Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 51 Fire Is Out Of The Circle

Chapter 51: Fire Breaks Out

Mo Yuhuang had previously introduced Xu You to the three auspicious divine beasts, which would choose three disciples from the Kunlun Immortal Sect to reside with. However, this is a more detailed introduction.

According to the text, those who are chosen to reside will be the embodiment of Immortal Gate's luck, leading Immortal Gate into this new era of the Great Dao.

As for who they are, it is unknown because the three auspicious divine beasts are currently sleeping on the Moon Yao Terrace, and the specific details are also unknown. However, based on the previous eras of the Great Dao, one can speculate.

Over three thousand years ago, during the arrival of the Great Dao era, the luck of the Kunlun Immortal Sect reached the heavens, becoming the first in the Divine Continent and obtaining eight auspicious divine beasts.

Later, the auspiciousness possessed eight young disciples, during the beginning of that enduring new era. The eight disciples faced tribulations and protected the inheritance of the Kunlun Immortal Sect, which was at the forefront.

And afterwards, they led the Kunlun Immortal Sect through its darkest moments.

They were known as the Eight Saints of Kunlun, and their statues and remains are still standing or buried on the Moon Yao Terrace.

Xu You did not know the story from over three thousand years ago, but from his limited understanding, he knew it was a magnificent era.

Now, with the arrival of a new Great Dao era, where will the Kunlun Immortal Sect go?

The article extensively discusses this major event. From this moment on, the four words "Great Dao era" will hang over the heads of all cultivators in the Divine Continent.

After reading this article, Xu You felt deeply moved. The momentum was rolling in, and he needed to make preparations for this matter early on.

Later, he would have to investigate whether there were any other particularities about this Great Dao era, as well as the specific circumstances from over three thousand years ago.

Xu You continued to flip through the pages, and the topic of the Great Dao era occupied two-thirds of the monthly report. The following sections were significantly reduced.

Surprisingly, Liu Yiyi, the Jade Maiden, did not release a photo album this month.

Xu You didn't think too much about it and continued reading.

[Chief Disciple of Kunlun Peak, Xue Qianluo, is planning to close up and break through to the Fifth Realm soon.]

This article also received extensive coverage. Xue Qianluo's reputation in the Kunlun Immortal Sect was extremely prominent.

Unlike Liu Yiyi, who became famous through external means, Xue Qianluo's fame came from her actual cultivation. She was not only the chief disciple of Kunlun Peak, but also the chief disciple among the younger generation of the entire Kunlun Immortal Sect.

She was the idol of countless Immortal Gate disciples, with her cultivation talent surpassing all others.

She also practiced the path of the sword, with a foundation in the Seven Sword Formation. She caused a sensation in the Immortal Gate, and the Law Weapon, the Tai'a Sword, recognized her as its master on the Moon Yao Terrace.

If she successfully breaks through to the Fifth Realm during this closed-door cultivation, she will be the first young disciple in the current Kunlun Immortal Sect to reach that realm.

Xu You looked at this report with deep emotion. Xue Qianluo was only a few years older than him, but her cultivation level far surpassed his.

Continuing down, Xu You's attention was caught by the headline in the entertainment section.

[Connected Tranquility Valley Suspected of Issuing an Assassination Order, Black Tortoise Peak Disciple Bai Genshuo May Be in Great Danger!?]

It was a very entertaining title.

Xu You looked at the title in confusion, about to read it carefully, when suddenly, there was an urgent knocking sound at the courtyard door.

"Brother, are you there? It's me, Genshuo." Along with the urgent voice came Bai Genshuo's equally urgent tone.

"Come in." Xu You's mouth twitched as he put down the monthly report and responded.

Bai Genshuo pushed the door open and hurriedly walked over to Xu You. He rubbed his hands together, his thick eyebrows furrowed together like two kissing caterpillars.

His inner worries and fears were fully reflected in these two dancing eyebrows.

"Oh no, oh no, I'm doomed, I'm doomed," Bai Genshuo muttered incessantly.

"What's going on?" Xu You asked directly.

Bai Genshuo sat down across from Xu You, took a big sip of tea, and asked, "You just came out of seclusion, right? Have you finished reading the monthly report?"

"Not yet, why?"

"Then hurry up and read it, I'm about to explode." Bai Genshuo caught sight of the monthly report on the table, picked it up, and handed it to Xu You. "Read the last piece."

Xu You continued to lower his head and read the last piece, which was where he had stopped earlier.

Half an hour later, Xu You finished reading and looked at Bai Genshuo with a strange expression, as if he was trying to hold back laughter but couldn't.

The situation is quite simple, but let's start with the mission at Piaoxiang Garden.

At that time, Xu You returned first and left Bai Genshuo to deal with the remaining mess. Bai Genshuo did his best. He first contacted the law enforcement personnel of the Immortal Gate.

Then they went to Luofeng City together. With both eyewitnesses and physical evidence, plus the clear confession from Zhou Changkun, who couldn't bear the torture, everything was clear.

Faced with these circumstances, the Kunlun Immortal Sect naturally wouldn't be polite. How could the Connected Tranquility Valley get away with plotting against the disciples of the Immortal Gate?

Therefore, under the guidance of the law enforcement personnel from the Kunlun Immortal Sect, Luofeng City experienced a major upheaval.

From Zhou Changkun's mansion and the Bureau of Demonic Affairs, to all the people in the city, they were all thoroughly cleansed. A mere Luofeng City was insignificant in front of the mighty Kunlun Immortal Sect.

The Immortal Gate could handle it first, and then let the officials from the Great Zhou Dynasty continue to handle it.

In theory, the matter should have ended like this, and it was a trivial matter for the Immortal Gate.

Bai Genshuo handled it properly, without any problems.

But what about the Connected Tranquility Valley? Even if they knew about this, at most they would suffer in silence. How could they dare to say anything?

But the problem lies with that thick, spiked wooden stick!

At that time, when the Great Zhou side needed the physical evidence, Bai Genshuo didn't think too much about it.

He handed in both his and Xu You's recordings.

But Xu You was very careful, taking pictures when necessary and not taking pictures when unnecessary, following the rules.

However, Bai Genshuo, who had been caught by Fang Yuan and almost lost his innocence, had long lost his wits and didn't even notice that his recorder had been on the whole time.

And so, he handed in the explicit footage of him using the large wooden stick to beat Zhou Changkun, and it accidentally leaked out.

The scene was bloody, fiery, and passionate, instantly igniting everyone's curiosity.

In these days, this footage spread rapidly among the younger generation. Xu You, who had been practicing at home and oblivious to the outside world, didn't know that this footage had already gone viral.

Bai Genshuo already had a certain level of fame within the Immortal Gate, after all, his personality was there. This incident made him even more famous, but of course, the reputation wasn't good.

Now he has many nicknames within the Immortal Gate, such as Bloodthirsty Killer, Death God in a Jar, and so on.

With Bai Genshuo's temperament, even if he became famous with such a reputation within the Immortal Gate, he didn't care. He didn't care how he became famous, he only cared if he was famous or not.

Just ask if you're famous or not.

At first, Bai Genshuo was still modestly happy, but then something went wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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