way he was bending over and busy with his back turned was indeed very eye-catching.

Soon, Xie Siniang, who was quick with her hands and feet, was busy with her work. Then she crossed her legs and elegantly sat down on the edge of the coffee table, and then said,

"Manager Huangfu, please take a seat. This spiritual tea is very good."

Huangfu Lan paused for a moment, then walked directly over and sat down opposite him, straightening his waist and crossing his legs.

So, one red and one black, the two most Supreme Grade mature women sat in such a tit-for-tat posture.

Rather than tit-for-tat, it's more of a showdown.

The appearance and figure of the two people are of the highest grade, and they are both at the most mature age. Even their profiles are amazingly good-looking.

In addition, their status is exactly equal and they are in a completely competitive relationship.

Therefore, just by sitting there and looking at each other, the smell of gunpowder was already dissipated.

That is to say, Xu You was not here at this moment, otherwise he would have been able to stare straight out when he saw two mature aunties sitting opposite each other with their legs crossed.

In this way, the room fell into a brief silence. After a while, Xie Siniang picked up a cup of hot tea, blowing hot air on her seductive red lips.

After taking a sip, he looked at Huangfu Lan with a smile and asked, "Manager Huangfu, I wonder why you came to me so eagerly?"

"You know what you're asking, right?" Huangfu Lan also took a sip of hot tea and asked lightly.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. Please make it clear that the one I hate the most is the Riddler." Xie Siniang replied.

"I received the jade talisman you gave me, but is it too much for you to leave the monitoring spell on it?"

Huangfu Lan paused for a moment, then continued to narrow his eyes and said, "How can you, a vixen, be so dirty anytime, anywhere?"

"Huangfu is in charge, just say what you say. Can you try to curse again?" The smile on Xie Siniang's face began to slowly fade away.

"Sexy vixen!" Huangfu Lan said these four words one by one.

Xie Siniang's fox eyes began to narrow, and finally she said softly, "Is it possible that men like this, just like your distinguished guest Xu You I met last night.

He said that I was the most beautiful and plump aunt he had ever seen. "

Huangfu Lan raised her eyes slightly when she heard this. She knew that Xu You didn't tell her the truth just now. Wasn't he even more promiscuous when he met Xie Siniang last night?

Thinking of this, Huangfu Lan wanted to push Xu You to the ground and punish her severely.

But now is not the time to care about these things. Huangfu Lan naturally cannot fall into such a Low Level provocation. She turned a deaf ear and sarcastically said,

"Nassau is just a way to show off. What else do you want besides this, you vixen?"

"Manager Huangfu, if you don't talk about business and keep talking useless nonsense, don't blame me for expelling guests." Xie Siniang's expression also became colder.

"Give me the footage you secretly photographed, and I'll pretend I don't know about it." Huangfu Lan got straight to the point.

"What secret filming? How could I do such a thing?"

Huangfu Lan sneered, "I also hate the Riddler the most. We are all sensible people. Don't treat people as fools."

Xie Siniang was silent for a moment after hearing this, then lowered his head and took a sip of hot tea.

Huangfu Lan continued, "Tell me what you want in exchange. Make a price."

"Steward Huangfu, you are making it sound like I have a bad character." Xie Siniang replied.

"Haha." Huangfu Lan said sarcastically, "Who doesn't know that you have a vicious heart, but you still have character? Be happy."

"Since Steward Huangfu is quick to talk, I won't hold back. It's just that Steward Huangfu, you really think too badly of me."

Xie Siniang said lightly, and then directly threw the real image of those few seconds to Huangfu Lan,

"This scene was indeed unintentional and purely coincidental. I never thought that you would have such a relationship with Xu You."

Huangfu Lan took the jade talisman and looked at the short scene inside. Fortunately, the content was relatively short, and it was only an intimate hug.

Huangfu Lan was slightly relieved, but now he didn't believe Xie Siniang at all, and continued to ask, "That's all?"

"What do you mean only these?" Xie Siniang was very curious and asked with a hint of gossip in her eyes,

"Guanshi Huangfu means that this real image only records ordinary scenes. Did you and Xu You have a higher level scene just now?"

Huangfu Lan paused for a moment, not thinking about answering this question at all, but just said, "Now that we have spoken out, let's not hide it and bring out the other real images."

Xie Siniang shrugged her round shoulders slightly, "This is the only picture that was sent back. Manager Huangfu, you are so powerful that you can directly obliterate that spell.

Good luck getting these back. "

"Do you think I believe it or not?" Huangfu Lan half-squinted his eyes, full of doubt.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Everyone knows that you, Xie Siniang, like to keep your hands to yourself when doing things. How could you just hand over all your trump cards to me when you come up?" Huangfu Lan said calmly,

"I said, take it all out and pay the price."

"Huangfu Lan, am I so worthless to you?"


So, Xie Siniang sneered, "No matter how ruthless I am in my actions, I still don't bother to threaten people with things like men and women.

I disdain such shameless and bottomless things. "

Huangfu Lan paused and finally said, "So, this is the entire real image?"


"Do you have a backup?"

"No, this is the only one in the world."

"Then you are so confident that you just handed it over to me first?" Huangfu Lan asked in surprise.

"I said that this real image was taken accidentally, and I don't bother to threaten you with this kind of thing." Xie Siniang explained.

Huangfu Lan just shook his head silently.

"Don't believe it?" Xie Siniang asked with narrowed eyes.

"I don't believe it." Huangfu Lan replied very frankly, "We have known each other for so many years, so I naturally know what kind of person you are.

Now are you willing to just expose this matter? Do you think I believe it or not? "

Xie Siniang sighed slightly, "I thought you would thank me, but I didn't expect you would be doubted. I want to be a good person now!"

"Let's do it later." Huangfu Lan said calmly, "Don't play with me here about sisterly affection.

Tell me, what do you want me to give you in exchange for it? " Huangfu Lan said directly, "As long as the exchange value is reasonable, I agree. Of course, if you open your mouth like a lion, I can't agree to it. "

Xie Siniang glanced lazily at Huangfu Lan, then leaned back on the chair, squeezing her body against the chair.

Her plump and voluptuous figure seemed to be bursting with clothes.

Extremely exaggerated.

"Since Manager Huangfu doesn't trust me so much, I'm going to get some benefits so that you don't get suspicious. Two things."


Xie Siniang stretched out her index finger and said, "First, tell me what happened between you and Xu You. I'm very curious now about how the two of you got together. This is much more interesting to me than asking for money. .

Of course, don’t worry, there are no recorded or screened Law Weapons here. If you don’t believe it, you can check it yourself.

You know what I said here today. "

Huangfu Lan frowned slightly when he heard this, "Are you curious about this?"

"Yes, very curious."

"Are you sick? Are you asking this?" Huangfu Lan cursed directly.

"How can you say you are sick?" Xie Siniang smiled coquettishly, "I have been doing things every day for decades, so naturally I need some magical things to relax.

And I am naturally extremely curious about the fact that you can be together with Xu You. We have known each other for so many years, and I think I know a little about you.

You are a person who values ​​your career more than anything else. To achieve this position is to abide by the family rules of the Huangfu family.

Now you are willing to put yourself in danger for a boy who is less than twenty years old and take the career you have worked hard for so many years seriously. Do you think I am curious? "

Huangfu Lan fell silent and said calmly, "Then you are overthinking. Xu You and I are innocent. This scene is actually a misunderstanding, not what you think."

"I misunderstood that you are so anxious to find me? Why don't you explain?"

"Explanation?" Huangfu Lan sneered, "Can you believe the explanation? It's better to just spend money and have fun."

"I believe it." Xie Siniang smiled, "I believe that you and Xu You are innocent. Since you are innocent, let me tell you the second thing."


Xie Siniang said, "I am very interested in Xu You. Since you are innocent, I don't want to be innocent. In the future, I will have more in-depth contact with Xu You on behalf of Wanbao Tower. Do you have any objections?"

Huangfu Lan's hands wrapped around his chest were in the corner where Xie Siniang couldn't see. His fingers were already pinched together, but his face said as usual,

"It's your freedom to trade with Xu You, but I kindly remind you. I don't need to tell you what your fate is.

If something happens to Xu You because of you, I can't guarantee what will happen to Kunlun. After all, you must know how important Xu You is to Kunlun now.

So I advise you to take care of yourself and not do anything that puts Wanbao Tower at risk. "

Xie Siniang just said lightly, "You still know too little about me. Since I dare to say such things, I can guarantee that I will not cause any harm to Xu You. How can I have no sense of propriety?"

Huangfu Lan was silent for a while, and then continued to ask, "What else?"

"No, I just said these two things." Xie Siniang shook her head and said, "Since you said that you and Xu You are innocent, I won't ask any more questions, just leave it at that.

Oh, by the way, give me a Shenzhou coin. The money and goods will be paid in full. Wanbaolou never does no capital transactions. "

Huangfu Lan threw a Shenzhou coin to the opponent, then directly raised the jade talisman in his hand, and finally asked,

"Xie Siniang, are you sure you don't have a backup?"


Huangfu Lan said coldly, "I came here today to solve this matter. Since we solve it now, that's the end of it. If I see or hear about this anywhere later, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Natural." Xie Siniang smiled lightly.

"Let me ask you one last time, you can obviously make good use of this matter to get what you want, why did you expose it so easily?" Huangfu Lan looked at Xie Siniang with burning eyes.

Xie Siniang took a leisurely sip of tea and said, "Although you and I have been fighting for many years, I am not willing to do such a shameless thing.

If you fall into my hands with other information, I will not let it go easily and will give you a good break. But forget it.

I have long been dissatisfied with the family rules of your Huangfu family. I obviously rely on you for food now, but now I have such great restrictions on you. What's the point of living in such a family?

Furthermore, I actually admire you very much. There are not many capable women in this world that I can admire, and you are one of them.

Therefore, I will naturally surpass you in an upright manner. A mere image is not worth mentioning here. I won't use something like this against you.

Of course, there is the most important point.

Now your Jubao Pavilion and our Wanbao Pavilion are relatively peaceful here in Zhongtu Tianzhou, because our concepts are similar.

I have important things to do at the moment, and I still want to maintain the current situation, and don't want other twists and turns to affect me. If you go down and a stupid person comes up, it will be very troublesome for me and will not do any good.

Therefore, now that Mr. Huangfu is in charge, you can sit in this position with peace of mind. Sit peacefully and contentedly. "

Huangfu Lan narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party, "So, what you really want is here, right? If I keep the current route in the future, everyone will be fine together.

But if I want to change course, this matter will still become your bargaining chip. "

"Alas." Xie Siniang sighed slightly, "After saying so much, you still don't trust me, that's all. Time will prove it."

"I hope so." Huangfu Lan looked at the other party deeply, and then prepared to stand up and leave.

At this time, Xie Siniang shouted directly, "Huangfu is in charge, please go slowly."

"Anything else?"

"You're here, it's a rare visit, let's sit down and chat for a while." Xie Siniang said with a smile.

"I have nothing to talk about with you."

"Let's talk about Xu You. I want to know more about him. You're not interested anyway, so I'll accept it." Xie Siniang said with twinkling fox eyes.

"Sexy vixen." Huangfu Lan made a final sarcastic comment and then turned around and left. How could she say these things to Xie Siniang here?

Xie Siniang watched Huangfu Lan leave. This time he did not hold back, but continued to drink hot tea with a beautiful smile.

Looking at Erlang's legs elegantly, he is unparalleled in charm.

In Tianque City, it was already late at night when Huangfu Lan rushed back to his residence again.

As soon as he landed in the courtyard, Huangfu Lan saw Xu You sitting there.

"Why are you still here? Didn't I ask you to go back?" Huangfu Lan asked with a slight frown.

When Xu You saw Da Hong's figure landing, he immediately went up to meet her and said with concern, "Auntie, how can you make me feel relieved and leave directly? I will definitely wait for you here.

How about that, what did Xie Siniang say? Does she know about us? "

After saying that, Xu You kindly pushed Huangfu Lan to sit down on the fragrant couch, and then stood behind her familiarly and gently rubbed her shoulders.

Huangfu Lan felt Xu You's obedient massage. She did not rush to answer Xu You's questions, but immediately thought of what Xie Mengqing said to her.

Xu You said that I was the plumpest aunt he had ever seen.

At that time in Wanbao Building, Huangfu Lan couldn't ask many questions, let alone express anything, so he kept everything suppressed. Now when he saw Xu You, he remembered these words, and then he became very angry.

"Stop pressing, what are you pressing?" Huangfu Lan said angrily.

Xu You was stunned, paused for a moment, and asked carefully, "Auntie, is it not going well with Xie Siniang?"

"Let me ask you, what did you do last time you met with Xie Mengqing?" Huangfu Lan asked directly.

"Auntie, didn't I explain everything to you when I came here just now?" Xu You replied quickly.

"It's up to you to explain." Huangfu Lan sneered, "Xie Mengqing said, you said she is the most charming aunt you have ever seen, right?"

"Nonsense!" Xu You immediately raised his voice, "Auntie, this is sowing discord! Who is Xie Siniang? That's where her reputation lies.

No matter how bastard I am, I wouldn't dare to say those words to her when we first met. I still care about my own life very much, and I naturally act in a measured way.

Then Xie Siniang, you are definitely saying this to auntie to sow discord! "

Huangfu Lan didn't answer Xu You's words. He just thought about it and finally hummed, "I know who you are, little guy. You must have some idea of ​​how bold you are."

"Auntie, being bold does not mean being brave and fearless of death, nor does it mean being ignorant of life and death. These are two different things." Xu You said with a little resentment,

"Besides, I'm only bold with you, auntie, and I don't dare to do it with anyone else."

"What's going on in the nest?"

"No, you will be bold only if you like them. I won't even look at people I don't like."

"Shut up! Stop talking nonsense!" Huangfu Lan scolded, and then continued to sneer, "If that vixen stood in front of you, your eyes would go straight without even looking at it. Do you think I believe this?"

"Sigh." Xu You sighed, "Sure enough, trust still takes time to cultivate. Auntie, it doesn't matter if you don't believe me now. I will let you slowly trust me in the future."

"It better be."

"Auntie, we didn't fall into the plan of sowing discord. Please tell me what's going on now?" Xu You keenly noticed at this moment that Huangfu Lan was no longer so angry.

Then he immediately returned to his old business and began to massage Auntie's shoulders lovingly.

Huangfu Lan fell into deep thought, thinking about how to tell Xu You about this.

Thinking of Xie Mengqing's face when she said she wanted to get along with Xu You, Huangfu Lan felt very angry. How dare she, a feisty woman, dare!

Why do you dare to say this in front of yourself?

In fact, Huangfu Lan also knew that the reason why Xie Mengqing told him this was not just because he really wanted to establish a closer cooperative relationship with Xu You.

The most important thing is because of yourself.

The two have been fighting openly and secretly for so many years, and they have experienced countless battles, and this time it was obviously Xie Mengqing who discovered the unusual relationship between herself and Xu You.

By saying this, he clearly wanted to gain leverage over himself.

Thinking of this, Huangfu Lan sneered in his heart, how could his corner be so easy to pry?

Hey, wait? Why do you want to talk about your own corner?

Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You subconsciously. Damn it, unknowingly, had he already acquiesced to this fact deep in his heart?

Looking at Xu You's cute-looking face, Huangfu Lan fell silent again.

This money-hungry and lustful little guy looks like he can be easily exploited?

She still knows Xu You's character. He is really lustful. If Xie Mengqing is really shameless in seducing Xu You, how can this little guy with his thin willpower be able to withstand it?

The charm of Xie Mengqing's coquettish vixen is definitely not something Xu You can handle.

No, as the little guy's aunt, I must not let Xu You jump into the fire pit! There is absolutely no way this little guy can control it, you have to help him yourself!

"The vixen knows about us." Huangfu Lan said calmly.

Xu You was not too surprised. The Divine Ability method left on the paper was very impressive after all. Then he asked, "What did Xie Siniang say?

Are you threatening Auntie with this matter? "


"I'm not afraid of Auntie. In the worst case, I'll hide back to Kunlun. I'm just worried about you, Auntie. If the Huangfu family finds out about this, what will you do, Auntie?"

"How dare you be so presumptuous when you know the consequences!" Huangfu Lan was very angry and pinched Xu You's arm hard.

Xu You gritted his teeth in pain, but didn't hide. There is no way this is his fault, he just ignored it.

But who would have thought that they were so unlucky, first Huangfu Yun and then Xie Mengqing, they were possessed by bad luck.

"So, I paid a very high price to trade with that vixen, and it's okay for the time being." Huangfu Lan finally said.

Xu You quickly asked, "Auntie, what price did you pay?"

"You don't need to ask more about this. It's too complicated to explain." Huangfu Lan waved his hand.

Xu You said angrily, "It's simply too much! How can you open up about this kind of thing? If Xie Siniang keeps taking this matter up in the future, wouldn't you, Auntie, be passive in everything?"

"Don't worry, I'm not that easy to bully. I have my own solution." Huangfu Lan said calmly, "Furthermore, that vixen is a bad person, but he actually abides by the ethics of the world and will not have no bottom line. of."

Xu You sighed, "I'm sorry, auntie, this is really my fault. Don't worry, I know what to do next."

"Why do you know so much?" Huangfu Lan said angrily, "I'm not telling you this for any reason, I just want to tell you that the underground world is really complicated.

Then Xie Mengqing can make all the changes in the underground world, and she is so good at it. You should also know her abilities and methods. "


"So, she is not a woman you can grasp at all. Stay away from her in the future and don't have more in-depth interactions with her.

She eats people without spitting out their bones. "


"Also, don't communicate with others after you complete the land list conference that you promised her. I am telling you this very familiarly and seriously." Huangfu Lan added.

"Okay aunt, I listen to you."

"There is one last point." Huangfu Lan nodded slightly and continued, "If Xie Mengqing treats you better for no reason in the future or calls you to seduce you, you should ignore it, let alone fall into it, you know."

"Ah?" Xu You was stunned for a moment, "Then with Xie Siniang's status, how could he do this to me? Auntie, are you overthinking it?"

"I am doing this for your own good!" Huangfu Lan said solemnly, "I have been fighting with that vixen for many years, and now that she knows about my relationship with you, she will naturally try to destroy it.

When the time comes, seducing you, playing with you, and torturing you will be equivalent to retaliating against me. Can you bear it? "

"Hiss!!" Xu You gasped, "How can Xie Siniang be so wild?"

"Do you think her nickname was for nothing?" Huangfu Lan snorted coldly.

"Hey, wait, aunt, you just said that torturing me was just to take revenge on you. By saying this, do you confirm our relationship now?" Xu You asked with some joy.

Huangfu Lan's expression froze, "I'm telling you how to prevent the problem of pregnant women, what is your focus?"

"That's for sure. There is nothing in the world right now that deserves more attention from me." Xu You added.

Huangfu Lan's head was full of black lines, but he felt strangely and faintly happy in his heart.

In order to cover up what was wrong with her, she hit Xu You on the forehead with a backhand, "That's enough, stop talking."

Xu You covered his head, and then looked at his aunt's plump body sitting there in an extremely seductive posture, and he suddenly became a little distracted.

So I asked tentatively, "Auntie, let's discuss something?"


"You see, Xie Siniang has decided that we have a very deep relationship anyway."

"so what?"

Xu You explained patiently, "So it's very simple. We haven't reached any step yet, but we have already paid so much to cover up this nothingness. Auntie, do you feel very shortchanged?"

Huangfu Lan was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while. He just thought about it and continued to ask, "So."

"Ahem, so I think we can just cook the rice and make it real. In this way, it won't be a loss if we pay the price, otherwise wouldn't it be a big loss?"

Huangfu Lan's expression paused for a moment, and then a blush suddenly appeared on his face, and he was also angry.

She shouted, "Xu You! What is going on in your mind? Are you more than audacious?"

"Auntie, listen to me."

Before Xu You could speak, Huangfu Lan kicked Xu You away from the yard.

Xu You, who was kicked away, could only say loudly, "Auntie, I'm serious."

[Hihi, continue to ask for a small monthly ticket, Xie Siniang, you can guess what I plan to ask Xu You to do~~]

(End of chapter)

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