Chapter 35: Matryoshka Dolls, Right?

On the evening of the next day, Xu You was still patiently meditating in the room. Bai Genshuo, on the other hand, couldn't sit still. Nothing happened last night, which made him suspicious.

Luo Qiaoqiao also came over at this moment, pretending to be a wine server. She had stayed up all night last night, but there was no sign of anything happening.

Thinking that Xu You and Bai Genshuo were somewhat clever, she came to take a look.

At this moment, she propped her chin with her left hand, lazily twirling an empty wine glass with her right hand, crossing her legs and gently swaying.

"Did the other side discover us?" Bai Genshuo couldn't help but ask, "The enemy is in the dark, we can't just keep waiting like fools. Shouldn't we come up with another plan?"

"Do you have any good ideas, Senior Sister?" Xu You asked Luo Qiaoqiao.

The latter just shook her head, "No."

Xu You rubbed his temples. After these few encounters, he had some understanding of Luo Qiaoqiao. She probably wasn't someone who relied on her brains to make a living.

He also didn't know why only she came from the Joyous Union Sect. If that Xue Beishang didn't show up, wouldn't she have to keep waiting here?

Just as Xu You was about to continue speaking, Bai Genshuo suddenly sniffed with his nose and said, "Shh, someone's here!"

"How many?" Xu You became alert.

"Just one, it's the Demonic Cultivator from Connected Tranquility Valley who committed the crime the day before yesterday," Bai Genshuo said.

"Quickly suppress your cultivation." Xu You immediately restrained his aura, and at the same time, he said to Bai Genshuo, "Go back to your room, they might be coming for you. I believe your 'reputation' these past two days wasn't for nothing."

"Understood!" Bai Genshuo left immediately, but then he added worriedly, "If they really come for me, you guys have to keep up."

"Don't worry, we're reliable." Xu You patted the other's shoulder.

Downstairs, Zhou Changkun held a folding fan and strolled leisurely among the flowers. He was a frequent visitor to the Fragrant Garden, so his presence here wouldn't be out of place.

Their plan was simple. Today, he would come here to "kidnap someone," deliberately revealing some flaws in the process, and lure those disciples from the Immortal Gate outside the city.

By then, Fang Yuan would be waiting there, and everything would fall into place.

He was currently in the dark, and those disciples from the Immortal Gate wouldn't notice him at all. They also had no way of knowing that it was someone from the esteemed Great Zhou royal family who was behind all this.

As for the target he would kidnap tonight, it was very clear—a man named Bai Ye.

These past two days, the girls in the Fragrant Garden had been talking about how mighty Bai Ye was. If he could gain the collective approval of the courtesans, then he must be truly formidable.

For Zhou Changkun, such a blood feast was the Supreme Grade. When executing the plan, he would take the opportunity to kidnap Bai Ye as well, killing two birds with one stone.

Soon, Zhou Changkun subtly found Bai Ye's residence, then left naturally without attracting anyone's attention, and quietly returned.

When he arrived outside Bai Genshuo's door, he released a fragrance into the room, and then quietly entered.

The whole process was smooth and skilled.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Bai Genshuo and a girl lying on the bed, fast asleep. He approached and took a look.

After seeing Bai Genshuo's appearance, he muttered to himself in a low voice. Bai Genshuo's appearance reassured him completely. He had originally wondered if this Bai Ye was the same person as Bai Genshuo from the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Now it seemed that they just shared the same surname. Immortal Gate disciples couldn't be so promiscuous, and they definitely wouldn't lack charisma or be so ugly.

He didn't think too much and directly carried Bai Genshuo, jumping out of the window and disappearing into the night.

Bai Genshuo's heart is filled with mixed feelings at this moment. Yes, he is pretending to be unconscious using the Turtle Breath Technique, and Zhou Changkun will not notice anything wrong.

But he feels a strong sense of disgust when he thinks about being carried by this perverted thief.

He must personally kill this person later!

In this way, both of them have their own thoughts.

Zhou Changkun thinks that Xu You and the others know nothing and are using Bai Genshuo as bait to lure Xu You and the others.

And Bai Genshuo also thinks that Zhou Changkun and these Demonic Cultivators are unaware, and they are using Zhou Changkun as bait to lure out his accomplices.

In the Fragrant Garden, Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao have been following from a distance since Bai Genshuo was carried away. They had already placed a tracking device on Bai Genshuo.

Shortly after they left the Fragrant Garden, Xue Beishang emerged from the darkness. His brows were slightly furrowed, and his pitch-black eyes showed no color.

According to the plan, he intended to wait until the disciples of Kunlun Immortal Sect left before going in to find Luo Qiaoqiao, catching her off guard.

But he didn't expect Luo Qiaoqiao to be with Xu You. And he never expected Zhou Changkun to be foolish enough to take the disciples of Kunlun Immortal Sect as bait and take them away.

Although his plan was slightly disrupted, he had no intention of informing Fang Yuan.

Or rather, he wanted to directly become the hunter. Regardless of how Fang Yuan and Xu You clashed, he only needed to ensure that he could capture Luo Qiaoqiao in the end.

He didn't mind using Fang Yuan and Zhou Changkun as stepping stones. He and Fang Yuan were only superficially brothers, and if they died, they died.

With this in mind, Xue Beishang chuckled coldly.

He silently followed Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao from a distance, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Although he no longer regarded Xu You and the others as a threat with his current cultivation level, he had been able to survive as a defector from Joyous Union Sect by being cautious and cunning.

He had given his all against ordinary people, let alone Luo Qiaoqiao, the talented disciple of Joyous Union Sect.

And so, the three groups continued on their way to the outskirts of the city, unaware of each other.

"Luo Senior Sister, have you noticed anything strange?" Xu You pondered as they flew, "That Demonic Cultivator seems to have a faint leak of aura.

Although it's very weak, it's clearly different from when he completely concealed it during the previous incident."

"That's true." Luo Qiaoqiao nodded, tilting her head slightly as she looked at Xu You with her amber eyes blinking, "Even if Bai Genshuo doesn't have any tracking techniques on him, we can still follow this aura.

It's as if the other party deliberately left it behind?"

"That's a possibility." Xu You nodded, "If that's the case, it means that the other party is likely setting a trap for us. But how did they know that we are currently hiding in the Fragrant Garden?

We haven't shown any flaws in the past few days."

"You're asking me? I don't know." Luo Qiaoqiao smiled slightly, "Even if it is a trap, it doesn't matter. Only the weak need to set traps."

Xu You was momentarily stunned, unable to refute this statement.

At this point, he had already noticed that something was amiss, but there was nothing he could do. Bai Genshuo was in the hands of the enemy.

Regardless of whether there was a trap ahead, he had to go.

A few moments later, Zhou Changkun carried Bai Genshuo to their usual meeting spot outside the city, where Fang Yuan was already waiting for him.

"Fang Senior Brother, I'm here. According to the plan, I left traces on the way here. The disciples of the Immortal Gate will track them here when they find someone missing," Zhou Changkun said as he casually threw Bai Genshuo, who was facing downwards, onto the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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