Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 43 (Please Follow Up) After All, It Was Mo Yuhuang Who Brought Him Up.

Chapter 43 (Seeking to Continue Reading) After all, it was Mo Yuhuang who raised Xu You.

Xu You hurriedly got up and walked to the courtyard, looking up at the distant sea of clouds, where the aura surged.

Suddenly, a slight ripple of divination power swept across the top of the clouds, and then, in a very short period of time, this ripple brewed into a towering wave that stirred up the surrounding spiritual energy, turning the world upside down.

Finally, a huge "whirlpool" formed with the mountaintop as the center, connecting the heavens and the earth.

The sea of clouds surged, thunder and lightning shuttled through it, and terrifying pressure from the heavens and the earth covered everything.

Xu You looked up at the terrifying scene above.

After a while, even more terrifying spiritual energy and pressure from the heavens and the earth came crashing down.

In the center of that whirlpool, three roars of dragons, phoenixes, and qilins could be heard faintly. Three golden creatures, each a thousand zhang tall and formed from spiritual energy, shuttled through the sea of clouds.

A golden dragon, a fire phoenix, and a nine-eyed qilin.

Then, the three divine beasts looked towards Kunlun and let out a mighty roar.

The breath of the divine beasts illuminated the sky.

The disciples of the Kunlun Immortal Sect were all shocked as they looked at the three divine beasts in the sky. The disciples with lower cultivation levels were filled with fear and trepidation.

The simultaneous breath of the divine beasts was a rare sight that they had never seen before.

The divine beasts wagged their tails in the wild, causing astonishment in the heavens and the earth.

Suddenly, two figures flew up from the sea of clouds.

After these two people entered the sea of clouds, a layer of mist immediately enveloped the surroundings, making it impossible to see what was happening inside. Only the sound of roaring beasts echoed through the heavens and the earth.

After this continued for a while, the commotion gradually disappeared, and finally, the mist dispersed. The sea of clouds returned to normal, as if the terrifying scene of the golden dragon's breath and the whirlpool hanging upside down in the sea of clouds just now was illusory.

Xu You stood in place for a long time, marveling at the sky. He had seen the scene of a powerful Divine Ability cultivator making a move before, but the scene just now clearly surpassed his understanding.

He didn't know what had happened, and Mo Yuhuang was not here now.

After thinking for a moment, Xu You immediately flew towards Heaven-Connecting Peak. After arriving at Heaven-Connecting Peak, almost everyone he encountered was discussing the scene just now.

Xu You listened attentively, extracting useful information.

First, it was highly likely that the anomaly was caused by divination, because the kind of spiritual beasts formed by spiritual energy usually represented luck or great changes, and they were the kind of luck or great changes that affected the heavens and the earth.

Second, the two people who entered the sea of clouds just now were Perfected Being Zi Yang and Crimson Serenity Peak's Peak Master Yi Li.

Crimson Serenity Peak belonged to His Highness Azure Dragon and was the only peak in the sect that was based on Qimen Divination. Its disciples practiced Qimen Divination and the Six Lines Eight Trigrams Technique in large numbers.

Although Qimen Divination was considered a minor path, its ever-changing and miraculous uses made the disciples of Crimson Serenity Peak highly respected and liked by disciples from other peaks.

The Peak Master of Crimson Serenity Peak, Yi Li, was even more talented and renowned in the world.

It was said that there were only a handful of people in the world who could consistently defeat him in divination. His reputation spread far and wide across the Divine Continent.

As for Perfected Being Zi Yang, he was relatively mysterious.

The Kunlun Immortal Sect had three ethereal immortal mountains floating above the sea of clouds.

The disciples of the Kunlun Immortal Sect knew that besides the twenty main peaks and several other functional peaks, there were three immortal mountains floating above the Immortal Gate's sea of clouds.

They were considered secret places within the Immortal Gate and were rarely revealed under normal circumstances. Very few disciples were able to ascend the Immortal Ascension Mountain. They were only opened to the outside world during major events or occasions in the Immortal Gate.

Perfected Being Zi Yang was the master of one of these three immortal mountains, Moon Jade Pavilion.

Moon Jade Pavilion was an immortal mountain opened by the first female sect leader of the Kunlun Immortal Sect, Fairy Yue Yao, many years ago. It was where her Dao residence was located, and later, it was expanded and became one of the three immortal mountains of the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Moon Jade Pavilion held a high position in the Kunlun Immortal Sect and was mainly responsible for two major matters. The first was luck.

In the Divine Continent, luck exists. The Moon Jade Pavilion not only needs to monitor the luck of the Kunlun Immortal Sect in real-time, but also needs to pay attention to the overall luck situation of the entire Divine Continent in order to respond accordingly.

Secondly, there is the Law Weapon. The Law Weapons bestowed upon outstanding disciples and high-level cultivators in the Immortal Gate are all under the jurisdiction of the Moon Jade Pavilion.

Divine Weapons choose their owners, and the Moon Jade Pavilion's role is to ensure that each Immortal Gate Divine Weapon ends up in the hands of its suitable owner.

With these two major responsibilities, the position of the Moon Jade Pavilion has always been stable, and each leader must be a direct descendant of the Fairy Yue Yao lineage.

The collaboration of these two powerful figures naturally leads people to speculate.

After all, one is in charge of luck, and the other is in charge of divination. It's thought-provoking.

Of course, the disciples on Heaven-Connecting Peak are aware of these matters, but the specifics are the concern of the higher-ups.

Having finished observing, Xu You didn't stay on Heaven-Connecting Peak for long and returned to his own dwelling.

The next morning, as dawn broke, Xu You immersed himself in the joy of practicing at double the speed.

Faintly, he felt a chill on his thigh and suddenly woke up. A purple figure appeared before his eyes in the dim morning light.

Mo Yuhuang had somehow already sat by his bedside.

She was still wearing that purple robe, her plump and firm buttocks pressed against the bed, displaying an astonishing curve.

Her legs were crossed, emphasizing her alluring figure. With a lazy expression, she gazed at Xu You, and her delicate right hand began to roam over his body like jade.

"Master, what are you doing!" Startled, Xu You instinctively grabbed Mo Yuhuang's criminal right hand.

Mo Yuhuang glanced at Xu You, retracted her right hand, and then took out a jade talisman from her bosom, tossing it to Xu You.

Hmm, it was taken out from her bosom.

When the jade talisman landed in Xu You's hand, it still carried some warmth, and a faint fragrance revitalized his whole being.

Thinking about the feng shui treasure where the jade talisman had just been, Xu You felt somewhat helpless. His master always liked to tease him in this way.

Actually, many times Xu You could vaguely sense that something was off between him and Mo Yuhuang, but he couldn't put it into words.

He also knew that this was just how Mo Yuhuang was towards him, without any special meaning. After all, he was raised by her.

To the point where Xu You had gradually become numb. Look, he could even hold onto this fragrant jade talisman forcefully.

"What is this?" Xu You asked.

"You wanted to practice swordsmanship, so I picked one for you." Mo Yuhuang stretched lazily, her two mountains and rivers almost bursting out, the curve extremely shocking.

"You should spend about seven or eight days familiarizing yourself with it, and then I'll have Senior Lu teach you."

"Thank you, Master!" Xu You's face was full of joy as he tightly held the jade talisman in his hands.

Finally, Mo Yuhuang was willing to guide him into her Great Dao.

"Don't lose sight of the big picture. Dao Foundation is the path for your entire life. If I see you indulging in swordsmanship, I will punish you severely," Mo Yuhuang warned, raising her index finger to her lips.

"Understood." Xu You obediently nodded.

"Of course, as I mentioned before, if I find that you haven't achieved anything in swordsmanship, I will still punish you," Mo Yuhuang added.

"Okay." Xu You continued to maintain his obedient posture.

"So well-behaved." Mo Yuhuang reached out and pinched Xu You's face, then her right hand habitually began to wander.

"Master, please behave!" Xu You once again grabbed Mo Yuhuang's mischievous hand.

(End of the chapter)

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