Chapter 39: Did he become a Buddha??

"Are you in such a hurry to leave, sir?"

A clear voice sounded in his ears, and Fang Yuan's mind froze. He turned directly to the side and looked over. His face immediately turned extremely ugly.

Luo Qiaoqiao was standing unharmed right in front of him.

Fang Yuan couldn't believe his eyes. He cursed inwardly, but he didn't dare to stop his footsteps. His only thought now was to run away as far as possible.

However, Luo Qiaoqiao instantly appeared in front of him and blocked his way. With a light wave of her right hand, a white ribbon flew in the air, exuding a strong killing intent, forcibly stopping Fang Yuan's steps.

"Brother Xue, if you don't come out now, don't blame me for helping this Fairy Luo deal with you!" Fang Yuan suddenly shouted towards the darkness on his right side.

Xu You, who had been watching Luo Shijie's fierce battle, immediately looked alertly towards the right side and swiftly flew behind Luo Qiaoqiao.

Soon, a sinister man emerged from the darkness on the right side.

Xue Beishang had a wicked smirk on his lips and held a pitch-black dagger in his hand.

Having been in the mix for so many years, how could Fang Yuan not know what Xue Beishang was up to now? If he hadn't left a trace of his unique aura on Xue Beishang earlier, he feared that the other party would only come out to benefit after he died.

But now he pretended not to know about this matter and instead laughed heartily at Xue Beishang, "Brother Xue, the two of us working together can definitely handle the enemy. As usual, I'll help you subdue your junior sister, and then you can do as you please."

Xue Beishang nodded as if nothing was wrong.

The two of them quickly reached an agreement, appearing affectionate and friendly.

"Sister Luo, is this the person you were looking for? Didn't you say he was at the Mid-stage of the Fourth Realm and severely injured?" Xu You asked in a low voice as he looked at Xue Beishang's powerful Late-stage Fourth Realm cultivation.

"I don't know," Luo Qiaoqiao shook her head.

"Can Sister defeat these two?" Xu You continued to ask.

"What do you think?" Luo Qiaoqiao turned her head, her innocent big eyes blinking.

"Is it still possible to run away now?"

"What do you think?"

"Understood." Xu You had a headache. He didn't expect that what should have been a simple task would bring out two experts like this.

What should he do now? It's difficult to handle the situation.

"Sister, if I find a helper at the Mid-stage of the Fourth Realm, do you have a chance of winning?" Xu You asked.

"After all, Xue Beishang is from the Joyous Union Sect. I can't guarantee it, but the pressure will be much lower," Luo Qiaoqiao replied.

"Then, Sister, do you have someone in your heart right now?" Xu You continued to ask.

Luo Qiaoqiao was first stunned, then a hint of blush appeared on her ears. She was angered.

How could she have expected that at this moment, Xu You would still ask such a question?

Xu You saw Luo Qiaoqiao's reaction from the corner of his eye and understood in his heart that the rat wouldn't do anything to her.

He clapped his hands, and a talisman swelled in the wind.

In an instant, the sturdy rat's figure immediately expanded as it came out. It patted its chest and exhaled black air, looking at Xue Beishang. Its cultivation soared to the Mid-stage of the Fourth Realm.

Luo Qiaoqiao looked in astonishment at the spiritual pet summoned by Xu You. She didn't expect Xu You to have such a good pet. With this rat demon's help, the pressure would be greatly reduced.

"Sister, please forgive me. My spiritual pet has a special trait. It will kill anyone who is unfaithful in love. That's why I asked just now," Xu You explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, the rat demon rushed towards Xue Beishang with a swoosh.


The rat demon's physical impact, with fists pounding, Xue Beishang frowned as he looked at the rampaging earth demon rat. He quickly formed hand seals with his hands, and a light shield pressed down heavily on the rat demon.

The tremendous force directly rebounded the rat demon and sent it flying. It angrily roared.

Xue Beishang truly lived up to being a disciple of the Joyous Union Sect, displaying absolute dominance.

After easily repelling the earth demon rat, Xue Beishang's eyes flickered as he looked towards Xu You. He took out a pill from his pocket and swallowed it.

"What is he doing?" Xu You asked in confusion.

"That dagger is his relied-upon Law Weapon, coated with deadly poison."

"Then he still licked it?"

"No, he took the antidote."

"Is your senior brother crazy?"

"He's not crazy. Can he defect from the Joyous Union Sect?"

Xu You's eyelid twitched. "But he looks really strong. How do we deal with him?"

Looking at the strange aura emanating from Xue Beishang, Luo Qiaoqiao's face turned serious. "He seems off. He shouldn't have become this strong. Something feels wrong."

Xue Beishang clearly wouldn't answer this question. He chuckled, "Junior sister, you're no match for me. If you give up resistance, I'll make it quick for you later. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

At this moment, Fang Yuan also held a long spear, ready to attack together with Xue Beishang and strike the enemy in one blow.

"Luo senior sister, I have another plan! Please forgive me if I offend you later," Xu You hurriedly said.

"What?" Luo Qiaoqiao didn't understand.

Xu You didn't explain further because Fang Yuan and Xue Beishang had already charged forward together.


But Xu You shouted angrily, and the fiery red Virtuous Sword of Fire swelled in the wind. Two consecutive red sword qi flew directly towards Fang Yuan.

[Virtuous Sword of Fire]

[Divine Ability 1: Fire. When driven by this sword, it is surrounded by flames and primarily used for attack, with the additional effect of confusion.

Divine Ability 2: Virtuous. The wielder of the sword upholds justice and eliminates evil!

It can purify impure demonic souls, with a certain chance of enlightening them temporarily, turning them temporarily good and abandoning their evil ways! (The effect depends on the strength of both parties)

A gentleman hides his weapon, choosing to do good! Please do your best to help the lost lamb!

Also, good and evil in the world are always balanced. While choosing to do good, it will also backfire and temporarily cloud one's judgment.]

Xu You directly unleashed waves of Virtuous Sword qi.

At first, Fang Yuan was somewhat cautious when the sword qi attacked, but when he saw that the sword qi had little power, he didn't pay it any mind. He casually raised his long spear and struck the sword qi.

A strange scene occurred. The sword qi ignored the long spear, passed through it, and lightly slashed Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan immediately stopped in his tracks. He was first stunned, then a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"No! Something's wrong! There's a problem!"

In that instant, Fang Yuan felt an extreme sense of guilt.

Why did he have to attack such a young and vibrant person?

It was a sin. How could he act on murderous thoughts?

As the director of the Demon Subjugation Bureau, how could he be an executioner?

At this moment, with a fierce expression and a face full of flesh, Fang Yuan suddenly became kind and benevolent, like a great virtuous person.

Even the curvature of his smile was filled with goodwill.

Without thinking too much, he directly reached out and grabbed Xue Beishang's wrist as he attacked.

"What are you doing?" Xue Beishang asked in confusion, then slightly startled.

Fang Yuan in front of him seemed to emit a Buddha's light, piercing his blood-stained soul. Xue Beishang had felt this kind of sensation before, from those high monks who had done good deeds throughout their lives. It was exactly the same.

So what was the situation with Fang Yuan?

Had he become enlightened?

This can't be a joke, right?

How could Xue Beishang not know Fang Yuan's character? How many lives had he taken?

"Don't make a fuss!" Xue Beishang said with a stern face.

(End of this chapter)

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