Chapter 28: Fairy, Wait a Moment

After the rapid five whip strikes, Xu You squinted at the other person.

Because the woman in front of him, Qiaoqiao, was not like the women before. Although her complexion was also rosy and she was trembling slightly, she still maintained a dignified demeanor and restrained her embarrassment.

At first, Xu You thought that the reason for this was because she was a Qingguan person, but upon further thought, the Pig Spirit Whip had nothing to do with Qingguan people.

Even a fledgling bird can be stirred up. Xu You quickly struck with five consecutive whip strikes.

Qiaoqiao's exquisite face became even more rosy, as if it could drip water, and her breathing became much more rapid.

At this moment, Xu You suddenly made a move, gripping the Purple Gold Hammer in his left hand and fiercely smashing it towards her head.

Under the ten whip strikes, Qiaoqiao had already revealed a flaw. She was suppressing her desires with all her might, but the subtle fluctuations in her cultivation couldn't escape Xu You's keen perception.


It didn't result in the expected head explosion. Xu You only felt that his hammer had struck a light shield and was directly shaken away, causing him to take several steps back.

The young lady Qiaoqiao also stopped pretending and stood up. Her cultivation was fully unleashed towards Xu You.

She was at the early stage of the Fourth Realm!

The woman in front of Xu You, who was only two years older than him, had already reached the early stage of the Fourth Realm in her cultivation.

Her temperament now was completely different from before. If she was gentle before, now she was bold and fierce.

Her face flushed, and anger was written between her eyebrows. She pointed her delicate finger at Xu You and said, "Deng Tuzi, die!"

"Fairy, please wait!" Xu You hurriedly said, "I am not Deng Tuzi, I am a disciple of the Kunlun Immortal Sect. If you act recklessly, my sect will not spare you, so please think twice!"

Xu You was truly anxious.

The difference in strength between him and the other party was quite large, so he immediately spoke up to clarify his identity.

"What are you standing there for? Give me your identity token." Xu You quickly shouted at Bai Genshuo, who was a bit stunned on the side.

Bai Genshuo responded with an "oh" and hurriedly took off the jade token from his waist and threw it to Xu You. Xu You also threw his own token to the angry Qiaoqiao.

After receiving the jade token and confirming it, the killing intent on Qiaoqiao gradually dissipated, but she still looked at Xu You with great anger.

The actions that the other party had done to her earlier left a deep impression on her, but if she hadn't been unable to hold back any longer, she wouldn't have revealed herself.

Seeing that the other party no longer had any killing intent, Xu You breathed a sigh of relief and tried to say, "This fairy, let's talk things out. I also believe that you are a good person."

"What is there to talk about with a Deng Tuzi like you?" Qiaoqiao said angrily, "Are all the disciples of the Kunlun Immortal Sect like this now?"

"Fairy, you've misunderstood." Xu You immediately explained, "You must be aware of the situation at the Fragrant Mist Manor. The two of us were sent here by our sect to eliminate evil. When we went out to investigate earlier, we found someone following us. Later, we discovered that the person following us was a woman from the Fragrant Mist Manor, so we investigated like this."

"That's right, that's right." Bai Genshuo also smiled and added.

"How did you find out?" Qiaoqiao's desire in her heart gradually calmed down, and she furrowed her brows and asked.

"I smelled it," Bai Genshuo quickly explained, "but I wasn't sure who it was, so I had Xu You use this method to find out who it was."

"Dog's nose." Qiaoqiao muttered.

Bai Genshuo's smiling face froze in place, while Xu You continued to move forward steadily, bowing and saying, "I offended the fairy just now. May I ask why the fairy is here? Were you following us just now?"

"It was me." Qiaoqiao didn't hide it, openly admitting it, and then sat down at the table.

Her sitting posture was also very different, with her slender legs crossed and raised, her left foot lightly swinging in the air, and on her exquisite embroidered shoes, one could faintly see her fair and delicate instep.

The curvature of her raised arch was also very beautiful, and one could predict that her feet, once the shoes were removed, would be as beautiful as jade.

"Why did the fairy want to follow us?" Xu You also sat down, maintaining a respectful bowing posture.

"I followed you because I saw that you had clues, no other reason." Qiaoqiao said matter-of-factly, not hesitating to eat the food on the table.

She picked up a chicken leg and took a bite into her cherry-like mouth, finishing it in just a few bites, and then cleaned her white jade-like fingers.

Xu You raised his eyelids twice and said, "May I ask the fairy's name and which sect she belongs to? This mission of mine is quite important. Please be frank with me, fairy."

Qiaoqiao clapped her hands in satisfaction, and her amber-like beautiful eyes gently turned, "My name is Luo Qiaoqiao, a disciple of the Joyous Union Sect. I also came on a mission this time. The purpose is the same as yours."

"Oh! So you're a senior sister from the Joyous Union Sect! It's like a big wave hitting the Dragon King Temple!" Bai Genshuo, who was originally a little scared, immediately breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.

"Hello, Senior Sister Luo, I'm Bai Genshuo."

Luo Qiaoqiao looked down on him a little and said, "You look strange and play around so much. Go outside and guard the door, let those brothel women retreat, don't startle anyone."

Bai Genshuo's face stiffened again, and in the end, he could only reluctantly follow the order.

"That's right." Xu You, in order to quickly ease the relationship between the two sides, justly echoed.

"Don't think that just because you're good-looking, you can play around like this. You and your fellow disciples are not good people." Luo Qiaoqiao said unkindly.

When Xu You and Bai Genshuo first called her "Miss" in line, she secretly observed it, and later they even lasciviously asked her to accompany them for drinks!

And then they lined up again!

And they were so presumptuous towards her, almost making a fool of herself.

How could Luo Qiaoqiao forgive Xu You so quickly? In her heart, she had already labeled these two as playboys.

Xu You's face also froze for a moment, making it difficult for him to speak.

Luo Qiaoqiao looked at the whip in Xu You's hand again, feeling even more angry, and said, "A disciple of the prestigious Kunlun Immortal Sect actually uses such a filthy Law Weapon!"

Xu You was indeed embarrassed this time. This golden hammer and pig demon whip were not in line with the image that the Kunlun Immortal Sect had always presented to the outside world.

He quickly put away these two Law Weapons and then clasped his fists, saying, "In urgent matters, one must do what is necessary. I apologize for any offense, Senior Sister."

"Hmph." Seeing Xu You's good attitude, she felt somewhat relieved and said, "Although both of you have questionable character, you still have some skills. Since our missions are the same, let's not hinder each other, if not help each other."

"Senior Sister, I think we can cooperate! It will be faster and more convenient this way, and unity is strength." Xu You said sincerely.

"That works too. I'll go back and take a bath first. Come to my place later for a little exchange." Luo Qiaoqiao clapped her hands and stood up.

"Why suddenly take a bath, Senior Sister?" Xu You was a little surprised. Now she made it clear that she was innocent, but he couldn't even confirm if she was really from the Joyous Union Sect. It wouldn't be appropriate for her to leave like this.

"Mind your own business!" Luo Qiaoqiao's face blushed again at Xu You's question. How could she explain such a reason?

(End of this chapter)

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