Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 50 The Great Dao Era, The Age Of Great Conflict

Chapter 50: The Era of the Great Dao, an Era of Great Strife

The spiritual energy and cycle of luck in the Divine Continent undergo a major change approximately every few thousand years. It can be said that this is a complete reshuffling of the entire Divine Continent, where everything becomes chaotic and disordered.

During this time, the heavenly secrets are concealed, and the Great Dao becomes difficult to fathom. No one can predict where the final outcome will lead.

Each time a new Era of the Great Dao arrives, it is an era of great strife.

The old fades away, and the new rises. Luck transforms like a dragon, and the heavens are overturned.

Miracles unfold in this era of great strife.

This is the cycle that occurs once every few thousand years in the Divine Continent, and it is impossible to determine when it began.

Among the five strongest sects in the present world, Kunlun Immortal Sect, which has the longest heritage among the Seven Sects, has only experienced four Eras of the Great Dao. Its history spans over ten thousand years, and it almost came to an end during the fourth era.

There are rumors that no power can last beyond five eras.

Now, Kunlun Immortal Sect is about to enter its fifth era.

Upon learning this, Xu You fell silent. The situation may be even more severe than he had imagined.

When a new Era of the Great Dao arrives, the luck of the world begins to circulate anew, and auspicious signs appear in the heavens.

Penglai Immortal Sect in the victorious continent of the East Sea has descended seven pure immortal bodies, making it the most powerful sect in the present world.

Penglai Immortal Sect, currently the strongest among the five sects, has experienced two Eras of the Great Dao.

It rose to prominence in the East Sea, starting from humble beginnings. Its immortal mountain is shrouded in mist all year round, and its disciples travel the world, helping and saving people, spreading across the five major continents.

Great Thunderclap Monastery in the Western Paradise Continent has descended six Mahayana Buddhist Law Manifestations, second only to Penglai Immortal Sect.

Great Thunderclap Monastery has experienced three Eras of the Great Dao and has established itself in the world through Buddhism. It is the Sacred Land of all Buddhist disciples in the Divine Continent.

In the Western Paradise Continent, it is the undisputed leader and the absolute Sacred Land in the hearts of all Buddhist disciples in the Divine Continent.

Good Fortune Immortal Sect in the cold continent of the North has descended five Northern Yin Ming Kun.

Good Fortune Immortal Sect has experienced two Eras of the Great Dao and follows the Yin-Yang Great Dao, striving to seize the heavens and earth to cultivate themselves.

The main sect is located in the perpetually snow-covered cold region of the North, and it has the fewest disciples among the five major Immortal Gates.

Heavenly Dipper Immortal Alliance in the Southern Barbarian Continent has descended six true bodies of barbarian gods.

The Southern Barbarian Continent only practices one Great Dao, the Martial Dao. The three major barbarian tribes are the most prominent.

These three tribes have inherited their traditions in the form of tribes for countless years. They focus on bloodline cultivation, and bloodline determines everything.

During the previous Era of the Great Dao thousands of years ago, the Southern Barbarian Continent awakened the present barbarian gods. With their own strength, they united the three major barbarian tribes and established the Heavenly Dipper Immortal Alliance.

The Heavenly Dipper Immortal Alliance has experienced one era and the thirty-six Heavenly Generals resound throughout the Southern Barbarian Continent.

Kunlun Immortal Sect, the Immortal Gate that has experienced the most Eras of the Great Dao, has only descended three auspicious divine beasts: the Golden Dragon, the Fire Phoenix, and the Nine-Eyed Qilin.

It ranks last among the five major Immortal Gates and is the least prominent among the Seven Sects.

Among them, the most powerful is Sword Sect.

Five true swords of luck descended from the heavens and were inserted into the main peak. Sword Sect did not choose a master like other forces.

They only said: any disciple of Sword Sect can draw the sword, and whoever succeeds will become the Sword Master.

Thus, Sword Sect, which has just established itself in this era, remains as sharp and arrogant as ever, asserting its unrivaled dominance.

Following Sword Sect are Taiyi Sect, Mountain Base Academy, and Joyous Union Sect.

Taiyi Sect is a major Daoist sect that has experienced two eras. In this era, it has descended four Daoist Heavenly Venerables.

Mountain Base Academy is the most powerful Confucian sect on the land of Shenzhou, and its disciples are all great Confucian scholars of the current era.

This time, the arrival of the Four-Page Golden Qu Palace Scriptures showcases the great luck of Confucianism.

Joyous Union Sect practices the dual cultivation of Yin and Yang Great Dao. This time, the arrival of two pairs of divine birds signifies the peak of the sect's luck in thousands of years.

Next is Heaven Seizing Sect, Beast Controlling Sect, and Five Moon Pavilion.

Heaven Seizing Sect, like Kunlun Immortal Sect, has a diverse range of disciples, with their main responsibility being to oversee major events in the world. This time, the arrival of three auspicious divine beasts, Bai Ze, Tian Gou, and Xuan Gui, is significant.

Beast Controlling Sect is famous for its ability to control beasts in Shenzhou, and all its disciples are Beast Immortal masters. This time, the arrival of three auspicious creatures, Lu Shu, Ba She, and Hu Jiao, is significant.

Five Moon Pavilion is the only sect among the Five Gates and Seven Sects that consists entirely of female disciples, who practice the Great Dao of music. Although their strength is not strong, their status is transcendent because many disciples have a large fan base outside. This time, the arrival of two divine musical scores is significant.

Their luck is the lowest among the Five Gates and Seven Sects.

But this is only in comparison to the Five Gates and Seven Sects. Outside, they are still a top-tier sect.

In addition to the Five Gates and Seven Sects, many other forces also have their own luck. Regardless of righteousness or evil, regardless of race.

[The Great Zhou Dynasty also witnessed the arrival of auspicious divine beasts, and the capital city is filled with people wearing golden armor.]

[The Demon Alliance's Nine Nether Holy Tree has revived and produced nine Nether Holy Fruits. There are rumors of a Demon Lord, and all the cultivators in the Demon Path have begun to stir.]

[The Horizontal Alliance, hidden in the Hengling Mountains, has witnessed the arrival of three divine serpents. The Lord of the Baigu Palace, Bai Li Yuntian, has made an extraordinary divination, causing a stir in the world. After the divination was completed, he immediately went into seclusion and ordered the disciples of the Horizontal Alliance not to leave without permission.]

[The Treasure Gathering Pavilion, as the representative of the sects, has condensed three Heavenly Fate Gold Coins with the Divine Weapon Gathering Treasure Cauldron. It is said that one of them will be put up for auction, and whoever obtains it will have obtained Heavenly Fate!]

[The Monster Valley's dormant Law Weapon, the Ten Thousand Demon Banner, has awakened. The Monster Qi covers the sky and reaches the heavens, attracting the worship of ten thousand demons.]

[The Gu God Clan has witnessed the arrival of a pair of Gu God true bodies, and they will select the sons and daughters of the Gu Gods to refine the true bodies.]

[Fengdu Ghost City has witnessed the arrival of two Eight-Pole Night Demons, and the entire city is sealed off, with no one allowed to enter or leave.]

Many forces have witnessed extraordinary phenomena.

Just by reading these miscellaneous messages, Xu You can feel the impending storm and the imminent beginning of this era of great contention.

Furthermore, it is rumored that a considerable number of small and medium-sized forces have also received mysterious and unknown luck. This is a necessary condition for rising in this era of great contention.

Based on the historical patterns of the past, the current Five Gates and Seven Sects are bound to decline after the end of this new Great Dao era.

After reading the Shenzhou Daily, Xu You sighed. From any perspective, Kunlun Immortal Sect is facing a dangerous future this time.

The oldest Immortal Gate has the second lowest luck among the Five Gates and Seven Sects.

It's somewhat difficult to handle.

Even the wording in the newspaper greatly exaggerates the subtle derogation of Kunlun Immortal Sect, and one can completely sense the hidden disdain of the Heaven Seizing Sect editor.

Xu You put down the Shenzhou Daily and did not expect that the world outside had undergone such changes during his one-month seclusion.

After a moment of emotion, Xu You continued to open the monthly report of Kunlun Immortal Sect to read.

The initial layout is similar to that of the Shenzhou Daily, describing and speculating about this Great Dao era. But the overall atmosphere is not gloomy, and there is no discouragement due to the number of auspicious signs.

There is a sense of "I am second to last, but I am not worried at all."

It can only be said that Kunlun Immortal Sect, which has experienced four Great Dao eras, has remarkable resilience.

Further down, a headline catches Xu You's eye.

[Which disciple in the sect will have the opportunity to obtain the luck of the Golden Dragon, Fire Phoenix, and Nine-Eyed Qilin!]

(End of this chapter)

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