Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 29 Joyous Union Sect Has Become Synonymous With Exclusiveness?

Chapter 29: Has the Joyous Union Sect become synonymous with monogamy?

After speaking, Luo Qiaoqiao also thought of something and took out a jade plaque, throwing it to Xu You. "This is my identity plaque from the Joyous Union Sect. I didn't lie to you."

"How could I doubt that!" Xu You's gaze swept over every detail of the plaque in 0.1 seconds and confirmed that it was indeed from the Joyous Union Sect. He immediately stood up and handed the plaque back to Luo Qiaoqiao with righteousness.

"Hmph, smooth talker!" Luo Qiaoqiao snorted again, took the plaque, and left with her head held high.

Xu You sat down with a headache. If he had known that Luo Qiaoqiao was from the Joyous Union Sect, he wouldn't have used this method.

Now his image has completely collapsed.

Blame it on Bai Genshuo. He should have just checked and not called it "accompanying drinks." It's really excessive!

The Joyous Union Sect is one of the seven sects and is a large sect known for its dual cultivation techniques. It has strong power and produces numerous outstanding disciples.

But someone as young as Luo Qiaoqiao reaching the fourth realm is probably one of the most talented disciples in the Joyous Union Sect.

In fact, the Joyous Union Sect cannot be completely considered orthodox. When it was established, it was neither completely righteous nor evil, without a clear standard.

However, in recent thousands of years, the sect has been gradually driven by righteousness, gradually eliminating the impurities. Coupled with their actual strength, they are qualified to be one of the seven sects.

Moreover, dual cultivation is in line with the principles of human ethics and the natural order. Therefore, they joined the group of seven sects.

Although there are disputes among the five sects and seven sects, disciples from different sects generally get along and help each other when they are outside. They address each other as senior and junior brothers and sisters.

After a while, Bai Genshuo cautiously entered with his head peeking in from outside the door. He sighed, "This Luo Shijie looks so beautiful and gentle. She was so easy to talk to when we were drinking together. I didn't expect her to suddenly become so fierce."

"Don't you like having someone accompany you for drinks?" Xu You glanced at him.

"You make it sound like you drank less just now." Bai Genshuo rolled his eyes. "How was your conversation?"

"We didn't talk about anything. I'll go find her later and talk then," Xu You casually replied.

"You haven't done anything for so long?" Bai Genshuo looked at Xu You with a suspicious expression. But in the end, out of brotherhood, he advised, "Although Luo Shijie does indeed look like a Celestial Immortal, you must not fall for her, or you'll have endless troubles."


"Don't you know?" Bai Genshuo began to explain, "The disciples of the Joyous Union Sect, because they practice dual cultivation, emphasize exclusivity in their relationships. They must be dedicated to each other and be each other's only partner. The female disciples of the Joyous Union Sect are particularly strict about this."

"I see." Xu You curiously asked, "Why do they carry a pair of golden scissors with them?"

Bai Genshuo always had a way of talking about these strange things. Every time he talked about them, Xu You would be intrigued.

"They use it for 'snip-snip'!" Bai Genshuo said with some fear. "I heard that once they discover that their partner in dual cultivation has an improper relationship with someone else, they will snip them with the scissors."

Speaking of this, Bai Genshuo began to slap his thigh. "Oh my, it's so ruthless! I heard that the Joyous Union Sect has been established for so many years and they have snipped off countless people. There are even rumors that there is a special pagoda where they keep these treasures as a deterrent."

So, the male disciples of the Joyous Union Sect are now all outstanding men. Even if the female disciples of the Joyous Union Sect are beautiful, disciples from other sects dare not pursue them.

I really dare not. That's why I advised you, my junior, to be careful and not get involved.

Xu You listened with a puzzled expression. No wonder Luo Qiaoqiao was so angry at him and Bai Genshuo earlier. It turned out that she had a strong aversion to promiscuous men, influenced by her upbringing.

Who could have imagined this?

Has the Joyous Union Sect become synonymous with faithfulness?

Previously, Xu You naively thought that promiscuity was the norm in the Joyous Union Sect.

Thinking about it made him break out in a cold sweat. If he had been disrespectful in any way earlier, he might have been in big trouble.

"But wait, if a limb is severed, can't it be reattached using Divine Ability?" Xu You asked in confusion.

Bai Genshuo took a sip of tea. "So you think that's why it's called the Golden Scissors? It's a Law Weapon that has been specially refined and has unique functions. No matter how strong you are, you can't regenerate severed limbs."

Xu You gasped, realizing how ruthless it was.

"Of course, you shouldn't be too afraid. It's fine as long as you don't have any feelings. It's actually a good thing that she had such a bad impression of us earlier. After completing the mission, who will still know each other? It's not a big deal. Don't worry, we'll each go our separate ways." Bai Genshuo said cheerfully. "Besides, it's a joy to have such a beautiful and powerful senior sister to do missions with."

Xu You fell silent, while Bai Genshuo continued, "Hey, what about your hammer and whip? Can you let me study them? I want to take a closer look at the craftsmanship."

"Get lost."

As the night grew deeper, Xu You and Bai Genshuo left the private room and headed towards Luo Qiaoqiao's residence.

Based on Luo Qiaoqiao's beauty, her residence in the Fragrant Garden was exquisite, with a separate courtyard and a tranquil environment.

When Xu You arrived, Luo Qiaoqiao had already finished washing up. She was sitting on a swing in the courtyard, swaying back and forth.

The moonlight filled the small courtyard, occasionally accompanied by the crisp sound of insects. Luo Qiaoqiao had changed into a snow-white long robe, and the peaceful fragrance filled the courtyard.

Her hair was still slightly damp, and her exquisite and fair face resembled a ripe lychee in midsummer.

Her slender legs were slightly crossed, and her skirt swayed gently with the movement of the swing.

The combination of motion and stillness created a beautiful scene, like a beautiful woman as radiant as the moon.

Xu You maintained a calm gaze, greeted her, and said, "Greetings, senior sister."

Bai Genshuo stole a few glances but didn't dare to look too much. Although Luo Qiaoqiao's beauty was rare, he didn't dare to be presumptuous.

The Golden Scissors were not to be trifled with.

Luo Qiaoqiao turned her beautiful profile slightly and glanced at Xu You. Her voice was calm as she said, "Please sit, I am a good person. Don't say that disciples of the Joyous Union Sect bullied you later."

Xu You smiled lightly and sat down at the stone table on the side. Luo Qiaoqiao also got off the swing and gracefully walked to the opposite side of Xu You.

Xu You went straight to the point, "Senior sister Luo, you arrived a day earlier. Did you discover anything useful? Or..."

Luo Qiaoqiao waved her hand to interrupt him, "I know what you want to ask. First of all, I came this time to deal with my senior brother Xue Beishang, who violated the rules of our sect."

"The missing women from the Fragrant Garden are most likely related to my senior brother."

"My senior brother has a twisted mind. He directly betrayed the sect during a mission and started to forcefully extract the essence of mortal women. As a result, he was wanted by the sect."

"I came here to investigate this matter. It is highly probable that my senior brother is hiding in Falling Maple City."

(End of this chapter)

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