Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 277 Chapter 396 397 A Magical Night After Getting Drunk With The Master And Aunts. Fragment

Chapter 277 Chapter 396 397 A magical night after getting drunk with the master and aunts. fragment together

Crazy, they must all be crazy!

His master and these three women have all lost their minds.

Seeing Mo Yuhuang being restrained and unable to move by Yun Yanjin and Zhou Min, Huangfu Lan took this opportunity to ejaculate in front of Mo Yuhuang.

And you told Mo Yuhuang that your apprentice is very young?

Is it you, Huangfu Lan, who is in trouble, or is she, Mo Yuhuang, unable to carry the knife?

Xu You was not in the mood to enjoy his aunt's kiss now. He just stared at Mo Yuhuang.

Then he was a little stunned. At this moment, Yun Yanjin and Zhou Min seemed not to realize that there was anything wrong with what Huangfu Lan said and did.

The two people, their faces red and drunk, pointed at Huangfu Lan's nose and laughed.

"Huangfu, you're done. Mo Yuhuang will have to kill you later." Zhou Min smiled wildly, not even the slightest bit heroic.

Where is the slightest bit of pride in being the Princess of Great Perimeter?

It's like a resolute and domineering female CEO returns to her girlhood and goes crazy with her sisters.

It doesn't have any airs that it should have.

"That's right, Mo Yuhuang, if someone kisses your disciple, it's in front of you!" Yun Yanjin also laughed loudly.

Likewise, she has none of the usual ladylike dignity, let alone any reserve.

So slutty?

Xu You even wondered if his eyes were wrong. Could this be Yun Yanjin?

If this was normal, if Huangfu Lan did this in front of her, not to mention anything else, just for Luo Qiaoqiao, she, Yun Yanjin, would have to chase her all over the world with a pair of scissors.

But now, not only is this not the case, but I am also very happy watching it, laughing and joking.

Looking at Yun Yanjin and Zhou Min who were drunk and furious, it was obvious that their current state could no longer be treated with any common sense.

The consequences of drinking twenty bowls of Bai Xian Zui in a short period of time were also revealed. They were completely drunk!

The kind of drunk who doesn't know what he is doing.

Mature women are still very annoying when they are drunk, so there are no taboos to say yes!

"Am I afraid? Am I, Huangfu Lan, afraid?"

Huangfu Lan, who was also drunk and lost her mind, looked extremely arrogant with her hands on her hips. Even to show her arrogance, she turned her head and kissed Xu You's cheek.


"Bull, cow, cow."

Yun Yanjin and Zhou Min looked at each other and laughed.

"Mo Yuhuang, what are you doing? If you don't respond, your beloved disciple will be raped." Yun Yanjin even turned to Mo Yuhuang and continued to be angry.

Xu You stood there like a little sheep unable to resist, watching all this, and then silently adjusted the angle of the recorder, trying to capture all the postures of these aunts.

Finally, Xu You looked at his master, and saw that his master was also all red in the face, and he was moaning and groaning, obviously losing his mind.

She probably drank more than twenty bowls of wine in one breath just now. Even though she had a good capacity for drinking, the alcoholism in her body reached its peak after drinking so much in one breath.

He was so drunk that he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all.

"Go away!" The drunk Mo Yuhuang pouted, pushed Yun Yanjin and Zhou Min away, and then staggered towards Xu You.

She first walked up to Xu You, stretched out her hands and pinched Xu You's face hard.

Xu You felt that his face was deforming crazily, and the strong smell of alcohol from Mo Yuhuang kept getting into his nostrils.

Then, Mo Yuhuang said loudly and proudly,

"Of course my beloved disciple is the most tender in the world! Everyone wants to kiss her. Who stole the kiss just now?"

"It's me, what?" Huangfu Lan straightened up his chest.

"Good old woman." Mo Yuhuang pushed Huangfu Lan away with a playful smile.

Then he hugged Xu You directly in a gesture of declaring sovereignty, and finally gave Xu You a heavy kiss on the face, and then proudly straightened his back.

"Xu You is me, me!"

Xu You, who was in Mo Yuhuang's arms, was a little overwhelmed at the moment. This thing was becoming more and more magical, wasn't it.

He looked at the drunk Mo Yuhuang. At this moment, the master was actually a little naive like he had never been before.

Is your master like this when he is drunk?

One by one of these old women, it seems that they are usually too depressed.

"You, it's all yours." Yun Yanjin smiled cheerfully.

"Master and apprentice, you are so shameless." Huangfu Lan also said with a smile.

"I'll take a bite too." Yun Yanjin said, approaching.

"Get out of here." Mo Yuhuang pushed Yun Yanjin away and said loudly, "I said, it's me, it's me!

You old women, don’t think that, I don’t know, any one of you is having bad intentions towards my beloved disciple!

This peak master tells you not to think about these things in the future, otherwise I will... Feijian Wuwu..."

Seeing Mo Yuhuang protecting the food like this, Huangfu Lan and the others just hissed, feeling bored.

Zhou Min jumped out and said loudly, "What's yours and mine, it's ours here. It's everyone's, sisters, hold down Mo Yuhuang!"

Zhou Min's words were directly recognized by Huangfu Lan and Yun Yanjin, so the three of them rushed towards Mo Yuhuang.

"Oh you guys"

Mo Yuhuang didn't notice for a moment and was directly held down by three women. But Mo Yuhuang is not a vegetarian, he directly backhands to control the opponent.

At this time, how could the four dizzy people clearly distinguish between ourselves and the enemy?

They were just fighting together indiscriminately.

"Alas, someone spank me!"

"Who hit my Nana!"

"Ah, this Venerable will fight with you!"

"Who is it? Who took out me!"


Xu You was dumbfounded as he watched the four people struggling together in this way, and then he quickly raised the recorder silently and took pictures of the scenery in front of him without missing a beat.

Old women are so energetic when they fight!

After a while, all of them had messy hair and disheveled clothes.

Xu You was frightened to see it, but it was also a feast for the eyes. He couldn't bear to blink for fear of missing any details.

Today, I just say that I have a lot of experience. How can I usually see these extremely well-educated strong women like this?

It's really eye-opening, everyone is the same when they are drunk, especially these aunties who are usually too repressed!

After watching for a while, Xu You, who was afraid that the battle would get worse, hurried forward and said,

"Oh, don't fight, don't fight, wait a minute."


Before Xu You finished speaking, he felt his arm being grabbed by someone, and a huge force dragged him into the battlefield.

Then I felt like I was surrounded by four women.

The huge drag force made Xu You feel dizzy and confused for a moment. There were the most majestic peaks in all directions. He was fucking lost.

Before he could appreciate these magnificent sights, he felt countless cold and moist lips falling on his face like raindrops.

Xu You at this moment is like Tang Monk entering Pansi Cave.

He was surrounded by old goblins who wanted to eat him. He couldn't react at all, and he couldn't clearly see the situation in front of him.

Because his head was held down and his face was kissed and pinched. His face was so big, how could he separate his four mouths?

His eyelids were swollen from being chewed on.

Xu You could only hear the crazy laughter of the aunties all around,

“This face is really kissable”

"Hehe, it's true!"

"How about it? I didn't lie to you, did I? I told you that I love Tuwu. My lover is very close to you." Xu You knew this voice was from Mo Yuhuang even if he didn't read it.

Damn, she seems very proud?

In this way, the weak and helpless Xu You couldn't even shout, so he could only humiliate and let these four drunken women bully him.

A man standing between heaven and earth, how can he kiss me on the mouth? ?

Xu You only felt that his mouth was kissed, and he tried hard to find out who was so rampant.

But the majestic peaks in all directions imprisoned him tightly, and the culprit could not be found at all.

Damn it, did Xu You suffer this disaster today?

Resigned to his fate, Xu You could only close his eyes helplessly, loving whoever he wanted, anyway, I would make money with my own blood!


I don't know how long it took before Xu You felt that he could breathe, and the air around him was a little fresh.

Only then did he realize that Mo Yuhuang and the others were swaying there, laughing and not knowing what they were talking about.

Listening carefully, it seems that everyone is sharing their feelings after the kiss?

Xu You's head was covered with black lines. He took out a mirror and looked at his face. His face was covered with red marks, and even his neck was covered with strawberries.

The eyelids are a little swollen and the lips are also a little swollen.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Xu You looked stunned. Was he chewed into a "pig head"?

Damn it! So crazy?

Xu You turned to look at Mo Yuhuang. Their smiles were brighter than before, and their state was even more drunk and violent than before.

The unfamiliar Xu You couldn't recognize them, they looked like four gangsters!

Why are you sharing your feelings after the kiss?

Have I, Xu, become a cowherd?

"Your apprentice is really cool!"

"plus one."

"plus one."

"Gah ga ga, this peak master is not bragging."

Xu You, "."

At this time, Zhou Min took out four large bottles of Baixian Zui directly from the box and said loudly,

"No matter whether you want to kiss or not, come and have a drink! Blow the bottle!"

"Blow the bottle, blow the bottle!"

Seeing the drinks coming, the remaining three people stepped forward and took the bottles generously, and all agreed.

Then they blew the bottle together in a gurgling manner.

Xu You stood there and watched the four people blowing bottles to fight for wine. He wanted to go forward and persuade them to drink, because if he continued to drink, he was afraid that the four women would start to go crazy later.

If you dare to kiss each other casually now, why not drink even more later?

The advantage of going deeper cannot be taken advantage of now. I will think of this later when I wake up tomorrow.

Then Mo Yuhuang couldn't protect himself, no, Mo Yuhuang would also take the initiative to slap himself to death as an "evil disciple".

Thinking of this, when Xu You was about to retreat a little, the same scene as before happened again.

An arm stretched out from nowhere and pulled him into the battlefield again.

The women who were blowing bottles saw Xu You being dragged in. Even though they were unconscious now, their instinct for Xu You was still there.

He immediately surrounded Xu You, laughing and rushing to stuff his bottle into Xu You's mouth.

"Drink, drink."

Gurgling, gurgling, the wine kept pouring into Xu You's mouth. He couldn't break away at all, and he couldn't resist at all. He could only watch as these four women poured wine into him.

Zhou Min was also responsible for replenishing ammunition, taking out bottle after bottle of Baixian Zui from the box.

Just like this, a man and four women were drinking and getting drunk here, without any tricks or games, just drinking, just drinking.

In a very short period of time, Xu You drank countless immortals drunk.

But don’t panic, I will never get drunk after a thousand cups!

wrong! ! Wait, this is it!

Soon, a dizzy feeling of drunkenness surged into Xu You's mind, and he suddenly became dizzy and lost his mind.

That's not right. I have always drank liquor without getting drunk. Why can't this work?

Damn it, is this the Apex Level spiritual wine in the cultivation world? This drunkenness is indeed simple and unpretentious.

At this moment, Xu You finally understood why his master and the others were so drunk for nothing, and why they were so drunk that they were so irrational.

This Hundred Immortals Drunkenness is by no means a wasted reputation, not even the gods can bear it.

Slowly, Xu You also became completely drunk, and his whole body was completely dominated by drunkenness.

As Huangfu Lan and the other four drank this round of drinks, they lost their minds even more.

"Hehe, what are we competing now?"

"Whose butt is bigger?"

"Okay, okay!"

"no problem."

"That's definitely my best."

"Fart, it must be me. I have special training every day. Can you compare with me?"

"In this case, your words are unfounded, let's find a referee!"

"Who's going to be the referee?"

"I, I'll do it!" Xu You's face turned red and he burped from wine, "I'm a man, I'm the most professional, and I will make the selection in the most fair and just way."

"You little thief! Where did you get this little thief? When we sisters are drinking, where did you get this little thief?"

The person who said this was the confused Huangfu Lan. Her instinctive vigilance made her immediately restrain Xu You's hands with her backhand, hoping to destroy Xu You.

"It's me. Auntie, it's me." Xu You screamed in pain.

"Huh? The voice sounds familiar." After hearing this, Huangfu Lan came forward and looked at Xu You closely. His big eyes kept blinking in confusion, and finally he pinched Xu You's face in surprise.

"Hey, is it you, little guy? Then I believe you."

"It's Xu You, that's no problem, he knows fairness." Yun Yanjin also said with a smile.

"Me too." Zhou Min, who was still moving the wine, also echoed.

"Hehe." Mo Yuhuang put his hands on his hips and raised his head proudly, "I love my disciple, so it must be fair and just. My dear disciple, you will be the referee and see who among us is the best!"

"I'll come first, I'll come first!" Huangfu Lan volunteered directly, walked up to Xu You with a smile, and turned his back to him.

"I must be fair and just!"

Xu You, who was drunk and furious, also became furious and started measuring with his own hands.

Of course, at this time, the brain is basically shut down, and there is no mention of having other thoughts.

Both Xu You and Huangfu Lan are very serious and rigorous. They don't think wrong at all, they just want to compare who is the most awesome!

Soon, Xu You measured Huangfu Lan's, and then the remaining three people couldn't wait to join the measurement sequence one by one.

Xu You, who is full of professionalism and fairness, adheres to the most meticulous ideas.

During the process, all kinds of wild and wild voices lingered in my ears.

Xu You and Mo Yuhuang, who were drunk, did not realize anything was wrong with all these crazy behaviors. Only the recorder hanging on Xu You's chest was working constantly.

All details are recorded with absolute clarity.

Finally, Xu You stood up straight and said loudly, "Okay, I already have the result, and I will announce the answer now! I announce that the most awesome one is Yun Yanjin!"

"Oh oh oh~~~" Yun Yanjin raised her hands in the air and cheered, saying wildly that she was awesome in front of her sisters.

In the end, she half-hugged Xu You and said that the referee was fair and just. Just when she wanted to reward Xu You with a kiss, she was pulled over by Huangfu Lan and others to drink.

Xu You was not immune. The three people insisted on saying that Xu You was cheating, and they also poured wine into Xu You like crazy.

A new round of forced drinking began again, and this was also the last round.

A few quarters of an hour later, everyone could no longer hold on and sat on the floor in a state of confusion. Zhou Min and Yun Yanjin, the worst drinkers, were already lying on the ground.

Xu You was also dying. He was completely drunk for the first time today, and his body was limp on the ground without any strength at all.

After that, Mo Yuhuang also lay down, and then Huangfu Lan also fell, but Huangfu Lan fell directly on Xu You.

The latter subconsciously hugged Huangfu Lan.

Drunk Huangfu Lan smelled the familiar aura on Xu You's body, which reassured her, and stretched out her hand to protect Xu You. The whole person was lying in Xu You's arms.

The soft and fragrant Xu You hugged Huangfu Lan tightly subconsciously.

However, he couldn't hold on even at this moment, and both of them lay down on the ground.

As soon as the two of them lay down, Huangfu Lan, who was leaning on Xu You's chest, subconsciously started to thrust.

"Kiss~~" Huangfu Lan hummed unconsciously.

Humming, he accurately found Xu You's lips, and pressed her cold lips against them.

The two began to kiss passionately on the spot, without even noticing that Mo Yuhuang and the other three were lying beside them.

The night slowly became quiet, and the overflowing aroma of wine filled the room.

In the end, Xu You and Mo Yuhuang could not resist the strong drunkenness, and they all fell asleep until the room fell into complete silence.

The next morning, when the morning sun outside the window fell into the room, Xu You's eyelids moved slightly, and then he opened his eyes a little.

His eyes were confused and dazed, and he had a splitting headache.

The headache caused by a hangover was very uncomfortable. Xu You lay there in confusion, shaking his head.

My mind was in chaos and I couldn't remember anything.

At this time, the body's sensation slowly fed back into his perception.

I feel heavy on my body, as if I am being pressed down by something. Xu You was stunned for a moment, and then opened his eyes instantly.

His lips felt warm, and he glanced down slightly, only to see Huangfu Lan lying on his chest with disheveled hair, kissing himself at the moment.

The touch of lips is also brought about by this kiss.

Xu You became more and more stunned when he saw this, and then looked down, there was a person lying on his lap, it was Yun Yanjin!

Yun Yanjin was also lying on his lap with disheveled hair, looking like he was soundly asleep.

Damn, what is going on!

Xu You looked to the left and saw his master, Mo Yuhuang, lying on his left side, sleeping soundly there with his arms in his arms.

Even his left leg was raised and hanging on his body.

Finally, Xu You looked to the right, and Zhou Min was lying on his right side, sleeping there as well.

My hair!

Xu You's head no longer hurt at this moment, and the remaining hangover from last night was instantly dissipated, replaced by the panic in his heart, the kind that broke out in a cold sweat!

What finally happened last night? Why are there only four women sleeping here with him in their arms?

Damn it, he can't make a mistake, can he?

Xu You racked his brains to recall what happened last night.

I didn't drink at first, but Mo Yuhuang and the others drank there. Drink first, then play games.

Yes, it’s truth or dare! It’s very exciting to play!

Did the stupid master get caught cheating?

What happened then? It seemed like all four of them were drunk at that moment! Then something happened and you forced yourself to drink?

He was given wine and seemed to be bitten by them?

Damn it! Thinking of this, Xu You's scalp was already numb.

What did you post next? Xu You really couldn’t remember it, so he said it was fragmented!

Damn, what happened last night was so crazy. What happened in the end? Why are we just lying here together? Did anything out of the norm happen?

Xu You is trembling now, the unknown is the most terrifying thing.

He is now extremely afraid of what will happen when his master and the others wake up.

But it's too late to think about these things for the time being. What's important is the current situation.

Xu You is not even in the mood to feel the tenderness everywhere on her body.

Xu You first gently pushed Huangfu Lan away, then slowly took out his hands, and finally moved his whole body back gently, and slowly pulled his legs away from Yun Yanjin's oppression.

Fortunately, the four of them were still sleeping, and Xu You did not wake them up.

After carefully completing these actions, Xu You was already sweating profusely. He breathed a sigh of relief and was thinking about what to say later when he suddenly saw the recorder hanging on his chest.

Xu You's eyes lit up, there must be somewhere to record his memory loss.

Just when Xu You wanted to look at the recorder, Huangfu Lan's body moved slightly, and then he acted like he was waking up from sleep.

Seeing this, Xu You quickly told the recorder to put it back into the storage bracelet first.

Soon, Huangfu Lan opened his eyes, and then he was in the same state as Xu You when he woke up just now, and his whole person was confused and down.

Xu You didn't dare to speak or say hello. He just showed off his best acting skills and sat there with a blank look on his face, showing his innocence.

After a while, Huangfu Lan slowly sat up, but he was still in a dazed state, especially when he looked at the three sisters lying on the ground, he was lost in thought.

After another while, Huangfu Lan slowly turned to look at Xu You, and then met Xu You's equally blank eyes.

"How is this going?"

"I don't know." Xu You shook his head blankly. I had just woken up.

"What's wrong with your face?" Huangfu Lan continued to ask.

Just after asking, before Xu You could answer, Mo Yuhuang and the three of them started to show signs of waking up at almost the same time.

Huangfu Lan immediately looked back, and Xu You took out a mirror and looked at his face.

There were red marks everywhere on his face, and his neck was even covered with strawberries.

He suddenly remembered that he was surrounded by four people last night and was chewed into a pig-headed face.

Damn it, haven’t the marks from last night disappeared?

He quietly used his cultivation to resolve these red marks, but he couldn't resolve them at all!

Just like the wound he got when he kissed Yue Qingyu for the first time last time, it couldn't be healed by cultivation.

In the words of Huangfu Lan, this is a special mark left by a master, and it will take some time to disappear.

What the hell, they just kissed each other last night, so why are they leaving these special marks?

Xu You began to panic again at this moment. With this thing here, will he be tortured later?

Just when Xu You was worrying about gains and losses, Mo Yuhuang and the other three slowly sat up.

At this moment, the four old women looked at each other, their eyes facing each other, full of confusion and confusion.

They were all trying to recall what happened last night, but all the information was fragmented and could not be connected at all.

I can only vaguely remember a little bit of the time when I was in a normal state.

"What happened to us last night?" Zhou Min was the first to ask.

At this time, she no longer had the slightest bit of naivety she had when she was drunk last night, her temperament returned to what it was before, and the expression on her face had nothing to do with the word "silly".

"I don't know." Yun Yanjin shook her head. She had already stood up and was sitting dignifiedly on a chair on the side.

The dignified lady's temperament has returned, and she is combing her hair and arranging her appearance.

At all times, a dignified image and elegant temperament must be maintained.

Huangfu Lan also slowly stood up, looked at the empty bottles of Baixianzui on the floor and said, "How much did we drink last night? Did we drink so much?

If we were all drinking, the power of this hundred immortal drunkenness would probably make it impossible for us to remember what happened last night. "

"Then we won't be embarrassed, right?" Yun Yanjin asked.

"Don't worry, our wines are very good." Huangfu Lan waved his hand.

"Haha." Yun Yanjin sneered and said disdainfully, "It's okay to lie to others, but don't lie to sisters. With your bad wine, you can be more wasteful than anyone else when you're drunk."

"Who are you talking about?" Huangfu Lan also turned cold, "How can you be better?"

At this time, Zhou Min also frowned slightly and stood up, "Drinking will make things worse. I won't be able to participate in activities like drinking Bai Xian Zui in the future! Don't call me that again."

"If you don't drink it, you will never drink it again." Huangfu Lan and Yun Yanjin nodded with deep understanding.

At this time, the three of them tacitly turned their attention to Mo Yuhuang, who had never spoken before.

I saw Mo Yuhuang sitting there in a daze.

"Mo Yuhuang, what did you remember?"

"Huh?" Mo Yuhuang raised his head slightly, then shook his head, "No."

"Are you so drunk?" Yun Yanjin also frowned slightly, "No one remembers last night? Wait."

When Yun Yanjin said the words "wait a minute", the other three people also realized something, and all their eyes fell on Xu You, who had been standing in the corner.

Isn't this the only one who knows the situation?

"Xu You, were you here last night? What happened!" Yun Yanjin stared directly at Xu You, looking at the various red marks on his face and neck.

A very bad premonition filled her heart.

Seeing the four people all focusing on him, Xu You's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't figured out the reason for making up the facts yet.

What should I do?

"What's wrong with your face?" Mo Yuhuang stepped forward immediately and looked at the red mark on Xu You's face carefully.

"It's nothing, maybe it's an allergy or something."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Mo Yuhuang's eyes widened, "Don't think that my teacher doesn't know, you are clearly here because you were bitten by someone! Tell me, is that what happened?"

Listening to Mo Yuhuang's question, Yun Yanjin stared at Xu You even more nervously, with awkwardness and discomfort written all over his face.

Zhou Min also frowned at Xu You, and Huangfu Lan also stared at Xu You thoughtfully.

"Tell the truth! What's going on with your face?" Mo Yuhuang emphasized again, "Don't be afraid, someone is bullying you! Tell me, master, and he will help you get justice!"

"Master, actually, there's nothing wrong. It's just an allergy." Xu You said bravely.

How could Mo Yuhuang believe it? She suddenly thought of something and took out her mental mirror and placed it in front of Xu You.

"Tell the truth! Don't be afraid! Master is protecting you! All evildoers will be brought to justice!"

Xu You looked at the inquiring mirror, and her mentality suddenly jumped. How could you make up such a thing?

"I passed."

Before the word "min" could be said, the mirror began to flicker slightly. Xu You braked in time, his face uncertain.

Looking at his master's extremely oppressive gaze and the eager gazes of the other three, Xu You knew that he had to tell the truth today. Otherwise, I would really be stuck here.

"Actually, it's nothing." Xu You said hesitantly, "It's just that master and senior drank too much last night, so they surrounded me and gnawed me. That's pretty much it."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" When the dignified Yun Yanjin heard these words, he stood up immediately and stared at Xu You with a rosy look on his ears.

"Absolutely impossible!" Zhou Min also stood up and looked at Xu You in disbelief.

"Xu You, what's going on! Please explain to me!" Huangfu Lan also looked at Xu You in disbelief.

It's just that her questioning tone was a little jealous, the little guy is hers now! Just chew it yourself!

How can others chew it! She had to figure out what happened last night.

Of course, the three of them already had the answer in their minds at this moment, because there was no response when asked about their mood, which meant that Xu You was telling the truth.

It's just that they still can't believe it. How could they act so wildly and frivolously!

Mo Yuhuang first looked at Xu You in shock, and then his face turned to anger.

His apprentice can chew it by himself, but what do the three of them mean?

Thinking of this, Mo Yuhuang turned angrily and stared at Huangfu Lan, "I treat you as sisters, you are biting my apprentice, right? I am here today, but you are not!"

[I have been writing this plot for the past few days. I didn’t intend to write so much. I’m sorry if I can’t stop the car.

I’m asking for a monthly ticket for another day in the middle of the month, okay, I love you~~]

(End of chapter)

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