Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 34 (Please Follow Up) Luo Qiaoqiao Leaves It To Me To Solve!

Chapter 34 (Seeking to Continue Reading) Luo Qiaoqiao handed the matter over to me to resolve!

When the righteous path fails, one will gradually consider the convenient evil path. This is also the reason why sinister and crooked paths like Connected Tranquility Valley have always thrived.

The missing men from Fragrant Garden were all committed by Fang Yuan and Zhou Changkun. After all, Fang Yuan had twenty years of experience working in the Bureau of Demons, so his methods were naturally flawless and wouldn't be discovered.

In fact, according to their original plan, they would stop after draining the mortals and a few low-level cultivators. This way, there would be no major issues.

But the path of a Demonic Cultivator is not one that can be easily abandoned.

How could they stop after just one sip?

The most crucial point is that before targeting Fragrant Garden, Fang Yuan met Xue Beishang.

Before Fragrant Garden, there were several cases of women going missing in the outskirts of the city. Fang Yuan was in charge of the investigation, and the details are too complex to mention for now.

In the end, Fang Yuan and Xue Beishang became acquainted because of this matter.

One was a defector from Joyous Union Sect who had turned to the evil path, and the other was a disciple who had been abandoned by the Joyous Union Sect's branch, Connected Tranquility Valley. The two of them hit it off immediately.

Fang Yuan directly suppressed the matter of the missing women because they had a new plan.

They were preparing to use Fragrant Garden to attract disciples from Kunlun Immortal Sect and Joyous Union Sect.

The disciples of Kunlun Immortal Sect would belong to Fang Yuan and Zhou Changkun, while the disciples of Joyous Union Sect would belong to Xue Beishang.

The three of them were at a critical stage in their cultivation, so they naturally needed such high-quality blood.

The matter of Fragrant Garden would undoubtedly attract disciples from Kunlun Immortal Sect to come and eradicate evil. In addition, Xue Beishang had been active in this area before, so the missing courtesans would also attract people from Joyous Union Sect.

Based on Xue Beishang's understanding of Joyous Union Sect, he knew that their people would choose female disciples to disguise themselves and secretly investigate the brothels.

After all, it was disgraceful for a sect to have someone like him, so they wouldn't send experts openly.

That's why he sent Fang Yuan to Fragrant Garden to use his secret technique to investigate whether there were disciples of Joyous Union Sect inside.

As expected, Luo Qiaoqiao, who was hiding in Fragrant Garden, was discovered.

For Fang Yuan, these missing people were all mortals and a few cultivators at the second realm. They wouldn't make Kunlun Immortal Sect overly cautious, thus confusing their judgment.

As it turns out, as Xu You had just guessed, he didn't report this matter to Western River County at all. He only let Kunlun Immortal Sect know.

All of this was part of Fang Yuan and Xue Beishang's plan.

It should be noted that the spiritual aptitude of disciples from the Five Sects and Seven Sects is far superior to that of ordinary cultivators. Sucking one of them is equivalent to sucking the blood of ten cultivators of the same realm.

It can be said to be the highest quality blood feast in the world.

That's why Fang Yuan and Xue Beishang became more daring and prepared for one final act.

They really just wanted to take one last sip.

After that, they would completely stop. Xue Beishang would escape to another place, while Fang Yuan and Zhou Changkun would hide in Luo Feng City and live normal lives under their original identities until the storm passed.

They also believed that if anything happened to the disciples from Immortal Gate, Kunlun Immortal Sect would definitely conduct a thorough investigation and discover that it was the work of Connected Tranquility Valley.

But it wouldn't be something that Xu You and Bai Genshuo could uncover right now.

They didn't leave any loopholes.

Afterwards, what does Connected Tranquility Valley have to do with the investigation of the Monster Control Department and the Great Zhou Imperial Clan? It is even less likely to find anything on them.

With these two layers of protection, as long as we stop afterwards, everything will be fine.

If things really don't work out, we can escape to Maple City. There is nowhere in the world we can't go.

With the blood food bonus from the disciples of the Immortal Gate, we can peacefully cultivate in seclusion, and our cultivation will definitely reach a higher level.

It can be said that Fang Yuan has already thought of everything, very cautious and thorough. Now everything is going according to his plan. The two Immortal Gate disciples who came are only at the third realm of cultivation.

Everything is moving towards a better future.

"Senior Brother is truly worthy of being the director of the Monster Control Department. Junior Brother admires you." Zhou Changkun sincerely bows and thanks, then asks, "I don't know what the situation is with the two Immortal Gate disciples who came?"

"I specifically had a close contact with them just now. They both have the strength of the mid-stage of the third realm," Fang Yuan explains. "One is named Bai Genshuo, who is sociable in his interactions. The other is a genuine disciple of the Immortal Gate, named Xu You. He is cold and arrogant, looking down on others. He is probably a cultivator who only knows how to cultivate."

"Leave Xu You to me!" Zhou Changkun says sinisterly.

Fang Yuan glances at him and does not object. He knows that Zhou Changkun has always held resentment towards these high and mighty Immortal Gate disciples.

When Zhou Changkun was young and discovered his ability to cultivate, his father used a lot of connections to obtain an opportunity for him to be selected by the Kunlun Immortal Sect. However, the latter casually rejected him with the excuse of insufficient aptitude.

This matter has always been a shadow in Zhou Changkun's childhood, and it has caused him to resent the Immortal Gate disciples all these years.

The fact that he can embark on the path of Connected Tranquility Valley is also a big reason for this.

"Although Xu You's realm is slightly lower than yours, you still need to be careful. After all, he is a disciple of the Kunlun Immortal Sect," Fang Yuan reminds.

"We are in the dark, and besides, we have Senior Brother Chen's help. I'm at ease," Zhou Changkun continues nodding with a smile on his face.

Fang Yuan nods without expressing agreement or disagreement. With his cultivation at the fourth realm, he naturally has no worries.

In fact, helping Zhou Changkun in this way is also his own intention. The identity of Connected Tranquility Valley is only one aspect; he mainly wants to join the Monster Control Department.

Now that his cultivation is promising and he can also establish a connection with the imperial clan, it is naturally something he is very willing to do.

"Did you stay at home obediently last night and not cause any trouble?" Fang Yuan suddenly asks.

Zhou Changkun is taken aback for a moment, then smiles and says, "Last night, my blood was surging, so I found two men. But Senior Brother, rest assured, I was definitely not discovered by anyone. I have full confidence in our concealment methods in Connected Tranquility Valley."

Fang Yuan furrows his brows slightly. He was in seclusion last night and did not know about this matter. "Didn't I say not to act recklessly these days? We were supposed to act together tomorrow night. Did you act recklessly again?"

"Senior Brother, rest assured, those two disciples from Kunlun couldn't have found out anything overnight," Zhou Changkun quickly explains.

"Are you sure there were no flaws?" Fang Yuan asks again.

"No, it was the same method as usual," Zhou Changkun shakes his head. "If I had really been discovered, could I still be standing here now? Senior Brother, rest assured, these disciples of the Kunlun Immortal Sect are also human. How could they have discovered anything overnight?"

"I warn you, be obedient tonight," Fang Yuan says without any doubt.

"Understood," Zhou Changkun nods seriously.

After seriously thinking about it, Fang Yuan finally feels that there are no loopholes. He doesn't say anything more and leaves with Zhou Changkun.

(Continuing with three more chapters, the attitude is excellent.)

(End of this chapter)

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