Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 276 Chapter 394 395 Completely Crazy Master And Aunties, Your Beloved Disciples Are So Cool!

Chapter 276 Chapter 394 395 Completely crazy master and aunties, your beloved disciples are so cool! The storm is more violent

Seeing the spoon pointed at him for the first time, the drunk Huangfu Lan was obviously stunned.

Mo Yuhuang asked directly, "Do you choose truth or dare?"

"Tell me the truth." Huangfu Lan obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at this moment.

Mo Yuhuang looked directly at the other party and asked sonorously, "Do you like my disciple?"

Xu You, who was pouring wine for Zhou Min, shivered immediately after hearing this question, and poured all the water in the wine bottle onto Zhou Min's lap.

"I'm sorry, princess."

Xu You immediately put down the wine bottle, picked up a piece of silk cloth and began to wipe Zhou Min's thigh subconsciously.

Zhou Min seemed unaware of Xu You touching her thigh.

One is because her current drunken state has made her a little dull, and she is basically not alert to Xu You's behavior.

Anyway, she doesn't hate Xu You, so she won't subconsciously resist Xu You's behavior.

The second reason is that Mo Yuhuang’s question made her instantly very interested!

She didn't expect that Mo Yuhuang would come up and ask Huangfu Lan such a hot question!

What do you mean, do you like my disciple?

Did you miss any key information? Why did it suddenly come to this point?

It seems a bit exciting!

This question is so fun!

Zhou Min now focused all her attention on this question, looking directly at Huangfu Lan to see how she was going to answer this question.

She had a feeling that tonight would be a very exciting night.

Thinking of this, Zhou Min's eyes became more and more focused on Huangfu Lan.

Yun Yanjin on the other side was in the same mentality and state as Zhou Min at the moment, and he was also unexpected about Mo Yuhuang's problem.

At this moment, he was staring straight at Huangfu Lan, wanting to know the answer as soon as possible.

The room fell into absolute silence for a moment.

There was only the sound of silk fabric rubbing when Xu You wiped Zhou Min's thigh with the silk cloth in his hand, and Xu You himself was not paying any attention to Zhou Min's thigh at this moment.

Although Zhou Min's legs are long, thin and elastic, he is not in the mood to feel them at all now.

Although I can still remain calm on the surface, I am now panicking inside!

He never thought that his master would ask Huangfu Lan this question directly!

For a moment, Xu You didn't know what to do. He definitely couldn't get ahead at this time, otherwise things would become even more uncontrollable!

But if they don’t come forward, how will Huangfu Lan and others respond?

This is a matter of conscience, you can’t lie at all!

Xu You couldn't imagine that Huangfu Lan and others would tell the truth about herself and her.

Ignoring Mo Yuhuang at that time, Yun Yanjin's golden scissors are enough for him to eat a pot.

As Luo Qiaoqiao's master, she must take action for her apprentice.

Damn it, what to do.

Xu You's brain was running rapidly, and at the same time, the silk cloth in his hand was wiping Zhou Min's pants faster and faster.

As for who is the most panicked at this moment, there is only one answer: Huangfu Lan who heard this question.

Huangfu Lan was so frightened that he woke up most of the time. He had too many micro-expressions, and was confused and a little bit panicked.

How smart she is, an idea suddenly flashes into her mind.

This is Hongmen Banquet!

It’s bad, Mo Yuhuang came for himself!

what to do?

Huangfu Lan's mind was spinning rapidly as he looked at Huangfu Lan who was looking into the mirror.

Telling lies is definitely not allowed. With the special Law Weapon like Wen Xinjing, she cannot lie. Because I simply cannot control the Mind-Questing Mirror with my cultivation.

Everyone here is a big shot, and their cultivation levels don’t dare to act rashly at all.

So, you can only tell the truth!

What if he was being ignored? No, Mo Yuhuang is obviously here for him, and doing this will not work at all.

silence? No, that would make you feel guilty even more.

There is only one possibility to say it clearly, but it certainly cannot be said clearly at this time.

Not to mention the shame of being unprepared to be found out by his sisters that he was eating young grass. If Mo Yuhuang was sure about this, he would have to kill himself.

Because his background is here, if word spreads, the Huangfu family will definitely not let it go.

Just because he brought Xu You into danger, Mo Yuhuang couldn't spare himself.

what to do?

Huangfu Lan was thinking about various possibilities, and finally an idea flashed in her mind.

"Speak!" Mo Yuhuang slammed the table and urged him sternly!

This shot shocked everyone.

Huangfu Lan looked at Mo Yuhuang, his face calm and calm, "What question are you asking?"

“You just have to answer yes or no!”

"Yes." Huangfu Lan smiled lazily, "Of course I like your apprentice."

"Hey Huangfu Lan! You are so brave!" Mo Yuhuang slapped the table and stood up, staring at Huangfu Lan.

"I knew you were an old woman with bad intentions! You want to eat young grass! Why are you targeting my beloved disciple! What are your intentions!"

"Why are you so anxious?" Huangfu Lan looked at Huangfu Lan with a puzzled face, "I just said that I like your apprentice, why are you reacting like this?"

"Am I too reactive? You did such a shameless thing and said I was too reactive?" Mo Yuhuang rolled up his sleeves and was about to step forward.

Fortunately, Zhou Min reacted first. She walked directly to Mo Yuhuang and hugged her to prevent her from being impulsive, and then said,

"Don't worry, don't worry, I haven't made it clear yet."

"What do you mean you didn't explain clearly? I have suspected her for a long time! The way she looks at my beloved disciple can't deceive anyone! Now she was suddenly tested out by my wit!

How dare you quibble here! "

Zhou Min turned to look at Huangfu Lan at this time, signaling her to explain the matter quickly.

Huangfu Lan showed a belated attitude at this time. It looked like he just "reacted".

Huangfu Lan, who has excellent acting skills, looked at Mo Yuhuang with wide eyes, disbelief in his eyes, and pointed at her with a trembling finger and said loudly,

"Mo Yuhuang! What do you mean by this? Didn't you just ask me a dirty question?"


Mo Yuhuang was about to speak, but Huangfu Lan interrupted directly and continued,

"Who doesn't like an outstanding young man like Xu You? Who doesn't want to have such a disciple or junior? What's wrong with me saying I like him and why you are so anxious?

Which elder would not like such a junior?

Okay, now I realize that you are actually a problem from this angle!

Mo Yuhuang, you are simply too much! Who do you think I, Huangfu Lan, am? You have dirty thoughts, and now you pour water on me?

You want to fight, right? good! I will fight with you today! Who hasn't lost his temper yet? "

"Ahem, don't worry, don't worry." Yun Yanjin on the other side immediately stood up and hugged Huangfu Lan to prevent her from being impulsive.

"Just speak clearly. Why are you fighting and killing?"

"Beat and kill?" Huangfu Lan said angrily, "I'll answer the question seriously, what does she mean by Mo Yuhuang? She said that I, an old cow, wants to eat young grass? Can you bear it?"

"This is indeed inappropriate." Yun Yanjin nodded.

Huangfu Lan continued to point at Yun Yanjin and Zhou Min and said, "You two pat your chests, don't you like such juniors and apprentices?

I said this to give her Mo Yuhuang face! She's nice, she doesn't know what's good and what's good, she just opens her mouth and slaps a hat on my head! Can I not be angry about this? "

"Master Mo Peak, Manager Huangfu is right. Everyone likes juniors like Xu You, and so do I. This is your fault."

Zhou Min let out a wine-smelling burp and said something to Mo Yuhuang. The tone was still a little regretful, I thought I would see something exciting tonight.

The result was an own goal?

This is what I like.

"I" Mo Yuhuang didn't react.

In terms of IQ and speaking ability, she is indeed inferior to Huangfu Lan. This is an indisputable fact.

Now Huangfu Lan's righteous speech made him unable to react for a while.

Looking at the motionless Wen Xinjing, Mo Yuhuang always felt that something was wrong, but she was a little drunk and didn't know which angle was wrong.

"Okay, okay, the misunderstanding has been resolved, it's okay. It's no big deal, but I'm still fighting to death." Yun Yanjin said angrily, and took the lead to sit down on Huangfu Lan.

Huangfu Lan sat down angrily, looking like he was giving Yun Yanjin some face, and directly picked up the wine on the table and drank it down in one gulp.

He looked like he was extremely angry and drunk.

Mo Yuhuang's expression changed, and he finally sat down under Zhou Min's persuasion.

In fact, the reason why she organized this drinking bureau was to pursue the truth.

When she was at the judges' table before, she always felt something was wrong with the eyes of Huangfu Lan and Yun Yanjin.

I came up with this method to verify it at that time.

How clever I am, drinking and playing games, and then hitting hard with the game of Truth or Dare to get the answer.

Dice, spoons and mirrors are all carefully prepared.

It can be said that the plan was perfect. Every time I think of her, I laugh and praise my wisdom.

But what happens now?

Looking at the angry Huangfu Lan, she was also silenced. Do you think you are too sensitive? Could it be that I am really overthinking it?

There are moon herrings, but not everyone can be a moon herring.

The reason why Mo Yuhuang pays special attention to Xu You's affairs now is very simple. One is that he doesn't want Xu You to be played by these old women.

These old women have complex identities and backgrounds. They are all human beings and have big plans. Xu You is still young and cannot grasp these old women.

When something happens, it will be too late for her as a master to regret it.

If you say these women are young, Mo Yuhuang won't say anything. Just like Luo Qiaoqiao, she didn't say anything.

But it's different for shrewd old women. Mo Yuhuang doesn't believe in these personal geniuses.

Of course, what Mo Yuhuang didn't know was that the biggest reason was after the enhanced version of Shen Fusion with Xu You.

After that time, she didn't realize that she was much more protective of Xu You now, her sensitivity was much higher, and she paid more attention to Xu You.

In the past, how could Mo Yuhuang sense that there was something wrong with the looks Huangfu Lan and Yun Yanjin had towards Xu You.

It's because her woman's conscious instinct has been strengthened.

Xu You next to you was looking at Huangfu Lan with admiration in his eyes.

Auntie is awesome!

Is this the ability of Jubao Pavilion to manage affairs? Counterattack directly in such a limited time!

First tell the truth truthfully, then secretly change the concept, then make accusations in the east and attack in the west, then speak out righteously, and finally turn against those who are attacking you!

It's so awesome, I've mastered all thirty-six strategies.

As expected of Huangfu Lan! I didn't need to worry at all just now. Auntie's ability and acting skills can really bring the dead back to life!

Looking at Huangfu Lan who was "ashamed" at this moment, Xu You was filled with emotions.

Victory or defeat only happens in a split second. The poor, stupid, beautiful master is just one step away from the opponent. After all, he is no match for the shrewd aunt.

Xu You breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously picked up the silk cloth and placed it on Zhou Min's thigh and began to wipe it.

But now the atmosphere is no longer tense. Just after touching it for a while, Xu You was stunned. Zhou Min also turned his head slightly stunned to look at Xu You and then looked at the way his big hand was touching her leg.

"Ah, I'm sorry, princess, the wine is dry now."

Xu You quickly took back the silk cloth, then continued to take the wine bottle and started pouring wine.

Zhou Min didn't say anything more, just picked up the wine bowl and drank with a rosy face.

"Ah, no!"

At this time, Mo Yuhuang suddenly said loudly, "This is not the question I want to ask, and this is not your answer!"

It was only then that Mo Yuhuang realized what was going on. She was so smart that she finally discovered that Huangfu Lan had just changed the concept.

But Huangfu Lan was well prepared and sneered directly, "Mo Yuhuang, if you ask these shameless questions again and have these shameless thoughts again.

Then our sisters are here. I will leave after finishing this bowl of wine!

I, Huangfu Lan, have been upright throughout my life! Always have a clear conscience! I can't stand the humiliation! I've tolerated you once just now. If you want to do it again, don't blame the sisters for being ruthless! "

"Forget it, forget it. Let's not ask these cross-border questions." Yun Yanjin directly echoed and expressed his objection to Mo Yuhuang.

One is out of morality, and the other is because she feels guilty.

Just kidding, keep playing, when it's your turn later, if Mo Yuhuang asks this kind of question again, how will he answer it?

Something will happen.

"Yes, Master Mo, you asked a question just now. You can't ask two questions at once. It's against the rules of the game." Zhou Min also agreed.

Seeing this, Mo Yuhuang could only sit down silently, and finally said, "Okay, I understand."

"Then we still play this game?" Yun Yanjin asked.

"Why don't you play?" Huangfu Lan said directly, "Now it's my turn to ask questions, why don't you play? Ah? I have suffered enough, you want to end it? There is no way!"

That's what Huangfu Lan said, and in addition, he had just drawn the bottom line of not asking those messy questions.

The others had no doubts and continued to start.

Huangfu Lan directly picked up the spoon and started turning it. Soon the spoon stopped, and the landing point was Yun Yanjin.

Yun Yanjin was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"Truth or dare?" Huangfu Lan asked.

"Tell me the truth." Yun Yanjin replied.

Huangfu Lan paused for a moment, and then asked with a "snarky smile" on his face,

"May I ask when was the last time you rewarded yourself?"

The moment Yun Yanjin heard this question, his cerebellum shrank.

The whole person was down there.

When Xu You heard this question, he happened to be pouring wine for Zhou Min. He couldn't help but trembled, and spilled the wine on Zhou Min's lap again.

Who knows, my family, it’s really hard to jump!

Xu You looked at Huangfu Lan uncontrollably at this moment.

Damn it, auntie is playing like this, right? You're playing so boldly, right?

Enough! As expected of Huangfu Lan, he immediately found a mature woman to play the essence of this game.

This is interesting! Xu You has already begun to get excited, and the excitement has begun to build up.

Let the storm come more violently!

At this time, Xu You noticed that the drink had spilled on Zhou Min's thigh again.

He quickly took out a piece of silk cloth and began to wipe it with his head hummingly.

Last time I was too restless to appreciate it, but this time I could intuitively feel the delicacy and elasticity of Zhou Min's thighs.

And Zhou Min, like last time, didn't notice Xu You touching her thigh again.

There are still two reasons. One is the strength of alcohol. The second reason is because of Huangfu Lan’s problem.

This question is even more outrageous than what Mo Yuhuang asked just now. Is Huangfu Lan so brave? Are you playing games like this?

Zhou Min, who was drunk, didn't feel anything was wrong at all, and began to look at Yun Yanjin eagerly again. Tonight was indeed an exciting night!

Mo Yuhuang, who was drinking by himself, almost didn't stop when he heard this question. He seemed a little in disbelief, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

It took a while for the person involved, Yun Yanjin, to react, and soon his face turned red.

At this time, it was impossible to tell whether it was because he was drunk or because he was embarrassed.

But when she spoke, she was sure that it was because of embarrassment.

"Huangfu Lan, are you crazy? Can you ask this question? What are you doing! I asked you what you are doing!"

"You just need to answer the question." Huangfu Lan said with a smile.

Yun Yanjin stood up with a red face, "Huangfu, have you forgotten how I, Venerable, spoke to you just now? Are you a coward?

Are you still a human being? Mo Yuhuang said you are absolutely right, you are a shameless person! "

After finishing the scolding, Yun Yanjin continued, "This issue has no bottom line. This Venerable is declared invalid!"

"According to the rules of the game, two people need to raise their hands." Huangfu Lan smiled, "I definitely won't raise my hands."

Yun Yanjin's eyes fell on Mo Yuhuang.

Mo Yuhuang put down the glass with a bang, looked at Yun Yanjin and said, "Did I say that right? This Huangfu Lan is a shameless person!"

"I wrongly blamed you just now." Yun Yanjin said ashamedly.

"However." Mo Yuhuang changed the topic, "It's the same thing as Unified Harmony. Although Huangfu Lan is a bit shameless, the problem is okay and it is not a bottom-line issue.

It’s just a common question, quack quack.”

As Mo Yuhuang talked, she began to laugh wildly as she started to get drunk.

Yun Yanjin's head was covered with black lines, and the corners of his mouth were twitching wildly. Finally, his eyes fell on Zhou Min.

"Well." Zhou Min paused and said, "I won't disgrace the scenery. If everyone thinks there is no problem, then there is no problem.

Cloud Venerable, willing to accept defeat. Our tradition is that it is always bad to play games and break the rules of the game. "

"Okay, okay!" Yun Yanjin gritted his teeth and said three good words in a row, "This is how you play, right? It would be fine if we were the only ones here. Now that Xu You is still here, are you still playing?"

After Yun Yanjin finished speaking, Huangfu Lan, Mo Yuhuang and Zhou Min were stunned for a moment, and then all turned to look at Xu You.

Xu You is still immersed in touching your thighs at this moment.

Seeing that the scene was quiet, he looked up and saw Huangfu Lan and Mo Yuhuang looking directly at him.

Zhou Min, on the other hand, looked directly at him from a very close distance, with doubtful eyes, as if he was asking: Why are you touching my leg?

Xu You quickly picked up the silk cloth and explained, "I accidentally spilled wine on the eldest princess's leg. I was wiping it just now."

Mo Yuhuang immediately slammed the table and asked Huangfu Lan directly, "What do you mean, you old woman? You know my apprentice is here and you ask such shameless and obscene questions?"

Huangfu Lan also felt a little guilty now. She had just been thinking about how to play when she got hit, and subconsciously ignored Xu You's presence.

"Simple, adults play games, children go out!" Huangfu Lan waved directly.

"No need." Yun Yanjin waved his hand at this time and sneered, "Do you really think Venerable will answer such a boring question? I drink! Xu You, pour the wine!"


Xu You immediately picked up the big wine pot and walked to Yun Yanjin. The table was filled with bowls, and he poured wine one bowl at a time.

Yun Yanjin is not a person who drinks too much, and he drinks ten bowls of wine without hesitation.

After drinking ten bowls of Baixian Zui in one go, her face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. The whole person started to feel out of sorts just by looking at him.

"Okay, okay!" Mo Yuhuang and the other three also applauded.

No matter what, drinking ten bowls of wine in a row is very encouraging.

"Are you coming again? Why don't you come? I feel like continuing to play will hurt my feelings." Zhou Min said.

"Don't want to play? You can't finish talking to this Venerable now?" Yun Yanjin was a little shaky, "Who are you going to play with? You won't want to play anymore? Play for me, keep going!"

"But Xu You is here after all."

"What's wrong with Xu You? What's wrong with a twenty-year-old? What's wrong with a drink? Whoever dares to keep talking, I'll fight her!" There's no way Yun Yanjin can just stop playing.

That's what this crappy game is, even though it's awkward, once you start playing it you can't stop playing it.

How could the person who was being bullied stop playing when he finally managed to bully others?

In this way, after each round, it can be said that new hatreds are added to old hatreds, each round becomes more intense, and it is common for each round to have no bottom line.

Now add in the opportunity to fight with alcohol, and the intensity is even higher.

When you drink too much, your state is different from usual. You will definitely be more open-minded and less restrained.

In this way, we fall into a different kind of "vicious cycle" that will never end.

Seeing what Yun Yanjin said, Huangfu Lan and the others could no longer refuse. In addition, it was indeed said that everyone was on top now, so they couldn't care less.

They all agreed to continue.

At this time, Yun Yanjin turned the spoon on the table, and the spoon finally landed on Zhou Min.

"Truth or dare!" Yun Yanjin looked at Zhou Min with a ferocious expression.

The latter looked at Yun Yanjin in such a state, swallowed a little, thought about the consequences of his true words, and said, "A big adventure."

"It's a big adventure, isn't it?" Yun Yanjin directly patted her chest and said, "Touch yourself these two times."

Zhou Min's expression froze, and his face suddenly turned red, "Yun Yanjin! Are you crazy? Are you playing in such a vulgar way?"

"Is it vulgar?" Yun Yanjin turned to look at Mo Yuhuang and Huangfu Lan.

"This is acceptable, and I didn't ask you to take off your coat or anything." Huangfu Lan said.

"Ahem, that's okay, okay." Mo Yuhuang coughed twice.

Xu You lowered his eyebrows and did not dare to interrupt.

Crazy, all crazy, all completely crazy.

Mature women are so excited when they play games!

At this time, just act like an ostrich, pour the wine, and watch the show silently.

"Okay, okay, you perverts like to play like this, right?" Zhou Min said angrily, "Xu You pours the wine, I choose to drink!"

What kind of person, how proud, and what status is she, Zhou Min, how could she do such a thing in front of others?

She would rather die drunk here than do such a thing in front of these people.

Upon hearing this, Xu You immediately walked up to Zhou Min carrying the wine bottle.

After pouring ten bowls in a row, Zhou Min drank ten bowls in a row.

After ten bowls of wine, Zhou Min's face was rosy, and her breath was filled with the strong aroma of wine.

After drinking, Zhou Min immediately picked up the spoon and turned it around, and finally landed in front of Huangfu Lan.

Huangfu Lan was stunned for a moment, and without waiting for Zhou Min to speak, he said loudly, "Don't ask, I choose to drink, Xu You will pour the wine!"


Bartender Xu rushed over again carrying a wine bottle.

"Okay, okay." Mo Yuhuang clapped and cheered.

Huangfu Lan drank it in one gulp and started to drink it. Feng Mei's eyes became more and more blurred.

Looking at the little guy so close, he stretched out his hand and patted Xu You's butt like a female gangster.

This action startled Xu You, and he quickly looked at the others.

Fortunately, his attention was not on Huangfu Lan's hands, but on the spoon on the table.

After Huangfu Lan finished wiping off Xu You's oil, he turned the spoon with a ferocious smile.

The spoon settled on Yun Yanjin.

Yun Yanjin was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Xu You pour the wine! I choose to drink!"

So Xu You poured wine again, and Yun Yanjin drank ten bowls in a row.

"Okay, okay." Mo Yuhuang continued to applaud and cheer.

After eating these ten bowls, her face started to look a little gloomy, and she was at least half drunk.

Even turning the spoon is awkward. Finally the spoon fell on Zhou Min.

Zhou Min was stunned for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Xu You pour the wine! I choose the same."

Xu You ran over to pour wine again.

Zhou Min drank ten bowls of wine in one breath. After drinking this, Zhou Min couldn't stand still and sat down on the stool.

"Okay, okay." Mo Yuhuang was still clapping and cheering.

After Zhou Min burped, he continued to turn the spoon, this time the point of impact was on Huangfu Lan.

Huangfu Lan's face turned slightly, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Xu You, pour the wine!"

Xu You carried the wine over skillfully, and when he was about to pour it, Huangfu Lan seemed to have thought of something, and stood up immediately.


Xu You paused and looked at her aunt.

Huangfu Lan looked straight at Mo Yuhuang, "No! There must be something wrong with this spoon! It's been two rounds, and you, Mo Yuhuang, missed one?"

It just so happened that the three of us took turns coming? It’s okay to take turns once in a row, but how can I take turns twice in a row? You, Mo Yuhuang, are the only ones who haven’t had a sip of wine?

Can such a thing happen in the world? There must be something seriously wrong with this spoon! "

As soon as the astute Huangfu Lan finished speaking, Yun Yanjin and Zhou Min, who were already confused, both reacted at the same time.

They all stood up and glared at Mo Yuhuang.

"Yes! How can such a coincidence happen in the world! There must be something wrong with this spoon! What did you Mo Yuhuang do to it?"

Mo Yuhuang was stunned for a moment, and then he realized it, and secretly screamed in his heart: "It's bad!"

I was just patronizing and making fun of you! Forgot to change the spoon!

"Don't be slanderous!" Mo Yuhuang also stood up and retorted.

"Then try a spoon!"

Huangfu Lan directly picked up the spoon and turned it experimentally on the table.

After nine turns in a row, Huangfu Lan was not facing Huangfu Lan once, and the three of them took turns three more times.

"Are you saying there's no problem?" Huangfu Lan and the three of them slammed the table angrily and asked.

"Ahem." Mo Yuhuang coughed twice, stretched out his hand towards the spoon, and asked doubtfully, "Is there such a strange thing? Let me look at the spoon."


Huangfu Lan directly grabbed Mo Yuhuang's thief's hand and said to Yun Yanjin and Zhou Min at the same time, "She wants to destroy the evidence, hold her down! Let me study it carefully!"

Zhou Min and Yun Yanjin were not polite at all. They angrily jumped behind Mo Yuhuang and held down one of her shoulders.

"Alas, you are reasonable!" Mo Yuhuang said loudly.

"And when you, Master Mo, are trying to reason?"

Huangfu Lan sneered, and then studied the spoon carefully. Soon the spoon gave off a faint glow.

"Hey Mo Yuhuang! How dare you carve such an imperceptible micro formation down here! Sisters, hold her down!

Give her twenty bowls of wine first! No! Thirty bowls! "

Yun Yanjin and Zhou Min were not polite at all, they all held Mo Yuhuang down angrily.

Mo Yuhuang, who was ruthlessly exposed, felt a little guilty at the moment. He was really embarrassed to resist at the first time, and it was also difficult to resist.

One against three is not easy to fight. If the commotion gets too big, we'll fight him outside later to be seen by others. Tomorrow the four of them can make headlines in the Di newspaper for a month.

"Xu You pour the wine!" Huangfu Lan threw away the spoon and walked to Mo Yuhuang with a wild smile.

Xu You, who was holding the wine bottle, was trembling a little.

Master, Master, how could you do such a stupid thing! Even if you have to cheat, it’s better to cheat!

How could anyone be caught red-handed like this? Don't you know how to act like a swindler at all?

No wonder you always lose when you bet! What a stupid master.

"Just drink! This peak master is not a deadbeat! Let go!" Mo Yuhuang said loudly.

"Don't let go!" Huangfu Lan also said loudly, "I now suspect that there is something wrong with the dice just now. This bitch is simply too much! She even does such a dirty trick, give it to me!"

With that said, Huangfu Lan didn't wait for Xu You to pour the wine. She directly picked up the wine bottle and poured wine into Mo Yuhuang's mouth.

Mo Yuhuang was also quite brave. He didn't refute when he was caught, he just drank heavily.

Soon, Mo Yuhuang's face turned red rapidly, and his drunken state soared.

Huangfu Lan, who was completely drunk and having fun, grabbed Xu You directly, took a sip on Xu You's left cheek, and then looked at Mo Yuhuang arrogantly,

"Master Mo Peak, your beloved disciple is so tender!"

It’s over!

Xu You’s heart skipped a beat! It's over now! Crazy, crazy, auntie, she is really drunk and crazy!

[Please ask for your monthly tickets in the middle of the month! Yeah~~ ]

(End of chapter)

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