Chapter 42: The Chosen Cultivator

"Ah, you're finally back! If you had come back any later, I would have sought help from the sect."

Upon seeing Xu You return, Bai Genshuo immediately dropped the staff in his hand and sat by Xu You's feet, tightly hugging his thigh.

"If it weren't for you, I would have suffered a great loss today. From now on, you're my brother!"

Xu You's mouth twitched slightly, wanting to pull his leg away, but he couldn't break free from the other's tight grip.

Bai Genshuo continued to sob loudly, "Brother~"

"Get lost, are you trying to disgust me?" Xu You helplessly laughed and scolded, knowing that he had no way to deal with someone like Bai Genshuo.

After Bai Genshuo let go, he immediately stood up and asked, "Are you alright? What about Senior Sister Luo?"

"I'm fine. Senior Sister Luo finished her business and left."

"Then is Fang Yuan dead?" Bai Genshuo continued to ask.

"He's dead," Xu You calmly replied, then looked at Zhou Changkun lying on the ground.

"Brother, I..."

"Shut up!" Xu You glared at him, almost kicking him away because of those two words.

Bai Genshuo awkwardly smiled and scratched his head, "We can't kill Zhou Changkun, but we can torment him. You've already killed Fang Yuan, it wouldn't be appropriate to kill him too.

First, we need to keep him for questioning, and second, he is still a member of the royal family. Although the relationship is distant, he still carries the Zhou surname.

If he commits a crime, it should be resolved by the Great Zhou court. It's not suitable for us to kill him."

Xu You glanced at Bai Genshuo and casually threw the small recorder hanging from his chest to him, "The demon has been executed, and the matter involves the royal family and the Demon Subjugation Bureau.

I'm not interested in what happens next, so I'll leave the follow-up and the bureaucratic wrangling to you."

"Alright, leave it to me. You can go back to the Immortal Gate with peace of mind. I'll take care of the final work here." Bai Genshuo patted his chest and guaranteed.

Xu You nodded lightly, put down Fang Yuan's corpse, and summoned the White Boat to fly towards Kunlun Immortal Sect.

When he returned to Vermilion Bird Peak, it was already afternoon. Xu You excitedly returned to his small cottage.

He was looking forward to the two souls of the Four Realms experts. He sat cross-legged in his room and immersed his thoughts in the Divine Palace.

First, he opened the item, Xue Beishang's Four Realms Late Stage soul.

After going through the whole process, Xu You's soul experienced a moment of tranquility. He spread out his palm, and a green bead lay quietly on it.

[Heart of Dao Inquiry 1.0]

[In the three thousand Great Daos, only the capable can reside. The purpose of the Heart of Dao Inquiry is to help comprehend non-innate Great Daos with extraordinary talent and speed. This Heart of Dao Inquiry can comprehend other Great Daos as well.

Note: Cultivators go against the heavens, while ordinary people spend their whole lives pursuing a single Great Dao.

Although Great Daos are good, one should not be greedy for too many.

Focus on cultivating one's own path and cultivate other paths as secondary. Otherwise, conflicting foundations will be destroyed in an instant.

Also, there may be uncertainties and deviations in the learning process, and one must bear the consequences themselves.]

Huh? Looking at the result this time, Xu You was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that Xue Beishang, who had done many evil deeds, would produce something quite unconventional.

He didn't expect it to be something so serious?

And it was exactly what Xu You wanted at the moment.

Especially after this mission, Xu You realized that he was lacking in methods against enemies, and his foundation in Divine Abilities was not strong enough.

In addition, he had always wanted to cultivate the way of the sword, but he didn't know how talented he was in it. With this Heart of Dao Inquiry, wouldn't he be able to soar directly?

Great Dao is generally a path that a cultivator walks for their entire life, because Great Dao possesses unique and incompatible characteristics.

Just like Xu You wanting to learn the sword, it doesn't mean giving up the path of Daoism and switching to the path of sword cultivation. It's just a mindset of learning some sword techniques, adding more means to deal with opponents. But it can't reach the depth of sword cultivation.

But with the blessing of this aspiration for the Dao, it seems like one can walk on two legs?

At this moment, Xu You is overjoyed in his heart, immediately without any hesitation, he directly resolves the green bead and absorbs it into his body.

A warm current passes through, without noticing anything wrong or different. But Xu You is not in a hurry, he will wait and see when he learns the sword, to see if there will be good effects.

As for the special note at the end, mentioning the possibility of uncertain deviations in the learning process, to be honest, Xu You is somewhat doubtful.

He is very clear about the nature of the previous treasures produced, and has "suffered greatly" from them.

But he doesn't care, as long as they are useful.

Xu You continues to refine the essence of Fang Yuan's soul.

After going through the whole process again, Xu You spreads out his right hand, on which stands a three-inch-sized puppet, completely resembling himself, a one-to-one reduced version.

[Chosen Practitioner]

[Heaven rewards diligence, this puppet is in tune with your intentions, and can cultivate in the Divine Mansion, dedicating its cultivation achievements to you wholeheartedly. Chosen Practitioner, available 24/7.]

Note: Even chosen practitioners may feel frustrated at times, please follow the principles of human relations to encourage them.

The three-inch puppet turns into a stream of light and enters Xu You's body, finally sitting on the petals of the Azure Lotus in the Divine Mansion, immediately starting cultivation.


Xu You inhales a cold breath, a refined power of cultivation automatically circulating within his body.

This is exactly the feeling he had when he wholeheartedly cultivated the Nine Yang Immortal Technique, and the speed of cultivation is exactly the same.

Indeed, worthy of being a chosen practitioner! Starting cultivation directly.

According to the instructions, it means that there will be multiple selves cultivating 24/7. Even if he starts to eat, drink, and have fun from this moment on without any cultivation, his cultivation will still maximize its growth?

Isn't this a direct takeoff?

The Nine Yang Immortal Technique is something to strive for in the Late Stage, becoming more powerful as it progresses.

In the early stages, it is similar to other Daoist paths, focusing on stability, and there is nothing distinctive about it.

Xu You's previous plan was to gradually increase his cultivation through hard work, although his cultivation speed is much faster than ordinary cultivators, it is not to the point of being heaven-defying.

Now, with the help of this chosen practitioner, it can definitely be called heaven-defying!

He can shorten the time it takes to become stronger multiple times, this reward is the most precious one since the activation of the Azure Lotus.

Xu You must achieve that point mentioned in the supplementary note!

Even if he has to "buy wontons" even if he remains single!

Encouragement, must encourage!

Feeling the puppet cultivating with his whole heart and soul, Xu You's mouth cracks into a smile.

This trip to the Fallen Maple City is a big win.

After a while, Xu You finally adapts to the constantly growing cultivation that is happening automatically, feeling satisfied.

A powerful future is now visible to the naked eye.

Just as Xu You is immersed in this joy, a earth-shattering roar suddenly comes from outside the window. Accompanied by a terrifying pressure from the heavens and earth descending from above.

This kind of pressure that surpasses levels makes Xu You's Dao heart surge with waves.

(End of this chapter)

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