Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 27 (Please Follow Me For Further Reading) The Girls Kept Their Eyes Open For Me, Mr. Xu’S Wo

Chapter 27 (Seeking to Continue Reading): Ladies, open your eyes wide, Lord Xu's words are like the heavens!

Xu You's peripheral vision had been fixed on that side, and when the person called Qiao Qiao, a Qingguan, also entered, he felt a slight movement in his heart. However, Bai Genshuo did not react, so Xu You relaxed.

After a while, Bai Genshuo let out a contented sigh. He really enjoyed these kinds of days.

"These people are not here?" Xu You frowned and asked.

"No, none of them fit the criteria," Bai Genshuo shook his head. "Could it be that they are not serious enough?"

"What do you mean?" Xu You asked.

"Alright," Bai Genshuo's eyes lit up. "Maybe the ladies changed their clothes and I couldn't smell it. How about they come again without wearing clothes?"

Xu You looked at the other person expressionlessly and called the madam directly, asking, "Are you sure everyone has been called?"

"Sir Xu, I dare not deceive you. I have called everyone according to your request," the madam quickly explained.

Xu You thought for a moment, and his brows relaxed. "Alright, call all the women in Piaoxiang Court who meet these criteria. It doesn't have to be the girls who serve customers. Those who do sanitation, serve people, even those in the kitchen, and the Gongfang helpers, call them all in."

"This..." The madam's face was full of shock. The tastes of the immortals have become so extreme!

"Go," Xu You continued without hesitation, "Also, let the girls outside wait, no need to leave in a hurry."

"Alright, alright," the madam could only go out with a brave face.

"No, what do you mean by this?" Bai Genshuo stared hard with his small eyes.

"Don't let any details slip by, the enemy is cunning!" Xu You patted the other person's shoulder, encouraging him.

"But... but you even called the old ladies who pour night fragrance. Isn't that too much?"

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility! I believe in you, you can do it!" Xu You looked firmly at the other person.

Bai Genshuo's face changed constantly, and finally nodded with a somewhat pale face, as if he had made up his mind.

Soon, the madam led a group of elderly people in. These old ladies were all nearly sixty years old on average, with strong arms and round waists, skilled in physical labor.

This time, the girls waiting outside the corridor were no longer calm.

From before until now, Bai Genshuo had left a good impression on them. He was a generous young master.

But now, the taste turned out to be like this? No wonder no girls were chosen in two rounds.

"I've been in this business for so long, and this is the first time I've seen Bai Ye's taste."

"Maybe he's really Bai Ye. Don't even mention it, I can gossip about this for a lifetime."

"Is this how the tastes of rich people are? Even the old ladies are included?"

Those flirtatious girls were gossiping outside, watching the old ladies go in one by one and come out one by one.

After all the old ladies left, these girls were even more confused and completely didn't understand what Bai Ye was up to.

Inside the room, Bai Genshuo was vomiting frantically by the window.

Xu You couldn't bear to watch. With the enhancement of his magical powers, his sense of smell was extremely sharp, and he could smell all kinds of odors from these old ladies.

Coupled with the impact of their physical bodies, Xu You already admired his ability to finish the inspection. If it were him, he might not be able to hold on.

Root Suo is capable!


After a while, Bai Genshuo finally stopped vomiting and looked at Xu You with a resentful gaze. "Are you satisfied now? I've smelled everyone in Piaoxiang Court, but there's no one. What should we do?"

"At this point, I can only take action myself!" Xu You shook his head helplessly, took off the pig spirit whip and the purple gold hammer from his waist, and placed them on the table.

"What do you mean by this?" Bai Genshuo forgot about what happened earlier and curiously approached Xu You, touching the two Law Weapons.

Xu You didn't explain anything for the time being, but asked the madam to continue calling the girls one by one. He wanted to personally oversee the selection.

"Ladies, listen up. Xu Ye is going to choose among you next. Make sure your eyes are sharp. Whatever Xu Ye says, you do. Whatever he asks you to do, you do. If anyone disobeys, don't blame me for being heartless."

The madam spoke to the girls outside in a commanding tone.

Seeing the seriousness of the madam, the girls quickly composed themselves and obediently waited for Xu You's summons.

"I have seen Xu Ye," said the first girl to enter, a petite and cute girl.

Xu You waved at her and smiled kindly, "Please have a seat, miss. I need your help with something."

"Please go ahead, Xu Ye," the girl obediently sat down.

"I will need these two things later," Xu You pointed to the purple-gold hammer and the pig demon whip on the table.

The girl's face changed drastically, "Sir, there are other sisters in the Fragrant Garden who specialize in playing with these. I am unable to help."

But at a time like this, there was no stopping Xu You.

The girls waiting outside could only hear the voices of their sisters inside, a voice they were familiar with. It was the soulful cry that only came at the end.

After a short while, the sisters were carried out on stretchers, looking even more intoxicated than before.

Seeing this, the girls looked at each other in confusion. They didn't understand what had happened inside, nor did they understand how they had reached such a state in such a short time.

It should be noted that they were all experienced individuals who relied mostly on acting in their daily lives. Pure physical pleasure was rare, so they were extremely curious about what means could make someone like this in such a short time.

If it weren't for the madam watching them, these hot and brave girls would have rushed in to find out.

In this way, one by one, they were called into the room and recounted the situation, and one by one, they were carried out.

Inside the room, Xu You was already numb.

He used the whip to lash the girls' backs mechanically, while holding the purple-gold hammer to lightly tap their heads.

He paid no attention to the girls' reactions, only carefully observing if there were any fluctuations in their cultivation.

The effect of the pig demon whip on these brothel women was immediate, multiplying their cultivation. When combined with the purple-gold hammer, it could determine whether a person was a true brothel woman and whether they had cultivation.

The cultivation of the Fourth Realm could not be perfectly hidden under these two Divine Weapons.

Bai Genshuo, who was beside him, was dumbfounded.

He was known as Bai Xiaosheng, with a vast and boundless knowledge, but he had never seen such a situation before. Could it really be done like this?

Seeing the amazing effects achieved by Xu You's combination of whip and hammer, his understanding and perception were gradually collapsing.

After a few moments, Xu You temporarily stopped calling people in. He frowned, as the girls outside were almost done, and none of them were suspicious. They were all mortal girls who relied on their own abilities to make a living.

"Are you sure you didn't smell it wrong?" Xu You turned to Bai Genshuo and asked.

"You can doubt anything about me, but you can't doubt my nose," Bai Genshuo snapped back to his senses and quickly grabbed Xu You's wrist.

"Brother, how did you do it? Teach me, I really want to learn!"

"Next time, I promise," Xu You brushed off his hand and called out, "Next!"

Soon, a graceful figure like a tassel walked in. Xu You looked closely and saw that it was the girl named Qiaoqiao.

"Please have a seat, miss," Xu You politely said.

"Please bear with me, miss," after Qiaoqiao sat down, Xu You didn't give her any time to react. He directly picked up the pig demon whip and lashed it on her slender back.

He controlled the strength skillfully, so as not to injure her.

(End of Chapter)

(Note: Starting tonight, we will begin the process of a new book period. The first round begins. Every day from now on will be crucial. Please make sure to read the updates every day. Kisses.)

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