Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 36 Do You Think This Is Very Strong?

Chapter 36: You think this is strong?

Fang Yuan immediately turned off the lights, without even looking at the person Zhou Changkun had brought back, so he didn't notice that it was Bai Genshuo who had been brought back.

He smiled satisfactorily at Zhou Changkun.

"Not bad, are you sure there are no other loopholes?"


Fang Yuan looked relieved. As long as Xu You and Bai Genshuo chased after them, Xue Beishang, who was ambushing around Piaoxiang Garden, would naturally take care of that disciple from the Joyous Union Sect.

No matter what methods Xu You and Bai Genshuo had, they would still end up here today.

Compared to Fang Yuan's current joy, Bai Genshuo, who was lying on the ground, was feeling extremely bitter.

Damn it, he didn't expect the other demonic cultivator to be the director of the Ji Yao Division!

Who could have imagined that? The director of the strongest official organization in Great Zhou would be a disciple of the Connected Tranquility Valley?

Bai Genshuo was completely dumbfounded. With the mid-stage cultivation of the Fourth Realm, it would be easier to kill him than to kill a chicken. Once he was discovered by the other party, he would be in big trouble.

Originally, this was supposed to be an easy task. This sneaky demonic cultivator at most had the cultivation of the Third Realm. Who could have expected this?

Bai Genshuo remained motionless at this moment, his mind spinning as he thought about how to escape.

"Senior brother, it will take some time for the disciples from Kunlun to arrive. Before that, let me have some fun. This person we captured is very fierce, a Supreme Grade blood feeder! It's such a waste to just leave him here." Zhou Changkun pointed excitedly at Bai Genshuo on the ground.

Fang Yuan frowned slightly, but eventually relaxed and said, "Don't waste time here, go find a good place and finish it quickly."

"Senior brother, you can trust my speed. I've never been slow." Zhou Changkun excitedly lifted Bai Genshuo from the ground.

"Hold on!" Fang Yuan directly grabbed Zhou Changkun's wrist and turned Bai Genshuo's face towards him.

He froze for a moment. Bai Genshuo's thick eyebrows were quite distinctive, and he recognized him at a glance. But he couldn't be sure if there were no fluctuations in his cultivation.

The most crucial thing was how Bai Genshuo was easily captured by Zhou Changkun?

"What the hell is going on?" Fang Yuan couldn't help but curse.

"What's wrong, senior brother?" Zhou Changkun was a bit confused.

"How the fuck did you capture Bai Genshuo?" Fang Yuan was furious, his facial muscles trembling with anger.

"Bai Genshuo? Is this person Bai Genshuo?" Zhou Changkun was completely dumbfounded.

Fang Yuan's face changed unpredictably. Now was not the time to investigate. He directly slapped Bai Genshuo, intending to disable him first.

Bai Genshuo instantly broke free from Zhou Changkun's hand, retreated agilely, but didn't dare to run away directly. A smile appeared on his dusty face, and his thick eyebrows drooped in a pleasing arc.

"Hey, how are you guys doing? Nice to meet you. We're all brothers."

Fang Yuan looked at him expressionlessly, and Bai Genshuo could only force a smile.

It's hard to speak out about the bitterness in his heart.

All he could do now was to delay time and wait for Xu You to arrive. Otherwise, he was really afraid that he would perish here.

"I'm Bai Genshuo, my master has a great background..."

Before Bai Genshuo could finish speaking, Fang Yuan instantly appeared beside him and knocked him unconscious with a knife hand strike.

The difference in cultivation realms made Bai Genshuo completely defenseless, and he was subdued in an instant.

Zhou Changkun only realized his mistake later and quickly explained, "Senior brother, I really didn't know that this Bai Genshuo is Bai Genshuo. It was my negligence, I apologize."

Fang Yuan now really wanted to scold himself for having such a brainless teammate, but in the end, he just took a deep breath and said, "You don't need to apologize.

The situation is simple. Xu You and Bai Genshuo are obviously setting a trap for us. It's just that they didn't expect me to be here.

The plan won't fail. Bai Genshuo is mine, Xu You is yours. You prepare to trap him here, his cultivation is still one realm below yours.

It shouldn't be difficult for you to capture him with your preparations. Understand?"

"I understand, senior brother. I won't make any mistakes." Zhou Changkun nodded quickly.

"Then wait here. I'll go absorb Bai Genshuo first." Fang Yuan added.

"But senior brother, what if..."

"What 'what if'? There will always be risks on this path." Fang Yuan interrupted Zhou Changkun's words and flew away with Bai Genshuo.

Zhou Changkun looked at Fang Yuan's departing figure with a pale face, and could only helplessly prepare for the backup plan.

Xu You was someone he had chosen before. Although there was a slight deviation now, he still had control over the situation, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

On the other side, Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao followed Bai Genshuo outside the city. They first felt that Bai Genshuo had stopped somewhere for a while, and then they were quickly taken away by someone.

"There are at least two people on the other side. The one who stayed behind is the one who kidnapped someone, and I don't know the cultivation level of the one who took Bai Genshuo." Xu You quickly said.

"I'll deal with the one here, you go after Bai Genshuo. Is that okay with you?" Luo Qiaoqiao spoke directly.


"No buts, that's how it is." Luo Qiaoqiao didn't waste any time and immediately split up with Xu You, rushing towards Bai Genshuo's direction.

Xu You watched Luo Qiaoqiao's figure disappear into the distance and knew that she was leaving the risks to herself. This touched him.

After Luo Qiaoqiao left, Xu You's face became serious. He didn't hide it and quickly landed on a quiet hill.

At the moment he landed, a blood-colored barrier directly covered the small hill, and a bloody aura rushed towards Xu You from all directions.

Xu You looked up at the blood-red barrier above his head, which was crystal clear and extraordinary.

What was even stranger was that strands of pressure pressed down on Xu You, giving him a sense of stagnation, as if he was walking in water.

This didn't seem like a formation, but more like some kind of secret technique.

At the moment the blood-colored barrier appeared, Zhou Changkun, dressed in white, walked out of the darkness and stood in front of Xu You.

Xu You calmly looked at the man in front of him, who seemed to be weak in both energy and blood, and had a cultivation level slightly higher than his own.

Xu You looked around and sensed that there was indeed no one else here.

"Don't bother looking, you alone are enough for me." Zhou Changkun looked at Xu You with a gloomy expression.

"Oh." Xu You looked at the blood-colored barrier above his head with some disdain. He really had no interest in this kind of behavior of taking advantage of others.

Zhou Changkun exploded directly, his voice filled with anger, "I hate people like you, the lapdogs of the Immortal Gate. Once you enter my carefully arranged Blood Barrier, you won't be able to escape.

If you beg me now, I'll add more oil when I enjoy myself later, so you won't suffer so much."

"Do you think this is strong?" Xu You pointed to the blood-colored barrier above his head.

"Nonsense, once you enter my Blood Barrier, your cultivation and techniques can only be used at five or six levels." Zhou Changkun's voice abruptly stopped, his eyes almost popping out.

But while he was speaking, Xu You formed hand seals with both hands, and a red silk thread shot up from his hands and directly split the blood barrier in half.

(End of this chapter)

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