Chapter 38: Gunfighting Skills

Luo Qiaoqiao naturally wouldn't let Fang Yuan escape so easily, so she transformed into a startled swan and flew towards him to chase him down.

Before leaving, she sealed several important meridian joints of Zhou Changkun, causing him to collapse on the ground, unable to move.

Xu You immediately summoned his own flying boat and followed Luo Qiaoqiao.

Bai Genshuo watched Xu You and the others leave, finally feeling relieved. He wiped away the tears on his face, straightened his clothes, and gasped for breath on the ground.

After calming down, he swaggered over to Zhou Changkun and squatted down beside him, not hesitating to slap his face with his right hand.

"What's your name?"

"Zhou Changkun." Unable to mobilize his cultivation, Zhou Changkun answered fearfully.

"Zhou Changji?"

"No, Zhou Changkun."

"So your name is Zhou Changkun, huh!" Bai Genshuo angrily slapped him across the face.

He was extremely angry right now, very angry. His reputation was almost ruined. But he couldn't beat Fang Yuan, so he could only vent his anger on the little brother in front of him.

"Tell me, why the hell did you drool in front of me just now?" Bai Genshuo slapped him again.

With both cheeks swollen, Zhou Changkun could only cry without tears, weak and helpless. He mumbled, "I really didn't, I swear."

"Bullshit!" Bai Genshuo shouted angrily. "I have eyes everywhere. How could I not notice your little actions? I admit, I am quite handsome, but I'm not someone you Connected Tranquility Valley guys can have thoughts about."

The more Bai Genshuo spoke, the angrier he became. He glanced around and picked up the spiked wooden stick that Xu You had brought over and thrown on the ground.

Bai Genshuo looked at the stick in his hand with satisfaction and praised himself, "Not bad, it's comparable to mine."

Then he stared fiercely at Zhou Changkun and said, "Zhou, today I will let you taste the power of a bull's horn!"

"No, please, no!" Zhou Changkun's face was filled with fear, and he desperately tried to move backward, extremely weak and helpless.

Soon, the courtyard was filled with heart-wrenching screams, a sound that made one's scalp tingle and pierced deep into the soul.

On the other side, Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao closely pursued Fang Yuan. They quickly flew dozens of miles away to a desolate area, finally stopping him on a patch of yellow sand.

"Let me go. Zhou Changkun is enough for you to complete the mission. I can offer all my wealth. It's meaningless for you to fight me.

Perhaps there is even a risk of falling. If I escape, your sect won't blame you." Being stopped, Fang Yuan looked at Luo Qiaoqiao and Xu You with a gloomy expression, stating the pros and cons.

Xu You actually quite admired this fierce and rough-looking Chief of the Demonic Beast Control Division. His thoughts and character were delicate and measured.

To be able to sit in the position of a division chief, he was indeed not a fool. This also served as a warning to Xu You that cultivators in this world were not easy to deal with, and everything needed to be handled with caution.

"I'm not interested in you. I have a question for you. Do you know Xue Beishang?" Luo Qiaoqiao narrowed her beautiful eyes and asked.

Seeing Luo Qiaoqiao's question, Fang Yuan no longer had any illusions and instantly entered a state of battle, without any hesitation.

He lightly patted his waist, and a mini spear flew out from a small storage bag on his waist.

The spear grew larger in the wind, and finally Fang Yuan held the spear, his clothes rustling as he floated proudly. His entire aura was completely different.

He comes from a military background and follows the path of martial arts cultivation. With his weapon in hand, he becomes a humanoid beast.

Luo Qiaoqiao looked at the other person with a hint of seriousness. Regardless, the path of Martial Dao is worthy of awe. Although everyone curses the crude martial artists, no one wants to engage in combat with them.

These martial artists may have a simple way of fighting, but they are rough and every one of them is a strong man. Ordinary cultivators cannot handle such intense waves of attacks.

"Hey!" Fang Yuan shouted angrily. It seemed like flames were burning on his body as he instantly let go of the long spear in his hand, leaving a faint shadow in the air.

He charged towards Xu You like a gust of wind.

A clash of giant dragons.

Facing Fang Yuan's attack, Luo Qiaoqiao immediately pushed Xu You away. Xu You, at the mid-stage of the Fourth Realm, couldn't withstand a full-force strike from Luo Qiaoqiao.

After pushing Xu You away, she immediately formed hand seals with both hands. A layer of white shield enveloped her body, connected to her physical form. Her cultivation rapidly circulated within her, providing continuous support to this defensive shield.


The silver spearhead smashed onto the shield like a cannonball. The tremendous impact pushed Luo Qiaoqiao back a distance, causing a huge sonic boom in the area, blowing up the sand below and sending it flying.


Xu You, on the side, took a cold breath. He was not seriously injured, but the fierce residual force of the spear made his breath slightly unstable.

Indeed, Fang Yuan, who could become a squad leader, had formidable combat power.

As for Luo Qiaoqiao, who was at the forefront, she seemed to be fine, but somewhat dazed.

Fang Yuan didn't give her any time to catch her breath. At the moment the spear was released, he followed closely behind, finally grabbing the spear and shooting up to a higher place.

He stopped tens of zhang away from Luo Qiaoqiao.

Only to see the long spear in his hand turn into nothingness, finally transforming into hundreds of golden spear shadows. These hundreds of spear shadows formed a dense spear formation and descended towards Luo Qiaoqiao.

The momentum was astonishing, clearly a highly accomplished martial technique.

Explosions resounded one after another, and the immense power, when it fell on the yellow earth, plowed through the entire surface, causing countless dust to fill the air.

The scene was extremely shocking.

Fang Yuan gasped heavily, his face covered in sweat, and his complexion turned red. This steaming phenomenon precisely indicated that he had pushed his cultivation to the extreme.

He had no intention of holding back, directly using one of his strongest martial techniques.

He was always cautious and ruthless in his actions. From being a nobody to his current position, he relied on giving his all, without any reservations, regardless of who his opponent was. In a situation of confirmed hostility, he never hesitated and directly made a ruthless move.

Looking at the scene below, completely covered in yellow soil, Fang Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The disciples of the Five Sects and Seven Sects were always arrogant and didn't regard other cultivators highly. Fang Yuan couldn't deny that the majority of the Immortal Gate disciples were indeed stronger than him.

But Luo Qiaoqiao, who seemed to have recently entered the Fourth Realm, was definitely not as experienced as him, who had endured for so long.

Moreover, she was young and must have focused solely on cultivation to reach this realm. Her knowledge of spells and practical combat experience must be lacking.

Therefore, Fang Yuan directly killed her ruthlessly.

With the dust settled, Fang Yuan didn't linger any longer. He forcefully suppressed his disordered breath and was about to shoot towards a distant place.

(End of this chapter)

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